For Dylan, trying something new with his girlfriend was always a bit of a gamble. It was almost certainly going to be hot at the end of the day, but the human could never tell if it was just going to be something sexy or something a bit more involved that would potentially end up with him stuck somewhere new at the end of the night! It was always tricky with his big gooey snake girlfriend, whether she was in her normal serpentine form or something a bit more exotic...tonight, though, things had started off pretty normally. He and his snakey partner were in bed together, Dylan splayed out over Juniper's midsection as they cuddled and wound down from their long days of work...when the snake hit her human with that ever-present, ever-dangerous question. "Hey, Dylan. You want to try something new?~" A long sigh from the human. "Hun, you know I need more context than that..." the human replied plainly as he rubbed against the goo-snake’s creamy, cyan-colored belly and midriff. He knew by now that Juniper was going to start off playing quite coy with him, and he'd have to be careful about how he responded to these kinds of questions from her! "Oh, of course, dear! No big, crazy surprise this time. I just, mmm, I've really been thinking about you playing with my tits lately..." the snake replied, lowering her voice almost out of embarrassment towards the end of that sentence, which only made Dylan more confused and concerned for what the snake had planned for him in bed tonight! "Uh. I mean, I like that, but we do it all the time.." the human replied; despite his verbal hesitance, Juniper could already feel him starting to harden and throb against her belly as they started to talk about more intimate, she just had to reel him in! "Yeah, but, like...mmh, just *really* getting in there, right between them, maybe making out with my cleavage a bit..." the snake elaborated, continuing her description of the top of her head as she felt her human boyfriend twitching and getting harder and harder even through the underwear he was wearing, slowly crawling his way up the snake's chest towards her bouncing, full bust. "Again, not something new at all, but I won't lie, it sounds pretty good right now." Dylan retorted as he continued climbing on top of Juniper, finally reaching her breasts after a few seconds of following the blue trail that started just above her tummy. Planting two hands underneath either of her breasts to push himself away from the snake, looking down and just taking the site beneath him in for a few seconds. " really are beautiful~" Dylan somewhat undercut that romantic moment by letting his arms relax and just plunging his face between Juniper's breasts a few seconds later, though the snake was more than okay with the sudden shift in tone. "Mnnmmmhhhh..." the human groaned into the goo as he just face-planted between those snake tits, letting them squish around his head for a few seconds and envelope him in their unique, relaxing warmth before he brought his hands back up and started to squish and grasp onto those huge, gooey orbs. Pressing them against the sides of his head, groaning as he just...immersed himself in this cleavage. And Juniper was more than fine with letting him just enjoy himself...for the time being, anyway! Of course, it felt quite nice to have her boyfriend between her breasts, playing with and squeezing and groping them as much as he liked, but just having him that close really made the snake want to start getting even more intimate! Though it started off slowly; the snake just groaning as she wrapped a hand around the back of Dylan's head, gently guiding the human up and down her cleavage and encouraging him to go further with some silky words. "Mmm...give it a kiss for me~" Juniper said as she nudged Dylan's head towards one of her boobs, feeling the feedback of the human’s warm lips against her gooey scales almost immediately, Dylan already starting to slip into a mindset where he was more than willing to do anything Juniper asked of him. Even roaming over to that exposed nipple, giving it a good grope and a kiss before returning to the breast as a whole. It was at this point, though, that Dylan started to realize...his girlfriend's breasts were even larger than they normally were! Not by a crazy magnitude or anything, but enough to stick in his brain and eventually escape his lips as a thought directed to his girlfriend. "Mmm...Juniper, how'd you make these bigger...?" the human asked in a dopey sort of fashion as he wrapped his arms around both of those gooey snake tits, squishing them against either side of his head and making it more than a bit difficult for Juniper to hear what he was saying! "Oh, You know...just redistributing it from other areas for the time being, haha. Goo can be quite versatile, as I'm sure you're aware~" the snake responded, finding herself enjoying her boyfriend between her tits so much that a hand ended up snaking its way between her legs without the snake even thinking about it! "OhhHhh, keep going~" she ended up moaning out loud before pressing a hand against the back of her human's head, wedging him even tighter between her tits and...squishing him right into the cleavage, as well, much deeper than he had gone before. And this was exactly what Juniper was planning...stuffing her boyfriend into her breasts, like, literally! With enough pressure, she could stick her boyfriend pretty much wherever she wanted to inside of her, and at this moment, it was clear exactly where she wanted her human to be. Dylan winced a little bit as he was suddenly immersed into a tight, yet free-flowing and comfortably-warm space, tinged with the light-blue hue that was present throughout her upper chest. He had become quite used to this sensation throughout his previous interactions with his girlfriend, but it was always ever-so-sightly jarring and, if he wasn't so horny, it would probably even be a little bit scary! He had to know that this was where things were going to end up, though, and so he just sort of kept his grip on those tits even as Juniper continued to shove him further inside. Though he still wiggled it up deep in that cleavage, hearing his girlfriend's moans of ecstasy in a much deeper, more reverberating fashion now that he was literally inside of her...and yet, there was so much more of him that Juniper just needed to stuff into her breasts! As Juniper wiggled and squirmed and rubbed between her legs with one hand while continuing to press Dylan into her bust with the other one, Dylan quickly found himself bumping up against a much more solid wall deeper inside of the snake that forced him to curl and crunch up slightly, even though he was barely up to his shoulders in snake tits at this point...which gave the human the impression that things were going to be a bit more cramped than usual up in all this breast goo! "Uh, Juniper..." the human attempted to say as he found his shoulders being pushed between her girlfriend's cleavage; but to the snake, all she heard was some garbled, gooey noises from the human, noises she had heard plenty of times and noises that weren't exactly good at getting her to stop whatever she was doing! She could feel the human bumping up against that little barrier inside of her; she knew that things would be a bit cramped, that it would be more her goo surging up to encase the human rather than him sinking deep inside of her...but of course, she was more than okay with that turn of events~ "Mmm...big, and about to be soooo much bigger with you wriggling around in there~" the snake teased as she gave her human another shove, dropping the last feeble pretense she had of this being accidental...though the both of them knew that quite a while ago at this point! Each little push or prod that Juniper gave Dylan to stuff him deeper inside of her ballooned her tits and overall bust out by a good inch or so, even as the human was forced and compacted into a tighter and tighter space and found his ability to move being encroached upon by the thick, hungry slime. Another greedy push from the goo-snake plunged Dylan in up to his chest, Juniper starting to quite enjoy the wiggles of her human so deep inside of her body and such a tender, intimate place. That hand between her legs getting more and more adventurous with each push she gave her human, though she had to pace herself so that she didn't climax too early and just have Dylan sticking halfway out of her chest! Speaking of the human, though, Juniper knew that she had to give him some attention as, every now and again, the hand that had been pushing against Dylan's back would wander down between his thighs, rubbing against the hardening, throbbing bulge in his underpants, teasing at his shaft with her warm, yet damp embrace and savoring all the extra little squirms and moans she felt from him every time she did so~ As their little session continued, Juniper found that it became harder and harder to control how fast and hard she was pushing against her human's body. She wanted to keep him wiggling between her cleavage for as long as she could, unashamedly masturbating to every little twitchy movement Dylan made in there before he eventually sank all the way in to become a goo-soaked, wiggly breast enhancement...there was still a lot of work to go, but the snake wanted to enjoy and draw out every last moment of it! At the same time, though, every little movement that her human made deep inside of her cleavage drove the snake absolutely crazy, and she was finding it so incredibly difficult to stop herself from Dylan one huge, powerful shove that would balloon her tits out in a matter of seconds. She could feel that heavenly wiggling so deep in her body now, and only going deeper as she submerged Dylan into more of her goopy self. The human now waist-deep inside of her body, his upper half little more than a blurry shadow inside of her blue-and-tan goo, one that occasionally moved around inside as the human stirred... Dylan gasped and his mouth nearly filled with goo as he felt that slick warmth and developing his rock-hard penis, forcing its way through even the tiniest little holes in his waistband and underpants and immediately eliciting a powerful thrust forward from the human in the process! Juniper gasped a little bit as she felt that hip movement so deep inside of her body, not only because it caught her off guard, but also because the movement forced her finger up between her glistening folds with surprising quickness. "OhhHh, fuuuck, get in me, Dylan~" the snake groaned out in ecstasy, losing the internal war of her desire to draw this out and also still destroy Dylan in the process to the raw sensation of just how fucking good and felt too have him so deep inside of her in such a new and intimate fashion! Her goo continued to envelope and cling to Dylan's more intimate parts as he slid further inside, Juniper's breasts filling out to quite the impressive level as the only thing left lodged between her orbs were a pair of thin, spindly legs. Much easier for Juniper to just stuff inside of her them the rest of her boyfriend, which also meant it was theoretically easier for her to pace herself a little least, it would have been a few minutes ago. But now, she had to have him. She had to have all of him, right now, in her tits! Juniper's hand slipped down Dylan's legs until she had a firm grip on his socked feet, giving them a firm, yet paced shove that BWOMPHed her tits out another inch or so and sent another wave of pleasure through her gooey body. "Oh...FUCK, Dylan, I'm almost there~" the snake cried out as she continued to pump deeper and faster between her legs, that familiar sensation of a powerful orgasm really starting to build in her body and mind as she felt her human filling her out so wonderfully. Her hand went to her fatter tits for a moment, feeling and rubbing over them as they swelled and jiggled around on top of her...and that was just enough to send the snake over the edge. Crying out in passion as she spurted, making a mess all over there sheets as she clenched her tits together, swallowing up the last of her boyfriend in a truly mesmerizing little sequence while she gasped and continued to cum everywhere she possibly could! Dylan could feel the earth-shattering orgasm all around him, almost pushing the human over the edge himself...though it was a bit harder for him to play with himself in here, considering how difficult it was to move through Juniper's thick goo! "Hoooohhhh, god, Dylan...~" the snake gasped as she planted a hand between her cleavage, pressing down and feeling how the human had been completely swallowed up by her gooey form...her breasts swelled up considerably, and the blue tint of her gooey flesh mellowing out a little bit with the light tan color of her human's skin. It was really nice to watch the ambiguous, gooey bulge of her human inside of her moving around and squirming deep inside her body, even if his movement was quite restrained by the thick, slimy nature of her inner form. Kept in a kind of suspension deep inside of his much larger girlfriend, his throbbing length still begging to be teased and taken care of. Which is something that probably wouldn't be happening anytime soon, considering how tired Juniper was after all this, and with how difficult it was for Dylan to move in there...didn't stop him from trying, though~ "Haahh...good night, Dylan~" the snake teased her boyfriend as she sprawled out in bed, certainly enjoying the extra bit of space that she got now that her human was safely contained deep inside of her body. Still wiggling, humping, and gasping every now and again, making her breasts jiggle with every little movement he made...maybe he'd continue wriggling around to try and get himself off, or maybe he'd tire himself out...either way, the snake was more than satisfied herself!