Chapter 28 β€” Madalyn Fowler, Ace Reporter _February 8, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎀 Jesse {br} {psc} When we arrived home on Saturday afternoon, I asked to go to the sunroom, so I didn't have to climb any stairs, and my moms agreed. About ten minutes later, my dad returned from his afternoon karate class. "How are you feeling?" Dad asked. "My knee hurts, but my headache has mostly gone away. No tears, just stretched ligaments. Nicole wasn't so lucky β€” she has a torn ACL and will have arthroscopic surgery on Monday. The doctor said girls are more than five times more likely to have ACL injuries than guys. It doesn't help that I outweigh her by about sixty pounds." "What did the doctor order?" "Rest for seventy-two hours, then have a neurological exam. I have a brace for my knee, and Mom One will make an appointment with a sports medicine doctor. She's calling Doctor Al for a referral. "No school on Monday or Tuesday?" "That's what the doctor said. If the exam on Tuesday afternoon is clear, then I can go back to school on Wednesday. Do you know who won the second game?" "Rockford. I spoke to Coach Nelson on my way back from karate." "I want to go to the game," I said. "Take that one up with your moms! You can try to sweet talk Jess into saying it's OK, but I wouldn't count on it." "That sucks!" I growled. "The guys know you're rooting for them," Dad countered. "I know, but I should be there." "You're staying home and resting, Mister!" Mom Two said, coming into the sunroom. "You're going to follow the doctor's orders." I scowled because I knew there was nobody to whom I could appeal. There was no way Aunt Jess or Doctor Al would take my side, and Dad was following his agreement with my moms to defer to their decisions. "I'll be in my study if you need anything, Jesse," Dad said. He and Mom Two left, and I pulled out my mobile phone and pressed the speed dial I had for Larisa because I knew if I didn't call her, there would be hell to pay. Her mom answered, and she called Larisa to the phone. "Jesse? How did your game go?' "We won, but I hurt my knee when two players crashed into me." "Are you OK?" she asked, sounding worried. "Yes. I had an MRI, and it's just a sprain. I have a headache, but it's not nearly as bad as it was. I'm going to miss a few days of school, and I'll miss the game tomorrow, for sure, and probably the state championship games." "That stinks! You'll be able to play again, right?" "Yes. I'll have a rehab program, and by the time hockey starts in the Fall, I'll be ready to go." "What about your hockey camp?" "It's not until July, so I have more than four months. I'll talk to a sports medicine specialist this week, but I think I should be OK. I can certainly coach even if I miss the training session." "I'm sorry you were hurt, Jesse. Is there anything I can do?" "I don't think so. I'll see you in about a month." "OK. Call me and let me know what the doctors say, please." "I will." We said 'goodbye' and closed my phone just as Luna, Libby, Lilibeth, and Simone came into the room. "We came to cheer you up!" Luna declared. "And just how do you plan to do that?" I asked with an arched eyebrow. The girls all laughed and sat down to talk. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} 🎀 Steve {br} "If you need to spend time with Jesse, I'll understand," Avanti said as we sat in my study. "I believe Jesse will have all the attention he needs," I replied. "Libby and Luna let me know they and some of the girls were going come over to keep him company. How was your week?" "Good. Things are pretty mellow Freshman year. Obviously, I'm taking it seriously because I want straight A's, but classes are pretty easy, too." "Have you given more thought to your career?" "Medicine," I think. "Probably neurosurgery because it's the most difficult." "There is no margin for error on that," I replied. "You'll need to be perfect every step of the way." "Easy enough for the daughter of Anala Subramani!" Avanti declared confidently. "Of that, I have no doubt! I assume things are good at home?" "Yes. Dad trusts me, so I'm almost as free as your kids, though he's not nearly as open-minded as you are. Mom, on the other hand, is very much like you. And my brother and I get along well enough." "We've never really spoken about friends." "There are two girls at school I'm close to, plus one from the Hindu temple. That's more my speed than having a dozen girls as part of my posse the way Birgit does." "I'm not sure I'd model anything I did on what Birgit does," I chuckled. "She's not that bad!" Avanti protested. "Of course not," I agreed. "But she can be over the top." "I'd say she comes by it honestly!" "Perhaps," I allowed. "Is there anything specific you want to discuss today?" "No. Right now, I think the karate classes and Philosophy Club are providing what I need. I just want to enjoy spending time talking with you on the weekends when we're not engaging in enjoying the union of our bodies and sharing our essences." "Sauna?" "And the hot tub, please." I took her hand, and we left my study. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎀 Matthew {br} My _D&D_ campaign session only lasted about four hours because of brunch with my family. When we finished for the day, everyone left, and Chelsea and I borrowed my mom's car so we could go into the city to see my brother. Chelsea drove, of course, as I didn't have my learner's permit, something I'd be able to get in about a month. "Do you plan to work over the Summer?" Chelsea asked as we headed for I-88. "Yes. I'm going to apply at Red Robin in Oswego right after my birthday." "Waitstaff or kitchen?" "Waitstaff. Kevin from Drama works there, and he says he can get me in." "How do you feel about moving to the new High School?" "Good, actually. Mr. Fruits is moving because most of the Freshman and Sophomore kids in drama are going to end up at the new school. And we'll be upperclassmen the entire way, because they're only moving the Freshmen and incoming Freshmen to the new school. The fact that it's so much closer is a big plus, too." "Who do you lose?" "Tara and Jim," I replied. "Arby, Nick, Josh, Ryan, and Matt W are all going to be at what they're going to call Oswego East. The new Junior High will be Bednarcik, and the grade school will be Wolf's Crossing." "So Michael will move to the Junior High?" "Yes. Everyone is changing schools, or will, because Jesse is going to the private school that offered him a spot on their team, Albert is going to a school with a strong NJROTC detachment, and my other siblings all moved to the Lab School at UofC. But compared to my dad, it's nothing! He went to a different school for every grade K through seventh, and a different building every year except eighth and ninth." "Wow!" "Grandpa A moved the family around a lot, but I'm not sure why. It might have something to do with working for the CIA, but I'm not sure." "Have you ever found out anything about your great-grandparents? I mean, on his side?" "No." "You should check out There's a ton of stuff on there, and more being added all the time. Do you know the names of your great-grandparents?" "Maurice and Blanche Tobias," I replied. "Tomorrow, we should look stuff up. My dad traced our entire family tree back to before the Civil War when the first members from both sides of the family immigrated from Ireland and Germany. He'd probably let us use his account because we could attach your family tree to ours, which will happen as soon as you graduate from High School!" "Have you started planning the wedding?" I asked. "Not yet! I was thinking it might be cool to marry when you graduate from Great Lakes so you can wear your dress whites!" "I'm not sure how that would work. I'd have to speak to a recruiter, but that's still almost two years away. I don't want to freak out my mom." "She's totally cool!" Chelsea protested. "And yet, she's still a mom! Think about Aunt Jessica and her freakouts about Albert flying. Or Aunt Bethany and Nicholas wanting to join the Navy, even as a doctor." "I don't get your Aunt Jessica, but Doctor Bethany seems unstable to me." "Maybe, but can you blame her? Her husband was murdered while serving in the Navy, and she almost died in a car crash. Not to mention being raped at thirteen." "I suppose, but Birgit said she's acting erratic." "I love my sister, but I'm not sure she's the best judge of erratic behavior!" Chelsea laughed, "She certainly enjoys life!" "So do we, just without the drama and 'over-the-top' behavior!" β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} 🎀 Jesse {br} Luna, Libby, Lilibeth, and Simone left, and not long after, TomΓ‘s, Freddy, Mitch, Pete, and Nicholas came to see me, bringing pizza with them. "Who scored?" I asked as we all dug into the pizza. "Besides Tom, it was Nicholas and Kenton," TomΓ‘s replied. "Mikey got one by Pete at the end with a six-on-five. Not really Pete's fault because he was completely screened." "I hate those," I said. "I asked my moms about coming to the game tomorrow, but they said 'no' because of the concussion." "That sucks doubly," Mitch declared. "Pete can do it. He's been practicing all season, and he played well in both his games and it sounds like he did yesterday, too. We have all our skaters, so just do what we do!" "Will your dad be at the game?" Kenton asked. "Yes. There's no way he wouldn't bring Jobu at this point! Unfortunately, he has to go back after tomorrow." Matthew and Chelsea came in just then, and we invited them to join us for pizza. "How's your knee?" Matthew asked. "The ice helps," I replied. "My headache is mostly gone." "Is this where the lame duck is?" Doctor Al asked, coming into the sunroom. "Hardy-har-har," I replied flatly. "Mind if I check your leg and eyes?" "Could I stop you?" I asked with a grin. Doctor Al laughed and came over to me. He used a penlight and his finger to check my eyes, then carefully removed the brace to check my knee. "Everything looks good," he said, replacing the brace. "I saw the MRI using the videoconferencing system we have with Rush, and I'm positive their diagnosis is correct. When are your follow-ups?" "Tuesday for the neuro check at UofC. Mom One was going to speak to you about a sports medicine referral." "I'll go speak to her. I know just the guy, and we'll get him to see you on Monday." "Thanks. Want some pizza?" "I'm having dinner with Doctor Washington, but I wanted to stop in to check on you." "Thanks," I said. He left, and my friends, my brother, and Chelsea, had a good time eating pizza and chatting. When we finished, Kenton helped me to the coach house, where my moms had pulled out the sofa bed so I didn't have to climb the stairs. The guys left, and Mom One let me know I had a Monday morning appointment with Doctor Resnick at 8:00am on Monday to check my knee. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} _February 9, 2003, Aurora, Illinois_ 🎀 Steve {br} "This is NOT looking good," I said. "Rockford is dominating." "But they haven't scored," Libby said. I was at the rink early on Sunday morning with a bunch of the kids from Kenwood Academy, with only Natalie and Birgit coming with me to cheer on the team. That still left a big cheering section, even without the rest of the family. The guys were playing hard, but Rockford was controlling the game completely, and that paid off with just under two minutes to go in the period when a deflected puck got by Pete, and a collective groan rose from the Kenwood Academy section of the stands. As I'd promised, when the period ended, I called Jesse to let him know the score. "It was a tough deflection stick side," I explained. "And it rolled over his blocker. He almost had it." "Have we had any chances?" Jessie asked. "Just two shots, and neither of them quality. Rockford is playing up to the hype." "I was afraid of that," Jesse said. "Keep me posted." "I will." I ended the call and slipped the phone back into my pocket. I chatted with Jesse's friends, and Libby flirted lightly, but with Lilibeth next to her, she was keeping it toned down. I didn't expect anything to come of it, given what we'd discussed when we'd been together. "I heard you saw CeCe at Arizona State," Luna said. "I talked to her last night." "I did," I confirmed. "She's hostessing at the restaurant at the hotel I use there. Did you tell her about Jesse?" "That's why I called her. I know they had some issues when she left, but I also know she cares about him. She's coming home for Spring Break next month." "Larisa is visiting then," Birgit interjected. "I don't think that's a problem," Luna countered. "I don't think CeCe wants to get back together with Jesse; she'll just want to see him." "Just check with him," Birgit counseled. The teams came back onto the ice, and a minute later, the puck was dropped. Our guys played hard, but Rockford simply overpowered them, scoring another goal to take a 2–0 lead into the locker room after the second period. I called Jesse to let him know, and he was decidedly unhappy. "Pete made nine saves, and we only had three shots," I said to Jesse. "I hate to say it, but these guys are in another league. Not quite Canadian-level, but I can't see them not winning the State Championship." "Pete's going to feel as if he let the team down," I said. "Do me a favor β€” when you get Jobu, tell Pete to come by this afternoon, OK?" "Will do." Things didn't improve, and despite Nicholas netting a goal, Rockford beat us 4–1. The guys had given their all, but Rockford was just that much better. After the usual handshake line finished, I went to the subdued locker room to retrieve Jobu and let Pete know Jesse had asked for him to come over. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎀 Jesse {br} "How are you doing?" Pete asked when he came into the sunroom late on Sunday morning. "My knee hurts, but the headache is gone. I still can't remember anything after TomΓ‘s poke-checked the puck until I came to on the ice next to Nicole. How are you doing?" "Shitty. I gave up four goals." "Three," I said. "Forget the stupid stats; that last one was an empty net. And according to my dad, the first one was a deflection you got a blocker on." "We were undefeated until today," he said. "And there's no guarantee I'd have done any better," I replied. "You're a good goalie, Pete." "But you're better." "Fine, I'm better. That doesn't make you not a good goalie! You should easily make the team next year, and I bet you're the starting goalie your Senior year. But not if you beat yourself up. The guys only scored one goal, which is a tough situation because you have to be perfect, and that's tough for anyone." "Yeah, I guess," Pete said. "Hey, we're the Chicago citywide champs, and you won both your games to keep us undefeated, and you held off Oak Park yesterday to make it to the regional finals. That's not nothing!" "You're right, of course." "Need anything, Jesse?" Birgit asked, coming into the sunroom. "Nope. Just trying to cheer up Pete." "Hey, Birgit," Pete said. "Hi! I'll leave you guys alone." She left, and a minute later, Ashely came in and asked the same question. "You and Birgit need to coΓΆrdinate," I chuckled. "She was just here!" "If you do need anything, just holler. I'll be in the great room with my friends." "Thanks, Ashes!" She left, and Pete shook his head. "One sister is enough! I can't imagine having three!" "They aren't too bad," I allowed. "But if you tell them I said that, you're a dead man!" Pete laughed, "Gotta keep up the image, right?" "Yep!" β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} 🎀 Steve {br} The doorbell rang just before 11:00am, and because Ashley was with her friends, I actually got to the door to answer it. "Hi!" Madalyn exclaimed. "I'm here for an 'up close and personal' interview!" "You're a lot prettier than Jim McKay! I'm surprised you know about him. Come in." She stepped into the house, and I shut the door. "Mrs. Toepfer, who is the advisor for _The Midway_, told us about him." "Mary Toepfer?" "Yes. Do you know her?" "She was MY English teacher my Senior year at Milford High!" "She's been teaching at the Lab School for about five years. You graduated in '81, right?" "Yes. Shall we go to the Playroom?" "Playroom?" "A room off the kitchen that was used by servants back in the day, long before I bought the house. I think you'll appreciate it." I took her hand and led her through the kitchen and into the short hallway. I closed and locked the door, then led her into the playroom, where I'd already removed the tapestry that covered the mirrors on the ceiling. "Mirrors?" Madalyn asked. "You can watch!" "Interesting!" "So, Madalyn Fowler, Ace Reporter, how would you like to conduct your interview?" "I believe I need to present my credentials first!" she declared. She opened her purse and extracted an envelope, which she handed to me. I reviewed it, saw it was clean and handed it back. She removed her billfold, slipped her driver's license from its pocket, and handed it to me. "So there's no question I'm legal," she said. "I appreciate that," I replied. "Your credentials are accepted." I handed back her license and then showed her my STI card. "As are yours!" she replied. "Interview procedures?" "I'm here for an out-of-this-world first time! I have one limit and one warning." "OK," I replied, curious. "Antionette was very detailed, and I'm not interested in anal." "That's an 'on-request' service only," I replied with a grin. That was true, though the request was sometimes made euphemistically or by implication. "The warning is that my mom told me she bled her first time when she was twenty, and it wasn't due to lack of foreplay." "That's really rare after age eighteen and uncommon after age sixteen, but it does happen. Anything else?" "I'm ready if you are!" "May I see what I'm about to get into?" I asked with a grin. Madalyn laughed softly, then began undressing. I followed suit, baring skin in tandem with her until we were standing naked, facing each other. Madalyn was about my height, though a smidge taller, with long legs, modest breasts, and a neatly trimmed V of blonde pubic hair above plump labia. "Any last requests as a virgin?" I asked with a smile. Madalyn smirked, "I regret that I have but one virginity to give for my orgasms!" I laughed, held out my arms, and she stepped forward. As we embraced, her hard nipples pressed into my chest, and we shared our first kiss. She tasted of green apples, which had always been my favorite lip gloss, though lip gloss had, unfortunately, fallen out of common use. I broke the soft, sexy French kiss, and Madalyn and I climbed into bed. After another soft French kiss, I moved so I could kiss, lick, and suck Madalyn's nipples, then kissed my way down her flat stomach. I stopped, of course, to nuzzle my nose in her soft, blonde pubic hair before planting kisses along her plump labia. I slipped my arms under her legs, then gently probed with the tip of my tongue, finding the predicted barrier β€” a ring of flesh with a small central opening. Taking no risks that I'd push my tongue through her hymen, I turned my attention to her clit. Madalyn moaned softly as I teased her clit with my tongue, then groaned when I closed my mouth around it. I sucked gently on her clit and continued teasing it with my tongue, and she responded by putting a hand on the back of my head and gently pushing her hips upwards to increase the pressure and, thereby, the pleasure. I enjoyed the musky flavor of Madalyn's juices which coated my tongue and lips, as well as my chin, and worked to bring her off, which I succeeded in doing about three minutes later. When her orgasm began, I quickly moved on top of her, rubbed my glans along her slick labia, and thrust my hips forward, piercing her barrier. Madalyn grunted, and I pulled back slightly, then pushed fully into her, causing her to groan deeply. I lowered my mouth to hers, French kissed her, and began thrusting in and out of her tight tunnel. After a few thrusts, Madalyn wrapped her legs around me and began raising her hips to meet my thrusts, and we developed a steady rhythm, slowly increasing the power and pace of our movements. Madalyn had two very good orgasms over the next fifteen minutes and then a third one about five minutes later when I came here, pumping jet after jet of cum into her. When both our orgasms had passed, I gently withdrew, moved off her, and lay on my back. In the mirror, I saw blood on my slowly deflating shaft, as well as on Madalyn's thighs. "Mom was right about the blood," Madalyn observed, breathing hard. "But it didn't really hurt. Just kind of like a quick pinch." I gently encouraged her into my usual cuddle position while I recovered. Madalyn put her head on my chest and sighed deeply. "I appreciate the lip gloss," I said. Madalyn laughed softly, "Antoinette said you liked it; I don't normally use it." We lay quietly together, and I tried to remember discussing it with her but couldn't. I suspected Holly had mentioned it to Antoinette at some point, and that wasn't an issue in any way. "Ready for the next round?" I asked about ten minutes later. "Yes!" Madalyn exclaimed happily. "Sixty-nine," I replied. "And to make it more exciting, don't swallow and then French-kiss me." "INNNNNTERESTING!" Madalyn exclaimed, exaggerating the word. "May I point out I'm about to put my tongue in your freshly-fucked pussy in which I just came?" Madalyn laughed, "Good point! What about the blood?" "I'm game if you are!" I declared. I helped her into position, and she lowered herself until her labia touched my lips. I pressed my tongue between them, tasting a combination of her juices, her blood, and my cum. Madalyn took my glans into her mouth, and we each swirled our tongues to begin pleasuring each other. I hardened fairly quickly, and Madalyn began stroking, bobbing, licking, and sucking as I tongued her clit. I gave her two orgasms before I groaned, and my cum spurted into Madalyn's soft mouth. As soon as I was no longer pulsing, Madalyn released me and turned to kiss me, but I first had her mount me. She slid down my shaft, began grinding, then leaned down for a sloppy French kiss, sharing my cum with me. We kissed until Madalyn brought herself off, then broke the kiss. She moved off my softening shaft and cuddled next to me. "You don't find that weird?" she asked. "Not really. It comes down to knowing many girls really get off on the idea, so I do it." "You'll do pretty much anything a girl wants?" "So long as it doesn't cause injury or serious pain and doesn't involve any bodily fluids other than saliva, cum, or female juices." "Blood?" she asked. "From virginity or earning my red wings, but not otherwise." "That term I don't know." "Oral sex on a girl having her period, which generally ends up with her menstrual blood on the guy's cheeks and her thighs. Red wings." "Did you like it?" "She did, which is what mattered." "Will you reveal anything extreme you've done?" "Floggers, light bondage, and pegging." "Two more terms I don't know." "Do you know what a Roman Β«flagellumΒ» is?" "Sure. A scourge." "In the context of sex, it's a small whip used during sex. Some people get off on the pain, some by inflicting it, even symbolically. Pegging means a female using a dildo in a harness to have anal sex with a guy." "You've done that?" "Yes. Some women get off on it, and I tolerate it to make them happy. And before you get any ideas, I'll agree to reciprocity!" Madalyn laughed softly, "Thus neatly escaping a request I might have made!" "Not changing your mind?" I asked. "No. I mean, I am totally curious what it would be like to do that to you, but not curious enough to want you to do that to me." "And here we've hit on the key to awesome sex β€” communication. You say what you like, say what you don't like, and then agree together on what to do. Sometimes, you'll do things you don't prefer to keep your partner happy; other times, he or she will." "She?" "The mother of my eldest son is in a lifelong, committed relationship with another woman. I make no assumptions and no judgments. I know women who are lesbian, bi, and straight, including some basically straight women who have experimented with same-sex partners." "Have you?" "No. That's a stark line I have no desire to cross. And that's another key to good sex β€” understand what is off-limits and communicate it. If you're ready for the next round, we can begin." "Yes!" "Is there anything you need for your article on the site you mentioned?" "Nothing specific. Do what you want, within the limits I set!" "Then lotus position, doggy-style, and missionary. We'll have just enough time for a shower where you give me a blowjob before I have to leave for the airport." "Sounds great!" Madalyn declared. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} 🎀 Jesse {br} "Jesse, Zahra is here," Ashley said. "Is it OK for her to come in? She has Zaida and Adi with her." I wasn't surprised that the three girls were together, as that was pretty much required by their parents, and they needed a male escort when we went out on Friday nights. "Yes, of course," I agreed. The three girls came into the sunroom, and Ashley left. "Hi," I said. "How is your leg?" Zahra asked. "It hurts. I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow." "Will you still be able to play?" Adi asked. "It's just a sprain, so yes. I might have to wear a knee brace for a time, but with goalie pads, that's not a big deal." "Is there anything we can do for you?" Zahra asked. "A dangerous question!" Birgit declared, coming into the sunroom. "Stow it, Sis! Their dads are already wary about them going out of their houses!" "He's right, Birgit," Zaida said. "You know the rules we have to follow." "And you know my opinion of those rules! Anyway, everyone else is in the attic room, so come up when you're ready." She left. "Adi, would you and Zaida let me have a few minutes with Jesse without tattling? We'll just be here in this room." "Sure," Adi said. "I'm not going to say anything." "Me, either," Zahra agreed. The two of them walked out of the sunroom, leaving Zahra with me. "I miss you," she said quietly. "And I miss what we used to do." "I miss spending time with you, too, and not just for that. I mean, I liked it, obviously." "I heard you're changing schools?" "To Morgan Park so I can play hockey. Kenwood Academy is ending their program." "I wish there was a way to see you," she said. "Me, too, but the problem is with your parents, and I don't see your dad changing his mind unless I convert to Islam, which I'm not interested in doing." Zahra frowned. "Could I kiss you before I go upstairs?" "That's completely up to you," I said. She moved next to the chaise, sat down, then moved so our lips could touch. The kiss was soft and inviting, but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. She broke the kiss, sighed deeply, then got up. "See you later," she said. She left the room, and Albert, Matthew, and Michael came in. "You can use the elevator, right?" Albert asked. "Yes." "Then video games in my room!" he declared. He and Matthew helped me to the elevator, and Matthew and I rode up together. Albert and Michael met us on the second floor, and they helped me to Albert's room. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {br} 🎀 Steve {br} I groaned as I came in Madalyn's mouth following an awesome shower blowjob. Following the last spurt, Madalyn released me, then stood up so we could exchange a sloppy French kiss. "I'm absolutely going to have the best story ever on the site!" Madalyn declared as I began soaping her body. "How detailed are the stories?" "It depends on the person writing them, really. Some are really short with no actual details; some are novellas and include relationship stories. Mine will be detailed about the fantastic sex, including blood on my thighs and mutual oral sex immediately after, followed by that French kiss. No names and no details that would let anyone figure it out. We're all anonymous." "Is this an open forum?" "No. You have to be invited by someone else, and they have to vouch for you." "I wouldn't mind reading what you write, if you're willing to share." "I am." I finished soaping Madalyn, and she moved under the spray to rinse off. Once she had, she took the soap and washed me, and once I'd rinsed off, we got out. We dried each other, then returned to the bedroom to dress. Once we'd dressed, she helped me change the sheets on the bed. "When do you plan to start attending Philosophy Club?" I asked. "August, most likely. Once I move into the dorms at Northwestern, I'll have more freedom." "I'm curious β€” why there instead of UofC, given your dad is a professor?" "I have a full scholarship to Northwestern, so I could choose without worrying about it." "You're welcome anytime before then. Birgit will be able to let you know which Sundays we meet. The next meeting is next Sunday, though I won't expect you until the Fall." "I'll keep in touch, too." "Sounds good!" I walked her to the front door, where we exchanged a quick kiss. Once she'd left, I went upstairs to finish packing for my trip. Kara and Suzanne came into the room a few minutes later. "Report, please!" Kara requested with a silly smile. "Blood proof, believe it or not!" "You're positive she was eighteen?" Kara asked. "Birgit said Madalyn is a Senior, and her birthdate on her test report and driver's license match. She's a rarity like Jess." "And?" Kara asked. "Fun but conventional," I replied. "She did promise to share what she posts to the anonymous web forum. She'll join Philosophy Club in the Fall." "Repeat?" "She didn't ask," I replied. "I suspect Antoinette explained things. I'd be amenable to another time, but I won't pursue it. The new Β«lagomΒ» hasn't limited me from finding willing partners, including some virgins." "And Saint Martin is just over a month away." "Yes. I'm going to say 'goodbye' to the kids, then head to Midway. I kissed and hugged both Kara and Suzanne, then stuck my head into Albert's room to say 'goodbye' to the boys. I asked Jesse to call me after he saw the doctor, and he promised to do so. Next, I went to Ashley and Stephie's room and got a hug from Ashley, who had her friends with her. Stephie was at her friend Veronica's house, so I left the room and headed up to the attic room. Birgit jumped up and hurried over to give me a hug. "Is Madalyn happy?" Birgit asked quietly. "Wait! What am I thinking? Of COURSE she is!" "Behave, young lady!" I said with a smile. "I'll see you on Tuesday evening." Birgit kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead, then left the attic room. I had just reached the stairs when I heard my name called quietly. I turned to see Tiffany. "Can anyone get a hug?" she asked. "Sure," I replied. She hurried to me and gave me a tight hug. "Five weeks," she sighed. "I'm looking forward to it," I said with a smile. "Me, too!" she said happily. She released me and went back into the attic room and I went downstairs, grabbed my bag from my room, then went down to the ground floor. Both Natalie and Yuriko hugged me and they each gave me a kiss. After that, I left the house, got into my car and headed for Midway for my flight to Rochester. _February 9, 2003, Rochester, Minnesota_ 🎀 Steve {br} My flight to Rochester was uneventful, and my seatmate was a strident woman who was unsatisfied with literally everything about the flight. I simply put on my noise-canceling headphones once that was permitted and tuned her out. I almost laughed at the thought that she was Dante but without the charm. In Rochester, Don picked me up at the airport and took me to the Mariott. Once I'd checked in and freshened up, he drove us to his house for my evening with him and Mary, Alejandra and Trent, Naomi and Greg, and Sonya. The guys greeted me with a handshake and the women with a kiss on the cheek, except Sonya, who gave me a quick peck on the lips. We had a good meal and a nice dessert, both of which Mary and Don had prepared to fit my diet. After our meal, we spent a few hours catching up and discussing world events, including the coming war in Iraq. When the gathering broke up, Sonya offered to drop me at the hotel, and I agreed. I shook hands with the guys and exchanged kisses on the cheek with the girls, then Sonya and I left. "Do you want company?" she asked. "I enjoyed our time together, so yes, I would, if you're interested." "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't!" "Tomorrow, I have plans with an old friend from Ohio who'll be here with her friend who's having an EEG-MRI." "I think I know the case, but I obviously can't say anything. You know the score." "Quite well. I'm actually surprised you aren't seeing someone." "I'm dating, but not exclusively. I have plenty of time before I need to settle down to have kids." "STI test?" "Yes. I remember the rules, and I'd do that anyway, given I'm not monogamous." "Very wise." We reached the hotel, and Sonya used the valet parking service, which I instructed should be charged to my room. "I do need to get a decent amount of sleep," I said. "1:00am an OK time for you?" "That gives us about two and a half hours," she said, quickly shedding her sweater. We both undressed and got into bed, and at Sonya's request, I once again proved my tongue knew the way around the 'Holy of Holies', as she'd called it when we'd been together. Fortunately, it had been about six hours since I'd been with Madalyn, so I was able to meet Sonya's request for a reprise of what she'd called the best fuck she'd ever had, including an encore. "Set the alarm early enough that we can fool around in the shower," she requested when we finished the second round." I did that and turned out the light, then she snuggled close, and we fell asleep.