夫の上司と愛人契約を結んだ人妻 ────────────── 「君の旦那は出張中だから気にすることはないよ。今ごろは疲れて寝てる頃だろう。」 「…約束通り、あの人のミスを帳消しにしていただけるんですね?」 「ああ、もちろんだとも。私は約束を守る男だからね。たまにこうやって相手をしてくれればそれでいい。」 「今回だけじゃないんですか…?」 「愛人契約とはそういうものだろう?安心しなさい、避妊はちゃんとしてあげるから。」 「……。」 「おや?じっと私のペニスを眺めているが旦那と比べてどうだい?…正直に言いなさい。」 「それは…だ、旦那より凄い大きいです。ちょっと怖いくらい。」 「最初はみんなそうだ。だが慣れれば他のモノでは満足できなくなる。でははじめようか。」 「…大丈夫よアナタ。私はきっと耐えてみせるから…。」 ●登場人物 黒人上司…立場を利用して部下の妻をつまみ食いするのが趣味。何人もの女性と愛人契約を結んでいる。チンコがデカい。 若奥さん…旦那の失敗をもみ消す代わりに旦那の上司と愛人契約を結んだ。経験人数は3人。娘がひとりいる。最近はちょっと欲求不満。 旦那さん…友人の紹介で今の奥さんと知り合った。経験人数1人。最近は疲れて夜の相手はしてない。 ────────────── Your husband is on a business trip, so don't worry about him. He's probably tired and asleep by now." "...you'll make up that man's mistake, as you promised?" I'm a man of my word. I'm a man of my word. I just need a partner like this once in a while." "Not just this time...?" That's what a mistress contract is for, isn't it? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're on birth control." ......." "Oh?" I ask. You're staring at my penis, how does it compare to your husband's? ...Tell me honestly." "It's...well, it's a lot bigger than my husband. It's a little scary." It's the same for everyone at first. But once you get used to it, you won't be satisfied with anything else. So let's begin." Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make it bearable..." ●Character Black boss...enjoys taking advantage of his position to pinch the wives of his subordinates. He has mistress contracts with several women. He has a big dick. Young wife...instead of covering up her husband's mistakes, she signed a mistress contract with his boss. She has had three lovers. She has a daughter. She is a little frustrated these days. Husband...met his current wife through a friend. He has one experience. Recently, he is too tired to spend the night with her. ────────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────