Chapter 24 — Off The Record _February 1, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve {br} {psc} "That was a totally bullshit penalty!" Jennifer groused. "Pot. Kettle. Black." "Don't be smug with me, Mister!" "I'm just saying," I replied as the boys managed to kill off the penalty and win their semi-final game. We all jumped to our feet and roared approval as the guys skated to the handshake line. "I need to go recover Jobu," I said once the players left the ice. "I was shocked that your attorney friend could pull that off," Josie observed. "Ben Jackson spent thirty years as an entertainment lawyer. He basically knows everyone, and he's probably owed more favors than anyone I know, including me." "What did it cost you?" Jennifer asked. "A case of Macallan 18, and it was worth it." I left the stands and made my way to the locker room. I gained permission to enter from Coach Williams and went to get Jobu. "Mr. Adams?" Mitch said. "Can you bring him tomorrow?" "That was the plan," I said. "Great game, guys!" I collected the figurine, candle, and shot glass, emptying the tea down the sink. I quickly left the locker room so that I could head for the dōjō with Kara, Suzanne, and my daughters. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "Hi!" Larisa exclaimed when I walked into the lobby. I put down my gear, and she gave me a quick hug, but given the hard stare from General Dmitry, I was glad she didn't kiss me. "Hi," I replied. "Hi, General Dmitry!" "A good game, Jesse!" he declared. "Doctor Anders invited you, Larisa, and me to lunch. I accepted, and I hope that's OK." "Yes, of course," I replied. "I assumed we'd spend time together, so I didn't make any other plans." "Jesse," Albert said, coming up to me. "Did Dad talk to you?" "About?" "The Space Shuttle _Columbia_ disintegrated on re-entry." "Holy sh…crap!" "Yeah." That certainly explained the weird aura from the fans I'd sensed at the start of the third period. "Will you let Dad know I'm going to lunch with Doctor Anders, General Dmitry, and Larisa?" "He knows. He was there when Doctor Anders arranged it. I need to get going because of my service project, but I wanted to say 'good game', and I'll be here tomorrow." "I appreciate it!" We hugged, he left, and then Doctor Anders came up to us. "How about Portillo's?" he suggested. "Authentic Chicago food for our visitors." "I'm in for sure!" I agreed. "And I know General Dmitry likes hamburgers!" "Something we generally did not have in East Germany or the Soviet Union! And after, I would not classify McDonald's as a 'hamburger'!" "That's for sure!" Doctor Anders agreed. "Shall we go?" "Let me put my gear in the SUV, please." We walked to the parking lot, I stashed my gear in Aunt Kara's SUV, and then joined Doctor Anders, General Dmitry, and Larisa in his Mercedes for the drive to Portillo's. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} "Mr. Adams?" a tall, pretty blonde girl asked when I walked into the dōjō. "Yes," I said. "Hi, I'm Madalyn Fowler. I write for _The Midway_. I'm writing a series of articles on Hyde Park and wondered if I could interview you about the dōjō?" "Which school?" I asked, not recognizing the name of the paper. "The Lab School. I'm a Senior and plan to study journalism at Northwestern in the Fall. When I called the other day, the man who answered the phone said you were the best choice because you'd been at the dōjō for twenty years and are the highest-ranked instructor." That had to have been Will, and it didn't surprise me that he'd pawned the interview off on me. "I can do that after class today, if you want, or we can set another time." "After class is fine. I'm going to watch the class so I can write about it." "OK," I agreed. I went into the office and shut the door. "Thanks for warning me, «Shihan»!" I said with a friendly smile. "You'll do it, right?" "Yes, of course." "I have one other thing — Sharon called this morning and asked if I would allow you to cover her evening and weekend classes at her dōjō while she's on vacation. I said yes, but that I had no idea about your schedule." "If I don't have any conflicts, I'd be happy to do it. When?" "The first two weeks in April." I pulled my Blackberry from its holster and checked my calendar. "No conflicts," I said. "If I recall, she has classes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings and Saturday morning." "That's correct." "I'll put it on my calendar." "Thanks. Shall we go see to our students?" "Yes, «Shihan»!" Dyani was asked to lead our meditation and warm-up exercises. I was not looking forward to June when she would receive her Master's, and, if things went according to her plans, would return to «Naabeehó Bináhásdzo», the Navajo Nation. "Who's the girl?" Suzanne asked when we had completed our warm-ups. "She's on the student newspaper at the Lab school." "Dad?" Birgit said. "What did Madalyn want?" "An interview," I replied. "She says she's writing about Hyde Park in _The Midway_. I take it you know her?" "Yes. She's a Senior, her dad teaches computer science at the university, and her mom teaches English at the Lab School." "Professor Fowler's daughter?" Kara asked. "Yes," Birgit replied. We had to end the conversation as both Birgit and I had students to train. About an hour later, after a quick shower, Kara, Suzanne, and my daughters left the dōjō, and I met Madalyn in the lobby. "Starbucks?" I suggested. "Sure!" We left the dōjō and walked down Hyde Park Avenue to Starbucks, where I bought hot cocoa for Madalyn and hot tea for myself. "So, what do you want to know?" I asked. "I think with how the karate school started." I recounted the history of the school that I'd learned from Sensei Jim and then from my own experiences, all the way through Sensei Jim moving to Japan and Will taking over. "If you're the most senior, why aren't you the…what was the word you used?" "«Shihan», which is best translated as master of the local school. There were several reasons, but the most important is that Will is the most qualified to be master. I serve as his right hand and provide advice and counsel. I'm better suited for that role." "Why is that?" "Because my style of instruction is not the best for most students. There is a small subset of those who study at the school who are my personal students." "What's different about you?" "Two things — I strongly emphasize the philosophical and spiritual side of Shōtōkan, and I'm a demanding instructor. I don't cut anyone any slack, and I can be a real hard ass. It takes a total commitment to be my student." "How many personal students do you have?" "Ten out of about fifty regular students at the dojo. We also have around twenty casual students who don't attend classes regularly. My private class meets at 1:00pm today, if you're interested in observing." "I am. Would it be OK if I had someone take a photo?" "Birgit could do it," I said. "She's in the photography club and could bring her camera this afternoon. You know her, right?" "Everyone knows Birgit!" Madalyn declared. I laughed, "I am so not surprised by that revelation?!" "We obviously don't have any classes together because she's a Freshman, and I'm a Senior. If she could take a photo and have it developed by the end of the week, that would work. Otherwise, I'll need to call someone with a Polaroid." "I'm sure she could, either at Wolf Photo or in her friend Bob's darkroom." "Bob Hansen?" "Yes." "He's one of our photographers." "Let me call Birgit right now and check." Madalyn nodded, and I slipped my RAZR from my pocket and pressed the first speed dial button. "Empress of the Universe! How may you serve me?" "Nothing like a big ego!" I chuckled. "Madalyn needs a photo for the newspaper. If she observes our private class, will you bring your camera and take one, then get it developed by Friday?" "Sure! Do I get photo credit?" "One sec, I'll ask," I replied, then looked to Madalyn and asked, "She wants to know if she gets a photo credit." Madalyn laughed softly, "Yes, of course." "She said yes, Pumpkin." Birgit agreed to bring her camera, and I ended the call. "Pumpkin?" Madalyn asked with a slight smile. "A pet name and that call was off the record!" "You know the rule is you have to say that _first_, before you say something you want 'off the record', right?" I chuckled, "Now you sound like my friends Stan Jakes and Jasmine Prager!" "The ones who write for the _Trib_?" "Yes. I could arrange for you to meet them, if you wanted." "Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes!" "Then that comment was off the record," I replied. Madalyn laughed softly, "Obviously. I was teasing, and I'm sure you knew that." "I did. Any other questions for me at this point?" "Just one, and it's off the record." "What's that?" "What has to happen for a girl to be able to go to bed with you?" ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "This is a terrible thing," Dmitry said after Doctor Anders explained about ending the relationship with Kenwood Academy. "Can the police do anything?" "They're outgunned and outmanned," I interjected. "They can't protect kids from gang pressure." "And there is so much money involved," Doctor Anders said, "that urban youth who cannot use sports as a way out often turn to the gangs to gain wealth. Sadly, it leads to many of them dying, either from gang violence or drug overdose. The way our welfare system works only encourages it." "What will you do, Jesse?" General Dmitri asked. "Doctor Anders offered me a scholarship at Moran Park Academy so I can play on the new team they're forming." "So not as bad as I had feared. Do you still have the same college plans?" "Yes. University of Wisconsin-Madison. I'll take the SAT and ACT this Summer, then apply in September." "What do you plan to study?" Doctor Anders asked. "Business, with a minor in marketing. My goal is to work in an NHL front office or coach." "You don't want to play?" Larisa asked. "I do, but as I discussed with my brother, there are six hundred pilot slots on aircraft carriers, and those are limited to US citizens ages twenty-two to forty, roughly. There are only sixty NHL goalie slots open to everyone in the world aged eighteen to forty. It's actually harder to be an NHL goalie than be assigned to fly jets off carriers!" Dmitry laughed, "A point I had not considered! But you intend to play, do you not?" "I'll probably play for the club team, not the NCAA team. I want to focus on my degree. I'll try to be involved in coaching youth teams in Madison." "Are you going to hockey camp again this year?" "Yes. I'll also be a coach at a session for younger kids." "Very good," Doctor Anders said. "That kind of service is important, and I'm glad to see you doing that. Larisa, have you decided what you want to study in college?" "Well, Mom thinks foreign relations is a good choice!" Larisa replied. I laughed, "Her mom and grandfather were both Trade Attachés for the USSR and Russia." "I think I'd prefer computers," Larisa said. "Dad thinks that's a good choice. And I'm sure your dad would be happy to hire me eventually!" "I'm positive he would, given his relationship with your parents!" "How did you meet?" Doctor Anders inquired. "My dad met Larisa's mom in Austria in 1979 when he was on vacation. They dated for a time, though it was tough because of the Cold War. In the end, their career goals were not compatible, and another friend, who was in the KGB, introduced her to then Colonel Dmitry. The rest is, as they say, history!" "Your family's story seems very interesting," Doctor Anders observed. "You have no idea!" I chuckled. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} Madalyn's out-of-the-blue request had caught me completely by surprise, as I hadn't detected even the slightest hint of flirting. She also wasn't, at least as far as I understood the situation, close enough to Birgit for that to be the source. Her features didn't remind me of anyone else I knew, and I didn't know many students who attended the Lab School beyond my daughters' new friends. She was a Senior, so either seventeen or eighteen, which meant she was 'legal', so it wasn't completely out of the question. That said, I felt that before I gave her a direct answer, I needed to find out the source of her information without actually acknowledging that it was possible, on the off chance there was some ulterior motive behind her request. "What makes you think that's possible?" I asked carefully. "My cousin," Madalyn replied. "And this cousin's name?" I asked. "A good reporter never reveals her sources!" Madalyn countered. I chuckled, "Good answer! I'll let that go, at least for the moment. How did this topic arise?" "You don't think girls talk about sex?" "I _know_ girls talk about sex, but your request would indicate special knowledge about my situation. It also suggests knowing something about me because, in my experience, girls who are High School Seniors don't typically ask random thirty-nine-year-old men about going to bed together." Of course, they did ask _me_, though the incidence of that was less frequent due both to society as well as me fast approaching forty. "My source indicated her first time was with a very experienced older guy, and she strongly recommended that course of action. We had the discussion last Fall, and after thinking about it, I decided she was right. My first thought was once I started college in September, I'd find an upperclassman. "I discussed it with my source and asked for details about how she went about it and what the guy was like. She told me, and a few days later, I asked if the same guy might be available. She said he was, and gave me your name, and said you had the freedom to provide the same experience. "When the editor assigned me the task of writing articles about Hyde Park, I saw the chance and decided to see if it might be possible. As soon as I actually saw you, I was pretty sure it was what I wanted. Then, when I talked to you, I knew instantly. You give off this vibe that I can't exactly describe." "Did your source tell you about the rules?" I asked. "Yes. I had an STD test, and it was clean." "Why not wait for college?" "I'm impatient!" Madalyn declared. "And I think going to college with experience will make it a lot more fun." "And is this completely off the record, or is it going to make front-page news?" I asked. Madalyn laughed softly, "No front page news, but I might write an article about it for a website, anonymously, of course, and no names or identifying details." "Website?" I asked. "One where teens and college kids anonymously discuss sex and talk about their first times, relationships, and stuff like that." "And how do you see this happening?" "Well, unless I've been lied to and completely misunderstand anatomy, it involves you putting your penis in my vagina, among other activities!" I laughed, "Yes, of course, but besides physiology, how did you see this working?" "You mean, like, some kind of relationship? Or attending your Philosophy Club?" "Ah, so you do know more than you're letting on! I have the idea that you have some kind of plan." "I'd want to attend your Philosophy Club while I'm in college. I don't think I could do it before then without my parents asking uncomfortable questions." "This won't determine my answer, but as a matter of trust, I'd like to know your source." "You have to promise never to say anything because she didn't want me to say. She did say I could if you insisted, which she expected you might." "I won't say a word," I replied. "But I need a promise from you." "What's that?" "This stops with you. No referrals." "Can I ask why?" "Because, in the past, that has gotten completely out of control. Society has changed, and despite you being eighteen, the level of freakout if it somehow becomes public would create all kinds of problems." "My cousin says society has its head completely up its butt, which is why I'm interested in your Philosophy Club." "Your cousin is correct. Who?" "Antoinette Baldwin." ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "Papa, can I spend time with Jesse at his house?" Larisa asked General Dmitry. "If Jesse's moms are there, yes, you may. Remember what we spoke about." "My moms will be home all day," I said. "And I remember, Papa!" Larisa declared. "See you at dinner!" She took my hand and tugged gently. We left the main house, walked across the backyard, and into the coach house. I let my moms know we'd be in the Duck's Nest, and then Larisa and I went downstairs. "According to my dad, I'm not allowed to kiss you. According to my mom, I'm allowed one kiss when I arrive and one when I leave." "And according to you?" I asked. Larissa laughed, "It's my business, not my dad's! Would you like a kiss?" "I would!" I held out my arms, and Larisa stepped close, putting her arms around me., We exchanged a soft kiss, though just our lips. She squeezed her arms tightly, then dropped them and stepped back. "Did you like the kiss?" she asked with a sly smile. "I did! Very much!" "Which is what has my dad concerned!" "Of that, I have no doubt! Did you like it?" "A lot! And that's what has my _mom_ concerned!" I laughed, "Interesting perspectives!" "Dad is concerned about what you might want to do; Mom is concerned about what *I* might want to do!" "And what is it you want to do?" I asked with a grin. "Play chess!" Larisa declared mirthfully. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} I didn't have long at home because I had to eat and return to the dōjō. Fortunately, Karl, Aaron, and Pete had planned an afternoon with Dmitry, so I didn't have to worry about entertaining him, which allowed me to participate in both karate classes at the dōjō. It had also facilitated the interview by Madalyn. Kara asked about that, but I demurred until after we ate so I could speak privately without my two precocious daughters commenting on the situation. When we finished eating, Kara, Suzanne, and I went to the Indian room. "What happened that you wanted to speak privately?" Kara asked. "Come on, Kara!" Suzanne declared. "What _always_ happens with Steve and pretty teenage girls?" "You're not wrong," I chuckled. "The interview was what I expected, mostly about the history of the dōjō and how Will came to be «Shihan» instead of me. When we finished, she asked to go off the record and inquired what was necessary to be able to go to bed with me. I asked how she knew, and she said that reporters never revealed their sources." "Cute!" Kara declared. "And, of course, that kind of witty answer was enough for you to say 'yes'!" "I actually didn't say 'yes'. We discussed how she came to the conclusion that's what she wanted, and eventually, at the end, she revealed her cousin's name." "CeCe?" Kara asked. I shook my head, "Tall and blonde, but she doesn't actually look anything like CeCe. She's Antoinette's cousin. She'll be attending Northwestern for journalism. She asked about coming to Philosophy Club as well. I offered to introduce her to Stan and Jasmine, but that was after she'd made her request." "Which was?" "An expert deflowering." "Of course!" Kara said, laughing. "Just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in!" "Do NOT quote that non-existent movie to me!" I growled. "Touchy, touch!" Kara teased. "Did you agree?" "Not yet. She's going to observe my private class, and I'll answer her afterwards. Birgit is going to shoot a photo for the school paper, and she'll get a photo credit." "She told us," Kara said. "And there's a new twist." "What's that?" "She's going to write anonymously about her experience and post it to a website where teens and college kids exchange first-time stories, talk about relationships, and so on." "I could watch, and she could interview me!" Kara exclaimed invitingly. "You and your fetish!" I replied with a grin. "I do have a plan," Kara smirked. "Care to share?" "NO! You'll find out when the time is right!" Birgit appeared at the door to the Indian room. "I have my camera, and I'm ready to go," she said. "Then let's head back to the dōjō!" I kissed Kara and Suzanne, then Birgit and I left the house. "Did you hear anything more about the Space Shuttle?" I asked. "No. CNN just kept playing the video. NASA said they were going to investigate, and the President was supposed to go on national TV. I think I'll pass on that!" "Me, too!" I agreed. "So, a 'kissing' bet, huh?" she asked with a smirk. "As far as you know, all we did was kiss!" "For definitions of 'kiss' from when we were little when it meant 'fuck'!" she giggled. "I want to hear the story!" "Of course you do!" I chuckled. The problem was that Birgit was, in all likelihood, going to live with Suzana and her family, and I had to weigh the pros and cons of revealing who it was to Birgit. I decided I could tell her a vague story, and that would protect Susana's privacy. "You have to tell your favorite daughter!" Birgit declared. "Ashley isn't here," I teased. "Hey!" she protested. "You walked right into that one, Pumpkin! And you know I don't have a favorite!" "So, the story?" "It started with a bet on the game between Sweden and the US. We bet twenty kronor, which was about five bucks, on the game. It ended in a tie, so neither of us had to pay off. We changed the bet to who would finish with more points in the tournament, the US or Sweden. They both finished the group stage with nine points, so we tied again. Because they were both going into the medal round, we bet twenty kronor on which of the two would win the silver or bronze because we were sure the Soviets would win the gold. I made a comment that if anyone could figure out how to beat Russia, it was the US coach, Herb Brooks, and that led to another twenty-crown bet on the US/USSR game. We watched that game together, and when it was tied 2–2, she offered to double the bet, and I accepted. Later, after the Soviets scored to make it 3–2, she offered to double again. I declined and pointed out the odds were lousy. She laughed, said she was positive the Russians were going to win, and bet eighty crowns against going to bed with me if the US won." Birgit laughed, "And the US won, so you did, too!" "I only asked for the cash," I said. "She demanded that I allow her to pay off the bet she actually made." Birgit laughed again, "Of course she did! Even at sixteen or seventeen, you were you!" "Perhaps." "Will you answer how many girls you were with while you were in Sweden? I know about Karin, Pia, Katt, and Tina." "Ten, if you count one American girl." "Is this where I tease you about being a slacker?" "Not if you know what's good for you!" I declared. The conversation had to end because we arrived at the dōjō. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "We're evenly matched," Larisa said after we played two games, with each of us winning as white. "I'd say," I agreed. "You and your dad play, right?" "Yes. Similar to you and your mom. Does your dad still play?" "Only occasionally; Mom One is better." "They both played in High School, right?" "Yes. They were on the chess team. That's how they met. Did you want a drink before the next game?" "I want a kiss!" "That will use up your quota!" Larisa laughed, "I'm not going to tell if you don't!" I held out my arms, and once again, she stepped into them, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her tightly, enjoying the feel of her firm body against mine. Our lips touched, and this time, I felt her part her lips, so I very carefully slid my tongue forward until the tip touched the tip of Larisa's tongue. She opened her mouth wider, and we shared a soft French kiss that lasted about thirty seconds. "Whew!" Larisa breathed out when we broke the kiss. "I, um, think I know what Mom is worried about!" "And I think it's obvious I know what your dad is worried about!" Larisa laughed and surprised me by pushing her hips slightly forward so that my erection pressed onto her thigh. "Very obvious! Do you want to keep kissing?" "Do you?" "Yes," she whispered. "Lots." ————— {br} [Aurora, Illinois] 🎤 Matthew {br} "This is a good point to take our afternoon break," I said. The adventuring party had just located a secret door in the floor of the blacksmith's shop and were about to investigate it in search of the schematics for the lock-opening device. "Is it possible for my character to have a girlfriend?" Nick asked. "Well, it is fantasy!" Tara teased. "Be nice, Tara!" I said, even though it was a funny response. "I don't see why not, Nick. You can meet a girl in the tavern the next time you're there." "What's the saving throw to resist?" Arby asked with a grin. "Hey, it's fantasy, as I said," Tara interjected. "So Nick might even get lucky!" "Tara," I said firmly. "Sorry, Nick." "It's OK," he said. "I'm used to it from you! You're like my sister in just about every way!" "I like giving you a hard time," Tara said. "And Matt can give me a _hard_ time anytime he wants!" I laughed because Tara had teased that way off and on. "You ask Chelsea what she thinks about that idea and get back to me." "No chance!" Tara declared. "She's a friend! I'm also not going to be the 'other woman', but if you're ever single…" "Fat chance of THAT," Matt W declared. "He's been hers since he was five, and I don't see that ever changing!" "Oh, I agree," Tara said. "But that doesn't mean not saying I'm interested!" "And I'm flattered," I said. "Have you heard anything at all from Maggie?" Nick asked. "No. She's at Aurora Christian now, and her parents are keeping her on a very short leash." "That really stinks," Ryan declared. "She was one of our best actresses." "I know." "Think there's any chance that Mr. Fruits allows the pagan ritual in _The Crucible_?" Tara asked. I laughed, "Right! Because naked teenagers on stage wouldn't get him arrested or anything! You know it'll be handled by reference, the same as it is in the play!" "What role do you want, Matt?" Tara asked. "I was thinking John Proctor because I really don't want to be Reverend Samuel Parris, the prosecutor. I need to review the play again to be sure. How about you?" "Abigail Williams, the maid. Nick, you should try for Reverend Parris." "If Matt's going for John, I probably will." Everyone took turns using the bathroom, we got fresh drinks, then went back to the dining room table to continue the adventure. ————— {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Steve {br} "What do you want the photo to show?" Birgit asked Madalyn. "Maybe your dad and one of his students in a fighting pose, with the other students in the background?" "Dad?" "Sure. Miyu, will you do the honors?" "Yes, Sensei!" Birgit instructed everyone where to sit, kneel, or stand and framed the photo. "Miyu-chan, could you hold your leg like you're about to strike Dad's side?" "Yes, Birgit-chan!" Miyu stood on one leg and extended the other one, with her knee slightly bent, giving the impression she was executing a kick. Birgit quickly snapped three photos to ensure she had a good one. "All set," Birgit declared. "Madalyn, I'll see Bob tomorrow, and we'll develop the film. You'll have the photo on Monday." "Great! Thanks! I'll need everyone to sign a release for the photo, please." I signed first, followed by my students. As others were signing, Dyani pulled me aside. "My last day is going to be June 10th," she said. "I'll leave for Arizona on the 11th." "Your job is all set?" "Yes. My first assignment is to assist in improving the water supply." "You plan to live with your sister, right?" "Yes, at first." "I'm going to miss you!" "And I'll miss you. You know you're welcome to visit at any time." "For the next few years, I'll be making quarterly trips to the Phoenix area. That will provide an opportunity to visit." "Great! Can I ask for a special favor?" "Yes, of course. What?" "To spend some time alone with you before I go home." "I'd like that." She smiled, and we stepped back to join the others. Madalyn interviewed Neil, Miyu, and Rachel Kealty. "I think I have everything I need now," she said. "I'll email you a draft, if you'd like." "I would," I said. "Let me get a card from my wallet with my email and phone number." I went to the locker room, retrieved one of my double-sided cards with both my work and home information, and handed it to her. "Thanks! Birgit, do you mind if I speak to your dad privately for a moment?" "I don't mind," Birgit replied with a slight smile. "So?" Madalyn asked once Birgit had walked away. "Yes, but I'll be out of town for a few days. How about 1:00pm, a week from tomorrow?" "Sure! See you then!" I went to the locker room, changed, and then Birgit, Avanti, and I walked back to the house. Birgit went up to her room, and Avanti and I went to the Playroom to make love and have our mentoring session. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} Larisa and I had kissed for about fifteen minutes before she suggested we play another game of chess. We actually played two, with each of us winning as white, before we went upstairs to get a drink, then returned to the Duck's Nest. She surprised me by sitting on my lap, and we kissed in between taking drinks. "How much do you like me, Jesse?" she asked. "A lot," I replied. "Obviously!" she giggled, wiggling in my lap. "Yes, but besides that! I enjoy spending time with you and playing chess. I'm very glad you came to visit." "And you want to go to bed together?" "I do, but it's not up to me." "I think I want that, too, but…well, I'm not sure." "And that's OK. You shouldn't do something you're not ready to do." "You're OK with kissing more without doing that?" "Yes, of course!" She smiled, took my bottle of Coke, and set it on the table with hers. She took my hand and moved it to her sweater-covered breast. "This is the limit, OK?" "Yes," I agreed, savoring the feel of her firm breast. We kissed, and I gently squeezed her breast, then ran my thumb over the hard nub of her nipple. Larisa moaned softly into my mouth and kissed me fiercely. I was positive that with a bit of effort, I could easily move things forward, but I didn't want to do anything that might cause trouble, now or later. After a minute, she broke the kiss, put her head on my shoulder, and sighed deeply. "Soon, Jesse," she said. "Soon." ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "Where are you going to school next year?" I asked Tomás after we had fucked twice. "I'm not sure yet, but Dad is talking to Chicago Latin and Morgan Park. It's a bit late to get into Chicago Latin, but Dad has a friend with connections, so it might work out." "I was pretty upset with my moms for not talking to me about moving to the Lab School, but I'm really glad they did." "Why were you upset?" "Because they didn't ask, they just announced it was happening." "And that offended the delicate sensibilities of Empress Birgit?" "Yes! I should at least have a say!" "If you're complaining about ANYTHING, you're way out of line! Seriously, my parents are OK, but yours are the coolest on the planet! Do you think my parents would let us use my bed for this? Or be happy that we're going it at all? Especially with Libby joining us sometimes?" "I think your dad might be jealous, but he could never admit that to your mom and live!" "Truth!" Tomás declared. "What are you doing tonight?" "Hanging out with Jesse, Larisa, Mitch, and Fangsu. You could join us if you wanted." "I have to check with my mom. Can I use the phone?" "Sure." He got out of bed, and I stared at his athletic body, including a really cute ass. I was tempted to suggest using my toy, but I wasn't sure how he'd react. I felt my best option was to wait for the trip to Saint Martin, where Bob and I could play together. Tomás received permission, and came back to bed and climbed in. "We have about an hour before we have to meet Jesse and the others," I said. "Sixty-nine and fuck?" "Yes!" ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} "So, now that you've had a week to contemplate last weekend, what do you think?" I asked Avanti as we snuggled naked in bed. "I was never in any doubt about it," she said. "Not for a single second from the time I first met you. And it absolutely fulfilled my needs and desires and brought me great pleasure. More importantly, we bonded completely, merging our bodies to complete the merger of our souls. It was a sublime, spiritual experience and was exactly what I wanted and needed." "Good. And I agree with your assessment." Avanti moved on top of me, crossed her arms, and rested her chin on them. "And my skills?" I grinned, "Sufficient to purpose!" She laughed, lifted her head, and smacked me lightly on the shoulder before re-crossing her arms and resting her head. "You know I won't compare," I said. "But I very much enjoyed everything we did together, and it provided exquisite physical pleasure in addition to the spiritual fulfillment. And to answer your unasked question in a way I feel appropriate, you and your mom are different because you are different people. And that's a good thing." "You actually think I want to know?" "I do. It's a natural curiosity, but you're also mature enough to not ask directly. I am curious about your conversation with your mom." Avanti laughed softly, "I thanked her for teaching you how to have spiritual sex and for helping you explore the upper limits of physiology and stamina." "She did do all of that," I replied. "She wasn't my guru, but she did take on that role after a fashion. But as I said, I failed to internalize those lessons until I went to Japan several years later." "But you did internalize them, and to my extreme benefit! May I ask a question?" "Of course." "Have you ever been penetrated?" "Yes. The first time was in High School with a vibrator, then again in college with a vibrator and a dildo. Since then, I've allowed girls to do that if they've requested it." "Do you like it?" "I think the best way to answer that is to say that I like giving pleasure, and if that provides the girl with pleasure, I'll agree." "Is that the only thing you do for that reason?" "Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that I gain physical pleasure from all other activities; no, in the sense that everything I do I do because it brings the girl pleasure." "That seems awfully submissive for someone who has such a strong personality. I would expect you to, in most situations, be dominant." "Your mom discovered that's contrary to my nature. And while I do have a strong personality and can be very aggressive, my guiding philosophy is to always seek out the 'win-win' scenario, which is what leads to my behavior in bed. Mutual fulfillment, in at least equal measures, though, in a sense, I get off on giving the girl extreme pleasure." "Mom suggests that you have some deep-seated psychological need to be polyamorous." "I'd say she's right, though I can't say exactly what it was that caused that. I will say it likely has to do with everything that happened from puberty to college graduation. I made one serious attempt at pure monogamy, and I failed miserably." "You reject all externally imposed value systems, though if I had to describe you, I'd say you were more Buddhist than anything." "I'd say that's reasonable, though I call myself eclectic. Do you plan to marry a Hindu?" "It's not a requirement for me the way it was for my mom. I'm much more in tune with you on spirituality than I am with my mom or dad. Remember that for when the time comes for you to help me select my lifemate." "I will. I am curious about something." "What's that?" "Your reaction to me fulfilling your request to 'fuck your brains out'." "It was exciting and pleasurable, but I strongly prefer either of your preferred ways — sitting up or missionary." "That doesn't surprise me. I won't initiate or offer that; you'll need to ask." Avanti smiled. "No, you'll discern if that's what we need to do. You're the guru, and I'm the student." "That's true, but today, I'll give you the option of what to do until dinner. If you just want to talk, that's fine." "I wish to partake of your essence, share it with you, then make love sitting up." "Then that's what we'll do."