"Aand...we are live!" Neil said that to no one in particular as the deer stepped away from his computer monitor, a camera set up that pointed to his bed broadcasting the scene to just about anybody that had the link. Sitting on top of Neil's bed, collar attached to a leash that Neil kept in one hand as he backed up to make sure he was in frame, was a gray-and-white dog sporting a red baseball cap and very colorful striped stockings: the deer’s friend, Timber! The pupper was in a sitting position off to the side, a very obvious blush on his face as Neil started to introduce him to the world of the horny internet. "Welcome, welcome everyone! I've got a very special guest today," Neil started, gently tugging on Timber's blue leash before continuing. "This is Timber, and today, this pupper is gonna be a deer's toy~" Timber blushed even harder upon being assigned that name, the dog placing his head into his hands and trying to look away from the camera...heck, he was already being assaulted by teases, and they hadn't even gotten to the meat of the stream! Off on another monitor was a chat window, various messages scrolling up the screen from the people who had gathered to witness this, many of them friends of Neil or Timber-or both. "wreck that pup~", a user by the name of Poojawa had typed. "god i wish that were me" another user named sexhaver69 decided to splurge onto their keyboard. Neil's eyes casually scrolled over the messages before he looked back to Timber, gripping that leash just a tiny bit tighter before he started to address the stream. "Come on, show us that cute face of yours. They won't be able to see it for very long, anyway…~" Neil lightly tugged on Timber's leash once more, getting up on his knees and slowly lifting his shirt up to reveal his soft, gray, jiggly belly...which just happened to be right about where Timber's face would land if Neil yanked him forward. The deer wasn't going to be mean like that (unless Timber wanted it), but it was still quite obvious what was being implied! "Now, why don't we start with a little loving on the belly you're going to be filling up…" "Geez…" Timber said as he reached out and poked against Neil's soft belly fur, impressed with just how squishy it felt against his own body. "It just gets softer every time I hang out with you, Neil!" the pupper replied, thinking he had a good comeback before his face quickly turned red again as he realized just how much of the softness on Neil's body was probably from him. Yes, this wasn't the first time Neil was going to turn Timber into a meal, though it was the first time that there was an audience for it! And that aspect was certainly, er, distracting the pup from making up good comebacks to Neil’s teases. "Just making it more comfortable for you, hun~" Neil replied, the deer wrapping a hand around the back of Timber's head as it hovered a few inches away from his belly before pushing forward and smothering the pup in deergut! Timber's eyebrows raised up and he let out a muffled cry as deer belly came rushing at him, before his mood quickly changed and his eyes closed as he just took in his new surroundings...the soft squish of the fat, the lump of his fur, and, of course, the gentle *ggRRrrmmbblll…* of the stomach hidden away inside, a grumbling that he would soon be satisfying, one way or another! Neil bleated gently as he felt Timber cozying up against his gut, the deer certainly enjoying this, but looking to make it even better. "Go ahead and give your home a kiss~" he whispered into Timber's ear after bending down a bit, the hand he still had against the back of Timber's head gently pressing and nudging the pup towards Neil’s deep, wonderful belly button. The dog was a little bit confused at first, but once he felt his snout slide into the hollow space a bit, he quickly realized what Neil was implying...and, he was more than happy to comply! Timber's tongue slipped out of his mouth, his lips forming a seal around Neil’s belly button and starting to suck and smooch at the navel… "Heh. Look at that. Like he's nursing down there~" Neil said as he tapped a few buttons on his phone, which zoomed the stream camera in right on the pupper's cute face! His eyes were closed in passion as he continued to smooch in and around Neil's belly, Timber clearly enjoying himself even as he knew that a bunch of friends were watching him do it! Neil could see the chat lighting up out of the corner of his eye, everyone watching clearly enjoying the close-up belly worship they were receiving. "Dang he's a good kisser actually" someone named gryphonkatsu had said; another user with the name lewdraccoon chimed in as well, saying "geez it looks like neil's gut is just gonna swallow his snout right up"! Neil had caught at least a glance of most of these messages, the "support" helping to grow quite the tent inside the tight, antler-patterned pair of undies that he was wearing! And feeling the tension in his pants also reminded Neil that, even though he was enjoying it, Timber macking away on his tummy was not the main focus of his stream. There was a lot more fun that the two of them would have tonight, though Neil had to fire off at least one more tease before transitioning to the next part of the night. "Heh, Ackart says it looks like my gut is going to just swallow your muzzle~" Timber mumbled some kind of counterpoint into Neil's stomach, but all that the deer heard or felt was just a gentle jiggling of his tummy fat as he started to slowly pull away from the eager pupper. "Alright! Honestly I could have you down there all night, but I think it's time to nudge you a little further down." Neil said, mostly to the stream...Timber already had an inkling of what was coming next! Neil gently placed a finger against the pup's muzzle, pushing Timber down toward his crotch before using his other hand to stretch open his underwear waistband...and, phew, the powerful deer musk that was released when he did that was enough to make the dog’s nose tingle a bit as he got a big whiff of it! A soft, stretchy sheath soon slipped out of those cute undies as Neil slipped them down his thick glutes, a pair of gray, fuzzy orbs joining it as Neil got comfortable. Already, the pink tip of his shaft was starting to poke out of its home, Timber eyeing it like a treat before Neil gave his leash another tug! "Go ahead. You might have to work a bit to get it out of there, though~" Neil teased Timber as the pup once again leaned into Neil's abdomen, though this time his bluish nose was going to be lodged right in a fragrant deer crotch! That wasn't really a problem for Timber, though. The pupper immediately got to work, the intoxicating scent luring him in and relaxing him as he started to mouth and lick around Neil's sheath, his heart fluttering as he felt the shaft starting to slowly peek out of its home. At the same time, Neil shifted his positioning around a little bit, allowing his belly to droop down and rest right on top of Timber's muzzle! Chubby, gray deer belly was now once again pretty much all that Timber could see, and that fact only riled the pepper up further as he felt Neil's shaft starting to poke its way into his mouth… "Ahh...there we go, Timb. So, how is everyone doing tonight?" Neil nonchalantly asked as he felt Timber starting to get going, his member almost completely worked out of its home and the dog sucking and slurping eagerly on the musky deer shaft. "Hope y'all are enjoying this, because there's going to be plenty more throughout the night~" The chat lit up as Timber started to get really into it, the dog's head moving back and forth rhythmically and making loud schlucking noises that the mic could just barely pick up as well! "dang I'm so jealous >\\\>" someone named shiriko said, the chat eagerly discussing what exactly was coming next. Only Timber and Neil knew where the night would go, and they were only going to drop cryptic hints for the time being! "Mmh...god, He's got some nice tongue work." Neil groaned out before placing a hand down on Timber's hat-clad head, the deer beginning to thrust a little bit forward into the pup's mouth. Timber could feel Neil's shaft throbbing inside of his mouth at this point, the tip even pressing against the back of his throat every now and again as Neil got more and more into it all. *Unf*ing every time his tip touched the back of Timber's mouth, and giggling every time he heard the pup whimper through his mouthful of deer schlong...Timber could feel a salty taste at the back of his throat now, a bit of pre starting to trickle out of Neil's shaft as he clearly started to get close to blowing his load; but that wasn't part of the plan! Neil was certainly going to nut inside of Timber, but not in his mouth… The dog tapped Neil on the side of his hip while the deer was starting to vigorously face-fuck Timber, the tapping causing Neil to stop for just long enough to realize that he was going a little bit too fast! "Oh, shit, right." Neil stammered out a few moments later, looking down at the dog who still had quite the mouthful of his shaft! "Aww, but you look so cute down there…~" Timber furrowed his brow, which was enough for Neil two get the hint and start pulling his hips backward, his shaft dislodging from Timber's mouth with a wet *pop*! "I guess that makes sense, though. Don't need any extra lube…" the cervine snarked as Timber started to turn around, keying everyone on stream into what was coming next! "Oh, don't be shy, show it off a little bit…" Neil encouraged Timber as the pup was turning around. "You think I'm *not* gonna show off?" he responded, putting his hands up behind his head and positioning himself perfectly for his ass to be shown off on the stream! The red undies he was wearing certainly weren't as loud as his striped stockings, but they did a good job of showing off his round, plump ass, helped out by the position he was in! It was certainly something to behold for the stream of viewers, and even better for the deer sitting just a few inches away. So good, in fact, that Neil couldn't help but reach out and grab a handful of Timber's rump, the dog immediately letting out a sound somewhere between a bark and a squeak before turning to Neil with a blush. "H-hey, no need to be so rough…!" Timber was starting to stammer a little bit. Exactly what Neil wanted him to do. The dog put up a bit of a bratty front, but once Neil was able to work past that, Timber would be putty in his hands! "Juuust getting a bit hands-on with the merchandise, hun~" the deer responded, continuing to grow around for a few more moments before he started to clamber up on top of the dog. Timber let out a whimper as he felt Neil's throbbing, twitching shaft pressing up against his rump cheeks, the deer moving his hips around until he found the perfect spot. The two of them shivered as shaft met pucker, and with another thrust, the fun had begun! The position that the two lovebirds were in wasn't exactly great for the stream, but they still enjoyed watching Neil bear down on Timber regardless! The "unf"s and gasps of two friends deep into it were all at the stream could hear for a while, outside the occasional squishy noise of neon pounding against Timber's ass! In only a few moments, Neil had bottomed out inside of Timber, the pupper gripping the sheets on Neil's bed as his own shaft throbbed against the mattress. "Urmf, hope you saved some room in there…" Neil teased the dog before he pushed his hips forward again, furry balls slapping against each other in wild throes of passion. And Neil would love to keep Timber smothered under his body for a good long time, but the warm-up head he had gotten made it pretty hard to edge himself any further. "Mmm...getting real close~" Neil leaned down to whisper into Timber's ear, the dog unable to really do anything besides sit there and take it as the deer’s shaft bulged out his lower belly! The thrusts just continued to become faster and faster, Timber letting out loud moan after warbling cry into a pillow as Neil so thoroughly used him. Finally, after an animalistic minute or two of thrusts and growls, Neil cried out as he blew his load, hot ropes of virile deer cream being sprayed deep up inside of Timber's body and all over the bed as well...Neil collapsed on top of Timber as his orgasm came, the deer just letting his cock do its work while he huffed and gasped and smothered Timber even more underneath himself. Timber wriggled around underneath the smothering of deer he was experiencing, mostly because of how good it felt to have Neil spend himself inside of him, but also because he was humping wildly against the bed to try and find his own release! And, though it wasn't exactly in sync with Neil's orgasm, Timber got his load to blow too, helped out by the feeling of warmth that was filling up his lower body...Neil smirked while Timber howled and painted, knowing that any mess he could make would be dwarfed by the amount of cum leaking out of his own ass right now! "Aww...the little pup blew, too. How cute.~" the deer teased as he humped a bit deeper into Timber, coaxing the dog to spill out the last few spurts of his load as the two of them deflated in a spent heap together, hearts pounding and stomachs fluttering… *gggrrrwwwgggg* ...and speaking of stomachs fluttering! Neil's gut let out a low, warbling growl as he lay on top of Timber, betraying the fact that the deer had spent quite a lot of energy plowing his friend right then and there! Of course, it was a surprise to nobody that Timber would end up in Neil's gut at the end of this stream...the surprise would be in what manner Neil chose to send him in there. "Hear that? It's calling out for you~" Neil slowly started to pull himself out of Timber, the dog moaning and spasming every time a few inches of shaft dislodged itself until the plug keeping Neil's load inside of Timber finally slid out, quite a bit of that load coming along with it and getting all over the bed…it was all right, though. Neil had laid a towel down. While Timber whined and gasped and reeled from the powerful fucking he had just received, Neil slowly got up and turned towards the stream, the shaft between his legs finally soft, but still dripping quite a bit of cream in the process! "Heh…look at that, why dontcha~" the deer said before the camera zoomed in on Timber's cum-drenched ass, cute undies bunched around the bottom of his...bottom, right where Neil had tugged them down earlier! "I dunno if you guys heard, but…" Neil trailed off as he grabbed the microphone that was on his desk in one hand, bringing it down to his stomach and letting the stream listen as it impatiently *grrrggglll*d and *rrrmmmMMmbl*d at an earth-shaking volume! "...yeah. Of course, that pup over there is dinner, but I'm not feeling like sending him any particular way...so, I thought I would let you guys vote~" The chat lit up with excitement as Neil started to tap away at his keyboard, a poll popping up at the top of the window a few seconds later. It only had two options: "down the throat" or "up the butt"! "5 minutes, y'all. I'm starving~" Neil said as he started the poll and turned back to look at Timber, licking his lips while he looked away from the camera… "you GOTTA put that pup in a butt", someone named ickyburd chimed in. "Nah, Neil's starving. Up the butt would take too long |3" lewdraccoon replied. A veritable war started to wage in the chat room between the two options, and the poll was neck-and-neck while Neil helped Timber clean up a little bit and sat the pup down on his lap so the two of them could watch the results come in together! The poll came down to the wire, about 15 votes being submitted by the various stream viewers until the timer finally ticked down to zero. "Well, well, well...looks like I'll be getting a mouthful of pupper~" Neil said with a smirk as he turned to Timber, the dog's tail starting to wag and whip against the bed as the vote was finalized. 9-6 for oral! "Gosh, just let me jump down your throat already…" Timber replied as he watched Neil starting to slowly open his mouth, the dog already close enough to see all the strands of drool snapping and the deer’s tongue undulating and all of those other details that just tickled the dog pink! Warm deer breath wafted over Timber's face, smelling slightly of what the deer ate last and enticing the eager prey deeper and deeper into the cavernous, deep maw that was starting to swallow up his entire field of vision! Neil's tongue began to lap and lick at the other side of Timber's chin while the deer wrapped his arms around his meal and started to gently pull him into the wettest, warmest hug that one could imagine… The stream chat cheered Neil on as he started to finally give his growling, impatient stomach what it had been waiting for all day. "GULP! THAT! PUP!" lewdraccoon was chanting, a message that started to become a sort of copypasta in the chat as Neil slowly drew Timber in deeper, his long muzzle wrapping around the dog's own and his tongue starting to lather Timber's fur in warm drool as he enjoyed the flavor of the pup that would soon be curled up in his belly. A hand wrapped around to the back of Timber's head to remove the red ballcap that was his staple; Neil didn't want it to get all gross and drooly, after all! Timber's tail was whacking against the bed, Neil's legs, anywhere it could possibly go as he leaned deeper into his friend’s mouth, the deer's uvula resting on the tip of his snout from just how deep he was already! Gosh, he couldn't wait to feel that gullet clench around him and start to pull him down into that soft, chubby tummy he had admired so… Luckily for Timber, he wouldn’t have to wait much longer. Neil started to tip his body backwards the tiniest bit, tightening his grip on Timber's body before shoving him just deep enough so that his throat could latch onto and suck him down with a powerful, wet *hGLRNK*! The chat erupted as they saw the dog's head disappear into Neil's throat, a lovely, rounded bulge descending in the deer's gullet as he continued to readily devour his friend. Timber put his arms to his sides as he was engulfed by Neil's slimy throat walls, wiggling deeper to help Neil out a little bit while the deer took commanding swallow after thick gulp to start working down more of the pup. Neil was drooling so much at his friend's flavor that he even ended up getting some of the stuff on his chin, the sheets, just about the everywhere within a certain radius of the two of them. He just couldn't help himself, though. Timber was an absolute snack, in all senses of the word! Neil let out a grunt as he started to lift Timber up in the air, his mouth stretching wide around the dog's shoulders and starting to pull his chest in. The stream got a wonderful view of Timber's wagging tail and cute, cum-blasted butt as they started to be heaved upwards, the deer trying his best to get gravity involved to turn his throat into a sort of fleshy, slimy waterslide, one that the pup was more than happy with taking a ride on! Soon, Neil had swallowed Timber up to his waist, that last gulp pressing the dog’s snout right up against the opening to Neil's stomach...hhf, the temptation was killing Timber! Just one more swallow, and he could start to be curled up inside that fat, squishy deergut, relax in there while the deer showed him off to all of his friends...whiiiine~ Before Neil sent Timber down into his new home, though, the deer had one last item on his agenda. His thick, slimy tongue worked its way under Timber's package and to the ass he had just been plowing, licking and slurping around to clean off anything else that he might have missed earlier...it was only common courtesy, after all! Plus, the sensation of a wet tongue against his bare rump made Timber squirm even more, and that was just the response Neil was looking for. Time for him to feel that squirming deep in his gut! *guuUullRNK~* That swallow was the most powerful yet, pushing Timber's head out into Neil's churning cauldron of a stomach while sucking the dog all the way up to his knees in deer gullet! The dog's tail was still whacking around madly as Timber started to explore the inside of Neil's stomach, presenting a bit of a challenge for the deer as he tried to work his lips around the tip of that thick appendage...it was really only it and Timber's paws sticking out of Neil's mouth at this point, the deer starting to cradle his belly as it grew and squirmed around with its new occupant. Luckily, the inertia of Timber going down Neil's throat was too much for even his excited tail to stop, and those paws soon disappeared into Neil's mouth, the deer finally closing his lips and slurping along the blue pads one last time before they disappeared down his gullet with a wet *glnp*. Timber was deer food. Neil's tongue rolled out of his mouth in bliss as the deer slowly turned towards the camera, cradling his fat gut in his lap as the last of Timber descended inside. "Aand -that- is how you put a pup in his place.~" he teased, shaking and swaying his belly back and forth for the stream to see before letting out a cute little moan as Timber wiggled around inside! "Doing okay in there?~" Neil asked his gut, gingerly rubbing at one of the spots Timber had poked at earlier before leaning down to try and hear the dog’s response. Timber was in bliss as Neil's teases rumbled and echoed around his entire body, the slimy walls clenching inward possessively against his body as the pup curled up inside. "Mmrf...just a little tight, but that's how I like it~" Timber eventually managed to reply, though he wasn't sure if Neil could hear his voice over the thick, fluid churning of the stomach around him! The dog couldn't help but moan every time Neil's gut squeezed inward on him, a pleasant tingling already starting to spread through the dog's body as Neil's hungry stomach started to process him. He couldn't wait to be jiggly, soft paunch on his friend's hips…! "Heh, he's moaning in there. You guys should take a listen…" Neil said as he slowly and cumbersomely got off of the bed, waddling over to his computer chair with his stomach sloshing between his legs before sitting down with a loud *fwUMPH*! He quickly trained the camera on his stomach before reaching for the microphone, pressing it right up against his belly so that everyone could hear Timber starting to digest inside! "Ohhh, yeah. Real squirmy in there...gotta *UUUuuuaaaAARRRrrrph* love it." Neil continued to address the stream, the camera shaking as he let out that powerful belch...right into the microphone as well, so that everyone could hear it perfectly. “Hey, you’re on stream, cutie~” Neil addressed Timber, letting the dog know that everyone could hear his moans of ecstacy...which only made them more intense, of course. "I'm so jealous of him" typed a user named cutebold, that one message representing the general mood of the chat quite well. They were getting to listen in as Timber's moans got louder and more intense, the gradual process of his digestion arousing the dog quite a bit and leading to him humping against Neil's belly walls, even though he had already blown his load earlier! The heat, sliminess, the intimacy...and, at the same time, the fact that this intimate moment was being broadcast! It all destroyed Timber, turned him into a whimpering, humping mess deep inside of his friend, gradually melting into soft deer fat… That mic was pressed up against Neil's fat middle for a good minute or so as the deer reclined in his chair, rubbing at his belly with his other hand and letting a raucous belch out every now and again from all the lovely wiggling that was going on inside of him. "AAAaaahhh...what a fun stream. I've been waiting to do something like this for a while, and y'all ended up making it super fun! But, I've got my meal now, And I'm feeling pretty tired...i'll leave the camera on though, so people can watch him digest overnight if you want~" A few chatters hopped off, but most stayed around for the "after party" as Neil shut the lights off, once again waddling over to his bed and laying down towards his computer, stomach still squirming and Timber still humping away! The light from Neil's monitors was just enough for the chat to see his gut as the deer started to doze off. "G'night, Timber~" Neil said as he leaned down, giving his gut a kiss before reaching over to his nightstand for the hat he had set aside. He placed Timber’s hat right on the edge of his stomach, letting everyone know where Timber had gone as he settled in for a long sleep...