Entry 19611118 - Backstory 4 - Dinner and a Movie, Part I _November 18, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ On Saturday afternoon, Fran bathed, then went to her room to dress. She put on her new red silk panties, new red lace bra, and stopped to admire herself in her dressing mirror. Just as she struck a pose, smiling at how sexy she looked, she was startled by a knock at the door. "Fran?" her mom called out. Shaking, Fran quickly put on her robe and went to the door and opened it slightly. "I'm dressing," Fran said, hoping her mom would go away. "I want to talk to you, please." Fran had no choice but to let her mom in, and decided she could put on her makeup and paint her nails, in the hope her mom would leave before she had to put on her skirt and blouse. She sat down at the dressing table and began working on her nails. "Take this," Esther Sorkin said, holding out her hand. "A dime?" Fran asked. "I want to make sure you had a coin for the pay phone. I know your father trusts Ben, but if he gets fresh, I want you to call me and I'll come pick you up." "Ben's a nice guy and would never do that!" "Ben's a teenage boy, Fran." And I'm a teenage girl, Fran thought, but didn't say. She had the same urges, but she doubted that her mom would understand. Except, unknown to Fran, her mother understood all too well. Esther, when she was sixteen, had been involved with a boy who'd joined the Marines on December 8th, 1941, and before he'd shipped out, she'd given in to the urges she'd had, and gone to bed with the young man. She'd never seen him again, as he'd died on an island called Guadalcanal less than a year later. Esther had met Joshua Sorkin in early 1944 when he'd been sent to the hospital where she worked, so he could recover from injuries he'd suffered on Tarawa. They'd married, and then moved to Cincinnati from San Diego, where Esther's father, who was in Naval intelligence, worked. Fran had been born just ten months after the wedding. Fran knew those details, but she didn't know that her mom had said 'goodbye' to Joseph in the most intimate way. "I trust Ben to treat me right," Fran said carefully. "I know, honey, but sometimes boys stop thinking, especially when pretty girls are concerned." Fran laughed, "All us girls know THAT! And it's not just being fresh!" Esther smiled, "Teenage boys have been known to do a dumb thing or two, even when girls aren't involved. Men, too!" "Daddy?" Esther smiled, "Your dad was a Marine. They're pretty 'squared away'. He still is." "He doesn't talk much about that," Fran observed. "Most of the men who fought in the war don't talk about it. They volunteered or were drafted, did their jobs, and then came home and resumed their lives. Well, the ones who came home, anyway." Fran detected a note of sadness that she'd never heard in her mom's voice before. "Did you know someone who didn't come home?" Esther nodded, "I knew a lot of sailors and Marines because my dad was based in San Diego." "But there was one special boy, wasn't there?" Esther nodded, "Joseph Friedman. He was eighteen and joined the Marines the day after the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, just like your dad did. Of course, I didn't know your dad then, but Joseph died on Guadalcanal. Your dad was badly hurt on Tarawa, but he made it home." "You were sixteen when the war started, right?" "Yes. It was a frightening time, and we thought the Japs might actually invade California. That's why Roosevelt ordered them rounded up." "But they were Americans, Mom!" Fran protested. "Some German-Americans actually helped the Nazis!" "Honey, you don't understand how afraid we all were after Pearl Harbor." "How long did you date the boy who died?" "We didn't really date one-on-one. We had a group of friends we hung out with, but there wasn't a lot of money to spend. We were fortunate because your grandfather was in the Navy, so he had a job all through the worst years of the Depression. Honey, just take the dime and use it if you need to." Fran knew the best way to get rid of her mom was to agree, then say she needed to brush her teeth. "OK," Fran replied, putting the dime next to her purse, and getting up. "I need to brush my teeth, which I should have done before the makeup!" Esther laughed softly, "You'll get the sequence down after a few dates!" "Did you and Dad date?" "Not really, unless you count me sitting by his hospital bed every evening. We were married by a chaplain the day he was released from the hospital. The only people there were my parents and a few of our friends, plus a bunch of Marines." "Did you have a honeymoon?" "Basically our drive from San Diego to Cincinnati where your uncle had arranged for a job for your dad. There weren't a lot of resources available. Our friends shared ration cards with us so we could be sure to get gasoline and food on the way. Rationing ended when you were about six months old, except for sugar. You were about a year old when that ended. Our drive took two weeks because even with a 'C' sticker and sufficient ration cards, we had to be careful with how much gas we used each day." "So you and Dad were criminals?" Fran teased. "Who know I was the daughter of the Jewish Bonnie and Clyde! That was what? An eight-state crime spree?" Esther smiled, "Cute. But there was a lot of trading going on, and that was kind of winked at, especially for returning soldiers and sailors. If you bought on the black market, then the authorities would come after you. Anyway, go brush your teeth." Her mom left the room, and Fran went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, then returned to her room where she immediately put on her skirt and blouse before finishing her makeup. Once she was happy, she put her shawl around her shoulders, checked herself in the mirror one last time, then went to the living room to wait for the rest of the family. When they were ready, everyone piled into the family car, and they headed to the synagogue. Fran saw Ben sitting in his usual place, and smiled at him. She wanted to sit with him, but her dad always insisted they sit together for services. Fran fidgeted the entire time, and hoped her dad didn't notice. Fortunately, he didn't, and when the service concluded, she asked permission from her dad to go with Ben. "Have an enjoyable evening, Frannie," Joshua Sorkin said, "and be home on time." "I will, Daddy. Ben knows he has to bring me straight home from the movie." She got a kiss from her dad and started to walk away, but she felt her mom's hand on her arm. "I went to the Tuesday matinée in Mariemont with my friends," Esther said quietly. "We can talk about the movie tomorrow." Fran managed to stifle a groan and avoid frowning, but only just. "OK, Mom," she replied evenly, instantly angry that her mom didn't trust her. Fran had been unsure about letting Ben have her, but in the blink of an eye, she was determined to do it. How DARE her mom interfere with her date in that way! Even necking would be difficult because if she missed some minor point in the movie, she'd never be allowed to go to the drive-in again, and probably never allowed to see Ben. The 'Old Lady' had some nerve! The only problem was, she had to be home immediately after the movie, and being late would bring down her dad's wrath. Frustrated, she walked over to Ben, but put on a happy face as best she could. He took her hand, and they walked out of the synagogue together. In the parking lot, he helped her into the passenger side of his dad's Cadillac Sixty Special, then got into the driver's seat. "How will your parents get home?" Fran asked. "I drove Mom's car here, and they'll take that one. I had to do a bit of fancy footwork to get the nice car. Mom's car is a bit cramped and uncomfortable for a drive-in movie." Fran was sure he meant 'for sex', but she was still fuming inside, or otherwise she might have laughed. She wondered if she should say something to Ben, but given that it was still light out, and there really wasn't any place they could go to be alone, she decided to keep the 'problem' to herself while she tried to work out a way to accomplish what was now her primary goal. Just the thought gave her a strange feeling in her stomach and a tingle between her legs. The drive to Milford took nearly thirty minutes along Route 50, and Fran and Ben chatted about school and listened to the radio. Fran was a bit distracted by her thoughts and by her annoyance with her mom, and she hoped it didn't show. Ben didn't seem to notice, which pleased Fran, as she didn't want to do anything to put a damper on his mood, and didn't want to disclose what her mom had said. Ben, too, was thinking about what he hoped would happen later in the evening. The way Fran had responded when they were parked made it obvious that if he got her worked up, he'd have his long, thick rod buried in her before the movie ended. His only regret was having to use a rubber, but he couldn't take the chance of Fran getting pregnant. His first time with Ellie Green had been without protection, and it had felt SO much better than when they used rubbers. It really was too bad that her father had forbidden her from seeing him, and he still didn't know why. When Ben and Fran arrived at Big Boy, Ben helped Fran from the car, and they went inside. They were immediately shown to a cozy both, and the hostess handed them menus. A bus boy brought them ice water, and a waitress came to take their drink orders. Both of them ordered Cokes, then perused the menus. Fran opted for a 'Big Boy' platter, and Ben did the same, though he chose a double-cheeseburger, rather than the single-cheeseburger, which Fran selected. The waitress brought their Cokes, took their orders, and left to put them in with the kitchen. "We're going to have about ninety minutes from when we finish eating until the show starts," Ben said after the waitress left. "We could go for a drive," Fran suggested. "Sure," Ben replied, thinking that even though it wouldn't be dark enough for the movie to start, it had been a cloudy day, and they could go parking without being too obvious, because the gravel road was shielded by trees. He didn't know if Fran would be OK with that, but he certainly could try. It didn't take long for their food to be served, and they ate without much conversation, electing to pass on dessert. Ben paid, left a tip on the table, and then he and Fran walked out to his car. He helped her into the passenger seat, then went around to the driver's side, got in, started the car, and backed out of the parking spot. When he left Big Boy, he turned right on Route 50 and drove less than a mile before turning left onto Klondyke, and Fran was nearly positive about what Ben had planned. When he reached the top of the hill and turned right onto Overlook, Fran's heart began racing and a combination of nervous excitement and fear overwhelmed her, for she knew exactly where they were headed and what was going to happen once they arrived. She had to fight not to shake, and she was positive Ben could tell just how apprehensive she was. But apprehensive or not, she was sure this was what she wanted. Ben turned into the gravel road and drove far enough that the car couldn't be seen from the street, and was also shielded from the barn and farmhouse. Only someone who came to the fence on the far side of the field from the barn would be able to see the car. Ben stopped, put the car in park, and shut off the engine. He slid a bit closer to Fran and put his arm on the top of the seat back and was very happy when Fran scooted close. He put his arm around her shoulder and waited, as he didn't want to spook her like the previous time they'd been in this exact place. Fran was nervous, but she was determined, so she snuggled close, then raised her lips for a kiss. Ben, again not wanting to move too fast, gave her a gentle kiss, waited a few seconds, then kissed her again. Fran sighed softly when he broke the second kiss, an obvious signal to Ben that it was OK to engage in serious kissing. He lowered his mouth to hers, probed gently with his tongue, and when her lips parted, he pressed it forward and they engaged in a soft French kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, Ben slowly moved his arm so that he could slide his hand under Fran's arm and gently cup her breast. Fran moaned into his mouth and didn't pull back, so Ben ran his fingertip lightly over Fran's hard nipple, eliciting a second moan. Ben moved his other hand to Fran's knee, which was covered by her skirt, and left it there while they continued to kiss. Fran felt herself get wet between her legs, just as she had when she rubbed herself in bed at night, and suddenly she positively ached for Ben to touch her there, to make her feel good. When she rubbed herself, she could cause her whole body to shake, and she wondered just how much better it would be with him...inside her! The thought caused her to shiver in anticipation. She moved her hand to Ben's thigh, then tentatively moved it upwards until she encountered his hardness. It seemed ridiculously huge, but she knew it would fit because babies were WAY bigger and they were born through where he was going to put it; where she wanted him to put it. Fran ran her fingers lightly along Ben's rock-hard shaft, and he groaned softly as they continued to French kiss. The first time he'd been with Ellie, he hadn't been able to hold back and had made a complete mess in his pants, though he hadn't let that deter him from achieving his goal - the same goal he had now. He might even get Fran twice, because they'd have the entire length of the movie to spend in the back seat, which was where he wanted to move, but he didn't want to push TOO hard, lest Fran object the way she had the last time they'd necked. As they continued to kiss, Fran didn't stop running her fingers along Ben's shaft, and he very much wanted to touch her, but between the shawl and calf-length skirt, he didn't have easy access to either her breasts or to that wonderful place hidden between a girl's thighs. He patiently kissed Fran while gently squeezing her breast and running his finger over her nipple, and after about five minutes, she broke the kiss and took some deep breaths. "Do you want to move to the back seat?" he asked quietly. Fran knew it was the decision point. If she said 'no', they would just keep kissing until it was time for the movie, and she could put off the decision for another hour. If she said 'yes', she knew that it wouldn't be long before she was naked with Ben's equally naked body on top of hers, joined together in the most intimate of places. Fran took a deep breath and nodded just enough to make it clear she wanted to. Ben got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side and helped Fran out, then helped her into the roomy back seat. There was plenty of time, so Ben simply got in and slid close to Fran, putting his arm around her and pulling her gently to him. They began kissing again, their hands returning to the places they'd been before, his on her breast, hers on the bulge in his slacks. They kissed for a few minutes, and this time, Ben broke the kiss. He shifted slightly and moved his hands to unbutton the single button which held the shawl tight around Fran's shoulders. She didn't object, so he unbuttoned the shawl and pushed it from her shoulders. Fran shivered in anticipation as his hands moved to the button of her blouse which was just under her chin. Nervously she nodded and Ben began unbuttoning her blouse, slowly revealing the red lace bra which covered her breasts. Ben continued to take things slow, and moved to kiss Fran, and this time all that separated his hand from her breast was the lacy red bra she was wearing. He allowed one finger to slide along just above the top of the bra, and after a minute, slipped it under the material. Fran broke the kiss and took a deep breath, let it out, then kissed him again, so he moved his finger slowly down to touch her spongey nipple. He very much wanted to get her bra off so he could see Fran's large, firm breasts, but more importantly so that he could get his mouth on them. A rap on the rear window startled them, and they looked out to see a Clermont County Sheriff's Deputy tapping his baton on the window.