TERMINAL COMMANDS: dir: Display the contents of the current directory. cd: Go into a directory cd.. : Go out of a directory md or mkdir: Make a new directory. Use md or mkdir followed by the name of the directory you want to create. rd or rmdir: Remove a directory. Use rd or rmdir followed by the name of the directory you want to delete. type: Display the contents of a file. Use type followed by the path to the file. copy: Copy a file. Use copy followed by the source file and the destination file. xcopy: Copy a directory and its contents. Use xcopy followed by the source directory and the destination directory. del or erase: Delete a file. Use del or erase followed by the path to the file. ren or rename: Rename a file or directory. Use ren or rename followed by the current name and the new name. tasklist: Display a list of running processes. taskkill: End a running process. Use taskkill followed by the process ID or name. ipconfig: Display network configuration information, such as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. ping: Test network connectivity to a specific IP address or host name. Use ping followed by the IP address or host name. netstat: Display active network connections, ports, and protocols. systeminfo: Display system information, such as OS version, processor type, and installed RAM. PIP COMMANDS: pip install: Install a package. Use pip install followed by the name of the package you want to install. For example, pip install numpy will install the NumPy package. pip install -r requirements.txt pip uninstall: Uninstall a package. Use pip uninstall followed by the name of the package you want to uninstall. For example, pip uninstall numpy will uninstall the NumPy package. pip list: List installed packages. Use pip list to display a list of all packages installed in the current environment. pip freeze: List installed packages with their version numbers. Use pip freeze to display a list of all packages and their version numbers in the current environment. pip search: Search for packages. Use pip search followed by a keyword to search for packages on PyPI. For example, pip search requests will display a list of packages related to HTTP requests. pip show: Display information about a package. Use pip show followed by the name of the package to display detailed information about the package, including its version, dependencies, and installation location. pip install --upgrade: Upgrade a package. Use pip install --upgrade followed by the name of the package to upgrade to the latest version. For example, pip install --upgrade numpy will upgrade the NumPy package to the latest version. pip install --user: Install a package for the current user only. Use pip install --user followed by the name of the package to install the package for the current user only, rather than system-wide. pip install --no-cache-dir: Install a package without using the cache. Use pip install --no-cache-dir followed by the name of the package to install the package without using the cache. pip install --proxy: Install a package using a proxy. Use pip install --proxy followed by the URL of the proxy to install a package using a proxy server. CONDA COMMANDS: conda create: Create a new environment. Use conda create followed by the name of the environment and the packages you want to install. For example, conda create --name myenv numpy will create a new environment named myenv with the NumPy package installed. conda activate: Activate an environment. Use conda activate followed by the name of the environment to activate it. For example, conda activate myenv will activate the myenv environment. conda deactivate: Deactivate the current environment and return to the base environment. conda env list: List all available environments. conda install: Install a package. Use conda install followed by the name of the package you want to install. For example, conda install numpy will install the NumPy package in the current environment. conda update: Update a package. Use conda update followed by the name of the package you want to update. For example, conda update numpy will update the NumPy package to the latest version in the current environment. conda remove: Remove a package. Use conda remove followed by the name of the package you want to remove. For example, conda remove numpy will remove the NumPy package from the current environment. conda search: Search for packages. Use conda search followed by a keyword to search for packages in the Anaconda repository. For example, conda search requests will display a list of packages related to HTTP requests. conda info: Display information about the current conda installation, including version number and configuration. conda list: List all packages installed in the current environment. conda clean: Clean cached package files. Use conda clean followed by the desired cleaning option. For example, conda clean --all will remove all cached package files from the conda cache.