Librarian: Well, this is about to be someone’s lucky day. With all the new knowledge that’s pouring in, I need someone to help me sort it out. Who would like to be my assistant? Flattery: Ooh, are there certain perks like- Hoarding: No, no Sins! Librarian not take any Vices! Greed won’t let her! Take Virtues! Librarian: Good idea, let’s see if there are any useful Virtues. Flattery: We could have gotten a sweet deal. Hoarding: Greed knows bad deal when he sees one. Labor: Fine, I might as well take the stupid job. There’s nothing for me to do around here. I’m Labor, I ought to be productive, not just lying around like Sloth. Sloth: Meh. Librarian: Splendid. I could use a hard worker. I considered Content and Joy for the position… Labor: Those two wouldn’t put nearly as much effort into it as me. Librarian: No, but they would have fitted the uniform better. Labor: Like a uniform would… What uniform? Librarian: Well, unfortunately, humans are still too perverted to think of a librarian as anything else but a needlessly sexy woman and that applies to my assistants as well. Labor: What?! I change my mind! I don’t want the job! Librarian: Too late. This contract was signed when you gave your consent. And, in the vernacular term, no backsies. Labor: Damn, I hope Desire never finds out this. Vice: Uh, boss, we got a bit of a problem. Dealer: Is a problem actually worth worrying about? Vice: Well, yeah, you remember that contract form you sold to the Librarian? The blank one that she could use to hire her own minion? Dealer: Ah, yes, that was a good deal. I should sell more blank minion contracts. Vice: Well, she used it to snag Labor and he, er, she has been stuck working for her ever since. Dealer: How is this my problem? Vice: Well, the other Virtues want Labor back and they’re wanting to find a loophole so they can get Labor back. Dealer: Hmm…I suppose I could help them with that if there’s a price they’re willing to pay. Vice: Didn’t you make all the minion contracts unbreakable? Dealer: The Librarian wouldn’t know how to do that. Vice: But…doesn’t the Librarian know everything? Dealer: Everything that’s in her library…which probably would include a few legal books as well. Maybe I didn’t think this through all the way. It might just be easier for the Virtues to get a new Labor.