关翎,湖南襄樊人,抗荆义士之后。她自幼勤学苦练,故而身材健美,功夫过人(最高时曾位列天下第七,也是当时唯一进入前十排位的女性)。因其姿容绝世,肤色偏深,左下腹又有一块蝴蝶状标记,江湖得名“血蝴蝶”,与其两位义妹——杨牧红,杨牧青并称“三蝶”。十九岁时,翎以一己之力斩姊妹山群匪,后与两位杨姓妹妹于此处落草,创立蝶花寨,明里劫富济贫,暗中来往联络,筹划反荆事宜,成为中原一带的抗荆中心。二十一岁起,翎多次带人劫夺来往官银,为反荆大业筹资,因襄樊地方兵力有限,姊妹山又地势险峻,故官军虽多次围剿,均无功而返。二十三岁时,翎之义妹遭敌对山头鬼愁山三丰寨虐杀,翎却顾念寨中姐妹性命,隐忍不发,未立刻寻仇。二十四岁时,朝廷押解前朝公主“玉蝴蝶”朱念姳回京受审,关翎率众劫得人犯,后又设计嫁祸给鬼愁山,导致鬼愁山被灭,为自己义妹报了仇。不曾想后来走漏了风声,计划失败,令朝野上下大为震怒。朝廷命六皇子亲率五万大军围剿姊妹山。姊妹山寨破,翎以一己之力杀出重围,但杨牧红,朱念姳被擒。为擒关翎,官军将二女日日在城中羞辱示众,逼关翎现身,还假意要将二女就地正法。行刑当日,关翎化装仕女,劫得六皇子为人质,成功救出二女并逃逸。后为保公主性命,只身一人引开追兵,后被上千人逼至一山洞处包围。关翎力战两个时辰,杀官兵无数,终是寡不敌众,遭到百花炼狱的独门秘籍情欲虫暗算,力竭被擒,连夜押解至京城献俘。经刑部会审,御笔亲批后裁定以大逆罪论处。同年九月,在百花炼狱受尽天下酷刑之后,关翎以一字马之姿裸骑双轨木驴游遍京城四门后,与西四牌楼前受八百刀凌迟而亡,时年二十五岁。 Ling Guan, born in Xiangfan, Hunan Province, daughter of rebellion general who was fighting against Jing Dynasty. She started learning Kung Fu since 5 so that she possessed fit body-type and great martial arts (Her highest rank was 7th throughtout country and she was also the only female in contemporary ranking). Because of her beautiful appearance, tan skin and a butterfly-like birthmark on left belly, she was called "Blood Butterfly" by people and also called "Three butterflies" together with her two sworn younger sister——Muqing Yang and Muhong Yang. At the age of 19, Ling killed hundreds of gansters in Sister Moutain by herself and set up "Butterfly and Flower House" there with her two sisters which later became the center to fight against Jing Dynasty. From the age of 21, Ling robbed government's cargo for several times to raise funds for the renegades. Due to the limited local forces in Xiangfan and the steep terrain of its Sister Mountain, the troops of the government came back with no success. At the age of 23, Ling's sworn sister ——Muqing Yang was captured and tortured to die by gansters on the Hostile Evil Hill. However, considering her people, Ling decided not to seek revenge immediately. At the age of 24, Jing Dynasty sent a princess of former dynasty——"Jade Butterfly" Nianming Zhu back to captial on trial. Ling led people to save her and set up Hostile Evil Hill which made Hostile Evil Hill destroyed by official army. Unexpectedly, her plan was disclosed later and Jing Dynasty was pretty furious about it. The emperor ordered the Sixth Prince to take fifty thousand troops to encircle and suppress Sister Mountain. "Butterfly and Flower House" was broken. Though Ling managed to escape by herself, Muhong Yang and Nianming Zhu were caught. To force Ling to appear, Muhong and Nianming were humiliated in the city every day and also pretended to be executed. On the day of "execution", Ling disguised to be the Sixth Prince's servant and kidnapped him. Then she successfully saved her two girls and escape. To keep the princess safe, Ling turned to another way by herself to attract all attention of the chasing army. She was finally surrounded by thounsands of people in front of a cave. After fighting bravely for two hours and killing countless soldiers, Ling was eventually too tired to fight and captured because of a special insect designed by Devils of Broken Flowers (an organization of Jing Dynasty specialized to deal with female criminals). She was immediately sent to captial where she was sentenced to death because of treason by the government and the emperor himself. In September of the same year, after suffering tons of torture in Devil of Broken Flowers, Ling Guan rode a wooden donkey in the splitting posture to all the four gates of the capital city nakedly and then suffered 800 cuts to die in the execution courts in fornt of West Building. She was 25 at the year. 关翎,伊律只阆三年生,湖南襄樊人也,其父讳霆,秋宣化校尉,后迁受明德将军,赠抚国参士,世交新平将军杨佐。翎即独女也,自幼承习武技,性孝柔刚明,玉洁无瑕,故芳兰自远。元武八年荆克临康,秋亡,父霆感怀故朝恩荣,遂携妻女遁隐山林,誓不降荆,杨佐举亲同之。翌年有原中官朝士访,携前秋待乳朝阳公主委之,后荆兵至,父霆以友佐之妻携翎,佐二女牧红,牧青伴朝阳公主入穴藏之,自与妻同杨佐战荆军,不敌,佐死,霆与妻俱擒,翌日即剐于县。佐妻亦伤疾卒,临终将四女付一女冠,行半,一绝技老丐劫公主去,仅三女得至,女冠遂授其武艺。经年,三女得大成,遂出山,寻而名见天下,然其居天下中魁妇人者,唯翎也。翎以其姿绝肤深,腹见一蝶胎,遂江湖号曰“血蝴蝶”,同二杨并名“三蝶”。 年十九,翎以力斩姊妹山群匪,与二杨落草于此,建蝶花寨,劫富济贫,潜通联络,经反荆大事,遂成中土反荆之首也,桃李之后,数劫官银,以资大业,然襄地兵贫,山多险峻,故官军虽屡剿,悉皆无功。又三岁,牧青为鬼愁山三丰寨之贼虐杀,翎顾寨中姊命,含忍不发,未便寻仇,复年,朝廷解前秋朝阳公主献俘,翎闻率众劫之,后诬于鬼愁山,致其灭,以报牧青仇。未想后事觉,朝野震怒,命一皇子领兵五万攻之,得破,翎以己力出围,然牧红,朝阳公主遭擒。欲获翎,遂使二女日日受辱于市,逼翎见,又伪将就地正法。是日,翎诈作仕人,劫皇子为质,救二女逸走,为护友命,单骑诱敌,行至城外山穴,为千人所围,后力战时数,袭杀官军无数,终寡不敌众,为百花狱情蛊所中,力竭被擒,夜解至京下狱,享百花狱天下苦刑,经由刑部审,朱批裁以谋逆论。九月,翎遂以平腿之姿裸乘木驴,遍游东都京门,于南楼磔八百凌迟毙,时年二十有五。