We out lookin for the One piece! *Rocky pops up* rocky: Hey guys i just booked us a FREE trip to the bahamas! juicy: Dude what? How? rocky: i got this email under my spam saying i won a free trip to the bahamas on boat! rocky: see look! *pulls out a spam email wit a lightskin dude on it saying "you won a free trip to the bahamas" *awkward silence* juicy: Theres no way you fell for that. kimiko: Ooooo i always wanted to go on vacation! Can i drive the boat? Juicy: NO! rocky: Cmon guys pack your stuff! We goin to bahamas! pandora: We are not going on some sketchy scammed ass boat ride- *instantly transitions them all on a boat randomly* rocky: Too late we already on the boat pandora: BITCH WHAT THE FUCK!? dahmir: ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP! pandora: We on a boat dumbass *kimiko looking over the railing at the water* kimiko: Ooooo! Lookie guys the water is so shiny! Kimiko is gonna go for a swim! juicy: KIMIKO STOP! NO!! *kimiko tries jumping over the railing but juicy stops her* *cuts back to rocky* rocky: To the bahamas we go! pandora: Bitch can you even spell bahamas?! rocky: see you focusing on the wrong things. dahmir: Ive never been to the bahamas before, whats even there? rocky: i dont kno, bananas? kimiko: Ooo lemme drive da boat! rocky: DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING! *boat breaks in half* rocky: WHAT THE FUCK! *the boat explodes then cuts off to everyone on another ship* rocky: Uhh what the?? Where are we??? *luffy pops up* luffy: HEYYYYY!!! IM GONNA BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES! rocky: WHY ARE YOU YELLING!? pandora: Where are we? Who are yall?? dahmir: THATS LUFFY! AND THE STRAW HAT PIRATES!!! rocky: God dammit! Now i know we finna be here for a 1000 episodes.. ubsoff: your ship exploded and we saw you guys in the water so we decided to pick yall up *kimiko stares at ubsoff* kimiko: Oooo! Guys look! Its Pinocchio! Lookie lookie! kimiko: Quick quick tell a lie! *cuts to usopp being sad* ubsoff: Ok that was actually uncalled for.. luffy: Since yall here.. We are looking for some new crew mates and you guys look pretty strong! luffy: Soooo JOIN MY CREW!!! *nami pops up* nami: Since yall new ill go easy on you, im charging yall 1 million berries for each breath yall take on our ship juicy: BITCH YOU CHARGIN US BLUE BERRIES?! dahmir: Do you take cash app? nami: 1 MILLION TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! *cuts to rocky and juicy holding their breathes* rocky: Fuck you bitch we holdin our breaths *nico robin pops up* robin: Nami be nice theyre part of the crew now robin: besides they're quite funny hehe *juicy & rockys eyes turn to hearts* rocky & juicy: ZAMN!!!! *juicy gets close to robin* juicy: So shorty.. Your names nico robin right? thats cool, my name is juicy, Juicy wewe. juicy the big.. Juicy big ole wewe Im a rapper no big deal not tryin flex or anything but my most recent album just went double mahogany in 2 states rocky: My nigga did you just say double mahogany- juicy: Sooo robin, have anyone ever told you got some big ol sandbags- *Sanji comes outta no where and kicks juicy* juicy: OUCH WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!? LIKE FUCK! LIKE FUCK- sanji: BACK OFF! ROBIN IS MINE!! *sanji goes to robin with hearts in his eyes* sanji: RIGHTTTT MY LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE!? *sanji turns his head and sees pandora* *takes a deep breath* *sanjis nose explodes with blood* sanji: PANDORA MY LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *sanji is flying to pandora* *pandora hits him with pepper spray* sanji: OW MY EYEBROWS!! *brook pops up and starts talking to pandora* brook: HOHOHO!! My my didnt expect to see such a fine speciment on our ship! pandora: Eww you need some meat on your bones. brook: OUCH!! YOUR WORDS HURT MY HEART! *looks at camera* If i had a heart *brook starts laughing* kimiko: oooo! Look pandora chan! Its Grim from billy & mandy! brook: HOHOHO!! *sips his tea* Excuse me but can i see your panties? *pandora gives him a dark glare* brook: *sips tea* im sorry- *pandora knocks him out the world* *kimiko walks up with chopper in her hands* kimiko: Pandora chan! lookie lookie! They got a puppy! chopper: IMMA A DEER YOU DUMB BITCH!! kimiko: Awww hes so cutee! chopper: IM NOT CUTE YOU DUMB BITCH!! *a responder snail starts ringing* *luffy picks it up* luffy: Hello! The king of the pirates speaking! zoro: Hey luffy its zoro i got lost again luffy: Zoro again?? How?? You were just with us on the ship! zoro: I dont know can you just come pick me up? luffy: *sigh* fine were coming where are you? zoro: uhhh I think im in Ohio- *luffy ends the call* luffy: Ok guys Its time for a adventure! *thug greasy appears with his thunder enterance* greasy: YEYOOOOOO WHY YALL KEEP LEAVING ME OUTTA SHIT!? greasy: Damnnnn! call me the king of pirates the way I wanna capture they booty yezzir! *stares at nami & robin* luffy: Hey! IM THE ONE GONNA BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES! NOT YOU! *luffy charges up his gum gum attack* luffy: Gomu Gomu no!!! greasy: Oooo you think im scared of your silly gum gum fruit? greasy: I got that fade fade fruit! Luffy: the fuck is a fade fade-? Luffy: Nevermind GUMO GUMO NO *greasy is weaving his gum gum attack* Greasy: WEAVE WEAVE STOP PLAYIN WITH ME *greasy trips* greasy: YOU WYLINNNN kimiko: Oh shit! greasy you ok?? greasy: no bitch im drowning fuck u talkin bout greasy: YOU WYLIN- *drowns* luffy: Ok guys Its time to go find the one piece! rocky: Ok... But how long is that gonna take? luffy: Dont worry! It wont take long! *shows a 1000 episodes later* *cuts to them in cave* luffy: GUYS WE FINALLY FOUND THE ONE PIECE rocky: BITCH BOUT DAMN TIME! WE TOOK SO LONG MY VOICE GOT DEEPER! *luffy opens the chest and its a bunch of friendship bracelets* luffy: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?? rocky: Are those fuckin friendship braclets?? pandora: ARE YOU FUCKIN TELLIN ME THE ONE PIECE IS THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!? *Luffy starts snapping* luffy: ON GOD ROGER GOT ME FUCKED UP! ON MY MOMMA LO sanji: Luffy calm down! luffy: SHUTCHO HORNY FRENCH CURLY EYEBROW ASS UP HOE! luffy: I WORKED MY ASS OFF CARRYING THESE USELESS FUCKERS THROUGH THE NEW WORLD JUST TO FIND OUT THE ONE PIECE IS FUCKIN FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS!? zoro: LUFFY SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN! luffy: GO GET LOST OR SOME SHIT BITCH WITCHO NO SENSE OF DIRECTION HAVIN ASS! *zoro got lost* luffy: WHAT THE? HOWD DID HE GET LOST THAT QUICK- FUCK IT! nami: Luffy Maybe this wasnt the right one piece. luffy: OH LEMME GUESS WE GOTTA FIND THE 2 PIECE NOW?? SHUTCHO FAN SERVICE ASS UP BEFORE I THROW THIS TANGERINE AT YO SWEATY DOLLAR SIGN FOREHEAD BITCH! luffy: I JUST WANTED TO BE THE KING THE OF PIRATES THEN THESE BLACK PEOPLE SHOWED UP! rocky: So you really blamin us?? robin: *gasps* Luffy! Thats very insensitive! luffy: I KNO U AINT COMPLAINING YOU USED TO BE BLACK! luffy: FRANKY YOU LOOK LIKE A 90's ROBOTIC PORN STAR! franky: BRO! I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING!! brook: luffy buddy calm down, Here have some tea! luffy: SHUTCHO PERVERTED FLAMINGO BODY BUILT ASS UP HOE! luffy: JIMBEI & CHOPPER I ONLY HIRED YALL JUST INCASE WE RAN OUTTA FOOD! robin: Thats not nice luffy. luffy: NAMI & ROBIN I ONLY HIRED YOU CUZ YOUR TITS WILL GET US VIEWS! luffy: SANJI YO FOOD TASTE LIKE THE KRABBY PATTY SPONGEBOB MADE FOR THE HEALTH INSPECTOR! usopp: Cmon luffy! Were all friends here- luffy: SHUT UP PINOCCHIO! rocky: This nigga luffy really going off over some friendship bracelets.. luffy: FUCK ALL YALL I QUIT! FUCK THIS SHIT I DONE BEING A PIRATE IM LEAVING FUCK YALL! *luffy storms off* *everyone is awkwardly standing there* rocky: So uhhh.. yall tryin to join The happy gang crew? kimiko: OOO! OOO! CAN KIMIKO DRIVE THE BOAT! everyone: NO YOU DUMB BITCH- The end.