“Pleasure Drone, Part 4” PANEL 1 [ David staring out the viewport with Alice at the Apollyon. ] David: Of course, it just had to be Corinne. The one person in the galaxy who’d never let me live this down. Alright, Alice, open a channel. Alice: Are you sure, David? I detect a 98.4% chance that Captain D’Angelo will mock and ridicule you upon seeing your current state. David: I’m perfectly aware of that, Alice. But we’re running out of time, and I need to get my consciousness out of this body. How many days do we have left before the neural integration becomes irreversible? Alice: You have precisely 47 hours before your consciousness becomes permanently integrated with the drone. David: That’s barely two days! Yeah, we’re definitely contacting Corinne, as much as I hate the idea. Open the channel, Alice. I’ll just have to swallow my pride and ask for her help. Dammit, why’d I have to leave her stranded on Serenity Station? PANEL 2 [ David shrugging at Alice’s remarks. ] Alice: Ship records indicate that, at the time, you believed it was a “playful and harmless prank” as part of your ongoing rivalry. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen complications, Captain D’Angelo was stranded there for two weeks and her brain was nearly eaten by a Luirosi worm. Needless to say, she was less than pleased with the outcome. David: Yeah, well, she had it coming. Remember we were making out that one time in the cargo hold, and she handcuffed me to the railing and left me there for six hours? I missed the deal with the Treosian gene smugglers because of that little “prank!” Two thousand creds, whoosh, out the airlock. Anyway, enough reminiscing. Let’s get this over with. Open the channel, Alice. Alice: Channel open. Audio only. PANEL 3 [ The two ships in space. ] Corinne: David? You there? Where’s the visual? David: Hi, Corinne. Yeah, I’m here. We’re having some... technical difficulties with our visual communications. How are you doing? Long time no see. Corinne: Why in the galaxy do you sound like the fantasy girl in a bad holo-porn? Are you using a voice mod to try and swindle the freighter captains again by posing as a damsel in distress? Last time you tried that, you nearly incited a riot on Odessa Station. David: No trick. It’s kind of a funny story but, uh, it’s probably better if I tell you in person. Can I take a pod over? Corinne: Fine. But if this is some kind of prank or scheme, I swear I’ll find the biggest, hungriest black hole this side of Orion and personally shove you in head first. And I’m not talking about the head you think with, either. I’ll be waiting in the docking bay. Make sure to bring Alice, too. She’s the only one out of the two of you that I actually trust. PANEL 4 [ Aboard the Apollyon. Corinne is laughing her ass off. ] 30 minutes later, aboard the Apollyon... David: And that’s when I found out I was stuck in this pleasure drone. So, Corinne, as you can see, I need your help to get back to Epsilon Eridani to transfer my consciousness into a new masculine body. Um. Pretty please? Corinne: Well, that’s quite the story! Your reckless, careless ways finally got you into a situation you can’t charm or weasel your way out of, eh, David? I used to think Karma was a bitch, but maybe even she got tired of your antics and decided to teach you a lesson. A very...sexy lesson, if I do say so myself. I knew we had similar tastes in women, but I never thought you’d actually become our ideal fantasy girl. David: Yeah, yeah. But can we please move past the gloating and figure out a plan? Time is of the essence here. Alice: Captain D’Angelo, the Apollyon’s singularity drive is much faster than our backup drive. With your assistance, we can reach Epsilon Eridani in less than 36 hours. That would provide ample time to transfer David’s consciousness before the integration process becomes irreversible. PANEL 5 [ Corinne gloating, pointing at David. ] Corinne: (grinning) Well, you’re in luck. I made a big score on the last run, so I’m feeling...charitable. I’ll help you on one condition. David: Name it. Just get me out of this body. Corinne: Until we reach Epsilon Eridani, you’re my yeoman. You’ll cater to my every whim and generally make my life more pleasant. And, of course, I’ll be taking numerous holo-vids of the experience to share with our mutual friends. David: You can’t be serious. Taking advantage of my situation like this... Corinne: Oh, don’t think of it as taking advantage. Think of it as the universe restoring balance. You left me on space station with a brain worm infestation, after all. Do we have a deal? Alice: David, public records with the spacer’s guild show that Captain D’Angelo has a history of keeping her word in these types of situations. I believe this is our best chance at resolving the current predicament. Also, studies show that new life experiences provide valuable character development and improve problem-solving abilities. Even a short time spent as her yeoman may be beneficial for your personal growth. PANEL 6 (David in his new “uniform”) David: You too, Alice!? Dammit. Fine, alright! We have a deal. Just make sure you uphold your end of the bargain, Corinne. Corinne: That’s “Captain D’Angelo” to you, Yeoman Davina – No, that ain’t right. Too on-the-nose. Hm... Alice: May I suggest Delilah, Captain? David: ALICE! Corinne: Perfect! And who knows? You might enjoy yourself. You always were submissive in the sack, if I remember right. Especially when we played “dock the starship.” Remember? It’s always the same with you macho spacer types. Big ships, big talk, but deep down, you’re just aching for a strong woman to take control. Now, I have a very strict uniform policy, so you’ll put on what I give you and meet me on the bridge. David: Y-Yes, Captain. Corinne: Oh, it’s like music to my ears. And hurry up. Time’s a-wasting, sweet cheeks. It’s not a long trip and I want to make the most of our time together. PANEL 7 (David looking sexy and submissive on the bridge. Corinne with her legs crossed) David: Here’s your coffee. Corinne: Why thank you, Delilah. And, I must say, you’re looking very fetching. David: T-thank you. Alice, how much longer do we have until Epsilon Eridani? Alice: It has been 6 minutes since your last inquiry. So, 35 hours and 27 minutes. Corinne: Delilah, this isn’t quite as sweet as I like. Be a doll and fetch me some sugar? David: I’m in hell.