; ; Initial Parameters ; [Parameters] ; ; [Opacity] ; ; Value Range : ; 0 to 100 ; ; * The default value is 100. ; Opacity = 100 ; ; [Angle Control] ; ; Value Range : ; 0 ... None ; 1 ... Auto ; 2 ... Pen Direction ; ; * The default value is 1. ; AngleControl = 0 ; ; [Angle] ; ; Value Range(Degree) : ; -180 to +180 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; Angle = +0 ; ; [Angle Jitter] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 100 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; AngleJitter = 100 ; ; [Size Jitter] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 100 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; SizeJitter = 20 ; ; [Spacing] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 1000 ; ; * The default value is 25. ; Spacing = 48 ; ; [Scattering] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 1000 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; Scattering = 175 ; ; [Scaling] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 200 ; ; * The default value is 100. ; Scaling = 125 ; ; [All Direction] ; ; Value Range : ; 0 ... Scatter patterns in only the cross direction from the stroke direction ; 1 ... Scatter patterns to all directions ; ; * The default value is 0. ; AllDirScattering = 0 ; ; [Gaussian] ; ; Value Range : ; 0 ... Scatter patterns uniformly ; 1 ... Scatter patterns with a gaussian distribution ; ; * The default value is 0. ; GaussianDistribution = 1 ; ; [Original Size] ; ; Value Range : ; 0 ... Draw a pattern in a scale calculated with [Brush Size] and [Scaling] ; 1 ... Draw a pattern in a scale calculated with the original size of pattern and [Scaling] ; ; * The default value is 0. ; UseOriginalSize = 0 ; ; [Integer Pos.] ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; [W:H] (Aspect ratio of shape) ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 100:1 to 100:100 to 1:100 ; ; * The default value is 100:100. ; WxHRatio = 100:100 ; ; [WH Jitter] (Jitter of shape aspect ratio) ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 100 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; WxHJitter = 58 ; ; [Count] ; ; Value Range : ; 1 to 20 ; ; * The default value is 1. ; Count = 1 ; ; [Count Jitter] ; ; Value Range(%) : ; 0 to 100 ; ; * The default value is 0. ; CountJitter = 17 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Value Range : ; 0 ... Draw a pattern with a sub pixel coordinate ; 1 ... Draw a pattern with a coordinate aligned to integer boundaries ; ; * The default value is 0. ; IntegerPosition = 0