Suckers 6 John awoke the next morning still sandwiched between Maria and Wanda, their bare breasts pressing into him from either side as they breathed. It was pleasant of course, but it was abundantly clear that one bed was not nearly enough for four people. Gently, he shook his wife awake, needing to get out of bed. As soon as she stirred, she looked at him with an almost desperate intensity. “Good morning!” she whispered loudly “Can I do anything for you? I can be a good girl, I promise!” She hadn’t even had a chance to gather her thoughts. The moment she woke, she was already thinking only of pleasing him… or perhaps she was only thinking of finally getting her own release. He was going to have a busy day, he might as well use her either way. “Get on your knees, you can suck me off.” he said to her, watching as she immediately slid off the bed. She knelt, looking up at him, waiting eagerly for him to sit up so that she could access his cock. “You’re really going to have her pleasure you right in front of us?” Janet’s voice groaned, her old irritable tone having apparently returned after the night’s sleep. “If that’s what he wants to do!” His wife replied with a cheery voice before diving down onto John’s cock, taking it’s full length into her mouth. “I know I offered to become his sex slave but I don’t want to listen to him fucking someone else right in front of me.” she replied back sharply. Another voice joined the chorus, his boss apparently awakening. “What did you expect?” she asked, sitting up behind John and pressing her breasts into his back. “That he would use only you when he has two other women in his harem?” “I don’t know…” Janet conceded, though she still sounded irritated. “I offered to be his sex slave, so I thought he’d use ME.” “You offered to be his sex slave, just to be his sex slave?” Wanda replied, a skeptical tone in her voice. “Uh… Yeah. Obviously.” “Typical… You really don’t know how to bargain.” She said coyly, kissing the side of John’s neck from behind as she embraced him gently. “You have value, you know. You’re just giving it away. I leveraged my own assets to get ten dollars a month in exchange for MY services.” Maria perked up from the conversation, lifting her head off of his cock briefly with a grin, holding up her hand. “Well I got this ring, so I guess I beat both of you~” she cooed before sliding his cock back into her mouth and resumed the blowjob. “Now girls…” John said with a soft voice, trying to control his tone as Maria sucked and teased his cock. “You need to get along now. He could hear Janet and Wanda let out annoyed sighs behind him before both responding with a dull “Yes, Master.” Maria looked like she was about to join in on the agreement, but he placed a hand on top of her head, and pushed her the rest of the way down onto his cock. He could feel himself getting close and wasn’t about to let her desire to chime in ruin it. Only a moment or so later, he came. Still holding her head down and making sure she swallowed every drop. It seemed that now Janet believed that she was the one who made the offer to be a sex slave. So it would be safe to let his wife cum… as long as they struck a deal as well. He could give the same deal but… With her normal attitude it might cause further clashing with the others… “Good girl.” He praised, “Now for your reward…” She immediately looked up at him, beaming with joy and anticipation. “Yes? May I cum? Please?!” “If you agree to something first.” he said calmly “You’ll be my submissive maid slave.” “Anything!” she replied almost before he had finished speaking. “I’ll do it! Just please! Let me cum please!” He nodded “I’ll need a bit to fuck you properly, but you may have Wanda help you cum while I shower.” He heard a soft groan from behind him, obviously from Wanda, before her voice followed. “Yes, Master. I will help your wife get off.” “Good.” he said firmly as he stood from the bed. “I have a busy day today so I’ll need to go soon. You three will be okay alone together, right?” “I’ll behave.” Janet said, with an annoyed sigh. “I can handle this.” His boss replied, crawling across the bed towards the edge Maria was kneeling in front of. “I’ll be good, I promise!” His wife said, looking towards Wanda eagerly and crawling onto the bed herself. John left the bed, and took a long shower. He needed to make sure he was thoroughly clean before heading out into public, given how much sex he had been having recently. After a good long shower, he got dressed and left the bedroom, still hearing Maria’s moans as she was pushed closer and closer to her release and her conversion into his maid. In the living room, he stopped for a moment. Another bed would be quite the expense… Perhaps he should give himself a little bargaining edge. He looked down at the suckers. Yellow was right out, after what his Boss put him through. Someone working in direct sales becoming blindingly greedy might try to cheat him rather than fall for his own tricks. His eyes moved across the others. He wasn’t sure how the blue, or brown ones would work yet. Maybe he could test them out when a lot of money wasn’t on the line… His eyes then landing on the pink. Making the sales associate dumb as a rock would certainly give him the edge in negotiations. He grabbed the pink sucker, and headed out to his car, driving out into town. He drove around a little while, trying to find a mattress store that wasn’t crowded or heavily staffed. It took a little time but he eventually found one on the edge of town that seemed quiet. A small strip mall store, with no cars in the parking lot. John pulled into the parking lot, and double checked that he still had the sucker on him. It would be rather embarrassing if he left it out in the car at this point. He walked into the store and began to look around at the various mattresses on display. At first, the store was entirely vacant. The sole employee on shift sitting in the back somewhere until the sound of the door roused them from whatever they were doing back there. John had spent at least a few minutes looking over price tags and features before they had come out to the storefront to greet him. “Hello, how may I assist you?” a young female voice asked. John turned to see the woman, who must have been in her early twenties. She had a slender build, short brown hair, and a clearly fake smile. He had been through this before, and knew her friendly and vulnerable appearance belied her intention to coax him towards making the most expensive purchase she could manage. “I have some visitors coming over,” He half lied as he turned his attention to her “So I’m looking for another bed so they won’t be uncomfortable during their stay.” She nodded along with him, her eyes looking somewhat distant for a moment before lighting back up as she spoke. “Absolutely, absolutely, you don’t want your guests to be uncomfortable! Which is why we really recommend this mattress here…” As she spoke, she turned away from him and walked towards a clearly much more expensive display than the ones John had been looking at. All the while, she spoke about the importance of being a good host, and even sprinkling in an anecdote about her own house guests who absolutely loved this brand of mattress… If John had to guess, not only was the sales pitch fully rehearsed, but the anecdote as well was more than likely a fabrication. He listened to her pitch with disinterest, waiting for his chance to interject and redirect towards something more within his price range. But before he knew it, she had already reached the point of suggesting financing options to make the extra expense seem more reasonable… He, of course, had his own ideas on how to make the expense affordable. As she began to gather papers to show him their financing options, he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled the pink paper wrapped sucker from it. “While we discuss that, would you like a sucker?” he offered “I just realized I had one from a birthday party earlier today.” She broke from her script, looking at the candy in his hand. It was so unexpected to her, she wasn’t sure how to respond. Of course, normally anyone would refuse food from a stranger… And yet her hand slowly reached forward towards the sucker. “I… Suppose I can…” she uttered, off balance now and drawn in by the sucker’s apparent temptation. They took a seat at the desk as she unwrapped the sucker, popping it into her mouth to free her hands to shuffle the paperwork she had collected. “So…” she said, speaking around the sucker in her mouth “There’s this contract that… We do for financing…” “Right. We just need to fill out the contract?” John said, following along her train of thought. “Yeah... That’s right we need to fill it out! Have you done one of these before?” she asked, looking at him with a smile spreading over her face. “Quite a few times” he said, looking at the document. It seemed to be mostly filled out, with blank spots to cover any variables in the financing contract. Duration, price, monthly payments… “That’s great!” She replied with a cheery tone in her voice. “These are so much easier when you know what you’re doing.” “Yeah, I’d bet you have a lot of trouble understanding these documents alone.” John suggested, looking her in the eyes as they widened in surprise. “How did you know?!” She exclaimed, sitting up quickly in surprise. “Well you seem personable” John said slowly, constructing his story for her to cling to, “But you don’t seem to pay much attention. I can see you missing details here and there.” She nodded “Yeah… I’m good at talking people into buying stuff, but then these numbers and words are so hard…” “Well lets start easy.” he said, faking compassion in his voice “This first spot is for your name, isn’t it.? She nodded again, pulling out her pen and writing her own name, Clara, into the slot for the applicant’s name. She then continued filling the document out as John proceeded to instruct her further. Putting her personal details into the application instead of his own. Once the form was filled out, she smiled at him with a wide vacant grin. “Now all I gotta do is put these in the scanner, and it’ll tell us how much money they’ll let you spend” she said, setting the papers into the scanner almost by reflex. A few moments later, the application was accepted. She giggled as she looked at the results. “Looks like you can afford any mattress you want!” “Thank you, Clara.” John said, looking her up and down as he spoke. “I will need to decide which bed will work best for me.” She nodded excitedly “My boss says it’s always the best to pick the most expensive one!” “I’m sure that’s what you were told” he replied, trying not to roll his eyes. “But I will be using this bed for sex with my harem so I need to make sure the one I pick is up for the job.” “Oh my!” she replied, her eyes widening in surprise “That’s who your guests is? Your harem?” “That’s right.” John replied “So I’m going to need to test these beds out for sexual comfort.” “Yeah, that makes sense!” she said, smiling cheerfully and nodding. “Is there anything I can do to help with that?” John grinned mischievously as he nodded “Yes… Actually I think there is...”