I woke up with a pounding headache. I guess I couldn't handle booze as well as I used to. "She's finally awake," said a lovely, accented voice from close by. "How much did she drink?" said another voice, a little deep but still feminine. I recognized the first voice as Elena, the bitch who'd brought me here. The second belonged to a girl I didn't know. Or maybe she wasn't a girl at all. Maybe, like Elena, she'd once been a man. "I'm not a she," I croaked. "Go away." "Oh, she's a little grumpy," said the unknown girl. "And we're not going anywhere," Elena said. "This is my bed." Opening my eyes, I saw Elena and the other girl staring at me from the other side of the bed. "Were we ever that hairy?" asked the girl. "You were hairier, Amy," Elena replied. "I was always rather smooth, even as a man." Amy playfully smacked Elena's shoulder. "You bitch." Even in my hungover state, I couldn't help but stare at Elena's perfect tits and the gentle curve of her hips. I couldn't see much of Amy, but she was obviously a trim, fit girl. Not a girl, I reminded myself. A man. A man who'd been kidnapped and hormonally and surgically altered to look like a woman. "How much do you remember from last night?" Elena asked. I frowned. "Not much. Why are you both, um..." "Naked? God, are you really that dense? We were supposed to have sex last night." I shot up from the bed, which turned out to be a big mistake. I slumped back down, clutching my pounding head. "No way. I'd... I'd never... You're guys!" Amy giggled. "That's not what you seemed to think last night." Elena smirked. "Anyway, nothing happened. We soon realized you were way to drunk, so we just went to sleep. We've been waiting for you to wake up so we can give you your farewell fuck." "My... what?" "It's a tradition," Elena explained. "For the initiates who are about to go under the knife and lose their balls forever. Amy is the one who gave me mine and she wanted to join in the fun with you." I moaned. This entire fucked-up situation was one nightmare scenario after another. "I'll find a way out of here," I said. "I won't let you mutilate me." Elena sighed. "Both of us said the same thing. Now look at us! The farewell fuck is a tradition but it's not a requirement. Still, I'm glad I took the chance to use my cock before everything changed." "Resistance is futile," Amy said, then they both laughed as if they were sharing a joke. I glared at the two of them. No matter what they did to me, I'd never give in. Maybe these two hadn't been able to resist the people who kidnapped us, but I was different. My will was stronger. So, with that in mind, I might as well enjoy myself. Sure, Amy and Elena were really men, but they were hot and they were soft and curvy and I... I wanted them. Elena's gaze shot to my dick and a hungry smile spread across her face. "Well, looks like she's ready for us." Amy crawled across the bed until she was sitting next to me. "Come on, then," she whispered. "Let's give her the send-off she deserves."