"Rough seas tonight…rough seas. We really should have pushed this off until things calmed down…" Long gone were the days of pirates and captains navigating the seven seas with nothing but barrels full of salted meat and their own intuition and blood. Yet, even in these modern, arguably more boring days, the seas were still invaluable for both transportation and commerce, and so Pilar found himself at the helm of a shipping container that was crossing the Atlantic. At this point, the dragon had made trips like this dozens, if not hundreds of times by now, and he had never seen conditions like this before. And yet, here he was, forced to make the clock by the higher-ups. The dollar stopped for nothing, after all. The seafaring dragon had left port about an hour ago by his measure, mostly just making sure all the things that he had in his helm and cockpit weren't being tossed around by the rough seas as he made minor adjustments to the course every now and again. This was a route he had been on hundreds of times already, of course, and at this point, he could probably do it in his sleep if necessary. He had already done it on the edge of falling asleep a few times before, no matter how dangerous that kind of thing sounded. Though, of course, with the clouds and the rain and the constant, gigantic waves crashing against the hull of his ship, he would need to be paying a bit more attention than he normally would. Even at peak performance and attention, though, there was really nothing that could prepare the yellow dragon for what was causing these rough seas, what lay ahead of him in the torrential waves…! An absolute downpour continued to assault the glass windshield in front of pilot, the dragon doing his best to keep things navigable for him despite the honest impossibility of the task that lay ahead of him. Fuck, he couldn't wait to get this done with and then complain to upper management. He would be deserving of one hell of a raise after navigating this kind of a mess! There were probably laws against this kind of thing, he could probably even take them to court for negligence at this point. He'd never been in a hurricane before, but the dragon estimated that this was what it must have looked and felt like. Even his iron stomach was starting to get a little seasick from how much everything around him was bobbing up and down... And, well, a hurricane wasn't the worst way to approximate the cause of all of this horrible weather. This hurricane was much larger, more fleshy, and more sentient than your average weather phenomenon, to put it mildly! Pilar had a massive serpent-like creature named Servin to thank for this catastrophic weather, the giant, snake-like beast slithering through the ocean waters, throwing them into chaos with just his presence. A creature told us in legend and hearsay, but one that Pilar had long forgotten as some boogeyman he was told about as an apprentice. Servin was very real, though, and his diet consisted primarily of those who treated him as nothing more than a boogeyman. And, today, the blue serpent, highlighted with blood-red fins that raked through the water like the sharpest of knives, was on a collision course with Pilar and his container ship. At this point, the horrible weather indicated just how close Pilar unknowingly was to the serpent, and there really wasn't a chance for him to turn around even if he did realize the nature of the danger ahead. Every glimpse of the turgid waters around him that the seafaring dragon managed to get through his assailed vessel was too nondescript and messy for him to really glean what was coming for him; regardless, the dragon was already preparing for some definition of “the worst that could happen”, putting on a thick raincoat and hat in the event that he needed to go out and make some last-second repairs or something of the like. As he continued to navigate and peek through to the landscape around him when he could, though, he did start to see something that he couldn't really place. And that is what scared him. Flashes of red amongst the deep, grayish-blue waters that his ship was attempting to navigate. Something that he had really never laid his eyes on before. They were moving, too, or at least it looked like they were moving. It was quite tough to tell on the bumpy seas, through the spots on his windshield that were clear enough to peek through. He kept seeing them, almost like whatever it was was circling around his vessel. And as it did so, it seemed as if it was whipping the waters around him into even more of a frenzy! Which honestly didn't even feel possible to Pilar, but here it was, happening to him right now...god, it was getting hard even for him to control his boat with how rough things were getting. It was truly something he had never seen, and the fact that he continued to see that red blob slicing its way through the water only continued to make him more and more nervous. Something was about to happen to him, and he kind of wished that whatever it was would just happen already… Yeah, that was definitely a thought that Pilar would find himself regretting just a few seconds later. The creature that had heretofore been hiding amongst the torrential downpour and the terrible waves of the storm he was whipping up suddenly and violently made contact with the ship he had been hunting, slamming into the side and nearly knocking Pilar right to the ground inside of his cockpit! The dragon was stunned for more than a little bit, struggling to keep himself standing as the impact rocketed through his entire ship. Was his hull taking on water? Was that the only hit that his ship was going to take? Pilar had so many questions, but there were no answers in sight. Mainly because his window to the outside of the world was still absolutely smattered by water, but honestly, if he could see what was going on out there, he would probably kind of wish that he couldn't. Servin had made direct contact with his ship, the massive creature rearing up out of the water with an unearthly roar of victory as he continued to whip up the storm around him. There was something in particular he had in mind for this ship that dared to infiltrate his territory, and if the pilot could see through his window, he'd be able to look out and see the two stiffening rods at the base of the naga's body. Yeah. Even with the impressive size of both the Naga and his equipment, it would be more than a bit difficult to fit one inside of the other, but, well…Servin was going to make it work. Pilar had barely managed to hold on to his helm, and as soon as he fully got back to his feet, he started trying to maneuver around the giant sea monster, while also trying his best not to completely panic. Easier said than done, of course, when he was dealing with a creature that came straight out of his nightmares; one that he could still barely see, even as it threatened to devour his ship in one quick gulp! Though, that was mostly due to the constant movement around him. The downpour was starting to ease up ever-so-slightly as Servin came even closer, almost like Pilar was now in the eye of the storm… The windshield cleared up just enough for the dragon to get a decent view of the towering sea serpent in front of him before Servin plunged beneath the waves once more. Brilliant red fins once again slicing between the waves, heading right for his ship! Pilar already had his radio receiver in hand, shouting SOS requests in vain before the metal ground beneath him started to shake even more furiously. It wasn't like an impact, more like constant pressure being applied…and as he looked out the windshield, he could see what was going on. His ship, his entire vessel, being lifted casually up into the air by Servin, the entire cargo ship barely coming to the length and size of his midriff…and that was before countless cargo containers simply fell off, splashing down and sinking deep into the dark gray waters. But the loss of product was the furthest thing from the ship's captain's mind right now. Pilar had much more pressing things to think about. Namely, that he was being casually suspended some 20 feet in the air by a sea monster's hand, lifted up to head height so that he could stare into the green eyes of a beast so unimaginably terrifying to see in real life. Servin's snout took up his entire, albeit limited field of view, shaking Pilar to his core as he realized that there was no way out of here. At least, until Servin tipped the hand the ship was in downwards…down towards his crotch, towards those paired blue lengths. The dragon was being held at such a perfect angle, that he could actually see right into the tip of one of those blue cocks…and then he realized exactly what was going to happen. And things got a lot more desperate. "Oh, no, no, no. Not in there, anywhere but THERE!" the dragon started to sputter as his ship was casually brought closer to the tip of one of Servin's shafts, the fleshy tube seeming to yawn open right in front of him as Pilar quickly realized that the serpent wasn't planning to fuck his ship in any way. Instead, he was going to, at best, be used as a sounding rod, and at worst, completely disappear down one of those thick, blue lengths; and there was nothing that the dragon could really do about it. As he realized what was happening, Pilar attempted to make a break for the exit, planning to take his chances with the waves rather than the certain doom of staying here...but, he found himself quickly knocked to the floor by Servin as the serpent shook the ship back and forth a few times. He could see that Pilar was attempting to escape inside, and well, that just wouldn't do! Servin wanted to punish the dragon for his perceived foolishness, after all, and that meant every last bit of his ship was going to go down with him... A wet *sqsh* was barely audible to the serpent as he pressed the tip of the ship against his cock, the hungry member quickly engulfing and oozing over the bow of the vessel while Pilar struggled to get back to his feet. He had no hope of hearing that noise from in here, as well, so he couldn't even tell that Servin had started to consume his ship. At least, until he heard Servin roaring in pleasure before a contraction that yanked his ship a good few feet deeper into his cock, the captain quickly putting two and two together and realizing that he was running out of time to make some kind of escape. Every time he managed to get back to his feet, though, the rug was pulled out from underneath him in the form of Servin swallowing up another measure of his ship with his ravenous shaft. The serpent had reached around to the back of Pilar's ship, on top of that, using a few fingers to push and shove the offending vessel further down...it made such an odd, yet satisfying bulge in his length, the shaft starting to twitch and gulp down what it was being fed without even needing any assistance from the monster. That gave Servin the ability to get back to whipping up the storm around him, making it even more difficult for Pilar to even stay still on the floor, let alone get back to his feet and attempt to make his way towards the controls, towards the door, anything that had even the most miniscule chance of letting him escape. The vessel was completely lost at that point, but maybe he could still save himself… The ship jerked forward just a few seconds later as the monster's cock slipped over the halfway point; making pretty much everything that Pilar was thinking about moot. The tip of the beast's cock was now bumping up against the windows of the hull, each little twitch rocking the dragon's world inside as things started to get dark. The hull was strong, but as Servin humped and pushed and wiggled the ship into his shaft, parts of it would have to start to creak and give way to the massive, constant pressure that was being put on it from all sides. "Oh, god. Oh, fuck. This...this is really happening, isn't it?" Pilar said to himself as he heard everything around him starting to cave inward, the dragon soon being enveloped in near-total darkness as Servin's cock swallowed up the hull in one quick clench… The creature roared powerfully as his shaft stretched to engulf the cabin at the top of the ship, not only because it was physically stretching his flesh in a way that felt just divine, but also because he had all but claimed the captain of the ship that had offended him so. From here on out, it was just more of the same, Pilar only able to turn around and watch the light gradually fade from behind him as slick, blue flesh worked its way over the back of his little cabin, trapping him inside of the monster for good…or for however long it would take to melt down him and the ship inside of Servin's body. Pilar understandably didn't want to think about it too much. Not thinking about it was a luxury heat wouldn't be able to enjoy for too much longer, though, especially as Servin's shaft started to squeeze and push the ship down, creaking and cracking every corner of the vessel that couldn't handle the intense pressure. Making Pilar think that the whole helm was going to cave right in on him a few times! Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, that didn't happen. The rest of the ride was comparatively smooth sailing as Servin used a finger to push against the back of the ship, engulfing more of it inch-by-inch until the tip started to close right around the edge of his claw. The wicked storm was already starting to fade as the offending ship was completely consumed, nothing more than a strange, boxy bulge sliding down the underside of one of the sea monster's shafts. A few moments later, Serving himself disappeared, submerging down beneath the waves once more, leaving no evidence of his existence for a few containers that were tumbling to the bottom of the ocean right now. His job was finished, but his body wasn't quite done with Pilar yet. The dragon could barely tell what was happening in the outside world with the constant cacophony of squishy, wet bodily noises as he and his vessel were pushed deep into the base of Servin's shaft, almost to the point where they would disappear entirely inside of his body! The massive creature winced and groaned pleasurably as he felt the bulge slip inside of him, the vessel coming to rest inside of an internal sack right under the base of his twin cocks; showing just the slightest bulge that would be almost impossible for an onlooker to notice. Now, Pilar was completely, hopelessly trapped. Things started to calm down after his ship was dumped inside of Servin's balls, though. The dragon even managed to slowly stumble to his feet, a salty, fishy musk leaking into his helm as his ship bobbed and steadily sank into the thick, fertile seed that sloshed around inside this small, tight chamber. Pilar fumbled around in the dark for a little while, grasping and feeling along the walls until he pulled open a drawer that contained an emergency flashlight. Flicking it on, he saw just how much damage had been done to the ship; consoles torn off of walls, part of the roof having caved in, and anything that wasn't completely and entirely nailed down was strewn about everywhere. What was even more concerning to Pilar, though, was what lay beyond his little cockpit. Pulsating, red, hungry-looking walls surrounded Pilar on all sides, and the only exit was so high up as to be completely meaningless except as a cruel taunt of the possibility of escape. Beneath him, white waves of steaming-hot jizz, which the whole of his ship was already sinking into...and no chance for the dragon to see how deep this pool was. No chance, unless he just dave out and tried to swim through it himself...but of course, that was a bad idea for another reason, considering he could already see the thick stuff starting to melt right through the metal of his ship...it was so strange, just kind of absent-mindedly watching all of this go down with the knowledge that Pilar would soon be next. That there wasn't really anything he could do to stop himself from being melted down into seed, just like countless other seafarers who had flown a bit too close to the sun in the past. And it wasn't even his fault that he was out here. Now he and his ship were just doomed to be nothing but a trail of white to leak out of Servin's cock at some point, instantly mixed into the ocean waters until they were completely distinguishable from anything else around...