Chapter 3 – Lost & Found Author: Francis Smith “Look,” the Duty Janitorial & Maintenance Administrator pleaded, “I know it’s important to you -” He glanced back down at the infringement notice on the PDA screen “- Elara, but if you left your bag in a high traffic area, we are required to impound it. Security regs from the Celopi, you know how it is.” The human male ran tanned fingers through his black hair as he tried to reason with the Vox woman seated on the other side of his desk. “I understand the protocols, but I just need my planner, that’s all.” Her porcelain-white skin shone in the dim light of the Janitor’s office, the only alteration to its colour the gold eyeliner that had started the conversation intact but now had several streams running down her cheeks from tears. “Why so much fuss over a planner? Aren’t events and contacts are all stored on the station’s central network? These things are practically disposable.” He was partly concerned, and partly confused as to the woman’s intensity. “Jeremy.” She said, squinting to read his badge. “I, Uh…” Words failed her as she thought about the incriminating and erotic images hidden away on the device. “I- I just don’t have the ability to pay for this right now.” “I’m sorry, I wish I could help. But once this is uploaded to central, there’s nothing I can do.” Elara gasped, blinking away several more tears at the thought of what might happen to her. “I can hold off sending it for a couple hours or so if you think you-” “You haven’t sent it?” She interrupted, the glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Not yet…” Jeremy said cautiously, sliding the report away from the Vox woman. “I have to go to Genetic Processing for collection today, doctor’s orders. I’ll put the report in when I get back.” He placed the PDA back on a charging cradle behind his desk but turning back to Elara she just grinned at him. “A-are you okay?” “I... had a thought.” She said, sidling over to the side of Jeremy’s desk. “Perhaps we could sort this out.” “Uh, sorry, I really should go… I heard some of the machines are down… and there’s a line…” The human coughed apologetically as he stood to leave, but the Vox woman pushed him back down into his chair. “Excuse me…” He protested, but Elara had made her mind up. “You require a trip to collection, doctor's orders, right?” Elara said, her voice like honey. “I just came from there, line’s out the door. There’s only one machine running. It will take hours...” She perched herself on his lap, the tight gold-flecked grey dress leaving nought to the imagination as she ran fingers along Jeremy’s arm. Behind the running gold mascara Elara’s big green eyes stared into him seductively. “Wh-what are you suggesting?” Jeremy gulped, his heart racing. He had no sooner asked than Elara was sliding down between his legs, her head and long neck the only part of her visible in the dim light and shadow behind his desk. “Uh, I don’t think-” He protested once more as a pair of soft white hands quickly undid the zip on his jumpsuit. “I do the collection myself,” Elara said stroking his growing member through his tenting underwear “and you lose that report…” She stated, fingers finally finding the edge of Jeremy’s briefs. “I- I can’t…” Jeremy was speaking but he wasn’t moving to stop the Vox woman, and before he could let out another pathetic attempt at protest she had freed his thick human cock from its confines. “Uhhhn..” “You give me what I want…” Elara smiled, knowing she was in full control as she let her tongue flick out against the underside of Jeremy’s member “And I give you what you need.” The tongue extended further, wrapping around the purple head and squeezing. “Doctor’s orders.” Jeremy sighed as he swiped across the PDA screen, deleting the infringement notice. With that, Elara practically dove onto his cock. “HAaaaahhhhh….” he moaned as the Vox woman’s tongue wrapped itself around his cock, acting almost like a second mouth as it squeezed him while she sucked. The sensation was intense, the man barely able to do anything but lean back and allow Elara to do whatever she wanted. Which she did. The Vox woman pulled her head back as she pushed her tongue down, alternating actions as she savoured his taste. Her tongue had wrapped around Jeremy’s cock many times, and with every push down the tip would tickle its base and squeeze hard as it slid back up his shaft. “That’s… that’s…” Jeremy stammered as Elara hummed into his meat. She was driving him close to his climax already, which suited them both. The Vox woman had acquired a taste for cum over the last few weeks following the change to her medications as recommended department wide, and she had yet to taste a human’s seed. A knock at Jeremy’s office door halted both Vox and Human as the room fell silent and motionless. Unfortunately Jeremy’s head was still ’on the clock’ as he replied “Uh, Who is it?” What happened next took both Elara and Jeremy by surprise, as instead of giving a reply, a Celopi woman let herself in. “Mr. Evans.” Jeremy shuffled forwards in his chair, pushing Elara further under the desk as he extended a shaky hand to greet the woman. This caused the Vox between his legs to push down so far her lips were wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, the length of it extending into her long neck as she smiled mischievously. “Second Agent Tanee Denieval. I’ve been assigned to pick up this cycle’s impounded items and take them to be processed.” Jeremy cursed the universe for the security woman coming early. “It’s uh, everything is over there.” He pointed to a box in the corner of the room. Tanee turned to look at it then back to the human, expecting him to physically hand it over to her. After a moment of silence Jeremy felt Elara’s tongue begin squeezing him again, eliciting a groan from the man. “Is everything okay Mr. Evans?” Tanee asked, an eyebrow raised. “It’s, it’s just I’m late for an appointment…” he said before one last powerful suck caused him to ride over the edge and into his orgasm. “Ahhhhhhhh... I- I…” the man gripped the cluster of pens on his desk as he breathed heavily, loosing jets of pearly fluid into Elara’s hungry mouth. “Are you sure I can’t get you some help?” the Celopi asked, ready to lean over and get a better look at the man. As she placed her hands on the desk Jeremy was quick to grab them, holding them there as he kept Tanee from spying Elara. “No, no…” he moaned, the last of his load splattering against the throat of the woman under his desk “It’s just… I have had my meds changed and I’m… due for collection…” he muttered. Tanee nodded. “I understand. The changes have had their difficult moments.” Despite his release, Elara was not stopping. If anything, his climax seemed to fuel a fire within her, her tongue practically milking the man of every last drop. Jeremy moaned at the increase in pace, his body responding by keeping the member stiff. “It’s hard alright…” He managed before realising the words were even out of his mouth. The Vox woman’s tongue had unwound enough that several inches at the end were now snaking their way around the man’s balls, gently squeezing them in undulating pulses as he crept closer to ecstasy. Tanee snapped out of her own drifting thoughts and returned her attention to Jeremy. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I’ll be fine!” Jeremy let go of the Celopi’s hands. “Sorry, I just really need to get to my appointment.” He gestured to the box again. “Please…” Tanee shrugged, moving over to pick up the box when the glint of Elara’s bag caught Jeremy’s eye. “Wait, wait…” he shouted, “That top one, the bag. That infringement has been - uh - resolved.” As the words wafted down beneath the desk, Elara understood the implication and inhaled Jeremy’s cock with renewed vigour. “Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh….” His balls were being fondled by the Vox’s long tongue, while her mouth was attached with a vice like grip. Jeremy held back his orgasm as he waved Tanee out. The Celopi woman picked up the box, leaving behind the golden bag as she quickly left the room. “You should see your doctor again…” she offered before closing the door behind her. “Gaaaaaaahhhh!” He moaned and panted, all the while uttering small prayers and curses as Elara milked his cock and massaged his balls with her long tongue. She was rewarded for her efforts with pulse after pulse of the man’s seed, greedily sucking it down as she attempted to wring every last drop of it from his body. Soon Jeremy was empty of cum, the last traces being licked from Elara’s cheeks as she removed herself from the deflating member. Pushing the man back the Vox woman stood before making her way over to her bag. She retrieved the PDA and tapped at the screen, before smiling at the man and leaving. As the door shut behind Elara, Jeremy’s PDA beeped. Looking at the screen he saw a photo of Elara’s cum covered face, surrounded by a selection of cocks. At the bottom were the words ‘Next time you make an appointment, call me first. Doctor’s orders.’