*fade in, footsteps in dirt outside* V: ugh its so hot out today... Im so stuffed up from my allergies and... *sound of bee flying right past him* V: Jeez! That was close, frikkin hate bees! V: *sigh* its cool, it flew away and- *another pass from the bee* whoa! Relax you stupid thing! *freaks out and swipes around himself* V: No, no, no, no... guh, get away from me! V: *panting* is it gone? *he is stung on the behind* V: ow my ass! It stung me! It stung me, you stupid jerk bee! *swat and crunch sound* V: gotcha!... ugh, is it bad? *checks himself out* V: I could be allergic, the bump is already swollen and red... V: yeah... holy hell, its getting really big and... and wait is it getting fuzzy? *sfx as his ass starts to grow* V: whoa, whoa whoa whoa... this is insane, I cant be *that* allergic, right? My ass is getting huge and- V: *gasp!* I got weird little bee striped fuzz growing all over it! What the hellll??! V: im feeling weird all over... tingling... buzzing... in my head... *sfx chest flesh begins growth* V: uggh... my chest is getting all swollen and flabby- whoa... hey hey come on, no, stop growing- stop! Im growing weird bee tits! I have bee tits, what the heck?! V: Pressure... all over... my legs feel weird and... whoa, WHOA... more... arms growing... touching all over, can barely control myself... V: My ass looks like a giant bumblebee booty and I got fat fuzzy titzzz- (begin voice changing into Areli's) and... I just buzzed... I did it again- im turning into a bee, a bee with titzz..., why iz thiz happening?! A: uhh, my peniz hurtz... no don't go... ew it zzlurped inzide me... my face iz changing... im gonna be a bee! A: I can feel the air... the treezz.. zmell the pollen... there'z magic here... its overwhelming, I have to... guard this place... I muzzt protect the forezzt. A: Gaia, goddezz, give me wingzz... my thorax is plump and ready to pollonate... and my breaztz are full of nectar... zzz, thank you for choozing me, it feelz zo good to be one of your protectorzz! A: zzz, can feel zomething nearby... a litterbug in need of a lezzon! Zz! *zips away like a giant bee and fade out*