Pepper VS Temptation - Part 3 ~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~ (edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) The Helja I saw before me was not the Helja I remembered. The first thing that clued me into the fact that something was different was her humming. It sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it right then. Then there was her body free of scars or other blemishes. She was beautiful, sexy, and I was struggling more than ever to keep my eyes on her face as I climbed onto her bowl-shaped bed. “You’re looking a lot better,” I said. She frowned. “The internal malfunction-damage is still an obstacle to my continued existence.” “Oh? What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting next to her. “An hour ago, with the help of the materials you gathered, I determined that the Heretics introduced a self-replicating toxin into my system. Whenever I repair myself or manufacture things, more of this toxin is produced.” “You mean a virus?” I asked. “It may not fit that definition fully. It’s an exploit-modification of how certain processes in my body work and I cannot fix it without creating an isolated environment that is less contaminated.” “So, the activated carbon isn’t enough?” “No, it has only bought me some time. It filters out far more than I need it to, forcing me to re-manufacture many substances. Designing a better filter for the toxin would require me to manufacture things and produce more of the toxin.” “That really sucks. I wish I knew how to fix it.” She put an arm over my shoulders. “I know of a possible solution to both that and the growing crystal problem, but I don’t like it because it would put you at risk.” I turned my head to look her in the eye. “Oh? What is it?” “Until I can present an alternate solution, I’d rather keep it to myself.” “Things are getting pretty bad with the crystal thing,” I said. “It might be better to just ask me.” “If the situation has still not improved when you visit me tomorrow, I will tell you regardless of whether I have a better idea.” “Okay,” I said. “Want to cuddle for a bit before I go to bed?” “Yes,” she reclined on her side, facing me. I cuddled up against her, feeling her breasts and balls come into contact with my front. My hand drifted down her back while hers felt along my side. She nuzzled my neck as her hot breath puffed out of her nostrils, which got me wet despite myself. A soft whine from her and a firmness in her sheath got me to realize I had my right hand on her thick toned ass! Just as I was trying to move my hand, her prick pressed far enough between my thighs that I moaned and instinctively lifted my leg to give it room. She immediately let go of me and rolled onto her back, pointing her half-hard cock at the ceiling. "Many apologies!" The tip of her cock was a beautiful shade of reddish-purple and she was so chill being naked that she wasn't bothering to cover it. The head was a bit canine, but the wedge shape was wider than that shaft that led to it. My clit twitched in protest as I told myself there was no way I was going to fuck her. That erection had to have just been her body reacting to being groped. "No, it was my bad. I have a new girlfriend and have been doing far too many gropey hugs," I said, blushing bright red. "Your bad? And gropey? Please define these terms," she said, her prick receding back into its sheath. "My bad is a colloquial way of saying, 'my fault,' and 'gropey' is just adding Y to the end of things to use them to describe stuff. Turn them into adjectives, maybe?" I really should have paid more attention in English class. The only part of English I liked was writing stuff down. The analysis part made me want to hide under a rock. "What is groping?" she asked, one ear folding down as she tried to come up with the answer herself. "It's when someone touches another person in a sexual way," I said. Helja smiled. "I'm glad your touch was intended to be sexual-arousing." I blushed so deep, my forehead burned. "Y-you're glad?" "It means that our sexual communication is more compatible with modern humans than I thought," she said. "I look forward to learning more about that later." "Umm, it was an accident. I mean, you're attractive, but..." I stumbled over my words while feeling embarrassed and wet. The thought that Helja didn't mind me groping her was too much. “I’m an alien and you’re unsure how to process cross-species sexual interest?” she offered. “I guess?” I said, wishing I’d just gone with the flow and sat on her cock. This was far more awkward than I’d hoped. “You can ask questions about my anatomy if you wish. Even if it doesn’t defuse your trepidation, it will lead to a better understanding of my body-species.” “Why do you have such similar genitals to us?” “It isn’t far from our original anatomy and we wanted to be sexually compatible with your species since we value that form of communication-intimacy.” She chuckled. The sound was mixed with a low rumble that made my chest vibrate. “It’s amazing how many options scholars imagine alien life would have as far as genitalia, but there’s a lot of convergent evolution when it comes to genitals. Penises and vaginas are a rather simple-efficient solution to the problem of copulation and biology loves its simple solutions.” “Was your race hermaphroditic from the beginning or...?” “No, we used to be sexually dimorphic like your race. But now we can choose whatever gender we like. A majority of us choose to be hermaphroditic because we enjoy having a variety of sexual connections. Sex is a large part of how we communicate and share data.” “That sounds really fun, actually. I suppose you can connect to each other while fooling around and share experiences and stuff.” “Exactly, if ‘fooling around’ means having sex.” “It does.” I rubbed my thighs together. “Do you like having a cock? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one.” “I very much enjoy it. I recall hearing that your girlfriends like having theirs too.” She leaned on her elbow and looked at me. “Would you like to try having one? Experiential knowledge is far superior to other knowledge, especially in this case.” I squirmed as my pussy clenched. “Helja, don’t tease me like that.” “I’m not teasing.” She put a hand on my shoulder. “Tell me honestly, would you like to have a body like mine?” My heart nearly exploded as I bit my lip and willed myself not to put my hand between my legs. Her warm balls were brushing against the back of my left hand and the head of her prick still hadn’t fully receded out of view. The fur on her balls was so fine and short that it felt like the softest velvet. I wanted to fondle them and finger myself. “Are you okay? You’re releasing a lot of pheromones.” That was it, I couldn’t take any more. I grabbed the hand she’d put on my shoulder and moved it to my left tit. Then I moaned and arched my back. Words were really hard to come by, but I did my best. “This is what humans smell like when we’re horny.” She groped my breast, saying, “You smell very good, wonderfully complex.” Her prick was sliding out of its sheath again. “Do you like my scent?” I sniffed the air getting hints of mint and mango. “Oh fuck!” My hand reached down between my legs and started rubbing. Her scent made my nose tingle and my body hot. “Producing pheromones similar to yours is having the desired effect.” She smiled. “Oh Helja, please touch me more,” I said as I unbuttoned my pants and reached into my panties, dipping my fingers into my slick muff. Helja’s length was getting longer by the second, sliding up against my arm, throbbing. It had little bumps that were like soft spines running down the sides and larger-wider bumps running down the top and bottom. It could flex into various rigid arcs and had a nice taper to it. “Is this arousal simply from thinking about having a body like mine?” Helja asked while exploring my clothed breasts with her claw-tipped hand. “No, I also think you’re hot as fuck!” I grabbed her cock with my other hand and started stroking off my first alien. She shuddered and gasped and licked across my lips. “Yes, oh, oh, yes, MORE!” she said, bucking her hips while pre started streaming from her tip. Now she was pressing her large pert breasts against my upper arm and shoulder. Neither of us was going to last long, neither of us cared. She’d been pent up for who knows how many centuries and I’d been into her since the day I met her. She brought the end of her tail up to my pussy. I took my hand away and pulled off my pants and panties, saying, “Yes! Do it!” The fur at the end of it was so fine, so soft, that it became like silk the moment my wetness soaked into it. She worked the end into me, rumbling deeply as her shaft got even harder. As my pussy opened for her, she tightened her grip on my breast and pressed herself more firmly against me. Her tail flexed inside me, flicking the tip, exploring. I gasped and moaned sharply as she grunted and thrusted. Feeling a bulge grow at the base of her prick while her pre soaked into the sleeve of my blouse gave me immense pride. Slicking up my fingers with her lubricious pre, I reached down and rubbed at my clit, careening toward my orgasm. “Do you need me to last longer?” she asked. “No! I need you to cum!” I begged, before taking the tip of her dick into my mouth. She tasted like mango and mint with a hint of lime. It was delicious. As I lapped around her cock head and sucked, she let out breathy rumbling moans and lost control of her hips. I had to grab her shaft with both hands to stop her from pummeling me with her erection. Her soft barbs on the sides and bumps on the top and bottom were really fun to play with. I could make her squeak and wiggle against me by toying with them. Figuring it would set her off, I grabbed her knot and felt each of its three lobes as I squeezed it. She cried out, “HASH! HASH KAAAHHH TAKRAEEENN!” as her dick spasmed and thick delicious spooge flooded out of it. The hand that wasn’t on her knot went to her balls. Feeling that heavy, gropeable weight in my hand along with the way her tail was gyrating inside me put me far over the edge. I threw my head back, unable to continue sucking down her minty mango goodness. While I screamed and spasmed around her tail, her immense load drenched her front, the underside of my chin, and my blouse. Even Charlemagne wasn’t this productive and I could feel Helja’s equipment contracting so strongly that her large, engorged clit was pulsing against the hand I had on her balls. Lazily, still cumming from her tail and my attention to my clit, I felt around her puffy pussy lips and slipped my fingers into her. More of her thick jizz jetted out, hitting my neck as she howled in delight. Then we were laying there, staring at each other in awe. A minute later, when my senses came back, I asked, “What were you saying when you came? Was that in your language?” “Yes, it was my native language. It’s a very common saying when one of us is orgasming from our cock,” Helja said. “Oh, what does it mean?” I asked. “‘Hash’ is our first person pronoun, ‘kah’ is an intensifier and in this context means ‘huge,’ ‘takr’ means mess and ‘aen’ is a suffix that means ‘to be in the process of.’ In English, I said, ‘I’m making a huge mess!’ It’s implied that the other person is causing this and is a compliment.” She made her dick twitch in me to emphasize her point. “That’s hot! Even better than saying ‘I’m cumming,’” I smiled. “I think so too.” She nuzzled my neck and then licked across it. “I want more.” Her prick was as hard as ever and I rarely stopped before I’d cum a couple times. “So do I,” I said. With both of us giddy and grinning, Helja pulled her tail out of me and settled in between my legs. At first, I thought she was just going to do standard missionary, but she grabbed my buttocks with her claw-tipped fingers, and lifted my back end off the bed. Then, she bent her prick into the perfect shape to enter me and pulled me toward her, spearing my snatch with her dick. “Oh, Helja!” I cried as I felt her soft barbs and bumps enter me one by one. Their arrangement was so stimulating, I nearly came from her putting the first third of her shaft in me. Wrapping her tail around my waist and bracing it against the bed, she supported my lower back so she could make full use of this downward angle. Then she thrust into me, testing to see how much she could fit inside me. Percy had stretched me quite a bit with her twin shafts, so Helja was not meeting much resistance. “Mmm! Pepper! This feels incredible,” Helja said as she got more than half of her huge purple shaft buried in me. “Harder!” I grabbed her breasts and toyed with her nipples, getting milk on my fingers. She growled as she pulled back and then shoved in deeper, grinding her knot against my entrance. Before I could egg her on, she started making big forceful thrusts into me that dragged her bumps and barbs against my sensitive walls. Feeling them pop past my pussy lips splashed me with fizzy, champagne-like ecstasy. Her milk was spilling down my palms and forearms as I continued to fondle her perfect breasts. I couldn’t stop looking at her gasping muzzle and reveling in just how gorgeous she was. The mixture of the peach and brown tones in her fur combined with her curvy proportions and tiger stripes was stunning. It was clear her knot wasn’t going to fit in me, but I was more than sufficiently stuffed. Her gasps and the endless stream of pre from her prick had me feeling a silly sort of pride. Like I was Earth’s chief sexual ambassador. The squealching from my soaked snatch was almost louder than my moans. She was thrusting so hard that she was bashing my entrance with her knot while slapping my buttocks with her massive balls. Percy and Charlemagne could take pointers from Helja. She wasn’t fooling around, her growls and forceful movements showed a complete acceptance of her inner beast. It was like she’d calculated what I could take and was putting me right up against that limit. Even at Percy or Charlie’s most intense moments, they didn’t have this energy, this fierceness. Waves of ecstasy started sticking to each other, building on each other as I watched Helja revel in the sweet bliss of our coupling. Under her pleasure-ridden growls and grunts was a determination to make this as intense and satisfying as possible. Her thrusts became slower, but she ended each of them violently, whacking her knot against my clit and clapping her balls against my ass even harder than before. It was too much, I came on the spot saying, “OH HELJA! CUM IN ME!” Letting out howling growl and gripping my hips like a vice, she made a flurry of thrusts that bounced me against the bed while her dick throbbed from base to tip. As another torrent of cum burst forth from her shaft, her shaft flexed bending back and forth. There was so much jizz that she rounded my belly before the excess spilled out of me onto the bed. My cunt milked her cock, giving me a screaming orgasm where I felt every bump and soft barb on her length. I squeezed her breasts in my hands the whole time I was cumming, feeling more milk spill out of them. After she fired her final shot into me, she rolled us onto our sides keeping herself buried in me. She wasn’t nearly as winded as me, even though she’d been doing all the work. While I was still catching my breath, she said, “Mmm, thank you. I’m beautifully pleased.” “Me too,” I gave her a hug. “I’ve never been fucked like that.” “I’m glad,” she said. “Each lover should have their own flavor.” “Their own flavor?” I asked. “Is that some sort of saying?” “Yeah, my people mean it both literally and figuratively. Basically, variety is the spice of sex,” she nuzzled my cheek, tickling me with her whiskers. I laughed. “That’s an interesting take on that English saying.” “Just like I’ve borrowed aspects of various earth species to take on this form, I want to sing my own song using the words and sayings of your language.” “So, your race doesn’t all look like you?” I asked. She shook her head, “No, we hybridize ourselves with the species available on any planet we visit-inhabit to gain a closer link to flora and fauna there. Each of us chooses how to hybridize. Genetic variation is our paintbrush and we enjoy reinventing ourselves to fit the worlds we cohabit.” “You’re sounding very artistic right now,” I said. “That was excellent sex,” she said. “Something I’ve been desiring-wishing for over a thousand years.” “No wonder you came so much.” I grinned. She laughed, it was dazzling in that her deepest laughter was layered at different frequencies. There was a pleasing hum to it. “We always cum a lot, it’s one way we can share information or facilitate hybridization.” “That explains those gigantic balls,” I said. “Not completely, I have a fetish for large balls.” She grinned. “I can tell that you do too.” I blushed bright red and then immediately changed the subject. “So, when you cum very hard, you get poetic?” She hum-chuckled, vibrating both of us. “I’m an artist, actually. I’m poetic a lot of the time when I’m healthy or otherwise feeling good. I also get poetic when I’m in despair.” “You’re an artist?” “Yes, a musician who invents instruments. I initially visited Earth to study Earth’s music traditions. I was planning to create some new instruments based off of ones present on Earth and then use them to create a performance-symphony that integrated those instruments with Earth’s music traditions,” she said. “That’s really cool! I should’ve known, your humming when I came in was really intricate.” “Oh, did you like it?” I nodded. “It was really catchy.” “I figured out a good...” She thought for a moment. “...hook for that one. Did I properly use ‘hook’ there?” “Yeah, I think so,” I said, cuddling up against her. She didn’t seem to care at all that I was sharing the mess she’d put all over me, getting her own cum in her fur. I had no idea what I was going to say when I got back to Percy’s room, but she’d likely have the lights low or off, so it wasn’t worth worrying about. The scent, however, that might be harder to explain. Helja stroked my cheek with a paw-padded hand. “Better understanding your motivations, and possibly because I’m feeling a lot more relaxed-content after what we just did, I’m now comfortable telling you my plan.” END OF PART 3 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!