The pungent scent of potent chemicals hung thick in the air within the clandestine confines of Andross's secret experimental domain, yet Ruby pressed on undeterred. In the wake of the Star Fox squad's triumphant defeat of Andross and his cohorts, these experimental facilities had slipped into obscurity, becoming enigmatic locations that beckoned the curiosity of intrepid adventurers. Despite Ruby's seasoned astral astronaut background, the advanced equipment, cutting-edge technology, and formidable weaponry left behind by Andross at this covert base on Venom still managed to astonish and captivate. Navigating through dilapidated corridors and surmounting residual traps, Ruby eventually arrived at a research zone housing numerous tanks containing mysterious fluids and a sequence of glass enclosures lined up in succession. As Ruby approached the control panel, mere steps away from circumventing Andross's security layers, access to the data he had left behind was within reach. The recorded information unveiled a project involving the replication and cloning of combat troops endowed with extraordinary regenerative capabilities derived from a peculiar liquid. While engrossed in extracting information from the control panel, Ruby inadvertently triggered a test mode. Instantaneously, warning lights illuminated, and a plethora of mechanical arms sprang into action. Converging upon Ruby, they swiftly immobilized the unfortunate explorer, hauling Ruby into a nearby glass enclosure. Once inside, the mechanical arms secured Ruby's neck, arms, waist, thighs, and ankles. Despite fervent struggles, Ruby could not thwart the encroaching surveillance cameras. Desperate cries for attention proved futile as the glass enclosure sealed tightly, stifling any sound from escaping. As the warning light shifted to yellow, pumps initiated the transfer of liquid from the tanks, gradually filling the glass cage imprisoning Ruby. The liquid clung to Ruby's hair, progressively enveloping their body, forming a rubbery layer. The once-hyena physique now exhibited a lustrous silver-white sheen. Ruby's resistance waned, and rubber tubes infiltrated their nostrils and mouth, delivering air and connecting to the stomach. The rubber tube muted Ruby's voice, reducing their sounds to feeble moans. Ruby's entire form tightened, resembling a featureless robotic entity from the exterior. Following the completion of the basic rubber layer, a new layer of clear liquid enveloped Ruby's body, crafting the appearance of Fox McCloud, the renowned Star Fox pilot. The iconic orange and white fur, coupled with the distinct green pilot suit, gradually materialized. Sturdy silver shoes, black gloves, a silver coat, and a red scarf completed the transformation. Ruby now bore an uncanny resemblance to the Star Fox captain, complete with eyes, walkie-talkie, and a holstered gun. The glass gradually drained of liquid, and the locks released, allowing the rubber-clad Fox McCloud replica to step out. Ruby, bewildered by their altered form, attempted to peel away the rubber layers with futile efforts. The adhesive rubber refused separation, binding Ruby to the replicated Fox McCloud guise. Perhaps the information within Andross's documents could offer a solution? However, before Ruby could return to the control panel, a voice echoed in their mind. "AI Fox McCloud version 0.8 Beta initiated! Training in progress..." Ruby lost control of their body, manipulated as if someone else held the reins. The rubberized Fox McCloud figure moved purposefully toward a designated glass enclosure on the wall. As the enclosure opened, Fox lay down inside, internal locks engaging alongside a rubber tube connected directly to their mouth. A vibrator activated, inducing irresistible sensations. The internal voice issued commands, repeating actions in a continuous loop. Ruby succumbed to ecstasy with each wave of pleasure, swallowed by the liquid pumped into their mouth. The notification light shifted to green, the experimental area descending into silence. After a few minutes, lights extinguished, door latches secured, concealing the clandestine training of a pilot in that secret experimental domain.