Mick came home from school exhausted, and threw his bag on the floor without even saying hi to his dad. Then Mick paused, his Dad was usually home much later…

“Why home so early dad?” He asked as he poured himself a cup of oj.

“Early day at the office.” He replied.

Mick realized this wasn’t his Dad’s voice, but didn’t want to raise suspicion.

“Alright” Mick said, dialing his dad’s cell number and waiting for the familiar ringtone.

It never came, and his dad never picked up. Mick’s face turned white, and he suddenly felt a presence behind him. This man was not his dad.

“Calm down Micky, or should I say... Mica?” The man laughed as he made the weird joke.

Mick’s eyes closed hard, and he was unable to open them. He felt his torso slim down, and a rush of fat surging towards his behind.

His back began to arch in, and he felt turned on as blood rushed into his crotch. His outstretched neck strained as it slimmed down, and he could feel his body react all the way up through his throat as his penis retracted. His undershirt and briefs tightened, and slowly shrank.

His undershirt became a lacy black bra, and his briefs became matching panties pressed against his flat womanhood.

Mick felt a breeze as his eyes popped open, and could see his pants and shirt had both followed the ways of his undergarments.

Mick felt fearful, but couldn’t stop gyrating his hips. He giggled ditzily as each gyration expanded his hips, and soon he felt real weight on either side of him.

He could see red hair cascading down his shoulders, and every swing of his new hips made him jiggle.

Mick began to giggle as his boobs became bouncier along with the rest of his body, and he watched in euphoric bliss as his shirt, bra, and pants slowly faded away.

He continued dancing and growing, but the stranger began to get antsy.

“Don’t you think you’re big enough??” He asked.

Mick just giggled and continued his dance, feeling even his pussy tighten as his body became more curvy.

Suddenly the stranger snapped, and Mick could feel his body shed fat from every part of him rapidly. All the fat that didn’t leave his butt went straight into his bosom, and Mick cried out in shock as his giant boobs began to squeeze together.

The stranger laughed as a tight shirt formed on Mick, revealing why his bust would be so tightly pressed together.

“Isn’t that better, sweetie?” The man that still looked like Mick’s dad asked.

“Huh?” Mick asked, in a new, valley girl voice.

The stranger simply laughed and began undressing Muck, playing with his sensitive boobs while the transformed teen moaned.

“It’s time to make this official, your new name is Mica and you’re just... a bimbo slut!” The stranger laughed.

Like a light switch, Mick became Mica and was no longer the star basketball player at his high school.

Mica stared into the stranger's eyes, feeling her panties well up as she sat down and spread her legs. She beckoned for the man, whimpering from the intense arousal hormones coursing through her veins.

Suddenly the door opened, and in walked Mick’s stepmom.

“What the fuck is going on???” She demanded.

Sheila had walked into her house at her normal time, and was met by her husband about to shove himself inside some bimbo.

“Where’s Mick?? What the fuck!?!?”

“You’ve done! It’s over Frank!!! Another floosey?? Why do you have to- Mmmm...” Sheila went from screaming to moaning instantly.

Her pants quickly disappeared, and her shirt became lingerie. Sheila tried saying something in protest, but instead her vocal tone became more high pitched as she struggled to make a sound.

“We already have a brunette here Sheila, I think we should make you a little more... fun?”

Sheila felt the fear and anger leave her, and laughed as her curly brunette hair became straight and blonde. Her movements became much more sexual, and a wet spot began to form in her tiny panties as her body became both thicker and softer. She tried to speak, but found herself overwhelmed by the horniness and forced to simply dance.

“So that’s mommy, huh?

I think a switcheroo will do quite nicely, don’t you?” The stranger asked nobody in particular.

Suddenly Mica’s bust exploded out, almost doubling in size as her waist cinched in. She felt plastic fill his lips, and soon couldn’t unpurse the plump suckers.

She felt her facial features sharpen as years of plastic surgery worked its way under her skin, and her arousal picked up as well. Mica’s mind was in a ditzy, bimbo stupor, and she undressed herself in hopes of pleasing her husband.

Then the stranger turned back to Sheila, “I think you should be one of those shy girls, but then ends up being the biggest slut once you have her in bed.

Is that okay with you Sheila?”

Sheila’s eyes showed fear, but her voice was still locked behind waves of arousal and orgasm.

“No other ideas? Guess we’ll go with mine then...” The stranger laughed.

Sheila felt her skin tighten, and slowly grew younger as her ass and bust firmed up. She felt much happier and energetic, running over to a mirror to pose and check herself out.

“This is... O no...” Sheila trailed off, feeling the shyness the stranger mentioned before start to creep in.

Even her outfit changed to fit her new personality, Sheila never liked showing off her midriff. She wished she could hide her boobs in public, but they were too damned big!

Sheila could still remember last summer, her chest had never got the memo that she was a woman.

Suddenly the intense memory of being thrust into overtook her, and she shuddered as her nostrils filled with the musky scent of him. She wished she could remember what college he was in. “Lewis would like, totes love these new tits!”

Sheila shook her head, blushing as she gathered her thoughts.

She snapped back to reality and said hi to the stranger, feeling embarrassed about how attracted she was to him.

“No need to blush Shelly, just tell me what you want.” The stranger said kindly.

Shelly couldn’t help herself, and simply avoided eye contact. That was, until she heard a zipper drop. Shelly could immediately smell the cock, and got a lot more outgoing and ditzy.

“Why am I so fucking horny??” She giggled, reaching for the cock before her.

Mica could only watch jealousy as her daughter stroked the amazing cock, then the door opened.

The real Frank walked in and screamed in surprise, “What’s going on here??? I don’t know any of you!!”

The stranger snapped, and his body instantly merged with Frank’s.

Mother and daughter fondled each other as they watched wide eyed, the two guys before them merged into one giant hulk of a man.

His muscles bulged through every inch of his naked body, and the girls became instantly overwhelmed. They hurled themselves at the beast, straddling him as he calmly walked outside.

He sat on the front steps of the pool, staring into his shy step daughter’s eyes as she stroked his shaft with all her might. He chuckled as he looked past her to his wife, who was really giving it her all.

“What a life...” he said.

“Fuck yeah” The mom and daughter agreed.