Finally having made it to the EDM big leagues, Kate is about to make her debut at Tomorrowland. When a chance encounter exposes her to the Tail Virus, however, things get very complicated. Athena's been struggling to control herself ever since she got the Tail Virus. The way she meets Kate is an ultimate, embarrassing low point for both of them. In the climb up from that low point, Kate and Athena build something beautiful together. But their fame puts their budding relationship, and the way the Tail Virus is changing Kate's anatomy, firmly in the public's view. Can Kate and Athena's celebrity romance survive the pressures of stardom? Will Kate be known as the biggest rising star in electronic music or the girl who grew a horsecock at Tomorrowland? Read this thrilling slice-of-a-very-erotic-life novel to find out. Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 1 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) Excitement was pulsing through my veins like the MDMA that many of my fans would be doing at Tomorrowland. It was twenty minutes before I had to be on stage and I was entering the backstage bathroom to double-check my lip gloss situation. I'd just had some shawarma and was pretty sure I'd have to reapply it. The entire room was clad in diamond-shaped white tiles with black grout between them. Flux Pavilion's set was reverberating throughout the room so powerfully I was bouncing on the balls of my feet as I walked in. The moment I left the little privacy hallway and entered the spacious sink-and-stall-lined room, I caught sight of a massive cock. It was mottled pink and black, over a foot long, and attached to a busty naked twenty-something who could have been cast as Wonder Woman. Time slowed to a crawl as I realized two things. First, the prick, and the heavy balls beneath it, belonged on a horse, not on a woman. Second, the head of her member was flaring and aimed directly at me. As a geyser of sticky white shot out of her lewd artillery cannon, I instinctively brought my purse up to try and guard my face. Her whinnies of pleasure rang over the music as I got a face full of stallion spunk. "What the fuck? What the FUCK!? WHAT THE FUCK!" I said with rising alarm and anger. Cradling her spent cum cannon in her hands, she said, "Oh shit! I'm so so sorry!" Grabbing some paper towels from the gray dispenser on the wall, I wiped at my face and blew my nose hoping I wasn't going to smell her cum for the rest of the day. The Tail Virus hadn't been in the news for months and I was hoping that it had gone dormant or something. But proof it was alive and well had just been splattered all over my face. Wetting another paper towel, I worked to clean off every bit of spooge she'd showered me with. When I'd removed it all, along with a considerable amount of my makeup, I said, "What were you thinking pointing that monster in the direction of oncoming traffic?" She bit her lip and blushed. "Oh, great! You're one of those sick bitches that gets off on spreading it, aren't you?" I glared at her. "N-no..." she said, blushing even deeper. "So, what's your name?" I asked as I got my makeup supplies out of my purse. I needed to get my face remade before I went up for my song. "Athena," she said. "Got a last name? Maybe I've heard of your act." I smiled pleasantly. Her brow scrunched as she adjusted to my sudden niceness. "Athena Polar." "Hmm, I think I've heard of you.” I got out my phone and made a show of taking down her name while I instead wrote a text to Tomorrowland's health and safety team telling them I’d caught Athena exhibiting some very inappropriate behavior and to keep an eye on her. I’d write a full report of the incident later, when I wasn’t right in front of her. Putting away my phone, I asked her, "When's your set?" "Seven PM," she said. "That gives you plenty of time to find somewhere else to get off. You know, somewhere where you won't get people in the face?" I suggested. Swiftly getting her long skirt and roomy herm panties back on, she said, "True, I'd better do that." "Hopefully you can find someone else who's been infected to play with. I've heard the satisfaction lasts longer if you do that." I put some foundation on my chin. "I am really sorry," she said as she washed her jizz off her hands. "But you did it anyway, knowing what would happen." I sighed. "Save your apologies for when you actually mean them. If I catch the Tail Virus from your stunt, I'm going to be fucking livid!" She gasped, surprised by my sudden increase in volume. Then she scurried out of the bathroom. I bet she was wondering why I'd been so nice and mean at the same time. What she didn't know was that my temper was a raging tempest that I occasionally had control over. Right at that moment, I was putting all my frustrated energy into touching up my makeup before I had to be on stage. Five minutes before showtime, I had everything done and was making my way to the stage. My heartbeat was a constant flutter, my feet were trying to run while I was trying to walk, and my eyes were trying to cry. This was it, I was now rolling with the world's top DJs and I was about to provide vocals for one of my favorite music producers live on stage. It was an honor, it was a privilege, it was fucking terrifying! When I got near the backstage waiting area, I could feel my heartbeat in my clit. It was like I had a subwoofer in my panties. Walking with my legs further apart while working to ignore it, I entered the waiting area, which was more of a tent within a tent than a proper room. The green cloth walls and industrial LED lights on metal stands loomed large as I vibrated with anxiety. My eyes widened when I saw a piece of paper that was hanging off the edge of a crate near the steps to the stage. On it, written in thick black sharpie, were the words, "For Kate." Lying atop the upper left corner of the paper was a wireless Shure SM58 mic. My heart skipped a beat. Josh or Pat had probably been taking turns checking backstage to see if I was there. Great, I'd made Modestep, a duo whose fans numbered in the millions, wonder if I was going to show up. After two minutes of me clutching that microphone like a safety blanket and weathering pleasurable tremors from my clit, Josh peeked to see if I was there. He smiled wide and gave me a thumbs up. I waved excitedly. Then remembered I was now a collaborator rather than just a fan and switched to giving him a relaxed thumbs up. He chuckled and went back to his equipment as Pat started the track I'd contributed vocals to. That was my cue, so I walked up on stage. Then I worked to not freak out at the fifty-thousand-plus pairs of eyes watching me and hit them full on with my siren song: "Wandering in a summer haze Feeling like the end is near I cannot help but wonder What it is that you fear When everything's been set ablaze And no one's there to ponder..." Then there was a break that built up into a tense crescendo where I belted out: You can keep yoo-uur honor You can keep yoouur priiiide I will use my-yy swo-ord To defend the other side!" Josh and Pat turned my voice into a chirpy demonic chant as they created a drop out of it while running clips of the melody backwards and forwards, almost randomly. It was playful, beautifully musical, and brutal at the same time: everything I loved about dubstep. The crowd went wild as I danced like a glitching war-torn automaton. My pussy was insufferable the whole time and I would have stopped dancing, but I knew the crowd was here to see it and I wasn't going to have much time to dance during my set next weekend. Lust flooded up from my crotch as I kept moving and I ended up making lewder motions than I normally did. I knew people liked to see my c-cups bounce while I danced, so I made an effort to make sure they got an eyeful. The energy was so insane that I started feeling like I was gonna orgasm right in front of them... No, I was going to orgasm! My mound was so wet that it was a slip and slide for my clit and my tight stretchy jeans were working it between my labia. On top of that, my nipples were hard enough that they were rubbing against my shirt through my sports bra. I silently thanked Josh and Pat for slowing things down before I had to repeat the vocals. Catching my breath and not cumming in front of a hundred thousand people was a good thing. As I brought the microphone back up to my lips, an expectant drone from the subwoofers tickled my sopping snatch and I sang the first word as "W--AAAHN--dering!" it was in the right key and sounded musical, thank goodness. That didn't stop it from bringing pink to my cheeks, though. I sounded seductive this time because my body wanted someone from the crowd to come and help me with my needy down under. It didn't seem to hurt the song any, but it was frustrating that I wasn't in full control of my voice. Once I was done repeating the lyrics, a third of the song was left. Having no way to signal that I shouldn't be dancing, I danced despite my better judgement and had to get creative about movements that didn't bring me right to the edge of orgasm. I'd never needed to cum so bad in my life! Part of me wanted to put my hand between my legs and just get it over with. When it got to the end of the song, and I had to forlornly sing the main chorus, I was trembling, on the edge of the edge. It carried through to my voice, making me sound vulnerable and sultry. The only bit of luck was that this unintentional new spin I'd put on the song didn't conflict with the overall message or emotion. As the crowd cheered, I held the mic off to the side and put my hands out as if to embrace them. My legs were shaking, feeling like they could give out at any moment. "GingerKrave, ladies and gentlemen!" Josh said to the crowd as he pointed to me with an open hand. The crowd roared in raucous approval as I bowed. "That shit was mint!" Pat added while Josh cross-faded to the next song. When I handed the mic back to Pat, he clapped my shoulder and said, "Loved it, we'll have to do this again." "A-absolutely!" I said still pushing back against a pleasure spike that just wouldn't quit. "Brilliant." He flashed a smile before turning back toward the crowd. I walked very slowly and carefully down the steps into the backstage room. Then I slipped between the crate and the wall figuring no no one would see me back there. Bent my knees and lowered myself toward the laminate floor, moaning as the seam that ran right over my pussy squished my sopping muff. "HAAAAHHH!" My legs fell out from under me as I came so hard my jaw hurt from opening so wide. Still in the throes of passion, I clumsily undid my jeans and slid my left hand into my panties. The index and middle finger of my left hand curled over my clit and parted my slick folds. My snatch had never been this voluptuous or easy to get off. And my clit was so sensitive that it felt humongous thrusting at the space between my fingers. I came four times in a row, whacking that crate with my left knee and elbow. When I was finally spent, I just stared up at the tent's ceiling wondering how I'd been missing out on this all my life. Maybe fame really was a drug. After my afterglow cleared enough that I could move again, I took off my soaking panties, hoping no one would look behind the crates. Then I went into the restroom and grabbed a bunch of paper towels. I used them to dry my muff, my panties, and the crotch of my jeans before putting my panties back on. I spent the next few hours dancing to some of my favorite EDM stars and hanging out backstage. My cooch got all hot and bothered just after dinner, forcing me to rub one out in a bathroom stall. I came so hard I had to put a hand over my mouth to stop from screaming so loud backstage people might hear me over the music. This day was getting pretty bizarre: the last time I'd needed to get off multiple times a day was during puberty. Checking my phone as I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw it was nearly seven. That's all it took for Athena and her huge horsecock to pop back into my head. I clenched my fist feeling a rush of annoyance. But then her deeply textured music made it to my ears and doused my ire. It was beautiful, sparkly, chill, but with a tense underbelly. Damn it! I'd only listened to the first half of one track and I was in love. My feet carried me to the little area beside the stage where artists could watch and listen to each other. Dimitri Vegas was chilling there, his V-MODA headphones plugged into the jack. Pulling my V-MODAs out of my little black backpack, I gave Dimitri a friendly nod. He gave me a fist bump before I plugged my headphones in and took the chair next to him. How I hadn't discovered Athena before was a mystery. I had goosebumps. Her sound was right up there with Teminite and Neon Kelp, two of my all-time favorite artists. The tension in her music stayed until you were begging for it to get resolved. It was like watching someone try to walk on glare ice. Harsh highs, acidic drops, and melodies that glitched until the entire song nearly fell apart with only a single, faltering instrument holding it together. Her music was vulnerable, lush, and fearless and the more I listened to it, the more I wanted to punch her! Cumming on me was such a dick move...literally! Why had she done that? She was so talented and had risked throwing her career in the trash by pulling a stunt like that. While I was at dinner, Health and Safety had followed up my text by sending me an email asking me to file a report. I hadn't done it yet. If I filed one, there was a good chance she wouldn't get invited to festivals and gigs anymore. SHIT! She was now looking directly at me with a furrowed brow. I would've been confused in her position too. She would've been right to expect that I wouldn't want anything to do with her, but here I was. Having no idea what to do, I gave her a thumbs up hoping she'd just ignore me so I could listen to her music and postpone deciding her fate. A gigantic smile appeared on her face as she turned back to the crowd and faded in a Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike track she'd masterfully remixed. Well, now I'd encouraged her and she kept looking my direction as if she was playing her music not only for the crowd, but for me. Her glances at me continued until she put her full attention into live remixing one of my tracks. It was like she understood exactly what emotions I'd put into it, and all the different directions I could have gone with it when I was creating it. And then she turned my voice into a glitchy drop that twinkled so brilliantly that it brought tears to my eyes. Neon Kelp was the only other artist that had ever done this to me and the experience was so emotional that I trembled. I was glad Dimitri didn't notice because I was in no shape to try and non-verbally communicate that I was indeed okay. As Athena's live remix came to an end, she turned toward me, her equine pole large as life and running down her right pant leg. My mind did a backflip as I remembered the way her prick flared as her cum hole was spread wide by the hot sticky mess it was a fraction of a second from releasing. Then there was the sensation of warm creamy jizz as it splattered my face. My nipples ached as I rubbed my thighs together. Fuck my mind! This had happened before. I'd thought oral was gross the first time my boyfriend convinced me to try it, but not one week later, I was begging him to do it again. Now I was imagining licking the head of her cock while fingering myself. No, I couldn’t be attracted to her! Neon Kelp was plenty for me and she’d never do something so irresponsible. I clenched my fists so hard that my fingernails dug into my palms. I’d been given the okay to play around as long as I was safe about it, but I’d never had enough of a libido to use that privilege. Why now? Why her? My eyes got wet. What had gotten into me? The vulnerability I felt, the elation, the irritation, and the arousal--all of it was too much. She'd reached into my core and squeezed until something broke. With tears streaming down my cheeks and my stomach full of butterflies I unplugged my headphones and fled. I ran so fast through the tent that my feet were barely touching the ground, like they were full of helium instead of flesh and bone. I was on a bus back to my hotel before I stopped to think. This was so fucked up. The sense of wonder over the way Athena had made audio porn with my song hadn’t worn off and I was still wet from daydreaming about the fully erect equine bulge running down her pant leg. It didn't help that she had exactly the right amount of muscle and gorgeous dark wavy hair. Some of her cum had definitely gone up my nose. I was smelling it more strongly than the cigar stench that was coming from the guy in the leather jacket standing next to me. The sweet chamomile-like scent from Athena's jizz was supported by deeper masculine undertones that were making the situation between my legs trend toward emergency. This was nothing like me, something had to be going on down there and I needed to check on it the moment I got back to my hotel room. Doing my best to ignore the other people on the bus and stop thinking about her, I took in the arches and towers on the way from Boom to Mechelen Belgium. All the towering Gothic architecture had me feeling like a time traveler. It was fascinating to see how these beautiful old buildings had been retrofitted for modern use. My hotel, which sat regally on the opposite bank of the river from my bus stop, was no exception. It was an ancient long four-story brick building where the top floor had stepped triangular outcroppings with windows set in them, interrupting the steeply-sloped roof. Breaking up the layers of red bricks were white stripes of a different material and arched windows. The result was very eye-catching. Getting out at my stop, I walked on a brick sidewalk following a four-lane tree-lined road flanked by modern apartment complexes and well-maintained antique buildings. I turned off of that big road to follow a smaller road that ran along the river. Rivers in Europe rarely retained their natural banks, and buildings very often encroached on them. If the buildings hadn't been so wonderfully textured and fascinating, this would've made me sad. Not that I could have been sad when every step I made forced me to squish my pussy lips against my clit, which was giving me far more sensation than I knew what to do with. After crossing the stone arch bridge to the other side of the river, I saw the entrance to my hotel. I picked up my pace while biting my lip, wanting to get to my room on the third floor as fast as possible. The ultra modern interior of this historical hotel was all simple clean shapes, a stark contrast to the more organic patterns of the existing structure. The tilted circles of LED lights that hung from the ceilings in common areas looked like aliens visiting medieval Europe. All that said, none of the details of the interior stuck out to me as much as the beautiful crystal bowl with cut glass chrysanthemum decorations on the reception desk. That was because it was full of fancy Belgian chocolates. Chocolates that often sat unguarded while the staff assisted customers. Every time I walked by it, I was hit with an internal struggle to resist grabbing one or two or three or a whole handful. Like the current desire in my loins, I knew once I broke the rules I’d set for myself, I might never get that self-control back. With great effort, I left the chocolates where they were and walked toward the elevators. I gave up on the elevators the moment I saw a crowd waiting in front of them and took the stairs. This led to erotic suffering as my pants and legs buffeted my muff. When I reached the top, my panties were so wet they were sticking to me! Moaning under my breath, I dashed down the hall while scrambling to pull my keycard out of my purse. My impatience with the card reader on my door lock resulted in it taking four tries to get my door open. With the door still swinging closed behind me, I dashed into the bathroom and started peeling my pants off. The scent of desperate pussy hit me full force as I got my pants and panties pushed down to my knees. Putting my hand down there, I found it wet as could be, so wet that I decided to step into the shower. That's when I actually put pressure on my pussy lips and felt my clit slip up into the space between my fingers. It had never swollen this large before. Was I in heat or something? No, it wasn't heat...Writhing against the shower wall, moaning at the top of my lungs, I wondered if it was the Tail Virus. I doubted it because my pussy felt exactly the same as it had before if I ignored the size of my clit. Plus, there was a tendency to diagnose oneself with whatever one was worried about getting. I'd lost hours on the internet to being a hypochondriac and I didn't want to go down that road yet again. My supple passage clenching around my fingers brought my mind back to the task at hand and I set about adding a third finger. "AAAH! YES!" I moaned as I reveled in the waves of bliss I was giving myself. Whatever was making my clit big, I hoped it would keep happening and that it wasn't evidence that I'd contracted the Tail Virus. Not four minutes after I'd started playing with myself, I was whacking the large pinkish brown stone tiles behind me with my ass and squealing in delight. The orgasm was as good as the one I'd had backstage, but this time I didn’t have to worry about getting caught and could just keep going. I masturbated until I could hardly catch my breath, until my hands and snatch were sore, until my juices were streaming down my legs and making a puddle on the shower floor. No matter how hard I tried to keep Athena out of my head, she kept coming back. The curves of her breasts, thighs, buttocks, and stallion-sized balls were like a catchy tune. The more I tried not to think about them, the more weakened my defenses became. My curiosity was insatiable. I wondered what the wide head of her prick would feel like against my lips, whether she'd fit inside me, whether she had a human or an equine pussy behind those balls, and what that pussy tasted like. Just before my body gave out, I had one last peak and as my hoarse voice echoed throughout my hotel room, I imagined her riding atop me while I fucked her with my huge clit. The second my screaming stopped, I put a hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as I realized I'd just gotten off to the idea of myself with a prick. I turned the shower to the coldest setting and stood under it hoping the shock would clear my mind. No, absolutely not, I'd been just a normal female my whole life. I didn't need a cock and I wasn't going to end up like Athena. She'd clearly let herself go too far and was going to get in trouble whether I reported her or not. I had to quit thinking about her and move on. She was irresponsible with her life and the lives of others. I had a tendency to fall for a-holes and I was doing it yet again. Having kicked Athena out of my head, I turned the water to a temperature that didn't make my teeth chatter so I could get washed up. When I finished washing up and stepped out of the shower, I smelled like lavender and vanilla from the hotel-supplied body wash. After drying off, I bent over and spread myself for the mirror. My inner labia were still nice and big, my pleasure button was a bit swollen, and even though my mound was a lot plumper, it was the same alabaster color as the rest of my skin. If I had the Tail Virus, my pussy would have been changing in color or getting fur, feathers, or scales around it. Sighing in relief, I stood up and dried off before spritzing my hair with some stuff that helped give it more body. My hair was so straight that, if I left it alone, it just kinda looked flat and this stuff helped it look less like it belonged on a doll. I was jealous of the luxurious slow curls Athena and Neon Kelp's hair had. As I put the hotel-supplied bathrobe on, my stomach growled and my entire body felt heavy. Plopping down on the bed with my cellphone in hand, I looked for a nearby pizza place that would deliver to the hotel. I picked a well-rated one at random and put in an online order for a medium sausage and sauerkraut pizza. I was in the mood for something sour and wanted leftovers. With the pizza ordered, I lounged on the bed feeling drained, but cozy. So cozy that it took me a couple minutes to motivate myself to check my phone when it chimed. I knew it was too soon for the pizza to arrive and all I really wanted was food. On my phone was a twitter notification that made me groan. Athena had mentioned me in a tweet. "@GingerKrave I wish we were following each other so I could DM you. I want to apologize." I followed her back and then sent her a DM saying, "Let's hear it." Waiting for her to type got my heart racing. I had no idea why I cared so much. A couple anguishing minutes later she sent, "I'm sorry I remixed your song without asking. I wanted to impress you and show how much I like your music. But blindsiding you with that was a dick move." "That's not the apology I want. I want an apology for your other dick move," I sent back. My jaw was clenched. Like, I wanted to angry kiss her. Dang, I was getting some bizarre feelings. "But I already apologized for that. I'm not sure what else to say other than I'm sorry." "Did you really intend to get someone in the face? If not, why weren't you in a stall?" I asked. "I have no idea. I got the Tail Virus a month ago and had been trying to hide my prick at Tomorrowland, but today something just broke...and I wanted to be seen, for someone to see how I'd changed," she replied. "You wanted to be seen?" I couldn't imagine someone wanting that. "Yeah, I just wanted to see some random stranger blush, bite their lip, or stare in surprise, any response other than shame." My muscles relaxed a bit. "Huh, that's not the reason I was expecting, tbh." "What reason were you expecting?" I sighed, deciding to be fully honest with her. She did deserve honesty in return for her openness. "That you were one of those people that gets off on spreading the virus." It took her three minutes to reply, she probably edited it and rewrote it a few times before sending me, "I can't say that the idea of another girl getting a horse cock like mine doesn't turn me on. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive and it's hard for me not to want to spread you turn me in and have them string me up for knowingly spreading the virus, I didn't mean for someone to walk into my...I can't even type it...and, when I came down from the high of getting off, I was horrified by what I'd done to you." The fact that I wanted to like her, to let her off the hook, was working in her favor. But I knew I was inclined to do that, so I worked hard to play devil's advocate. "This must have been after I'd left? Because you looked pretty happy with yourself after you hit me in the face." "You didn't call me disgusting or shame me for having a dick. I grew up as the ditzy D student who was a class clown just so people would have things to say about me other than insult my intelligence. As much as I love being a hermaphrodite, I really don't want to be shunned for it. Which, I know, is a big ask." "Outrage is often overplayed. Neon Kelp once told me, 'Nothing sells headlines like hate and fear. People saying they hate something gets more media attention than people saying they love something.'" I considered deleting that message because I wasn't sure why I was consoling her, but it felt right for some reason. "Huh, that's just like how facebook works: anxiety keeps people scrolling." She started typing right after sending that one. "Neon Kelp is your wife, right?" "Yep." "Why didn't she come with you?" "She has a bad sinus infection and is trying to get an EP ready for release." I frowned, remembering how sad she was when she realized the adult thing to do was to cancel her plane ticket. "Are you two exclusive?" My eyes widened at the question. "What?" "Sorry, I suck at flirting. D:" "That was flirting?" My blush was back full force. "AFGKHJH! I'm so embarrassed! Forget I said anything." "Done." Though I could forgive her social awkwardness, I couldn't ignore what she'd done in the bathroom. That needed to not happen again. "I've been thinking, and I'm not going to file a full report, but I'll tell them that I'd feel safer if they kept an eye on you. So, no more jacking off in public and stuff. I don't want you to go to jail, I want you to make more music, okay?" "Absolutely yes! Thank you thank you thank you! :-D" "I'm willing to stay in contact with you, but we're done if you pull another stunt like what you did to me." My hand shook waiting for her reply. I needed her to promise me one more time. I needed her to prove to me that she wasn't just another reckless a-hole. "Understood...Can I buy you lunch tomorrow?" she asked. "Why?" I asked, my right eyebrow high on my forehead. "I found this amazing restaurant that does home cooked Belgian cuisine and I want to make up for what I did." Free lunch in a public place where I could ditch her if she got too creepy? It was perfect. "Sure, is it near Mechelen?" I asked. "Yeah, it's in Mechelen near the Van der Valk hotel. Can you get to that area easily?" That was the name of the hotel I was staying in, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "That's convenient for me." "Is 1PM good time?" "Sure!" I sent. "Great :D" She gave me the address of the restaurant. "Okay, see you tomorrow." "TTYL!" Five minutes after I put our lunch in my calendar, my pizza arrived and I devoured it. I'd never eaten an entire medium pizza and was left staring at the empty box in disbelief after I'd finished it. My daily calorie intake had been utterly destroyed, but I soon ceased caring. As the comfy high from all the carbs set in, I fell asleep. END OF CHAPTER 1 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!