Albert stared in horror at the mirror. This had to be some sort of trick! His face! While there was a hint of the handsome young man he’d been only a year ago, it was undeniably a woman’s face staring back at him, her eyes filled with fear and confusion. “No!” he cried, covering his face with his hands. “No, no, no!” “Don’t be afraid,” Dr. Jean-Claude said. “This is why I do not allow mirrors in my clinic. The change can be quite confusing at first.” Albert ran his hands over his soft feminine body and squeezed the breasts that had replaced his pecs. His waist was thin, his hips were broad, and between his legs... “God! You’ve made me a girl, complete with...with...” Albert collapsed to his knees, quivering. “I came to you because they said you were the best plastic surgeon in the country. They said you were on the cutting edge. I wanted to learn--to be as good as you... And you... You made me a woman! God, why?” “Albert, please relax. I understand that the hormones make you emotional, but keep in mind that you are a medical student. You must maintain your objectivity. When you arrived at my clinic, I saw a promising student, but you lacked dedication and work ethic. And so, I decided you required...inspiration. What I’ve altered can be reversed, Albert.” “But... But my penis, my testicles... They’re...” Dr. Jean-Claude laughed. “They still exist. I’ve simply made them internal. It’s a new technique I’ve been working on. I believe it will be beneficial for a number of my patients. The hormones have softened your body, grown your breasts, and, yes, I feminized your face, but...” “But the rest of me is intact?” Albert asked. “More or less. The point is that I still wish to teach you how to become a great surgeon. And when you can describe how to reverse these changes--in detail--I will undo them. Do you understand?” Albert’s mind reeled, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him, but he gritted his teeth and focused. “Yes... Yes, I understand. I can do this.” “Good,” Dr. Jean-Claude said. “Then let’s get started. Given where I placed them, there’s a chance your testicles will atrophy and be absorbed by your body if you don’t learn quickly. Ah! But now I’m giving my secrets away for free. All in good time, Albert. For now, I think it’s time you got dressed. You’ll find a bra, undergarments, and a dress for you in the changing room. Don’t worry, they are modest. I may be eccentric, but I am not a pervert.”