あ、こんなところに独りぼっちの勇者様発見♥ 他の仲間とはぐれちゃったんですか~? Ah! I spot with my little eye, a hero all by himself~ ♥ Did you lose your friends somewhere? ふふっ、久しぶりだね勇者様。私の事、覚えてる? そう。この前まで勇者様と一緒に旅してた白魔導士。 Hehe~ It’s been a while, hero. Do you still remember me? Yep! I’m the white mage who was traveling with you before! あはっ、そりゃ驚いちゃうよね~。 私が魔王軍にさらわれちゃってから、もう二度と会えないかも~って思ってたでしょ? Ahaha~ It’s a surprise, right? After I was kidnapped by the Demon Lord's army, you thought you’d never see me again, didn’t you? ふふっ、会えてよかったね。私も会いたかったよ。 ただし…身も心も、魔王様に魂を売っちゃった私だけど。 Hehe~ I’m happy to see you too! But you should know… I’ve already pledged my heart, body and soul to serve the Demon Lord. あはっ、もしかして冗談だと思っちゃってる? え~本当に?私のこの見た目と雰囲気を見てわかんないかなぁ~? Haha~ Did you think I was joking? Oh? Really now? You can't tell just from seeing my appearance and attitude? 純白な衣なんてクソくらえ。 今はこの漆黒の闇こそが、私という存在にぴったりだし。 しゃべり方だって、以前までのは堅苦しくてもう嫌気がさしちゃってたんだよね~。 Gone is that horrid white robe! This jet-black darkness fits me to a T, if I may say so myself. Just remembering the stiff and formal way I used to talk makes me sick… …と、いうわけで。 勇者様のお命、冥界の底に堕とさせていただきま~す。 …Well, in any case. I’m here to take your life, and then send it straight to the bottom of the underworld~ ははっ、すごいでしょ~? 闇の力を手に入れた私は最強なんだよ? Hahaha~ Amazing, right? With this power of darkness, nothing can stop me now! 身体能力も爆上がりでこうやって高速で動けちゃうし、 相手を睨みつけるだけで拘束だってできちゃうの。 My physical abilities have gone through the roof! Now, I can even move at high speeds like this! I can even restrain my opponent on the spot with a glare! さて、と。 早速だけど、他の仲間が助けに来る前にトドメさしちゃおっかなぁ。 じゃ、顔をこっちに向けてッと。 Still, I probably should get on with it. Otherwise, your friends are going to stop me before I can deal the finishing blow. Alright, face this way now. え?何するつもりって、決まってるでしょ? この前まで同じパーティーだったんだし、 勇者様を倒す方法なんていくらでも知ってるんだから。 Hmm? Isn’t it obvious what I’m doing? We were in the same party after all, so I know all the ways you can be defeated. 中でも、勇者様の一番の弱点…そ・れ・は。 私からの耳かき、だもんね。 And among them, your number one weak spot is… My ear cleaning! Isn’t that right? あははっ、いきなり高速で耳かきされたからビックリした~? だって私は勇者様を倒そうとしてるんだから、 気持ちのいい耳かきなんてするわけないでしょ? ほ~ら、さっさと気絶してしまえ~。 Ahahah~ Were you surprised by my high speed ear cleaning? I’m trying to defeat you after all, so there’s no way I’d just be giving you a pleasant ear cleaning, right? Alright then, feel free to faint anytime now~ はぁ。最高。 私の中の闇が、すっごく喜んでいるのを感じる。 闇は全てを黒く塗りつぶす。じわじわと元ある形を穢していくこの感覚がたまらない。 このまま耳かきを続ければ…きっと勇者様も、私の仲間になってくれるよね。 Haaaah~ This is the best~ I can feel the darkness within me racing with joy. The darkness that shall stain all with black in due time. Ahh, I just love the sensation of corrupting someone slowly~ If we keep going like this, I’m sure even you will come to join me. 言っておくけど、私を倒そうとしても無駄だからね。 さっき見せたように、私は闇の力でかなり強くなっちゃってるし。 元白魔導士だからこそ、呪いに関しての知識は豊富なんだから。 本気を出せば…勇者様なんて一瞬よ。 Just a word of advice, it's no use trying to defeat me. As you can see, I've become strong with the power of darkness. And as a former white mage, I know plenty about curses. If I put my mind to it, you would be obliterated in an instant. この私の耳かきにかかれば、どんな勇者様もイチコロだよね~。 ガリガリガリガリ。 ほ~ら、抵抗しないと、勇者様の旅はここで終わっちゃうよ~? ボリボリボリボリ。 Well, my ear cleaning alone is enough to trounce over any hero though~ Scratch scratch scratch… So? If you don’t start putting up any resistance, your journey is going to end here, you know? Scritch, scritch, scritch… え?元に戻ってくれ? あっはは。 まさか、心に直接語りかければ元に戻るかもとか、そんな幻想を抱いちゃってるとか? ざ~んねん。そういうの効かないから。諦めてね? Huh? Come to my senses and go back to how I was? Ahahaha! Don’t tell me you’re under the impression that you can return me to normal just by saying some heartfelt words? How pitiful~ It’s not going to work, so will you give up? じゃあ…お望み通り、戻ってあげよっか? Well, if you want it so badly, then maybe I’ll indulge you for a bit? 勇者様。助けに来てくれたのですね。 私、とても怖かったんです。もう二度と…離れたくありません。 O, hero, you finally came to save me. I was so scared. Please don’t ever leave my side… は~い。こんな感じでどう?あははっ。 Something like that, ya? Ahahaha~ 悪いけど、私、以前の記憶とか全然ないんだよね~。 ただなんとな~く、体だけは以前の感覚を覚えてるみたいで、それに従って動いてるだけ。 Sorry to say, but I can’t remember a thing about my past~ Still, my body seems to remember what it was like before, so I just acted according to instinct. この耳かきだってそう。 勝手に手が覚えてて、どこをどうすれば勇者様が悲鳴を上げちゃうか、すぐ分かっちゃうんだから。 That’s how I’m doing this ear cleaning as well. My hands know just what to do, and they remember exactly where to prod to make you cry out with that pathetic voice of yours.. 私の旅の目的が何だったのかは覚えてないけど… 今はすっかり忘れちゃってるし、きっと大した目的じゃなかったんだよね~。 Honestly, I can’t remember what my reason for going on the journey was… But well, if I can’t recall, then it really can’t be that important, right? むしろ危険な旅を続けるより、権力的に魔王様についた方が、私の目的が叶うのかもしれないしね~。 If anything, serving the Demon Lord is sure to get me what I wanted. At least, compared to following you on that dangerous mission of yours. 人は心の奥底の願いを叶えるためなら、そこに正義とか悪とか関係ないんだよ。 というより、望みを叶えてくれるなら、それは全て正義。 自分にとっての利益、自分の意志との同調が正義で、それ以外が悪なんだから。 Justice and evil is inconsequential when it comes to granting one’s deepest desires. Rather, anything that would allow me to achieve my goal is justice. And anything that would get in the way of that is evil. ふふ…さすが勇者様。 これくらいの攻めじゃ簡単に音を上げてくれないね。 じゃあ…これならどう? ふううううう(耳ふー) Hehe, I suppose you’re still a hero after all. You still wouldn’t give in even after this much… How about this then? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ あははっ。音は上げないけど、声はあげちゃうんだね。 さ~て。 このまま右をやり続けても、感覚が麻痺して効果が薄くなっちゃうだろうから… 頭を動かしてッと。 Ahaha! You might not have given in yet, but you sure gave out quite the sound! Now then, if I keep working on your right side, your senses will grow numb and make this less effective, so… Turn your head the other way. 今度こそ…私と一緒に、闇に墜ちましょうね。 This time... Let's fall into the darkness together. あ~…なんとなくうっすら覚えてるかも。 そうだ。私がヒーラーだからって、毎日他のパーティーにバレないように、コッソリ耳かきをせがんでたんだよね。 とんでもない変態勇者様じゃん。 Ah… Wait, I think I remember something. Right! Back when I was the party’s healer, you had me cleaning your ears everyday behind the others’ back. You sure were perverted for a hero, huh? 抵抗するとかはしないんですか~? このままだと、本当に元パーティーの私に倒されちゃうよ? So, aren’t you going to try to fight back? If this keeps going, you’re going to get defeated by your ex-party member, you know? そんな軟弱な精神で、よくもまぁ魔王様を倒すだなんて思ってたんですね~。 あ~あ、なっさけな~い。 Did you really think you could defeat the Demon Lord when your will is this weak? Ahhhhh, you’re so pitiful~ これは私の最期の優しさなんだよ? 記憶はないけど、一応私も、かつて勇者様と共に旅をした仲なんでしょ? This is my final act of kindness for you. I don’t have any memories of it, but I was once a fellow party member of yours, right? だから耳かきで戦意喪失させてから、苦しまずに倒そうとしているのに。 ほら、さっさと昇天しちゃいなよ。楽になるよ~。 That's why I'm trying to make you lose your will to fight with this. There will be no pain or suffering if you just give in to my ear cleaning. Go on, hurry up and fall. It'll be real blissful for you~ …は?一緒に旅をしよう? ぷっ、あははっ。 この期に及んで何を言うかと思えば、まだ私を諦めてないの?バッカみたい。 てっきり命乞いの一つでもするかと思ったけど… …Huh? Let’s go on a journey? Pfft— Ahahahahaha! What are you saying at this stage, you haven't given up on me yet? You're such a fool. I honestly thought you would at least beg for your life... …あぁそうだ。勇者様はそんな人、だったっけ。 Oh, right… You are still the same as before, huh? きっと楽しい旅じゃなかったんでしょ? むしろ逆。魔王様を倒す旅なんか、試練と苦しみの連続に決まってる。 何度も死にかけたし、辛い別れもあっただろうに。 I know for a fact that your journey wasn’t a fun one. Quite the opposite. The amount of grueling training and agonising trials you had to face in your journey to defeat the Demon Lord… You were so close to death so many times, and the number of painful farewells you had to mourn over… …危険を冒してまで人一人を救うなんて、バカげてたよ。 …And yet, you still suffer through all of it just to save another person. Like a complete and utter fool… 本当…頭のおかしい変態勇者。 魔物に襲われてピンチの時も、なぜかいつも笑ってて。 Really, your head isn’t screwed on right… You were even smiling even when you were in danger and under attack by demons. 寝心地の悪い外で、くそマズいご飯を食べる時も、誰よりも笑って、みんなから笑われて… こっちの気持ちなんか考えもしないで…いつもいつも。 楽しいことなんか…何一つ、なかった。 Back when we had to sleep out on rough grounds, or even when we had to eat disgusting food… You were always the one smiling, and the one making others laugh… Even though they never once did think about your feelings… In the end, you didn’t have any enjoyable moments to speak of… Not a single one… うるさい。 うるさい、うるさいうるさい。 No. Shut up shut up shut up! 何も覚えてない。昔の記憶なんてあるわけない。 さっさと気絶して、痛みを感じないまま私にやられてしまえ。 I don’t remember a damn thing. My memories of the past are long gone! Hurry up and pass out already! Just let me end you without any pain! カリカリカリカリカリカリ。 ポリポリポリポリポリポリ。 Scratch scratch scratch! Scritch, scritch, scritch! 記憶が戻ったところで、私は元には戻れない。 一度目覚めた私の闇は、私の中だけじゃ収まりきらず、溢れて、暴れて、きっと周りまでも染め上げてしまう。 だから…私はもう、勇者様を倒すか…倒されるしか、道はない。 Even if my memories have returned, that doesn’t mean I’d become normal. The darkness of mine has already been awakened. It can never be contained again. One day, it’ll overflow and spill, dyeing the world around me. So… It’s either I have to defeat you, or you have to defeat me. There is no alternative. もうお話の時間はお終い。そろそろ…決着つけないとね。 抵抗したらきっと痛いから…最後まで、動かないで。 The time to talk has ended. Now, it’s time to finish this… It’ll hurt if you resist, so don’t move… …私の中に潜む大いなる闇よ。 何物にも染まらない、この正義の衣を穿つ力を与えたまえ。 O, great darkness within me… The one that shall taint everything. Please, grant me the strength to pierce through this barrier of justice. そして、仕上げ…いや、これでトドメよ。 ダークネス・コンフリクト・ブレス。 ふぅううう(耳ふー) Now, here comes the finishing move… DARKNESS CONFLICT BREATH FUUUUUUUUUUUU~ ふっ、ふふふっ。 やっと静かになってくれたね。 Ha… Hahaha… You’ve finally gone silent… さすがの勇者様も、これだけ耳を攻められたらまともに精神を保っていられないでしょ。 …さて。そろそろ本当に仕留めないと…魔王様に怒られちゃうし。 Well, even a hero wouldn’t be able to stay conscious after being attacked through their ears. Now, I’ve to finish this, or the Demon Lord will be furious with me… せめて最期は…眠るように息を引き取る呪いをかけて。 …さようなら。勇者様。 At the very least… I’ll allow you to pass away in your sleep using a curse… Farewell, hero. あ…そうだ。 こんなに強い勇者様を、このまま仕留めるのはもったいないし。 むしろ生かしたまま連れて帰って…私と同じように、闇に染め上げてしまえば… Oh, wait a moment! It’d be a waste to just get rid of such a strong asset like this. All I’ve to do is to bring you back and have you fall into the darkness, just like me… ふふ、きっと魔王様も…喜んでくれるに違いない。 そしたら… また私と仲間になって、いっぱい楽しめるもんね。 Hehe, I’m sure the Demon Lord would be pleased with it as well. Alright, when we are friends again, I’ll make sure that you get to finally enjoy yourself to the fullest. ____ ■キャラ設定 白魔道士ちゃん(元)。 魔王軍の討伐をめざす勇者御一行のパーティーだったが、旅の途中で魔王軍にさらわれてしまい、闇の洗脳を受けた。 パーティーにいたころは、主にヒーラーとして活躍しており、実は普段からみんなが寝静まった後に、コッソリと勇者様にだけ耳かきでダイレクトヒールしていた。 なお、魔力が高いことから、回復や防衛魔法だけでなく、攻撃魔法も使える。 特に職業柄、呪いに関する知識は人一倍あるそう。 洗脳を受けてしまい、パーティー時代の記憶は完全になくなってしまっているかといえば、実はそうではない。 これは心の中に眠る闇で感情を包み込み、以前の記憶に蓋をしてしまっているに過ぎない。 したがって体だけは感覚的に記憶が残っており、きっかけさえあれば、内部から闇の殻を破り、今までの記憶がうっすらと垣間見られる場合もある。 心の中に眠る闇というのは、ある意味その人が隠し持っているもう一つの心ということでもある。 よって、パーティー時代の白魔導士ちゃんの性格は清楚キャラであったが、今の状態も白魔導士ちゃんの性格の一つなのだ。 今ではすっかり魔王軍の一味。 勇者様を倒すために耳かきを遂行する。 辛かったことや、楽しかったことも含めて… 全てをここで、終わらせなければならない。 例え記憶が元に戻っても… 一度黒に染まったものは、二度と元の色には戻れないのだから。 Character description: A (former) white mage. She was a member of your hero party, whose job was to defeat the Demon Lord's army. But she was kidnapped by the Demon Lord's army during the journey and was brainwashed by the darkness. She mainly acted as a healer for the party. Secretly though, she’d perform some personal healing for you with an ear pick after everyone else has gone to sleep. Due to her high magical power, she is not only capable of recovery and defense magic, she also knows some offensive magic as well. On top of that, she is more knowledgeable about curses than most other people, mostly because of her profession. One might think that her memories of being in your party are lost after being brainwashed. But that’s not actually the case. The darkness hasn’t wiped her memories, but instead forcefully wrapped the latent emotions deep within her heart, and used them as a veil over her previous memories. As such, her body still retains sensory memories. And it’s possible to trigger those memories enough to break through the veil of darkness and give a faint glimpse of her past memories. Still, the darkness merely tapped on the emotions that were already there, lying dormant in the mind. In that sense, this is merely a side of her that she was hiding deep inside, and she’s still the same person, despite her change from being the pure and innocent white mage of the party. Now, she’s completely subservient to the Demon Lord's army. And she comes to you, the hero, with the intention of defeating you through her ear cleaning. Whether it be through joy or sorrow, everything shall end here. After all, even if she managed to regain her memories, something that’s once dyed black can never return to its original color.