;Created hy Mugenfutacharsmaker ;fvar(27) Speeds 1/2/3/4/5/Cum ;fvar(26) Pose Changer ;Fvar(29) Cum bar load ;fVar(24) Struggle Bar/Grab Cooldown - Skip minigame ;fVar(25) Var for failed and sucess - Inifnite impregnation ;fvar(28) Var for impregnation sperm count - Transparency [Statedef 89112] type = A movetype = H physics = N velset = 0,0 [State 757, 1] type = SprPriority trigger1 = 1 value = 2 [State 757, 2] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Time = 0 value = 5030 [State 757, 3] type = VelSet trigger1 = AnimElem = 1 X = 3 Y = -1.5 [State 757, 4] type = VelAdd trigger1 = 1 Y = 0.3 [State 757, 9] type = SelfState trigger1 = Vel Y > 0 && Pos Y >= 0 value = 5100 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------NORMAL RAPE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Futa Grab [Statedef 50000] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 0 velset = 5,0 ctrl = 0 anim = 60000 ; Intento de Grab sprpriority = 3 [State 865, 2] type = Velset trigger1 = (GameTime % 5) = 0 x = 2 [State 0, Trans]; Para remover efecto de transparencia en caso de que el char se lo haya puesto antes del grab type = Trans trigger1 = time = 0 trans = none ;[State 0,NotHitBy] ;type = NotHitBy ;trigger1 = time = 0 ;value = SCA ;time = 5 [State 0, TargetState] type = TargetState trigger1 = Movehit trigger1 = NumTarget value = 50002 [State 0, ChangeState] ; if Successful hit type = ChangeState triggerall = numtarget trigger1 = MoveHit = 1 trigger1 = Target,movetype=H && !moveguarded && movehit value = 50001 [State 0] type = HitDef Trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = S, ST hitflag = M A D; F affectteam = E priority = 1, Miss sparkno = -1 p1sprpriority = 1 hitsound = S45645,0 p1facing = 1 p2facing = 1 guard.dist = 0 fall = 1 [State 0, ChangeState ]; if Miss type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [State 0, VarSet]; Cooldown Normal Grab type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 fv = 24 value = 15 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Futa Normal Emote [Statedef 50001] type = S movetype= A physics = S velset = 0,0 anim = 53300 ; Burla sprpriority = 3 [State 0, TargetState]; Target to Move type = TargetState trigger1 = time = 0 value = 50002 [State 0, TargetBind]; Victim Position type = TargetBind trigger1 = time > 0 pos = 0 [State 0, PosSet]; Futa Position type = PosSet trigger1 = time = 0 y = 0 x = 0 [State 0, PosAdd]; Move Futa partner type = PosAdd triggerall = partner,stateno = 50001 || partner,stateno = 50003 || partner,stateno = 70001 || partner,stateno = 70003 triggerall = (pos x - partner,pos x) < 50 triggerall = (pos x - partner,pos x) > -50 trigger1 = time = 0 x = (pos x - partner,pos x) - (pos x -partner,pos x) + 150 ;x = ifelse((pos x - partner,pos x) < 50 && partner,facing = -1,-90,ifelse((pos x - partner,pos x) < 50 && partner,facing = 1,90,0)) persistent = 0 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex first Penetration type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 value = 45645,1 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Futa word before penetration type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 6 value = 5002,0+random%3 persistent = 0 [State 0, VarSet]; Struggle bar set at 0 type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 fv = 24 value = 0 [State 0, TargetState]; Emote End Target type = TargetState trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 50004 [State 0, ChangeState ]; Taunt End type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 50003 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Victim Normal Emote [Statedef 50002] type = S movetype= H physics = S sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 0, ChangeAnim2]; Taunt Bottom type = ChangeAnim2 trigger1 = time = 0 value = 54300 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Penetration Sound type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 7 value = 4218,25 +random%3 [State 0, LifeAdd]; Initial Damage type = LifeAdd trigger1 = animelem = 7 kill = 0 value = -50 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Futa Normal Assault [Statedef 50003] type = S movetype= A physics = S velset = 0,0 anim = 70001 sprpriority = 3 [State 0, Helper]; Move enemies and allies from view type = Helper trigger1 = time = 0 helpertype = normal name = "Opponent Aproach" ID = 50100 stateno = 50100 postype = p1 facing = 1 keyctrl = 0 ownpal = 0 supermovetime = 0 pausemovetime = 0 [State 0, TargetBind]; Victim Position type = TargetBind trigger1 = time = 0 pos = 0 ;-------------------- SEX SOUND AND EFFECTS (& CRITICAL STUFF)------------------------------------; [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex penetration sounds type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 70001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 70002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 70003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 70021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 70041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 70061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70065;Press value = 45600,0 + random%5 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex Futa moans type = PlaySnd triggerall = random < 200 trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 70001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 70002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 70003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 70021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 70041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 70061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70065;Press value = 10,8 [State 0, HitAdd]; Hit Count, Sex type = HitAdd trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 70001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 70002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 70003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 70021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 70041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 70061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70065;Press value = 1 ;-------------- CRITICAL STUFF [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex Critical penetration sounds type = PlaySnd trigger1 = numexplod(443004) = 1 value = 45601,0 + random%2 [State 0, EnvShake]; Cum EnvShake type = EnvShake trigger1 = numexplod(443004) = 1 time = 10 freq = 180 ampl = -6 [State -2, SuperPause] type = SuperPause trigger1 = numexplod(443004) = 1 time = 5 anim = -1 sound = S15,0 + random%2 darken = 0 movetime = -1 ignorehitpause = 1 ; Critical Explod [State 0, Explod] type = Explod trigger1 = numexplod(443004) = 1 pos = -50,-50 anim = 443005 ID = 443005 ; Critical Explod [State 0, Explod] type = Explod triggerall = random < 100 trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 70001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 70002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 70003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 70021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 70023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 70041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 70043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 70061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 70065;Press anim = 443004 ID = 443004 persistent = 3 ;------------------ CUM SOUND AND EFFECTS [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex first Penetration in Cum type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 70006 value = 45645,1 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Cum sounds type = PlaySnd trigger1 = numexplod(443003) = 1 value = 45645,3 +random%4 ; Invisible Hit and Cum Sounds and Moans Explod for Triggers - MISSIONARY [State 0, Explod] type = Explod triggerall = anim = 70004 trigger1 = animelem = 8 || animelem = 14 || animelem = 20 || animelem = 26 anim = 443003 ID = 443003 ; Invisible Hit and Cum Sounds and Moans Explod for Triggers - COWGIRL [State 0, Explod] type = Explod triggerall = anim = 70024 trigger1 = animelem = 6 || animelem = 12 || animelem = 18 || animelem = 24 anim = 443003 ID = 443003 ; Invisible Hit and Cum Sounds and Moans Explod for Triggers - DOGGYSTYLE [State 0, Explod] type = Explod triggerall = anim = 70044 trigger1 = animelem = 7 || animelem = 13 || animelem = 19 || animelem = 25 anim = 443003 ID = 443003 ; Invisible Hit and Cum Sounds and Moans Explod for Triggers - PRESS [State 0, Explod] type = Explod triggerall = anim = 70064 trigger1 = animelem = 8 || animelem = 14 || animelem = 20 || animelem = 26 anim = 443003 ID = 443003 ;---- Cum Bar Stuff------; [State 0, VarAdd]; Cum Bar increase type = VarAdd trigger1 = (GameTime % 25) = 0 && fvar(29) < 69 fv = 29 value = .2 * fvar(27) [State 0, Explod]; Cum Bar explod type = Explod trigger1 = numexplod(40001) = 0 && !AILevel anim = 40001 ID = 40001 pos = 65, 27 postype = back scale = 1, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 1 ontop = 0 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, Explod]; Cum Bar charge explod type = Explod trigger1 = numexplod(40005) = 0 && !AILevel anim = 40005 ID = 40005 pos = 65, 27 postype = back scale = 1, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 1 ontop = 0 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 ;---- Struggle Bar Stuff------; [State 0, Explod]; Struggle Bar explod/ pink type = Explod trigger1 = numexplod(40006) = 0 && !AILevel && fvar(29) < 69 anim = 40006 ID = 40006 pos = 0, -60 postype = p1 scale = .5, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 1 ontop = 0 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, Explod]; Struggle Bar charge explod/ red line type = Explod trigger1 = numexplod(40007) = 0 && !AILevel && fvar(29) < 69 anim = 40007 ID = 40007 pos = 0, -60 postype = p1 scale = 1, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 2 ontop = 0 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, ModifyExplod]; Struggle Bar/ red line mover player left screen type = Modifyexplod trigger1 = 1 ID = 40007 postype = p1 pos = 0+Fvar(24), -60 [State 0, VarAdd]; Struggle Bar increase/decrease type = VarAdd trigger1 = 1 fv = 24 value = ifElse(numexplod(443006) = 1,-1,1) [State 0, Explod]; Explod for Struggle Bar charge move (Var alternative) INCREASE - LOOKING FOR BETTER REPLACEMENT IN THE FUTURE type = Explod triggerall = fvar(29) < 69 trigger1 = numexplod(443006) = 0 && !AILevel && fvar(24) = 40 anim = 443006 ID = 443006 pos = 0, -27 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, Explod]; Explod for Struggle Bar charge move (Var alternative) DECREASE - LOOKING FOR BETTER REPLACEMENT IN THE FUTURE type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = numexplod(443006) = 1 && !AILevel && fvar(24) = 0 ID = 443006 [State 0, Explod]; Remove Explods once finish pink zone type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = Anim = 70006 || Anim = 70026 || Anim = 70046 || Anim = 70066 ID = 40006 [State 0, Explod]; Remove Explods once finish redline type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = Anim = 70006 || Anim = 70026 || Anim = 70046 || Anim = 70066 ID = 40007 ;---- Struggle Bar CHECK Stuff------; [State 0, VarAdd]; Struggle Bar sucess/fail master key type = VarSet triggerall = numexplod(40008) = 0 && numexplod(40009) = 0 && fvar(29) < 69 trigger1 = command = "Speed1" || fVar(24) = 24 fv = 25 value = ifElse(fVar(24) >= 18 && fVar(24) <= 25, 1, 2) [State 0, Explod]; Struggle Bar sucess explod type = Explod trigger1 = fvar(25) = 1 && fvar(29) < 69 anim = 40008 ID = 40008 pos = 0, -60 postype = p1 scale = .5, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 3 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, Explod]; Struggle Bar fail explod type = Explod trigger1 = fvar(25) = 2 && fvar(29) < 69 anim = 40009 ID = 40009 pos = 0, -60 postype = p1 scale = .5, .5 facing = 1 vfacing = 1 sprpriority = 4 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, Explod]; Explod for Struggle Bar charge move (Var alternative) DECREASE type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = fVar(24) = 0 || fvar(29) >= 69 ID = 40008 [State 0, Explod]; Explod for Struggle Bar charge move (Var alternative) DECREASE type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = fVar(24) = 0 || fvar(29) >= 69 ID = 40009 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Struggle bar sucess type = PlaySnd trigger1 = fvar(25) = 1 value = 11001,1 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Struggle bar failed type = PlaySnd trigger1 = fvar(25) = 2 value = 11001,0 ;---- Struggle Bar FAILED STUFF -----; [State 0, Explod]; Struggle Bar fail explod type = Explod trigger1 = fvar(25) = 2 anim = 443001 ID = 443001 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 [State 0, LifeAdd] type = LifeAdd trigger1 = fvar(25) = 2 kill = 0 value = -50 absolute = 1 ;---- Impregnation Stuff ------; [State 0, VarAdd]; Var for impregnation sperm count type = VarAdd trigger1 = fvar(25) != 0 && fvar(29) < 69 fv = 28 value = ifelse (fvar(25) = 1,1,ifelse (fvar(25) = 2 && fvar(28) >= 0,-5,0)) [State 0, Explod]; Impregnation Explod type = Explod triggerall = Anim = 70006 || Anim = 70026 || Anim = 70046 || Anim = 70066 trigger1 = fvar(29) >= 68 && animelem = 12 anim = ifElse(fvar(28) >= 30, 44205,ifElse(fvar(28) >= 27 && fvar(28) <= 29,44204,ifElse(fvar(28) >= 23 && fvar(28) <= 26,44203,ifElse(fvar(28) >= 13 && fvar(28) <= 22,44202,44201)))); ID = 44201 pos = 0 , -8 facing = facing postype = p1 scale = .2, .2 sprpriority = 4 persistent = 0 [State 0, ChangeAnim]; Cum once Var 29 = 69 type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Animtime = 0 && fvar(29) >= 69 value = 70006 + fvar(26) persistent = 0 ;---- Sex Moves ------; [State 0, VarAdd]; Move Skill check sucess type = VarAdd triggerall = fvar(29) < 69 trigger1 = fvar(25) != 0 fv = 27 value = ifElse(fvar(25) = 1 && fvar(27) < 5,0.2,ifElse(fvar(25) = 1 && fvar(27) >= 5 && fvar(27) <= 5.9,0,-1)) [State 0, VarAdd]; Move Speed reset type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 || Anim = 70006 || Anim = 70026 || Anim = 70046 || Anim = 70066 || fvar(27) >= 6 && fvar(29) <= 68 || fvar(27) <= 0.9 fv = 27 value = 1 [State 0, VarAdd]; Auto Rape Speed set type = VarSet triggerall = fvar(29) >= 69 trigger1 = command = "Speed1" || command = "Speed2" || command = "Speed3" || command = "Speed4" || command = "Speed5" || command = "SpeedCum" fv = 27 value = ifElse(command = "Speed1",1,ifElse(command = "Speed2",2,ifElse(command = "Speed3",3,ifElse(command = "Speed4",4,ifElse(command = "Speed5",5,ifElse(command = "SpeedCum",6,fvar(27))))))) [State 0, VarAdd]; Auto Rape Move set type = VarSet triggerall = Anim != 70006 || Anim != 70026 || Anim != 70046 || Anim != 70066 trigger1 = command = "Missionary" || command = "Cowgirl" || command = "Doggystyle" fv = 26 value = ifElse(command = "Missionary" && fvar(26) != 0,0,ifElse(command = "Cowgirl",20,ifElse(command = "Doggystyle",40,ifElse(command = "Missionary" && fvar(26) !=60,60,fvar(27))))) [State 0, Explod]; MOVE FUTA EXPLOD Changer type = Explod trigger1 = animtime = 0 anim = 70000 + fvar(27) + fvar(26) + 10 ID = 70055 pos = 0, 0 postype = p1 scale = .95, .95 sprpriority = 1 ontop = 0 bindtime = -1 removetime = -2 [State 0, ChangeAnim]; Speed/Move Changer type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 70000 + fvar(27) + fvar(26) ;---More Struggle Stuff---; [State 0, VarAdd]; Struggle Bar restarter type = VarSet triggerall = fvar(29) < 69 trigger1 = fvar(25) != 0 fv = 25 value = 0 ;---Transparency Stuff---; [State 0, VarSet]; Transparency (Cum load reused var) type = VarSet triggerall = fvar(29) >= 69 trigger1 = command = "Transparency" fv = 28 value = ifElse(fvar(28) >= 1,0,1) [State 0, Trans]; Transparency type = Trans triggerall = fvar(29) >= 69 trigger1 = fvar(28) = 0 trans = add alpha = 170,90 ;---Skip Minigame Stuff---; [State 0, VarSet]; type = VarSet trigger1 = command = "Skipminigame" fv = 29 value = 69 ;----------------------------------------- Release---------------------------------------; [State 0, ChangeState ]; Release type = ChangeState triggerall = Anim != 70006 && Anim != 70026 && Anim != 70046 && Anim != 70066 trigger1 = command = "release" && !AILevel || roundstate = 4 || roundstate = 3 || DrawGame || wintime || losetime || AILevel && target,alive = 0 || numexplod(443001) >= 3 value = 60000 ctrl = 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Victim Normal Assault [Statedef 50004] type = S movetype = H physics = N sprpriority = 2 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Sex Victim Sound type = PlaySnd triggerall = random < 150 trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 71001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 71002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 71003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 71021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 71022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 71023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 71041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 71042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 71043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 71061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71065;Press value = 4218,21 +random%3 [State 0, LifeAdd] type = LifeAdd trigger1 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 71001 || animelem = 6 && Anim = 71002 || animelem = 3 && Anim = 71003 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71004 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71005;Missionary trigger2 = animelem = 4 && Anim = 71021 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 71022 || animelem = 4 && Anim = 71023 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71024 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71025;Cowgirl trigger3 = animelem = 5 && Anim = 71041 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 71042 || animelem = 5 && Anim = 71043 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71044 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71045;Doggystyle trigger4 = animelem = 2 && Anim = 71061 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71062 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71063 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71064 || animelem = 2 && Anim = 71065;Press kill = 0 value = -2 absolute = 1 [State 0, PlaySnd]; Penetration, Cum Victim type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 8 && Anim = 71004 || animelem = 26 && Anim = 71004 trigger2 = animelem = 6 && Anim = 71024 || animelem = 24 && Anim = 71024 trigger3 = animelem = 7 && Anim = 71044 || animelem = 25 && Anim = 71044 trigger4 = animelem = 8 && Anim = 71064 || animelem = 26 && Anim = 71064 value = 4218,25 +random%3 [State 0, LifeAdd] type = LifeAdd trigger1 = animelem = 26 && Anim = 71004 trigger2 = animelem = 24 && Anim = 71024 trigger3 = animelem = 25 && Anim = 71044 trigger4 = animelem = 26 && Anim = 71064 kill = 1 value = -50 [State 0, ChangeAnim2]; type = ChangeAnim2 triggerall = enemynear,anim - 1000 trigger1 = enemynear,animelem = 1 value = enemynear,anim + 1000 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Helper hit [Statedef 50100] type = U movetype= A physics = N anim = 40051 [State 0, PosSet]; Hitbox position type = PlayerPush trigger1 = 1 value = 0 [State 0, ] type = HitDef trigger1 = (gametime%50) = 0 attr = S, NA animtype = Hard ground.type = Trip air.type = Trip hitflag = MA guardflag = priority = 4, Hit sparkno = s15002 guard.sparkno = s15005 sparkxy = -10, -15 fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 ground.velocity = -5.8,-4 air.velocity = -5.9,-4 yaccel = 0.6 [State 0, PosSet] type = DestroySelf trigger1 = parent,stateno = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Release [Statedef 60000] type = S movetype = A physics = S SprPriority = 3 [State 0, Playerpush] type = Playerpush trigger1 = 1 value = 0 [State 0, targetstate] type = targetstate trigger1 = time = 0 value = 89112 [State 1120, Position] type = PosSet trigger1 = time = 100 y = 0 [State 0, VarSet]; Cum Load Safe Reset type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 fv = 24 && 54; Escape points && Auto Mode value = 0 [State 0, VarSet]; Cooldown type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 fv = 24 value = 20 [State 0, RemoveExplod] type = RemoveExplod trigger1 = time = 0 [State -2, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = time = 0 value = 89112 ctrl = 1