“I should have never taken that bet…” Vel stood in front of a closed, rusty gate as he said that. But this was no ordinary, run down gate. This was the gate to Clover Towne Mall; an architectural marvel 50 years ago when it was constructed, but now an eyesore at absolute best. It closed down 5 years ago, and the owners of the land just couldn’t sell it. So it sat abandoned, collapsed in sections, overgrown, and generally in a state of disrepair. And buildings like that quickly garner a reputation - one of hauntings, of serial killers, of the gnarliest and scariest beasts lurking deep within. And Vel was about to head in at midnight. Of course, he didn’t want to. This was the result of quite a stupid bet: if he couldn’t drink a whole bottle of hot sauce, he’d have to spend a night in here and make it out alive. He pondered a lot of things as he slowly pushed open the rusted gate of the mall: why did he even take this bet in the first place? Why did he have to drink the whole bottle? Why was it hot sauce? Why didn’t he just go home? There was nobody here to make sure he actually followed up on the bet. His friends had probably forgotten about it at this point. But here he was, stepping through the gate, getting ready to spend a whole night in this place. Maybe it was his morbid curiosity getting the best of him. The whole complex, just for him to explore? There were probably still things to loot! It was so alluring… The iron gate creeeaked open ever-so-slowly as Vel pushed at it, showing just how rusted and decrepit it really was. It gave some resistance initially, but as Vel pushed further it felt like the gate was falling apart in front of him...not necessarily a good sign, but he was able to push it open enough to slip through. The ground beneath the drake’s claws was overgrown to an almost comedic degree; it felt like he was walking through a forest as he made his way to the front entrance of the mall. The foliage started to fade as he got closer, being replaced with the concrete jungle of the massive parking lot, lines faded in the asphalt in between veins of foliage trying to reclaim their land. Vel looked over his shoulder every time he heard a noise, the feeling of something watching him slowly creeping over him since he first stepped foot out of his house, really. But it was just a feeling. There was nothing actually out there...right? The drake stood in front of the doors to the mall a few minutes later. Originally, they were automatic; but now shut off, and afterwards, thoroughly destroyed by hooligans, wild animals, and other various sorts of looters. All he had to do was crouch underneath the steel bars to find his way inside...but something was keeping him from doing it. “Do I really wanna…?” Vel thought to himself as he took a peek inside. It was so dark, and he almost didn’t want to use his flashlight in case it stirred up something inside… He stood there for a few more minutes, going over the possibilities in his head. The undiscovered, untainted secrets of this abandoned building were practically palpable, but with it being at night especially, it all felt so...uncertain. That was the worst feeling, the uncertainty of what would happen. But something drew him further, drew him to crouch down and step between the metal bars of the broken doors into the dilapidated lobby of the mall. Despite the tiles being cracked, and the storefronts being empty and shattered, it still looked quite impressive: a grand central staircase framed by escalators on both sides, surrounded by various storefronts and passages leading to the mall underneath the staircase. He was able to barely make these details out in the dark, but once he bit the bullet and decided to just use his flashlight, he was able to appreciate it more. But...was that a tail? The drake bristled as he turned his flashlight on. All sorts of little creatures scattered immediately, but something else caught his attention specifically. In the bottom left hallway, right as it disappeared behind the staircase, he saw something slither away. Something long, spotted, and...green? It looked like a snake’s tail almost, and a rather large one at that! The encounter made Vel jump a bit to be sure, but he recognized the tail pattern at the very least. It was a snake indigenous to this area; ubiquitous, but not harmful, at least not to something of his size!...although this one seemed a bit larger than usual. Vel shook it off though; he recognized the pattern, and therefore, there was nothing to worry about. Happened all the time. Still, he treaded lightly as he made his way into the lobby of the mall, still flinching at every little disturbance or noise he felt or heard...it wasn’t exactly a bad place to be, though. Just seeing all this abandoned stuff was oddly neat in a sort of way, and although he hadn’t found anything of value yet, he felt like there was definitely stuff still untouched around here! Vel spent his time exploring the second floor of the mall. After going up the staircase, you were welcomed into the food court, shambled and disarranged tables and chairs still dominating the landscape upstairs. The once-glittering, appetite-boosting signs and displays of various well-known fast food chains were in disrepair, if they weren’t completely torn off the walls at this point. The drake walked past the counter in a burger joint; he had never worked in a fast food joint before, so he was curious to see how it was from the employee’s end. The kitchens were mostly raided, whatever useful appliances and utensils scattered and taken long ago (although, interestingly, the stink of grease still held strong despite nothing being cooked in the kitchens for years!). Unfortunately, the drake continued to find nothing of value. It was what he expected; the mall had stood empty for years, and surely every corner of the place would have been combed over by now. The other food stands were much of the same. Neat to look at and explore, but ultimately bearing no valuable fruit. Vel even went past that and explored some of the more traditional storefronts on the second floor, of which there were plenty. The views from the balconies on the second floor was nice, but Vel was starting to think nothing of interest would really happen in here. Despite how dangerous and mysterious it was, and how nervous he was to explore it, he was really expecting SOMETHING to happen… Then he saw the tail again. It was slithering down the staircase and around the same corner it disappeared behind earlier. And not only was it a lot larger than he expected, it made a sound almost like...shuffling? Paper? Vel jumped almost immediately, making a bit more noise than he perhaps would have wanted to. He was shaken, expecting the creature to come back from all the noise he made, but as he stood there for a few minutes, it seemed like he would be safe...at least, safer than he would be if he had to deal with one of those snakes. He slowly started to move back towards the staircase, being careful to make as little noise as possible as he started down the staircase… Then the head of the snake peeked out over the railing of the staircase. Vel screamed and jumped back almost immediately, not conscious or caring about what he was doing - seeing something jump out of the darkness at him like that had fully activated his body’s fight-or-flight response. Too bad he was on the floor already, ass firmly slamming against the ground as he lost his balance from being scared so thoroughly. The drake could only watch as the disembodied head started to rise past the railing, revealing foot after foot of a thick, powerful-looking snake body...a hood...and some arms? It was hard to make out in the dark, but Vel swore that he saw - and heard - some weird paper-ish sounds. The skin of the beast was covered in bits that stuck out as well. It almost looked like...a pinata? “Why sssso ssssscared…?” the snake finally said, the drake getting another shock from the presence of a voice on this creature. Whatever it was, it definitely WASN’T the snakes he had become used to seeing around his neighborhood. But, even with the crazy length, the arms, the cobra-like hood, and everything about this creature, Vel’s attention was drawn to something else. The eyes of this creature. They were starting to swirl, and dance, in a way that was quite peculiar, and interesting to the drake. “That’sssss it...just calm down…” the large naga said as he drew closer, more of his body slinking over the staircase’s railing as he slithered over to Vel. He had been hoping for the drake to have his attention drawn to his eyes as soon as possible; that would make everything easier for him. Not only were his eyes starting to swirl and spiral around, they were -glowing- , drawing even more attention to them in the pitch-black setting of the abandoned mall. Vel couldn’t look away, not only because they were so alluring, but because there really wasn’t anything else to look at. “Aah...no...get away…!” the drake stuttered, still trying to keep some semblance of sanity as the naga’s patterned, swirling eyes drew closer. Vel didn’t realize it, but the naga was mere inches away from his face at this point, the snake’s tail tip finally sliding over the railing and curling up behind the rest of the long beast. “Jusssttt relax…” the snake hissed, smooth s’s rolling right of the reptile’s tongue, giving an almost soothing effect to the words he was saying. That coupled with the swirling of his eyes, which only grew stronger and stronger, was a powerful depressant, Vel’s own eyes starting to dance somewhat with the patterns in the snake’s, although the drake didn’t really notice them himself. He just felt an aura starting to creep over his vision, gradually growing in size as he continued staring into the naga’s eyes. Something was starting to creep over in his brain as well, a sensation of...safety. Of relaxation. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad place to be; this creature seemed so nice, after all. Maybe he just patrolled these halls looking for lost “explorers” to send on the right way back home… “That’sssss better.” the naga said as he felt Vel go limp somewhat, the drake’s muscles ceasing the powerful tensing they had been doing up until now. This allowed the naga to start doing what he wanted to, which he had already started; his tail started curling around the drake’s feet, keeping them locked in place as he slithered up towards the drake’s face. “I’m sssso glad you’re willing to cooperate…” he hissed before rearing up on the drake’s chest somewhat, slithering forward while picking up Vel’s head with one of his hands. He brought the drake towards his abdomen, the drake suddenly blushing as he eventually made out what the naga was pushing him towards: his thick, throbbing shaft, poking straight out of the naga’s genital slit, already at full mast and ready… The drake almost reflexively opened his maw upon realizing what the naga was pointing him to; which got a chuckle out of the beast. “Ssssso eager…” he teased, as he gently pressed on the back of the drake’s head. “But not quite…” he continued. He gently closed Vel’s mouth with his other hand before looking down at his compliant little toy, seeing the swirling in his eyes reaching an intensity rivaling his own. Then, he thrust forward… *shlrrrp!* Vel’s whole muzzle disappeared down the naga’s shaft in a matter of one thrust. The naga couldn’t help but let out a long, low hiss as he felt the walls of his cock stretch and expand with the sudden intrusion into them. He kept his hand firm on the back of Vel’s head, gently pressing deeper as his cock worked over the drake’s head and neck. Usually his prey started to struggle a bit by now, but Vel was as compliant as ever - seems he was really susceptible to the snake’s hypnosis! All the better for the naga. He let out a long, satisfied hiss as his hungry, eager shaft continued to swallow up Vel’s head, the drake forced to tilt forward somewhat as his neck started to disappear inside… Everything was so tight and musky inside the naga’s shaft. The intoxicating scent coming from deeper within the creature was so powerful, so drawing, and Vel wanted nothing but to bury himself deeper inside of it. There was some part of his brain telling him that something was wrong here, that this wasn’t a safe place to be, but it was basically one person screaming in a crowd of thousands. Nigh every cell in Vel’s body wanted to wiggle deeper into the warm, pulsating, even welcoming shaft...and the naga was more than willing to accommodate! He picked himself up off the ground somewhat, his tail continuing to curl around the lower half of the drake’s body as his cock started to slowly stretch over his wide shoulders. The naga couldn’t help but moan as Vel’s shoulders successfully popped into his shaft, pre starting to drip out of his tip and help lubricate the drake’s slide down into his body. His tail loosened and his arm ran down the drake’s back as he started to gain more ground on the drake’s body, reaching his arm underneath to the drake’s belly and lifting him up. Gravity would definitely help him slide in easier! The naga chuckled as he felt Vel’s tongue slurping around inside; he was so enamored and completely at the snake’s mercy… His tail finally uncurled from the drake’s legs, leaving the snake able to lift up Vel even further. With his cock starting to swallow up the drake’s chest, using gravity would just make things a bit easier...and give him the chance to enjoy himself a bit more. He started to stroke at his length with one hand as he held Vel in the other, gradually tipping the drake’s lower half upwards until his legs were sticking straight up in the air. “That’ssssss it…” he groaned as he stroked at his length, feeling Vel wiggling just underneath his hands. With the drake inverted, his chest started to slide down nice and easily, disappearing into the lubricated shaft with little trouble. The naga sighed again as he continued stroking at his length, gently pushing the wiggling bulge of the drake further into his shaft; only his legs were outside of the naga at this point, and that was quickly changing. The drake’s thin legs and tail were simple to slurp up compared to his wider shoulders, and the naga could take his time and enjoy the sensations as Vel slowly sank into the shaft. While his legs were disappearing into the tip of the naga’s shaft, Vel’s head was starting to find its way into its new home. Instead of dangling, roomy, and external balls, the naga had an internal sac, as tight as the shaft was, although just a bit larger; however, that extra space was taken up by a healthy pool of snake jizz, which had been collecting inside since the naga first poked Vel’s head into his shaft. The stuff was seemingly oozing out of the flesh around the drake, and it only continued to collect as the drake’s movements and wiggles stimulated the walls to produce even more. Vel was still enamored by the powerful scent of the naga’s innards, but the tightness of his new home was still quite uncomfortable for him. Instead of wanting to get out, though, he just wanted to get comfortable - which was becoming harder as more of him slid out of the naga’s shaft and into the sac. The naga smiled as he pushed the last of Vel’s feet into his drooling, throbbing shaft. Such a tasty, wiggling snack - and now the drake was all his. “Perfect…” he groaned as he started to stroke at his shaft with both hands, his tail hanging limp over the railing as he started to thoroughly enjoy himself. The friction his paper skin made against each other was wonderful; after all, this wasn’t a normal naga. This was a living pinata! He could feel the drake sinking deeper into him, his internal sac starting to sag outside of his body just a bit as it swelled and filled up - seemed like those walls just couldn’t contain the meal he had caught! Good thing it was a bit stretchier than it looked...although it still forced Vel to curl up inside as his legs slid into the chamber, closing behind him and locking him up nice and tight in the naga pinata’s balls… Vel still wiggled around inside as he tried to get comfortable. “Ffffuck, this feels...so good…” he managed to groan as he flopped around inside, the pleasant feeling of tingling starting to spread over his body as he bathed in the naga’s cum. He hadn’t said much since his muzzle had been sealed shut by the tight shaft, but he had been thinking quite a lot...and unashamedly playing with himself as well! The tight enclosures were perfect for him to hump against the naga’s shaft, and with his brain completely consumed by pleasure and wonderful thoughts of the naga, there was absolutely nothing stopping Vel from going at it; and he did it with gusto, only furthering the naga’s own arousal as he felt the lewd motions coming from inside his sac. Not only was it hot to think about, all that movement and jostling would help the drake melt away inside! Which was already starting to happen, actually. Vel couldn’t really tell with most of his body tingling away, but the clenching, tight walls around him were starting to churn and process; in fact, his more extreme digits were already melting into the bubbly soup of snake jizz. Instead of being painful, though, it just drove the drake’s arousal even more; he started to pump at his cock as fast as he could, his body being overwhelmed by pleasure as the naga did the same. The naga’s cock was starting to dribble out cream, giving Vel a bit more room inside the chamber to sprawl out and get comfy… The naga pinata felt at his sac as it started to soften and round out, knowing that the humping drake inside was well on his way to turning into a fresh batch of jizz. He slithered back down the staircase, making sure to not injure his occupant (but still using the movement to churn him up a bit more) as he turned the corner back into the darkness Vel had originally seen the naga slither into. He went into the back of one of the storefronts, revealing a small bed and a pile of random possessions scattered next to it. The naga leaned over, picking up a ratty, old box of condoms sitting on top of the pile, fishing one of them out of the packaging. Despite them being quite old and found in an abandoned mall, the actual condoms held up pretty well. The naga hissed as he slipped the latex over the tip of his length, the pre-lubrication helping it slide down the meaty rod. Vel was still squirming somewhat inside, the drake pumping away at his length as it melted into the bubbling sauna he was bathing in, the cream starting to rise up to his shoulders. He was so close, he just needed a bit more… The naga smiled as he heard Vel groan inside of him, the drake donating a sizeable amount of his own jizz to the pool he was basting in as he finally came to orgasm. It was tough to hear the groans of pleasure over the gurgling and bubbling of his sack, but the naga knew from the ceasing of movement inside of him that Vel had finished - in more ways than one. His sac had retreated back into his body, nothing left but the pleasant, full sloshing of the fresh cream he’d created. In the midst of all this, the naga had managed to slip the condom over about half of his length; it’d be enough for it to be secure. Now he could start pumping at his own length again; running both hands up and down his throbbing shaft, feeling every pulse throughout his entire body. Just thinking about how full that condom would get was driving him crazy, and it wasn’t long before the stimulation put him over the edge. The condom jerked as the first powerful shots filled it up, almost immediately sagging to the floor as the naga let out a long, satisfied hiss. The latex started to stretch as the naga continued to fill it up, blast after blast slamming into the back of the rubber and dribbling down to the bottom. It took a good minute or so, but eventually the blasts were reduced to a dripping faucet of cum, which eventually tapered off into nothing - but not before the condom was almost completely full, the naga having trouble tying it off once he slipped it off of his length! He got it eventually, though. The pinata calmly dragged the balloon of cum over to a small closet, opening the rusted door to reveal a few other cum-filled condoms already bouncing and jiggling in the closet. He pressed his hand into the fresh balloon, smiling as he felt the squish before putting it in the closet, closing the door behind him as he went to curl up on his bed...