■1 あああ…ついに全裸してしまった Aahh... I finally got him naked しっかし本当良い身体してるよな And he really does have a great body. 雄っぱいも腹筋もまじエロ(<3) His pecs and his abs too are so hot(<3) ■2 感覚解除...っと Toggle Touch.... it said うお…おお?!ビクビクしてきた Woa...oah?! He's twitching ■3 おお…大きくなってきた H-h-he's getting bigger 原理はわかんぇけどすげぇなこれ I don't really get how it works but it's so amazing ■4 勝田興奮するとこんな感じで勃起してくのか… Katsuta, do you get this hard when you're turned on...? すげぇレアなもんみてる感じだ Feels like this is something really rare ■5 で…でけぇ S-so big こ…これが勝田の勃起チンポ T-this is his hard dick