The Slaughterhouse Personal CC List (63 Items) -abandoned sign -asylum doors -eye donor -ATM -wall blood -bloody vinyl curtain -body farm parts -brain -champagne bucket -champagne tower -creepy girl -dead body -weapon -cyber wires -demon -eaten corpse -evacuation signs -steel banner -hanging dolls -hanging horrors -hanging victim -hell monster -homeless corpse -horror tv -in case of zombies -intestines -martini glass -mutant -neon bar stool -neon bar table -neon gravestones -raveyard wall neon -saw spiral -screaming man -serial killer bathroom -serial killer cage -serial killer chains -serial killer wrapped body -skeleton chandelier -spray paint cans -the howler -tickets sign -tip jar -traffic mirror -wall face -wall skeleton hands -wall spiders -window and door grate -wolf spider -wtf