Mrs. Bellagamba surprises Fiona with her energetic interpersonal skills despite Fiona's secret spilling out and becoming quite the handful. It turns out Mrs. Bellagamba has secrets of her own and surprises Fiona right back. Fiona has more questions than answers by the time Mrs. Bellagamba leaves, but those are nothing compared to what she discovers just before she goes home for the night. Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 13 -> Shared Secrets by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and WolfLeah) The moment my clit flicked free of my panties, it twitched and I moaned. I felt exposed, and despite the embarrassment that was warming my cheeks, it felt really good. "Exquisite." She gently felt my labia with her fingers. "I've never seen anything like this before." "Ngh! It gets a lot bigger." I squirmed from her curious touch. "Huh, it's already bigger than mine." She wrapped her left hand around it and squeezed while rubbing the fingertips of her right hand against my inner labia. I gasped and thrust into her hand, full of questions, but without the ability to ask them. She moved her hand and took a long, slow lick of my labia. "Mmm, I'm not sure who's getting the better deal." Her tongue went to work on my pussy until my clit surged in her grasp, gaining another inch. Then she slipped my clit into her mouth and used the tips of her fingers to tease my pussy. Pressure at the tip of my tailbone accompanied an itch on my forearms as orange-and-black-striped fox fur began to sprout. My half-lidded gaze shifted from the top of Mrs. Bellagamba's head to the rose bushes on the balcony being bathed in yellow-tinted late afternoon sunlight. It was a beautiful afternoon, even more so with a woman sucking my soon-to-be-cock. I knew I should explain that I was going to be something more than human by the time she was done, but moans were all I could muster. I grunted as my tailbone pressed out. It felt so good, like stretching right after sitting up in bed. Extra teeth pinched my gums as my nose flattened and my tits made my bra tight. Fur was traveling up my arms and coming in on my ears. At the base of my clit-cock, a new clit formed and split off from it, full of glorious sensation. A twitch deep in my abdomen signaled my testes budding off my ovaries and preparing for their descent to their new home in the sac that was swelling just in front of my pussy. Even with all my moaning, I couldn't stop smiling because I was shedding my human form and blossoming into the hung herm I was meant to be. She shoved two fingers inside me and bobbed her head on my cock until the head of it got pointy, my sheath started to form, and dragon ridges added some texture. Pulling her mouth off my dick, she looked up at me. "Holy shit, Fiona! Are you a werewolf?" "Umm, noth quite." I failed at biting my lip because my jaws were shifting. Then I realized how little she was freaking out at seeing fur and my now-elongated jaws. "H-have you theen a real live werewolth?" My muzzle was forming quite quickly, my bones popped and clicked while I held my face. Paw pads formed on my hands, my mind clearly remembering the warm light from the beacon. "Yes, but I've never fucked one." She licked the tip of my cock. A jolt of pleasure ran down my dick as I felt it open up inside. I blushed crimson as a spurt of pre hit her lips, my dick jumping as it did so. Licking her lips, she let out a long, low moan. Then she ran her right hand through the fur that had just started coming in on my belly while fingering me with her left. A fox yip escaped my lips as fur spread over my whole body. Her right hand explored my furred form as she kept sucking. I came, but I didn't have balls yet, so I just shot a bunch of pre. With each pulse of my cock, I felt a twitch as my balls began their journey down the front of my pussy. "Oh my God! You're so fucking gorgeous!" She was looking up at me, eyes wide with awe. My tail wagged furiously. She stared at my dick for a moment. "It's not going down at all. Just how pent up are you?" "Oh, it doesn't go down until I cum after getting my balls." My tail curled between my legs in embarrassment. "Huh." Cupping my sac with the palm of her hand, she rubbed my clit. "This is your scrotum and you have a clit right behind it... I'm fucking jealous now." She took her hands away and pulled off her bra and panties. My ears flopped down and my eyes went wide as I witnessed her three-inch-long clit. "Are you like me?" "No, I'm just intersex and take a bit of T so I can have an even bigger clit along with some muscle. I kinda leaned into my defiance of binary genders even though my work kinda forces me to pick one or the other." She straddled my chest and shoved her clit into my chin. "That look on your face tells me you don't quite believe what you're seeing. You might want to inspect it to make sure it's not a forgery." I licked along her clit, moaning at how rigid it was. Now I was jealous too. What I wouldn't have given to be born with a clit like hers. I took it into my mouth, licking behind it to taste her pussy as I gave her oral. She grabbed handfuls of my head fur just behind my ears and thrust, making it impossible for me to think about the dozens of questions I had for her. She was very strong, very insistent, and very loud. Just as quickly as she'd started, she backed away and sat on my dick, groaning lustily as she took me inside her. I screeched and thrusted, my instincts so strong that I ignored how tight she was getting. "YES! YES! YEEESS!" She hissed through clenched teeth as my dick gained length and girth, her hands groping my swelling tits. "Haaah! AH! OW! DAMMIT!" "Oh no! Something wrong?" I stopped moving completely. She got off my dick. 'Your ability to provide exceeds my ability to receive. Seems I'll have to come back with a firm counteroffer." "Glad you know your limits." I chuckled, feeling a weird pride that my cock was too big for her. Spreading my legs, she shoved all three inches of her clit inside me. At first, I wasn't sure it would be enough to get me off, but then she started thrusting like a madwoman. She was pulling all the way out and shoving all the way in every time, putting her entire fit body to work fucking me. And feeling her enter over and over drove my clit and pussy lips wild. Her hands spread my pre all over my dick and her front as it got so big it pushed up between her breasts. She held my shaft against her, her small breasts battering it from both sides as they flailed from her motions. Her grunts of effort filled the room as I moaned and felt so much pleasure I could barely think. My balls enlarged inside me while getting closer and closer to their exit. Just as it was getting tight in there, I got a powerful urge to push. "Here they come!" I cried out before pushing as hard as I could. With a solid thud, they popped into their sac and my cock started pulsing from base to tip. My pussy trembled around her clit and then convulsed. The orgasm hit so hard that I felt like someone had struck me with a newspaper roll the size of the Empire State building. My body ached as it came, ached with pleasure. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!" There was so much awe on her face, looking at my balls as they expanded to be larger than my fists. Witnessing this drove her over the edge. Her thrusts took on this jagged quality as she fought her body to keep going at the same pace, only to fail and go even harder as her clit twitched violently. She gave my dick a bear hug and planted her mouth on the tip. As my seed flooded out of me, she drank it down, continuing to thrust through her second orgasm. She worked to keep swallowing even through her moans and panting. I grabbed my breasts, writhing on the couch as my orgasm seemed to last forever. It felt so wonderfully good to have her inside me and I was proud of how much I gave her to drink. We panted for a while, just looking at each other in mild disbelief. Still hugging my cock, she cooed. "Your pussy is so plush, might be the best I've had and this cock is insane." She licked a bit of cum that had dribbled out while she was talking. "Do you call your clit a cock or something else?" I asked. "Cock, girlcock, pussy-spreader, javelin, clitcock, or thrustmaster 9000 are all fine." She sucked and nuzzled the tip of my dick, while I giggled and moaned. "Your thrustmaster 9000 is the smallest one I've seen and I was worried it wouldn't get me off, but--" "Sex isn't about dick size, it's about energy and flow. Any pair or group of people has a flow that works for them, the trick is to experiment until you find it and then just go go go." She gave me one more thrust and then pulled out and stood up next to the couch. "Let's go out to the balcony." "Like this?" I gestured toward my massive, half-hard cock. "It's not like the people across the street are going to see us through the branches of those trees." Grabbing my hand, she dragged me off the couch toward the sliding door. "It feels so public." I protested. "Which only makes it even more fun." Pulling the door open, she tugged me through and then shut it. Coaxing me toward the sun lounger, she said, "Sit." I sat, my tail wagging. "Lie down." She pointed at the back of the lounger the way a dog owner would. My tail wagged faster. I laid back in the lounger, blushing under my fur. "So adorable!" She pulled my dick up and got under it so she was laying against my front. Cradling her head between my breasts, she reached up along my sides and grabbed onto my fur. "Not as adorable as you." My prick was two-thirds back into my sheath, but it was still pressing against her buttocks a bit. "Mmm, I've found the world's most comfortable spot. I can die now." Her clit was softer, but it was still poking my tummy a little. She was easily a foot shorter than me. It was odd how all of me got bigger when I transformed, but it was also very fun. "If you die, we can't have sex again." I murred, running my paw-padded hands over her back. "Can I just die for a little bit? Like five minutes and then come back?" "If you come back, I guess it's okay." She made a show of kneading my fur and then relaxed against me until there was no tension in her whole body. I held her against me, my eyes getting wet from a tidal wave of joy. Tiny gusts of wind were tousling my fur while she just laid there, breathing softly. Maybe ten minutes later, my prick was fully back in my sheath and she still hadn't moved. I knew she was fast asleep because my canine ears were picking up the cutest tiny snore from her nose being flattened a bit against my right boob. My tits and balls were so big, all of me was big. Tears of joy started to wet my fur. It was so damn weird that I felt safer than ever being someone's shelter. For the first time in my life, I had safety and wholeness to spare. I held her tighter, being sure not to wake her, and willingly drowned in the sensation of being a big cuddly safe space while my tail wagged contentedly. She was such an incredible person and here she was, sleeping on top of me like it was no big deal. Fuck, I was falling in love again. Why did it happen so easily to me? When she started stirring again, the sun's golden rays had turned orange and I realized I must've fallen asleep too. "Part of me was afraid you wouldn't be all fuzzy when I woke up." She stroked my fur. "Oh, trust me, I know how you feel. I was worried about that for a good while after I first changed." "We should probably go back inside. I knew I'd be warmer against your fur, but I forgot about the part where I'm naked and my back is completely exposed. Fall should stop getting cooler at twenty-two degrees and just stay that way." "That's much colder than it--mph!" She put her hand on my muzzle. "Celsius, you silly mutt. It's dangerous to mix the US imperial system with my Italian accent." "Oh?" I tilted my head. "Yeah, that's how you get force choked by the Pope." I laughed like a lunatic and she laughed with me, unable to keep a straight face. Laughing loosened up my brain a bit and I suddenly realized what it meant for her to have seen me transform. "Hey, Mrs. Bellagamba?" "Fiona, we just fucked. Drop the formality and call me Corinna, please?" "Corinna, I need you to keep my transforming a secret. I'm not supposed to reveal how it happened. If everyone here knew, they'd ask me how it happened over and over until I broke and I'm not good at lying." "Sure, the price for keeping your secret is how it happened." She was looking right into my eyes with that slight smirk that meant she knew she had me exactly where she wanted me. "Umm, did you miss the part about me not being able to share that?" I scrunched my brow. "If you told just about anyone other than me, that would be pretty risky. You'd be surprised by the number of supposedly non-existent things I've witnessed firsthand. I deal in secrets, secrets you can't even imagine, and yours would just be one more." She sounded so sure of herself that I wanted to agree with her. "If you asked me to not tell another soul until the day I died, to not act on your secret in a way anyone would find out you told me, that's my bread and butter. You know you can trust me and you know that I'm giving you a very fair deal." "But I signed a non-disclosure agreement." I bit my lip. I really wanted to tell her. "I eat non-disclosure agreements for lunch. It's why I always carry a toothpick. Nom. Nom. Nom." She leaned down and took my left nipple into her mouth and then just started sucking. I moaned and squirmed under her, my sheath and clit tingling. Then she stopped and kissed my chin. "I'm just worried I could get in serious trouble with people that I really like." "Okay, two more points and then I'll drop it: One, I'm asking you to trust me. You've known me long enough to know that I'm as much an expert at keeping secrets and making deals as you are at tracking down the origins of valuable objects. Two, if you were in my position and met a woman who could transform like you, would you be able to sleep that night without knowing how she gained that ability?" My chest tightened as I looked into her eyes. Her expression wasn't what I expected to see. Her jaw wasn't set, her eyes weren't narrowed, and that slight smile that was somehow predatory when she was making a deal wasn't there. It was a gentle expression, the expression of someone who truly cared about me and was patiently waiting for me to think things over. That, above all else, put me at ease. "At a farm, not all that far from here, there's an object that can transform people. The farm pretends to be a spa and I'll help you look it up on your phone, but I probably shouldn't send you a link." I spoke quietly as if Maria was just on the other side of the glass door, listening. "Sounds like that farm houses a rather powerful NPO. Interesting." "NPO?" One ear lowered in confusion. "Oh, I assumed you'd know what they are if you were changed by one. NPO stands for Non-Prosaic Object. Prosaic basically means ordinary or normal, so it's an object that has abnormal properties." My tail wagged. "Are there a lot of them?" "Yeah, so many there's high-security warehouses full of them." "Have you collected any of them? I'd love to see what some of the other ones can do." "It's not like I keep them in my purse." She kissed my canine nose. "If I'm able, I promise I'll show one to you eventually, okay?" My tail wagged. "Sure! Do you think you'll visit again soon?" "Hon, I'd swim across the Atlantic for cuddling against your plush fur again, let alone sex." She buried her head in my cleavage and then pulled it back out, grinning from ear to ear. "I'll make up a reason if I have to." "Awesome!" I was wagging so hard my tail was thumping against the lounger. "It's so goddamn cute when you wag like that!" "Would you like to be canine like me if you could?" "It's funny, I'd go kinda opposite. I've had this recurring dream about being a river dragon ever since I got to pet snakes at a reptile park when I was nine. Sometimes, when I want to calm down, I just close my eyes and daydream about being covered in scales." "You'd make a good dragon, you're already kinda sinuous." She got this adorable huge smile. "Damnit, I want to book time at that farm ASAP. I don't know what I'd turn into, but there's lots of options I'd like." "Actually, you can turn into whatever you like as far as I can tell. They even had me hold what I wanted for myself in my head as The Beacon changed me." "I could actually be a dragon?" Her eyes went wide. "Yep! Would you want to be a herm like me?" "Not quite like you. I think I'd just go a bit more in the direction I already am and maybe get a six or seven inch dick and a better pussy? Since I'm intersex, there's a bit of give and take. My pussy started off small and took a lot of effort to stretch. Big dicks can be pretty uncomfortable." "Don't want to be hung as me, huh?" I grinned. "Oh, it's tempting, but I really like the sensation of shoving my whole shaft in over and over. The bigger the dick, the lower the maneuverability. That said, big dicks are very hot and I want to challenge the laws of physics by fitting all of yours someday." She interlaced her fingers with mine. "I really really enjoyed seeing your true self. I've never seen you more relaxed and happy." "I can't believe what we just did. The more I get to know you, the more I like you." I squeezed her hand. "Same here." She let go of my hand and got off me. "Now let's work on our evil plan so that we can be done before I have to catch my plane." * * * * * When Corinna left the rec room to catch her flight, she made up an excuse as to why I had to stay and tidy things up while I hid. Jinghua was thankfully too caught up in helping Corinna out of the building to question anything. Cleaning up after Corinna and myself only took ten minutes. For the next half hour after that, every time it was time for me to change back into my human form, I found something that could be tidied up. But eventually, without going to the hardware store, there was nothing else to do. With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the bar and ran my fingers through the fur on my thighs. Then I just cupped my balls and held them, feeling their weight until my cock tip pushed out of my sheath. Rinny had helped me a bit with transforming before I left. I started by taking deep breaths, then I remembered my human form as clearly as I could. After that, with each breath out, I imagined the lantern's light leaving me. My balls pressed upwards, my ears pressed downwards, my tail pressed inwards, and my paw pads started to flatten. The pinching of my teeth in my gums was the worst of it, but the itching as my fur disappeared back into my skin was pretty annoying too. As my back cracked, my balls and breasts shrank. I grit my teeth as my balls prepared to enter me again, but then I looked down and saw they were not much larger than grapes and my sac was pretty small. My sheath looked maybe around the size it would be if I only had a human cock. I just left my junk the way it was, not caring if there was a bit of a bulge in my leggings. Being without my dick just...wasn't okay right now. The disappearance of my extra teeth helped my jaws feel a lot better as they retreated back into my face. I missed my tail the moment it was fully back in, and as the points of my ears disappeared, I frowned. Canine expressiveness was so easy to miss when it wasn't there. It felt so natural. My bra went on easy, but my panties? They accentuated my bulge so much that my cock tip was poking out in no time. Looking at the wall and just calming my breathing eventually got things under control. Then I put on my blouse and leggings, stepped into my slip-on shoes, and walked toward the door. I kept my gaze forward until I saw my reflection on the backside of the long frosted-glass inlay in the door. Why they hadn't frosted both sides was beyond me, but this door was probably from the eighties or early nineties and I doubted anyone remembered the reason. All I knew was it was inconvenient right now. The light just inside the door cast the perfect sort of shadow that accentuated my package and I had to look awkwardly to the side as I opened the door. Just as I was about to walk past the big, mysterious refrigerator door, Dru opened it. Just through the door, I spotted a bunch of insulated lunch boxes on shelves with numbers on them. The fourth one from the bottom was yellow and white and had the number 2819-45921 on it. My eyes widened: I remembered that number. It was the first number I'd seen today, the number of the item on the top of the "urgent" paperwork pile. Dru, our resident pale-skinned goth, blinked in the bright overhead light of the hallway as she nearly dropped half the stack of paperwork she was holding in her right hand. Then she started rearranging it, cussing to herself. Just as the paper was sorted, her head whipped toward me and she became a blur. Then the door was shut and she was standing in front of it as if there'd been a time skip. Since I had her full attention, I decided to try talking. "Dru, I've been working here for two years, am I allowed to know what's in that room yet? "No." She always wore more leather than anyone should be able to afford. "Can I at least get a hint?" I gave her my best smile. She frowned, making the sharp edges of her dark maroon lipstick point downwards. "Maybe after five years. One hint." Her accent was eastern European and I just couldn't place it. "Excuse me." After shooting a glance both ways down the hall, she put a pointy-fingernailed hand on my shoulder and gently-but-firmly pushed me to the side as she walked past me. "How about you tell me where you buy your leather outfits and I'll call us even?" "We're already even. You don't want us uneven. Good day." She bounded down the hallway as if conversation was her natural repellant. I watched her go, my eyes dipping to her toned ass which was accented fantastically by the perfect tailoring of her tight, dark brown, leather pants. If her job was looking fabulous while keeping people out of that room, she was doing half of it right. My curiosity had been a few sparks before, now it was a blazing, five-alarm fire. Staring at the door, I thought about how I was one of the only people who could get in there without anyone ever knowing. END OF CHAPTER 13 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!