Grant gripped an ultra ball in his hand as he walked down the dirt path that was Route 22. The Pokemon trainer had been up and down and up and down this route for what felt like hours, on the hunt for a very specific Pokemon. Night was already starting to fall, and the human was close to giving up for the day when he saw some more rustling in the bushes. And...why not, you know? He might as well check it out, even though it was almost certainly going to be another Bounsweet or Rockruff. The trainer prepared a ball from his belt as he stepped closer to the bush, struggling to even make out what Pokemon it was in the dark at first. Good thing it lunged out of the bushes to attack Grant! The trainer stepped back as a dark blob jumped out at him, Grant just about ready to throw out his trusty Infernape...and then, in the darkness, he actually started to make out what he was looking at. And the trainer's jaw dropped. Standing in front of him, claws bared and ready to attack, was the Pokemon Grant had been hunting down for the past few hours...a Salazzle! Grant didn't expect the Pokemon to be so aggressive, honestly, and in his panic the trainer just tried to throw his ultra ball at the Salazzle instead of trying to weaken it first. Thankfully, even though the Pokemon recognized what was happening and tried to dodge out of the way, the ball still made direct contact, bopping the Salazzle right on the nose and turning the Pokemon into a red blob of energy as they were sucked inside! Grant stumbled backwards as he threw this pokeball, landing right on his rear end as the ball started to shake around the ground. It shook once, twice… And then, it broke open. The Salazzle returned to the grass, just as aggressive and angry as before. The difference was, this time, Grant was on the ground, very much in a disadvantageous position as the Salazzle reappeared right in front of him. "Aagh, fuck! Infernape, come on - " Grant started to say, grabbing the ball out of his belt and thrusting it forward - only for the Salazzle to slash forward and swipe it right out of the trainer's hand! Grant tried to roll over to snatch the fumbled pokeball, but the Salazzle swiped at him once more, causing the human to completely abandon his plan and just start to crawl backwards. "I...I'm sorry I tried to catch you! Please, just let me go..." he started to beg, the trainer's life flashing before his eyes as the purple lizard in front of him got low to the ground, hissing and flicking her tongue in and out of her mouth as she made her way towards Grant. The human continued babbling his words out until he felt his back bump up against some sort of wall, or perhaps a tree…either way, it cut off his main escape route, and now the trainer was left with no outs. Just him, and a very angry-looking Pokemon, ready to get revenge for the attempted capture… But then, Grant realized something. He should have been a goner by now. The Salazzle had quite a few opportunities to slice him to bits, and yet...she hadn't, even as she got closer and closer to the trainer, eventually looming over the crumpled, terrified mess of a human with a small smirk on her pointed snout. The lizard leaned in, making all sorts of strange, shrill chirping noises as her head tilted to and fro, just an inch or two from Grant’s face. The human was absolutely stunned by all of this, so much in fact that he was rendered speechless, his heart pounding out of his chest as he tried to back up even further, scrunching his back up against the tree to the point of discomfort. In all of this, though, Grant was starting to notice...something. It was subtle at first, but as the Salazzle came closer and closer, it started to get stronger. It was a strange, intoxicating scent, sweet and smooth and…weirdly calming. Grant noticed his heart rate starting to slow down with every breath he took, the Salazzle leaning closer into his face and making a positive-sounding chirp as she noticed that the human was starting to relax. " that coming" Grant asked, the words slipping out of his mouth without him really even realizing it! The lizard seemed to reply in affirmation, continuing to crawl closer until her body was basically on top of Grant’s, her snout nearly touching the human’s lips. Her rear end was placed neatly on top of Grant's lap, and it was at that point where Grant realized… He was starting to tent up down there. It was so shocking when he realized it. How could that happen now, in this life or death situation!? And, with how the Salazzle was positioned, the trainer got the thought that...goodness, she might actually even be encouraging it. As his heart rate lowered, his member hardened, and with Grant in this weekend, confused state, the lizard struck; but, not exactly in the way Grant thought she was going to strike! The Salazzle pressed her snout against Grant's lips, the Pokemon smothering the human as her wet tongue slipped out from between her lips and started to invade Grant's own mouth! The sudden intrusion nearly caused Grant to sputter, his eyebrows raising up and a muffled groan of confusion coming out of his mouth...but, as he took another breath of that wonderful smell, they lowered once more, and the human started to give in to the desires of the horny lizard. His arms wrapped around the Salazzle’s back, and he relaxed once more as he started to reciprocate the deep kiss the Pokemon was giving him, though the Salazzle was still most certainly in control, her reptilian tongue probing all around inside of Grant’s mouth with no semblance of restraint. With every breath the human took, he started to relax more and more, the sheer oddity of what was happening to him continuing to fade into the background of his mind. The Salazzle kept up this make out session for another solid minute or so, Grant unable to stop himself from starting to thrust and squirm around a little bit as his shaft throbbed and pulsed needily...the Salazzle seemed to notice this, occasionally grinding her rear against the tent in the trainer's pants before she finally pulled away from that deep kiss, leaving Grant a sputtering, horny mess. However, the Pokemon wasn't done with her tongue quite yet! She leaned back in, barely giving Grant any more time to breathe in her intoxicating scent for she started to lick and slurp all over the human's face, presumably in an act of affection...Grant didn't exactly enjoy being smeared with sloppy slurp after sloppy slurp of thick lizard saliva, but, he really wasn't in a position to get the Salazzle to stop! Especially as...his face started to tingle a little bit? It was a strange, yet pleasant sensation, one that only added to the human's dopiness and horniness… The lizard Pokemon finally stepped back for a moment, a trill of approval coming from her as she surveyed the work she had done. Grant was now a loopy, doped-up mess of a human, not able or willing to resist her strange was time for her to get to what she really wanted to do with Grant! Slowly, the lizard continued to get off of Grant, sitting down just a few inches in front of his feet before she started to spread her own legs. Grant’s focus almost immediately turned to those legs, the human leaning a bit forward to see more clearly in the twilight of the evening. And then he saw it. A needy-looking, purple slit between the Salazzle’s legs, already dripping with feminine nectar. The human gasped as he realized what he saw, and the shaft in his pants throbbed alongside said gasp. " you really want to…?" the human asked, the words continuing to drip out of his mouth without much thought or consideration to them. The Salazzle trilled once more, before she started to reach forward and grab...Grant's feet? She started to tug on them impatiently, almost as if she wanted Grant to come closer...or, at least, that's how the human interpreted it. And, well, he was more than happy to oblige! The human slowly started to crab walk forward, intending to get to his feet or at least into a more comfortable position to start playing around with the Salazzle...but, the two of them had different ideas about what was going to happen. As soon as the Salazzle saw what Grant was starting to do, she clamped her thighs shut on his feet, causing the human to suddenly fall back onto his rump once more! At the same time though, he felt the tips of his feet squishing up against something, the lizard letting out a trill of excitement as Grant looked on with confusion. "Uh, Salazzle, what do you…" he started to ask, before he trailed off as his question was answered by the Pokemon opening her legs up once more. Grant peered forward, having to squint his eyes a bit in the dark, but he could see - and feel - that his feet were lodged inside of the Pokemon's slit! Grant was mostly just confused at first. He wasn't quite sure what the Salazzle was trying to do, but he was in such a suggestive mindset due to all those pheromones that he was honestly kind of okay with it. It did feel kind of nice to have the Pokemon’s wet, tight flesh clenching and squeezing around his feet, after all, and the Pokemon seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit as well! Her canal just continued to squeeze and pull Grant further inside of itself, the human’s ankles disappearing a few moments later inside of her with a wet *shlrrp*! The lizard's pheromones were becoming even stronger now, and every breath that Grant took just made him loopier and hornier, the human too busy massaging at the tent in his pants to notice or care that he was steadily being swallowed up by the Salazzle’s loins! The lizard Pokemon was obviously getting quite a bit of arousal from this, and she expressed that arousal by ushering Grant to come forward into her arms once more. The human quickly obliged, leaning forward and reaching out his own arms towards the Pokemon’s, the Salazzle eagerly grabbing onto Grant and pulling him forward even as his calves continued to disappear into her pussy! The two embraced each other once more, the Salazzle quickly leaning in and starting to give Grant a deep, wet kiss while her vagina continued to slurp and swallow the human’s legs right up! After that next clench, though, Grant was finally able to sense that there was something...different about what was happening. The human looked down to see a good third of his body trapped between the Salazzle's legs, the human forced to bend at quite an awkward angle as Salazzle continued to mack and smooch and tongue all over him! The human wanted to call attention to this, but with his mouth full of reptile tongue, all he could do was squeeze tighter onto the Salazzle and occasionally gasp along with her as he felt another few inches of his body get slurped up into her folds. And, of course, that was what the Salazzle wanted! Grant was a dopey mess with all her pheromones clouding his mind, but even in a state like this he could still get a bit too squirmy for the Salazzle’s liking. The lizard trilled and purred right into Grant's ear with her every kiss, the human absolutely intoxicated at this point by her charms and her pheromones. His whole body was tingling with pleasure, most especially the part of him that was currently inside of his reptilian lover! And that part of him was growing quite a bit, to the point where the human was physically unable to stay locked in Salazzle's arms. He gasped out as he broke away from the kiss, falling backwards onto the ground and craning his neck up to see nearly half of his body had been swallowed up by the Salazzle's ravenous loins! Seeing his own body starting to bulge out the Pokemon's lower belly was quite the wild experience for Grant, and his pheromone-addled mind was having quite a bit of trouble even comprehending it, besides the fact that it felt strangely amazing! "Hah...Salazzle…what's happening?" Grant barely managed to ask in between the strong contractions that continued to pull him deeper between the Pokemon's legs, the human watching in a mixture of amazement and confusion as he saw the Pokemon's lower belly continuing to swell out in size! It felt so warm and tight around his lower body, and every time he was pulled forward, that wonderful scent only became stronger. Those pheromones, combined with the Pokemon’s feminine sent the human’s body into complete overdrive! His cock was throbbing and leaking with every contraction the reptile’s loins made, right to the point where he was starting to make genital contact. So he was getting to fuck the Pokemon after all, though in a much different way…! Grant had to get a hand on his cock to start jerking off before his waist was pulled inside the Salazzle, his hand now trapped in those loins along with the entire lower half of his body. It all felt so fucking good to Grant, especially the new tightness around his cock, constantly throbbing into the Salazzle's vaginal walls! It was unlike anything Grant had ever felt before, and he could already sense that he was getting close to orgasming. Especially when another clench pushed his feet right through a tight opening, and opening that could only lead to the Pokemon's womb! He didn't even know Pokemon had wombs, but clearly he was learning quite a bit about their reproductive anatomy today. And he would learn so much more once he was actually packed away in there, something that the Salazzle was more than happy to do. Clench after clench, shrill after chirp of animalistic pleasure, the Salazzle pulled the human deeper inside of her body, already starting to massage and rub over the belly bulge that her human was making! Gods, Grant still couldn't believe his body was able to fit in there. It was basically only his shoulders and head that were left in the outside world, dribbles of the Salazzle's lubricant starting to splatter onto the human's face! Grant just closed his eyes at this point, letting all of the wonderful sensations creep over his body and hearing the Salazzle cry in absolute bliss. In a way, this is what he wanted to do to her anyway, so he was fine with the situation! At the rate it was going, he would definitely be able to get off as well, though it was a bit difficult to jerk off while he's still stuck in the Salazzle's canal...he'd have to finish when he was all the way inside. Wow. Just thinking about that phrase, "I'll jack off once I'm in her womb" was still absolutely insane to the human. Not where he thought his day would go, to be sure… Traders entire point of view was steadily being swallowed up by purple Salazzle thighs, the markings on her underbelly almost pointing Grant right towards the orifice that was swallowing him up! That feminine nectar continued to drip down onto his face and neck, preparing the human for the final part of his voyage...for now, at least. More and more of Grant’s perspective was taken up by the Pokemon’s nethers, clenches pulling that warm, wet tightness up over his neck; the human was forced to bring his chin down a little bit to make sure he could fit all the way inside, his heart pounding inside of his chest as he watched the world go dark around him. Just one more clench, and -- *ssshhhGLRRrrnk~* Grant very suddenly felt the whole world around him become dark and squishy and wet and warm, the Salazzle crying out in pleasure as her pussy swallowed up the human’s entire head in one powerful muscular contraction. That same contraction pushed his waist and belly up into the Salazzle’s womb, bulging it out even more and throwing the Pokemon into complete bliss...her womb had not been stretched out like that in quite a while, to be sure! Bulges traveled from between her legs up into the rather portly belly she was sporting, Grant gasping out in pleasure every time he felt the canal walls around him clench and squeeze to push him further up already felt wonderful, but to have that pressure against every inch of his body, it was absolutely indescribable! So much so, in fact, that the human couldn't edge himself any longer. On the next contraction, which pulled his chest and shoulders into the cozy uterus, Grant blew his load, the human crying out in bliss as his cock spasmed and blasted out thick globs of jizz that mixed with the fluids already inside of the Salazzle's womb. The lizard knew what was happening in there, and she was more than happy to encourage it, rubbing and stroking over her womb while she chirped and trilled as her own nectar leaked out from between her legs, now closed as the Pokemon sat in the tall grass with her catch. She contracted her pelvic muscles one last time, feeling Grant’s head get pushed up into her womb, completing the process of unbirthing him...Grant might have been curled up upside down inside of the lizard's belly, and completely unsure of how he managed to fit inside of here, but that was fine. That was all fine. He was now entirely contained inside of the Pokemon, his load was completely spent, and now the warmth and rhythmic tightness around him was starting to tire the human out. He could...he could always figure out how to get out of here later. For now, he needed to rest...