Characters Involved : --------------------- Loona (in view), Inky (POV/hands) Step by Step : -------------- INTRODUCTION: 0) Loona is kneeling in front of Inky (POV), Inky is holding a leash connected to a collar around her neck with his right hand. Her clitoris is trapped in a little E-Stim device. Hands on her laps; 1) Loona shuffles a little, getting in position, lift her hands, looks down at her pussy, her hands clearly ready to go down there, implying that she wants to take the device off of her clit; 2) Inky pulls lightly on her leash, putting her off balance, she looks up at him (the viewer) and Inky says: "Y'remember what happened last time you tried to take it off, right ?" 3) Close up on her face, she remembers... *fade to next step* 4) Hyperstylized/simplified/sketch Loona, squirming on the ground, clawing marks all around her, she is getting zapped repeatedly. *fade back* 5) Close up, Loona is intimidated / makes a scared grimace 6) Loona looks aside, drops her hands back to where they were, and answers "Yes, sir." PUNISHMENT 7) Inky pulls up a remote from the bottom left of the screen, Loona peeks at it, her head still looking away, but she clearly notices. Inky asks "Très bien, now bark like the good doggy you are." 8) Loona reacts, her mouth drops, her eyes look in the distance, she slightly shows her teeth out of embarassment and disgust, before shaking her head, her eyes are become fixed on the remote once again as she shakes her head. At the end of the head shake, she looks slightly concerned. 9) Inky quickly responds "Wrong answer, little brat." and pushes up a slider on the remote he holds in his left hand. 10) Instantly Loona flinches, her teeth show again, her shoulders raise, and she says "ouch" 11) Inky progressively raises the power, and rolls the leash around his wrist, Loona repeats "ow, ow, ow !" harder and harder as she squirms and tries to keep her composure 12) Loona tries to reach for her leash, but Inky reacts by pushing the slider to the maximum, saying "oh no you don't", Loona is stunned by the intense shock delivered to her clit, and falls on her hands, breathing hard and whining. 13) Loona trembles and falls on her elbows, before begging "okay, okay! I'll do it! Please stop!" 14) Inky turns off the device and says "Alright, let's hear it" Loona's breathing calms down. 15) She raises on her hands once again, back arched, looking directly at the viewer with an exhausted look on her face, pauses for a second, then barks twice, ending the barking with an awkward smile on her face, sweat rolling down her head as she still breathes quite hard. 16) Inky lowers the hand holding the remote and says "See? That wasn't so hard. Good girl." BONUS ANIMATIC 1) Inky gets in front of Loona, looks at the camera, and turns it off 2) black screen 3) Inky behind his laptop, looks at the screen, Loona's barking comes of the computer 4) Loona leans in from the side of the frame and asks "It better look good, because I'm never doing that again." 5) Inky turns to her and responds "It's very good." as he slides an eveloppe that was hidden by his computer, loona follows it with her eyes. 6) She snatches it and puts it in her pocket. Inky's eyes go back to the screen. 7) Loona suddenly snaps and starts hitting Inky, he defends himself by raising his arm in front of his head, he smiles and peeks at her as she screams "Did you really have to go THAT HARD though ?!?!" 8) Fade to black THE END (Thank you for your support ! <3)