"Wow! I can't believe we really just managed to take down a Dragonite..." When Joey woke up as a Buizel one day and was shoved into a world full of Pokemon, adventure, and dungeons, it didn't really expect things to go all too well. This world was absolutely full of powerful and dangerous Pokemon, of course, and even though he had managed to partner up with a fairly competent looking Typhlosion by the name of Wilbur, the first couple of missions that they went on far exceeded the newly minted Pokemon's expectations. "Yea-*AAaauuurrppphhh*~. I'm even more surprised that I could contain him! That Ice Beam you hit him with when he was in the air was really clutch too, honestly..." Wilbur said as he thumped at his tan-colored stomach, tufts of the blue fur that made up his mane and a little treasure trail down the underside of his stomach swaying with the movements the dragon made inside of him! The two adventurers had decided to take on a bounty to capture the Dragonite together, one who had been terrorizing a local village with raids and other crimes and who had easily disappeared a few adventuring parties who tried to take him out beforehand, probably on his hips now...and though the odds seemed very stacked against them, the two managed to take the Pokemon down! Joey was far too small to stuff the Dragonite inside of it, but even though it was still a few feet taller than Wilbur, with his new friend and partner's help, he had managed to just barely contain the battered, tied-up criminal inside of him. Though it was now an absolute pain in the ass to walk around at all, the Typhlosion wobbling from side to side with every step he took and occasionally having to brace himself against the Buizel whenever the Dragonite inside of him started to kick around. Which was a pretty common occurrence, considering the Typhlosion's stomach acids had to work through both thick fat and hard scales, and he had only been in there for around 10 or so minutes! The two adventurers had gotten the hard part done, but for Wilbur's stomach, the work was just beginning. At least once they got back to the guild, the Typhlosion would be able to rest and relax...and spend a fair bit of the reward they would get from turning this baddie in~ After such a taxing brawl, the trip back to the guild was thankfully fairly uneventful. Wilbur nearly fell to the ground a couple times from an especially powerful kick or just from losing his balance, but there were plenty of sit-downs for the Typhlosion to regain his strength and for the Buizel to help his guts out with a good massage session. By the time the two of them were wandering into the guildmaster's room to turn in their outlaw, things were already starting to considerably simmer down in there...though Wilbur would have to confirm exactly what the lump wiggling under his pelt was to receive their reward, so those squirms would be returning in due time! Guildmaster Wigglytuff was very busy reclined in his chair, feet up on the desk while he casually bounced a ball at the wall to his side before the two adventurers came into his office, the guildmaster somehow maintaining his composure and continuing to keep that rally up while he conversed with some of the newest recruits yo his guild. "Ahh! Team...Steam, right? I understand that you've got an outlaw to turn in..." Wilbur stepped forward with pride, projecting his gut outward a little bit to show off the frantic, kicking squirms of the Dragonite within; the motion itself drawing a few more out of the trapped outlaw! "Yes, as a matter of fact, we do!" The Typhlosion announced triumphantly, before a kick deep in his stomach threw his balance off a little bit, the adventurer just barely managing to keep himself from belly flopping onto the floor of the guild and probably throwing the Dragonite right back up in the process! "...I see you had to contain him on-site. This is fine, but we need some kind of verification to know that you didn't just stuff a bunch of Rattatas in there or something, you know! Push his head back up, just enough so that I can see." the rotund, pink Pokemon asked as he stepped out from behind the table, letting his ball bounce to the ground behind his desk as he approached Wilbur. Ohhh, goodness, Wilbur thought. It was already hard enough to get this crook down, so the thought of having to cough him back up, even a little bit, sent a shiver down the Typhlosion's spine and sprouted an unpleasant pit in his belly. But the guildmaster was right; he needed to see the merchandise, so to speak! "Joey, I think I'm going to need your help for this..." Wilbur said as he turned to his partner, hefting his stomach up and pressing inward to try and get the Dragonite closer to the top of his stomach. "Urf...just kinda...push him up in there, I guess." the Typh advised as his Buizel partner put those paws to use...though it also took a moment or two to rub that belly before doing this strange form of the Heimlich maneuver to its partner! Wilbur was far too wide for Joey to fit its arms all the way around the Typhlosion's body, so this massage was the best that the Buizel could probably muster in the moment... Wilbur continued to clench and squeeze his stomach inward as Joey pushed on the bulge inside, the Dragonite putting up one hell of a fight as the caustic gut around him got even tighter...in the hot, slimy darkness, it was just impossible for him to tell what was going on right now, but he knew that he didn't like it! After a few seconds of those hearty massages from the two adventurers, the Dragonite's head would eventually be forced through the opening at the top of Wilbur's stomach, the flesh instantly latching onto the Pokemon's head at the sides of his cheeks and starting to pull, pull the Pokemon right up and out of the slimy prison that he had been trapped in for the past hour or so. He had no idea what was going on right now, but honestly, if he was being let go, he was obviously more than okay with it...the manner in which it was happening still inspired quite a bit of panic in the Pokemon, though, and he was still all bound up inside of there as well, so it wasn't like he could just escape if Wilbur was having a stomach ache or something like that..still, it was a start, even if it was a start that involved being squeezed back up a fleshy tube that seemed to be even tighter than when he slid down it earlier! Anything for that chance at freedom, though... Wilbur made some strange gagging noises as he steadily continued to bring the Dragonite up, Joey getting up underneath that belly and pushing upwards on the bulge as it was pulled back up the Typhlosion’s throat. Even with the little bit of leverage that the two adventurers had gotten, it was still a very involved process to bring the Dragonite back up, but eventually, Wilbur could feel the Pokemon poking up out of the back of his throat. "Tah-daaah~" the Typh said with as much aplomb as he possibly could, considering his throat was almost entirely blocked by the Dragonite’s head as he opened his mouth as wide as it could go to show the guildmaster that there wasn't any funny business going on with this reward redemption! The Wigglytuff didn't look for too long, not interested in staring into the drooly, foul-smelling mouth of a Typhlosion for longer than he absolutely had to for some strange reason...he took as long as he needed to confirm that this was the Dragonite they had been looking for, and just a few seconds later, he waved Wilbur away. "Yep, that's him alright. You can send him back down now...I'd recommend using some more natural bindings in the future, though." The Typhlosion eagerly clacked his teeth shut as Wigglytuff disappeared back behind his desk, delighting in the panicked squirms that he felt at the back of his throat as his flesh convulsed and tightened around the Pokemon's head. A few satisfying, if labored gulps later, and the outlaw was back on his way down to his holding cell, so to speak! Just in time for the two adventurers to receive their reward, as well. Both Wilbur and Joey's eyes lit up as they saw a veritable mountain of gold coins being poured onto the table in front of them...more Poké than they had ever seen before in one place, probably! The two of them knew that there would be quite the incredible reward for capturing this outlaw, but the coinage in front of them?... "And there you are! 1000 Poké. Split between the both of you, that is quite the payday, if I do say so myself. One of the biggest jobs that has been paid out in quite a while, honestly. Don't spend it all in one place, you two~" Wigglytuff said as he crouched back down and picked up the ball that he was bouncing earlier, quickly getting back to it as Wilbur and Joey stared at the massive pile of coins in front of them! The two adventurers looked at each other, then back to the coin pile, then back to each other, their stunned state only interrupted by a loud, sloshing gurgle from Wilbur's stomach as the Dragonite settled back inside once more. "We...we are going to need to get some bags for this stuff, huh?" After the two adventurers came back with some bags to stash their reward, Team Steam soon made their way back to the crossroads towards Spinda's Cafe. A delightful place that the two of them had walked past many times, though they had rarely ever actually gone inside because of how expensive it was! That...that wasn't going to be a problem for the foreseeable future, though, and it also seemed like a great place for the two adventurers to celebrate their most recent accomplishment! "Oh, I can't wait to feel how he squirms once some juice starts to pour down onto him..." the Typhlosion commented with a loud, satisfied pat of his stomach as he and Joey walked through the door of Spinda's Cafe, the Typhlosion immediately drawing quite a few pairs of eyes with his fat, twitching stomach on full display. Which was all the better, considering what he was about to say next. "Next round is on me~" Wilbur and Joey sauntered their way up to the juice bar as the Typhlosion got a few whistles and cheers from the patrons he would now be paying for, the Spinda tottering around on the other side of the counter also taking their time to ogle the big Typh gut before them as they took Wilbur's order. "Two Big Apple juices, please~" Wilbur asked as he slid a few coins across the counter, his suave little moment of coolness somewhat undercut by a low, warbling groan from deep in his guts that resulted in a raucous *BHEEeeuuurrrppphhh* a few seconds later! "Heh...scuse me..." Wilbur followed up as he slid another coin across the counter to appease the Pokemon that may or may not have now been covered in spittle... The two adventurers soon made their way over to an open table while they waited for their drinks, Wilbur almost instantly pushing his chair out as soon as he sat down to let his wiggly stomach just splay out all over his lap...and give Joey ample access to rub it down if it chose to! The Buizel quickly took the opportunity it was given, pushing the Dragonite’s frantic limbs back into the mound of gurgles and fat that they had emerged from as the Spinda came by and dropped off their drinks. "Cheers to a successful mission~" the two adventurers said as they clinked their glasses together, Wilbur guzzling down the whole glass of juice in a matter of the seconds while Joey chose to sip gently from it instead...a difference in appetites, for sure, but Wilbur was also going faster than normal to see how the Dragonite would react to a flood of juice inside the slowly activating stomach! "Oof. Yeah, that threw him for a loop..." Wilbur commented as he reclined back, both hands roaming over his stomach as the Dragonite inside became visibly more agitated. The acidic apple drink was definitely not going to make things cozier in there for the outlaw, that was for sure! Those struggles were quickly reignited as the cold, bubbly liquid poured down onto the Pokemon's head, dribbling down their body and joining the cocktail of stomach enzymes and gut slime that the Dragonite was already...enjoying. A cocktail that was slowly covering more of the Pokemon's body as the fleshy sack really started to get to work, clenching and squeezing mechanically around the meal it had been given...it was going to take a lot of effort to break down this big dragon, after all. All hands needed to be on deck, including Joey's, rubbing and pushing against the outside and helping to push the gas up out of its partner! Wilbur wasn't afraid to just open up and let the belches loose, catching the eyes of more than a few patrons every time a big, loud *BHUuuAAaaarppphhh* burst open his lips and tightened up his guts ever-so-slightly. Taking on outlaws was thirsty work, though, so Wilbur was more than willing to down juice after juice to replenish all those electrolytes he lost fighting and swallowing down the Dragonite. The fact he was teasing the outlaw and making the environment around the Dragonite much sloshier and wetter was just icing on the cake…~ Team Steam's little celebration lasted well into the evening. Stories exchanged, drinks imbibed, and, of course, trapped Dragonites teased! The struggles deep inside of Wilbur's stomach head began to become a lot more frantic as his gut slowly kicked into higher and higher gears, even those diluted acids starting to work their way through the outlaw’s tough natural armor as midday gradually turned into afternoon gradually turned into evening. As he got more and more used to carrying this extra weight around, Wilbur was able to throw it around a bit more as well, even getting up and dancing a little bit every now and again...though that was probably also helped by the amount of juice he was guzzling down giving him quite a bit of extra confidence! "OoOUUUrrrppphhh, he is...ish NOT liking thath one..." the Typh commented after sitting down once more, his gut still sloshing mightily and wetly with every movement he made even as the Pokemon inside gradually continued to get softer and softer! "Hey, hey, maybe you take it a little bit slower now, maybe get some water..." Joey offered tentatively; it was drinking as well, but not nearly as much as Wilbur, owed partially to its size and tolerance levels...but it still knew that the Typhlosion was going a bit fast, even if it was fun to torment the Dragonite by drowning him in booze! "Noh, ahm fine, I could even have some more, hah..." Wilbur replied defiantly, making good on his promise just a few minutes later...though it was starting to look like the Typhlosion wasn't going to last much longer before the bartender cut him off! At some point, the bindings that the two of them had used to restrain the Dragonite inside had been eaten through by Wilbur's acids, allowing the Pokemon to start kicking up a little bit more of a fuss inside and even start to speak a little bit. Though his energy was already quite sapped by the caustic environment, and the only thing he could get out were a few curse words and whimpers, which were barely even audible through the thick sloshing of Wilbur's stomach and all the fuzzy pudge that the Typhlosion had on his gut as well! It was still more than enough of a change for even the quite-inebriated Typhlosion to comment on, though. "Heh, heh...you can bhreakh outta those bindings, but not outta jail~" the smug containment tank taunted with a hearty, heavy pat on his engorged stomach, one that only seemed to annoy the Dragonite inside even more...wasn't like there was much that he could do about it from in there, though~ Especially when Wilbur opened up and let out a huge, raucous *BHEEeeeEEelllCCcchhhh* that drew more than a few pairs of eyes...pairs of eyes whose owners were probably getting more than a bit annoyed with him at this point. Point was, though, all that air vacating made it even tighter inside for the Dragonite, Left that much less room between him and the hungry walls excreting thick, slimy fluids that wanted to turn him into a dragon smoothie... The festivities continued well into the night, but of course, people started to trickle out more than they came in, and eventually, the announcement for last call was made. Wilbur's stomach still thrashed every now and again, but the Dragonite inside was starting to fall asleep himself...not really from the digestion, but mostly from the boozed-up environment he was in, making the Pokemon more than a bit tipsy himself! "Last one, Wilbur. Cutting you off." the Spinda bartender said plainly as she walked by and picked up all the empty glasses that were piling up around the team’s table; Wilbur was mostly done with the drink that was in front of him anyway, but the Spinda clearly didn't think highly of pouring another one for this boozed-up Typhlosion no matter how much cash he was throwing around! Which had totaled up to quite a bit month everything was said and done, Wilbur gleefully throwing around his half all throughout the night. It was worth it, though! The night was amazing, and when he didn't have to pay for food, he might as well spend that extra cash on some drinks...and a little more...and a little more than that, even. Basically, Wilbur was absolutely plastered, and once he actually managed to stand up and almost keeled over immediately, it was clear that he would need to get helped home by his diminutive partner. Help that Joey was more than willing to provide, bolstering Wilbur's body on its shoulder as the two friends left a very generous tip behind before walking out the door. Joey's knees and shoulder were already starting to ache from the extra weight it had to carry, though, and Wilbur's stumbling was liable to just send the both of them tumbling to the ground with how much of a size disparity there was between the two of them! Didn't help that it was pitch black outside, as well... "Heh...we-we *urp* reallygohtem, huh." Wilbur drunkenly mumbled into Joey's ear while thumping his still-twitching gut as Team Steam made their way back to the guild, Joey silently thanking whoever decided to put lit torches along the side of the walkways to make this a little bit more manageable in the dark! "Yeah, bud, we sure...hhf...did. You got to keep him down, okay?" the Buizel replied as the two of them stumbled to the guild’s door, Joey honestly worried that Wilbur had so much to drink that the Dragonite might be coming back up with a few less bindings if the two of them weren't careful enough! Thankfully, they quickly passed through security and managed to make their way into the guild, almost to the point where the two of them could collapse in their beds and sleep off the massive party they had just experienced; eventually making their way to their crew room without any major blunders. Joey kind of wished that it had bumped into another night owl to help it out with Wilbur, though... Joey let go of Wilbur as it entered the room, just for a second in order to flick on the light...which ended up being quite the unfortunate mistake. As soon as the Typhlosion took an unaided step forward, he stumbled and fell straight to the ground, falling right on top of Joey and pinning the poor Buizel to the ground with his churning, kicking stomach, the squirms inside once again reignited by the sudden shifting and sloshing of the entire world around the Dragonite inside...though, even with that extra bit of gas, it was still clear that things were starting to get quite melty and inhospitable inside for the convict! Joey immediately found themselves lying on their back on the floor, pinned under several hundred pounds of not only fat Typhlosion, but the squirming Dragonite as well! "Agh! W-Wilbur, wake up, cmon...!!" Joey said as it pushed and punched against the Typhlosion's side, unable to see anything as their entire face was smothered and swallowed up by the upper part of the Typhlosion's engorged gut. The Buizel yelled and tapped as hard and loud as it could, but its cries out to Wilbur were heavily muffled by the groaning stomach on top of the Buizel, and those punches and kicks only seemed to anger the Dragonite inside even more, leading to a sort of squirm war between the two unfortunate, smaller Pokemon trapped inside or under the largest one of all~ The only response that Joey got from Wilbur came a few seconds later, in the form of a drunken mumbly bit of nonsense that quickly transitioned into a loud, guttural snore that vibrated the Typhlosion's paunch and dug into Joey's ears in quite the unpleasant fashion...oh boy. Wilbur was really going to be spending the rest of the night here, and there was nothing Joey could do about it, could it? Talking to Wilbur obviously didn't work, and even if he woke up he would probably be too drunk to do anything except moan and complain. Hell, he might have even found the situation a little bit funny! So the Buizel was instead forced to start attempting to squirm and wiggle out itself. Pushing against the stomach, trying to maybe free another limb to make it easier to just kind of slide out from underneath this fat gut...though Wilbur was so damn heavy, and the Dragonite on top constantly kicking and thrashing about only made things more difficult and disorienting for Joey, not to mention the fact that it was rooting around in the dark as well! "Ughhhh, Wilbur..." the Buizel eventually moaned out in defeat a minute or so later, its arms already aching from trying to manipulate the massive, gurgly weight on top of it. A weak, defeated punch in Wilbur’s side followed, one last attempt to get the Typhlosion up before Joey dealt with the reality that it would probably be sleeping down here for the night. At least the gurgles and groans of the Typhlosion's stomach hard at work were somewhat rhythmic and almost lulling to listen to, before they were interrupted by a muffled groan or increasingly- weak kicks from the Dragonite that was steadily melting inside. The Buizel was still feeling a bit tipsy itself, honestly, so maybe falling asleep under here wouldn't be that difficult after all. Joey soon closed its eyes, trying its best to relax underneath the crushing, smothering weight of its partner as Wilbur's stomach noisily worked away the catch that they had worked so hard to take down together. Not where the Buizel expected to be staying the night after all this, but honestly? It was starting to find the softness on top of it somewhat cozy...