ProjectDragonfly Changelog - v0.1.5 - --------------------------------------------------- NEW: - Blood Splatter / Explodey effects when hitting and killing enemies. - Replaced bullet and laser destroy effect. - New Playable Character: The Dancer. - New Playable Character: Ker. - Added 3d rendering library. - Added curved lasers. - Bunch of new spells. - Latent discord rich presence for some reason. CHANGE: - Shops now appear at the start of stages instead of at the end (not stage 1), allowing time for async loading of stage resources. - Trying out new shop visuals. - Particles now utilise sprite batches for faster rendering. - Flytrap Bomb now instantly absorbs pickups dropped from all enemies killed. - Bullet Pattern objects can now apply to Lasers of any type. - Enemy HP Bars are hidden during certain boss movements to avoid mixing them up with bullets. - Roach's starting items have been effectively given to Ker instead, Roach will be redesigned later. FIXES: - Fixed stage tasks overlapping events between stages. - Fixed starting items being duplicated upon restarting a run / stage. - Grazing effect now properly applies to laser grazing. - v0.1.4 - --------------------------------------------------- NEW: - Portrait for Roach. - Portrait for Voiceless. - Added 3 new Flytrap spells. - Added 1 new Roach spell. - Added 5 new Sunder acts. - Added 1 new item. - Added a character portrait on the practice menu based on the spell currently selected. - Added some sweet lookin' lasers. - Full boss fights can now be generated on the practice menu. CHANGE: - Exitting out of the practice stage will take you back to the practice menu instead of the title menu. - The practice menu will remember which spell was selected when returning to it. - Changed the method of character declaration, players and bosses are now linked. - Rank now starts at 1 and scales smoothly. (gameplay balance mostly unaffected, mainly visual change) - Particle effects can now be defined externally and stored on load. FIXES: - Removed instances where textures could potentially be stored before they are loaded. - LOVE2D version - Migrating engine to Love2D NEW: - Real and fully working async loading of resources with a funky new loading screen. - Added spell icons to boss hp bars. - Added Poison auras. CHANGE: - Bullet render and update handling now allows far more bullets on screen without FPS drops. - Bullets now use lighten blend mode instead of add and subtract. - Changed the structure of non-gameobject classes (possibly unstable) - Boss markers now flash while damaging the boss. - Hue shift shader is now almost twice as efficient. - Smoothed out the boss ui animations. - Smoothed out menu transitions. - v0.1.3 - --------------------------------------------------- NEW: - Added saving and loading of game data including: - Unlocked players and last selected player. - Game stats like total enemies killed, total deaths, etc. - Achievement progress. - Collected items (for potential codex in future). - Remebering your settings. - New Playable Character: Roach. (but for real this time) - Added customisable rank to the practice menu (press left and right to change rank) - Added a subtle glow behind all bullets. - Added a very violent explosion when things die. - Added a few new Sunder stage acts. CHANGE: - Player characters now require you to have beaten them as a boss to unlock them. (since not every boss exists, players without a boss will be unlocked by default) - Enemies on the practice stage no longer scale their health with rank value. - Removed slowdown upon defeating a boss in the practice stage. - Time spent waiting before a boss attack actually starts is generally shorter. - Made most patterns generally faster. - Removed glow effect on pickups. - Stages now sort the order of acts such that they won't repeat until the act selection has been exhausted. - Reworked many Sunder stage enemies and acts. - Increased the cost of all items by 25%. - Reduced the health of most boss attacks. - Laser warning lines are now deleted when their laser is deleted. - Voiceless' bomb's reflected shots now deal damage based on the size of the bullet destroyed. - Fonts are now loaded from info provided by the current language file. - Revamped audio framework. This will fix panning and provide more control over how sounds are played. FIXES: - Removed many instances of duplicate texture loading. - Fixed particles not being updated upon first emit. - Fixed item stacking causing item events to stack more than they should. - Fixed Heartbreak killing you too many times and too quickly. - Fixed screenshake interferring with many positioning based things. - v0.1.2 - --------------------------------------------------- NEW: - New background for the Toothy boss. - New Playable Character: Voiceless. - New Item: Fissure Worm. - New Item: Makeshift Missiles. - Added polygon bullet pattern type for scripting. - Added codenames to background in the BG Showcase test spell (in practice menu). - Added achievements. (very basic and are not saved when closing the game) - Added a bunch of new item sprites. - Added new font for basic text info. (items, descriptions, lore, anything that is meant to be readable) - New debug controls: - F1: Toggles cheat mode. (cannot die while in cheat mode) - F2: Grants maximum points (99999). - F3: Skips current act or spell. - Added new hit and death effect for player. CHANGE: - Reworked Item: Plexian Helix is now a familiar that fires helix shots. (the old item is now 'Twisted Mirror') - Bosses can no longer use a timeout spell for their first attack unless they're a midboss. - Lasers are cleared immediately between spells and acts to prevent them from cheapshotting the player. - Player shots now have increased size the higher their damage. - Renamed a bunch of items. - Modified Item: Cornucopia (previously Perserverance) - Now grants life charge when collected in addition to at the end of each stage. - Cost reduced. - Now stackable up to 3. - Modified Item: Spider Totem (previously Flay Shot) - Now fires 8 shots in an even spread every 8 shots for 80% damage each. - Modified Item: Counting Cuts - Now grants bomb charge and blood charge directly when damaging enemies instead of through pickups. - Modified Item: Pale Spyglass (previously Point of Collection) - No longer increases the value of pickups. - Changed the damage calculation of main shots when fired. Rebalanced all items that create additional main shots. - Shop now always generates with one boss item. - Improved item event system to be more efficient. - The practice stage no longer starts in cheat mode. - The practice stage has faster animations to make retrying spells fast and fun. FIXES: - Fixed bosses skipping through multiple spells when timing out a non-timeout spell. - Fixed BG Showcase test spell crashing on certain backgrounds. Please enjoy the backgrounds to their fullest in the Practice menu. - Fixed noise shader in the Dollhouse background not being applied properly. - Fixed one of the midbosses being skipped over entirely. - Removed asyncronous loading of textures before stages as it sometimes causes crashes (this may make load times between stages a tad longer). - Fixed practice mode starting a normal run the second time it's opened. - v0.1.1 - --------------------------------------------------- NEW: - Bosses now allow for a short entry animation before their first spell. - Bosses now wait a short duration between spells. - Some menus disabled briefly after being opened. - Some sounds now have subtly randomised pitches. - New player hitbox visuals and effects. - Added a subtle glow behind player sprite. - Added sketchy player sprite for Flytrap. - Added some new effects to enemy healthbars. - New Item: Big Death Bomb. - New Item: Death Bomb Time Up. - New Item: Pierce Bounce. - New Item: Hadal Devil. - New Item: Spirit Shackles. - New Item: Violence Engine. - New Item: Desecration Doll. - Added loading screen at the start of the game. - New Bullet State and Bullet Pattern objects to aid in scripting. CHANGE: - Modified shot homing formula. Should be more accurate at longer ranges. - Modified Item: Homing Shot - Homing increased. - Increased base player movement speed and pickup radius slightly. - Increased point item reward from perfectly clearing a spell. - Increased rate at which pickup radius and graze radius are boosted by items. - Improved bomb scaling from the bomb support stat. - 3 large bomb pickups are needed to get a bomb extend instead of 5. - If you die with more than 3 bombs then your bombs don't get reset. - Survival spells no longer appear on stage 1. - Low health enemy damage sound grows louder from zero as health lowers. - Improved closest enemy targetting to be more accurate. - Homing shots now gradually lose homing if enough time has passed to prevent shots potentially never leaving the screen. - Invulnerability and bomb cooldown when bombing is now controlled by the bomb object instead of the player. - 'Bomb Efficiency' stat renamed to 'Bomb Support'. It mostly affects radius but can affect other attributes depending on the bomb. - Enemy healthbars are more transparent when the player is close to the enemy. - Changed window title. - Enemies no longer flash while invulnerable. - Temporarily removed item: Tubular Bells. (it doesn't even do what it says lol). FIXES: - Invulnerable enemy damage sound no longer pans horribly. - Fixed some screen shaking not working. - Fixed flytrap bomb target effects sometimes spawning at (0,0). - Got rid of the ui goop blocking the spell timer and music name. - Fixed bosses spawned on the practice stage sometimes dropping pickups upon spawn. - Fixed an infinite loop caused when certain familiar's attack speed was too high. - v0.1.0 - 13/03/2023 --------------------------------------------------- FIRST PRE-ALPHA RELEASE