Core's fantasies about intimacy with Petra are finally fulfilled. Core's Opportunity - Chapter 27 by Zmeydros Time stretches out before Core as Petra approaches the bed. Her cock and balls are so big that they sway heavily with each step she takes. When he feels the bed bounce as she climbs onto it, his heart starts pounding. As she pulls the large equine dildo out of him, she says, "I'm a bit bigger, but that's a good thing. You ready for a bit of stretching?" He moans as the silicone toy slides out of him and then nods shyly. "Yep." She grabs one of the pillows he's not lying on and says, "It'll be easier for me to get in deep if your butt is raised a bit off the bed." "Okay," he says, eyes wide and panting. It's really about to happen! He lifts his rear up and she slides the pillow under him. "You doing okay? I figured if you were on your back, you could just lay there and enjoy your first time." "I'm j-just nervous." His mouth is dry, his jaw is tight, and he his stomach is a bit disgruntled. But he's also so wet that the chill of the room is fighting the heat between his legs. "Let me know if you need me to stop," she says as she scoots up between his legs. After grabbing the bottle of lube he used on the toy, she applies it to both of them. She wipes the excess that's on her hands on a small towel she brought in from the bathroom. Then she puts a hand under his hyper-sized balls lifting them up and out of the way, fully exposing his sex to the cool air of the room. He quickly arranges the pillow under his head so he can better see what's going on. Watching the end of her prick moving toward his snatch, he focuses on taking nice slow breaths. As her length nudges at his pussy lips, he whines in need. She growls and lewdly rubs her hot throbbing flesh against his sopping pussy lips. He claws at the sheets and yips as she teases him. His clit is so sensitive that he feels like he's gonna cum just from her tip rubbing against it. Then she grabs his hips and pushes inside very slowly. "Ah Fuck!" he cries as a texture unlike any he's ever felt enters him. The head of her cock is softer than the rest and even with the little bit that's inside him, he can feel it bend slightly. Toys don't have the same varying firmness of her prick. It feels so so real, so amazing, so alive! "Oh, Core, your pussy is fantastic!" Petra moans. There's an impossible tension in his abdomen and chest. Like the bliss he's feeling is so heavy it's squashing him. Heat radiates out from his pussy, almost like a blush, but far more erotic. He doesn't know what's happening until that heat becomes mind-blowing pleasure. "Gah! I-I'm!" he blushes and moans and trembles as he cums with only a fourth of her inside. "Fuck! You're milking me so hard!" She closes her eyes. "Don't cum Petra, just" The way he's squeezing her shaft inside him, he can feel the softer outer layer being pulled and tugged as the harder core holds its shape. And she's so damn stiff, it's driving him crazy! He blinks as the room comes back into focus. "That good?" "Mmm-hmm," is all he manages to say. "There's more where that came from." "Shove it in!" he barks out. He didn't go through all the trouble training his pussy to stop now. Her ridges have a slight bit of give to them and as they go in, they squish down only to rise once they're inside. As each one pops in, he squirms and gasps. She leans over him, breasts dangling from her chest, hips moving forward as she stretches him with inch after inch of her massive cock. Reaching up, he squeezes her tits with his paws. She moans and spurts pre inside him. He groans and wiggles his hips feeling her heat spill into him. In a way he feels vulnerable, at the mercy of his lover's huge cock, but it's also freeing. He's getting to share his pussy with her and letting her show him how good it feels to be on the receiving end. It feels unfathomably good. Just as her uninflated knot, the widest part of her, enters, he says, "God, you're so big!" She chuckles. "Now you know what it feels like." He'd reply, but he doesn't have words for it. The closeness he feels from her stuffing him with every inch makes him want to stay like this forever. He toys with her nipples as she sits there balls deep inside him, happy as can be. When she shifts back to pull out so she can thrust, her ridges grab at the back of his pussy making him yip and moan. Then she puts it all back in making him gasp. She's bending inside him each time she enters and his passage is getting stirred up nicely. Her labored breathing as she fucks him is the sexiest thing he's ever heard. Her breasts bounce in his grasp as she makes good use of his snatch. Each thrust brings him closer to something bright and overwhelming. This building orgasm feels like a time bomb inside him and her thrusts are the ticking of the clock. His body tenses, tingles, and twitches as it approaches his peak. He can't get enough of the sensation of his pussy and her cock stretching and squeezing to accommodate each other. He can't get enough of her ridges making her pulling out as intense as her pushing back in. And now her knot is tapping his clit at the end of every thrust. Even though he can't get enough of it, he's seeing the end of his ride. It's a bright white light and he's careening toward it so fast he can't avoid falling into it. All that tension in his body, it turns to ecstasy. He gets wetter than he's ever been, his inner walls dance around her shaft, and his back arches so much that his head is pressed back into his pillow. His breaths come out as howls and his hands seem to miss everything he aims them at. Petra roars as her instincts take over and her knot gets shoved against his opening. He yelps as he feels himself stretched wider than ever and then a sudden release of tension as her knot makes it inside. It gets even bigger once it's lodged in locking them together. Her massive load comes in heavy spurts as her whole length contracts from knot to tip inside of him. That's when he sees stars. That's when his orgasm exceeds his grasp. The thrill is more potent than flooring the gas pedal on a straight away. Every second he's fuller, every second there's more of her warmth inside him. She hugs him against her moaning into his ear until she's spent. His belly is round from the sheer amount of cum and he's feeling so relaxed that he's struggling to keep his arms around her and not just let them flop onto the bed. Her whiskers are tickling his cheek as she rests with her muzzle pressed against him, breath warming his neck. His shaft throbs between them unwilling to be forgotten. A couple minutes later, she says, "I haven't cum like that in ages." "I've never cum like that," he says. She kisses his neck. "Glad I could be your first." "Me too! his tail wags as he hugs her tight. "I'm gonna get smaller in a bit and then I'm gonna need you to return the favor. I haven't had a cock in me since the last time we did stuff." "You sure you don't want to find someone in Florida?" "Yeah, I don't want to have any ties there. I'm not staying," she says. A smile tugs at his lips. "Really?" She lets him go and props herself up on her arms. "Surprise!" "Oh wow!" Now his tail is thumping on the bed from wagging so hard. "Millie and I went over the numbers over the last couple months and my business idea is totally doable. Plus, there's a lot of potential investors for it. If I spend a bit over a year in my annoying-as-fuck job, and I keep living frugally like I've been doing, I'll have a safety net big enough to move back and try out my idea." "Whoa! Only a year?" She nods. "Florida's a really cheap place to live and I'm getting a huge salary. Funny thing is, if my parents hadn't helped me get that crazy raise, I'd have to wait six months to a year longer." He kisses her. "This is the best news!" She nods. "Yep! That why I saved it for this moment." "It'll suck to have to stay in Florida for so long, though." "Yeah, I'll visit every few months, make good use of my vacation time. It's not like I need to save it or anything." "And I'll look more into portals." He grins. "Maybe I can make your job less boring by fucking you through a portal in your panties." "I love you." Her eyes go wide. "S-sorry, that kinda just slipped out, you don't have to say it back or-- "Petra, wait." His eyes get wet. Over the past couple months, the feeling he had when he first met her has continued to develop. A couple days ago, he wouldn't have been sure, but today, now that she's here in front of him, he's certain. "I love you too." Tears stream down Petra's face as she says it with even more conviction, "I love, love, love, love, you!" "I love--" he sniffles, "--love, love, love you too!" Now he's crying as much as her. She hugs him and they share a nice long happy cry. Once they've calmed back down, she says, "You know the thing I love the most about you? You're so determined. Yes, your mind goes to dark places when your life blows up, but you always pick yourself back up and keep going. That's what gives me hope for us. Because, if we ever have a problem in our relationship, I know you'll want to try to fix it. I know you won't just give up." For a good few seconds, he's speechless. Then he shyly says, "I try." "That's exactly it, you try. And you don't just try once, you keep trying until you get somewhere. Everything you've told me about your life points to that." He doesn't know if the fact he's knotted to her and full of her spooge is making her compliment hit harder, but he almost feels like crying again. It's like, for the first time in his life, without any effort on his part, a heartfelt compliment made it past his defenses. He has to say something back, he has to respond with the same thoughtfulness she just showed him. What does he love about her? What does she do that inspires him? Makes him feel like she's the only person he'd want to have this close to him? "Petra, the thing I love about you is that you're free from the guilt most people feel. I've always been concerned that if I let my sexual side out or people knew I was a herm, I'd be judged for it. You don't care, and me seeing you not care has helped me so much." "I tried caring about it, but feeling embarrassed every time I popped a boner in public got really old." She laughs. "Now I'm a bit turned on by it." He laughs. "I might be like that too." "Are you sure I've been helping you? I'm sure there's people that would say I've been corrupting you." "They're not worth our time: you taught me that." She nuzzles the back of his neck. "I'm glad." Twenty minutes later, Petra's on all fours getting stuffed by him. The whole time he's fucking her, she's getting hard again. Even though his pussy feels well used, once he can pull out, he gets on all fours and she puts her second hard-on of the night to good use. The orgasm this time isn't quite as intense as his first time, but it's close. The most amazing part is that she cums almost the same amount. Maybe her cock is as magical as his. She's certainly got balls big enough to be plenty productive. The fact that he's tied and in doggy style is wonderfully erotic. There's another position he wants to try, sitting on top of her. Ever since his first time with Millie, he's wondered how it felt. "So, umm, do you think you can get hard again before bed?" "Having a pussy ain't so bad, is it?" "It's great!" There's something about being stuffed with his lover's cum that has him feeling on top of the world. Accomplished, loved, used, and whole. "And how about getting knotted? Asking for a friend." She grabs him around the torso and pulls him onto his side so they're spooning on the bed. He blushes. Her knot is making him feel warm, tingly, and oh so cozy. "I wish we could just stay like this." "Me too, wouldn't it be fun getting groceries, going out for dinner, or going to the bank while we're tied? We could get one of those dining carts and lay you on your back and I'd just push you around while people saw your big ol' cock laying across your tummy and, if they looked close, they'd see that your girlfriend was totally not wearing a strap-on and was balls deep inside you." Her prick twitches inside him and he gets painfully hard as she speaks. He imagines people seeing them for what they are, two herms in love. Two herms blowing up social norms and being as sexual as they please. "I wish we could do that." "I'd be proud to have everyone see how high capacity my boyfriend's pussy is." He chuckles. "And I'd be proud to have everyone see how well hung my girlfriend is." "I'm gonna get my heat synchronized to yours and when I'm done working in Florida, I'm gonna introduce you to my couple while we're both in heat. Sound good?" "Yes!" his tail wags. "You should visit them while you're here." "Oh, I was gonna let you have all my time here if you wanted it." She rubs a paw along his side. " I can make dinner and do some chores while you're gone. If you don't see your other friends for a year, it'll be harder to keep those friendships going." "True, I'm only gonna visit my couple this time, though. I'll plan better next time. Do you want to come along if they're up for it? It would probably be lots of sex." He shakes his head. "Nah, I'll meet them when you're back for good. That way they can have you to themselves. I'm sure they miss you." "That's very sweet of you." She gives him a squeeze. "I like your idea for us both being in heat. We can spend a day with them and a day with Millie and Victoria. They'd love having the two of us to play with." "I can't wait!" she says.