To start the quest help Fina at the morning after completing the Tea with Milk quest. Also to start the quest Eric should have Mighty sword equipped. He gets it at hunt where you met the Priestess at the end of random generated dungeon with puzzles. Then go to the church. After that you can join Eric or go find the location by yourself. It will afftect the next encounter. The new location is to the east of the Elven Forest. It can be visited before and after the quest. To bypass the orcs you have several option. • You can give them booze. Not any booze will be fine, but you can try wine, beer, goblin ale, or even lust potion xD. • You can try to seduce the orcs if Krowl was fucked in the ass more then 10 times. Has diferent effect depending on if Eric is with you or not. • Alternatively you can use sleep spell on orcs if Krowly knows it. In the next dungeon you can find several chests, but all you have to do is just find an exit. If you use the altar to many times it can give Krowly boobs. Puzzle solution: 8587139. It’s only one of many possible solutions. If you are struggle with it or just don’t want to bother with a puzzle, then check out the stone butt on the wall. Check the new location after completing the quest. It doesn’t have sex scenes yet, but has some lewd interactions depending on the time of the day and day of the week: • Nuns lesbi pixel scene • Mother Sabrina sleeping with bare boobs (no illustration yet) • Staring at Sabrina’s boobs • Staring at nun’s butt. • A couple of lewd comments from horny nuns.