Core goes on his second date with Petra. Core's Opportunity - Chapter 21 by Zmeydros The dark cloud cover is making Petra's building look even more ominous than it normally does. When Petra comes up to meet him, her expression is subdued. She doesn't make small talk on the way to her apartment and, once they're inside, she rubs her paw pads on her whiskers while letting out a long sigh. "You okay?" he asks. "Yes..." She shakes her head. "No, I've had a rough week." He takes her hand in his and starts leading her to the couch. "If you want to vent, I'm happy to listen." Plopping down on the couch, she says, "But I don't want to burden you with my problems." "It's only fair, we talked about my issues last time." He sits next to her. "True." She leans against his shoulder. "All week, I've been waiting for my parents to get back to me so I can talk about my job offer." "Aren't they the reason you want to take the job in the first place?" he asks. "Exactly! Like, a month ago, they were all like 'Government jobs are stable, pay well, and have lots of advancement options. See if the National Weather Service is hiring.' And I found out they were hiring and I went to the interview and I asked all the questions my parents told me to ask and now they're flaking out like they always do!" "Always?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yep, things go fine for a while, but then they just drop off the map for a month. Even if I'm following up on one of their ideas. It's like I just don't exist. Heck, one time they were late on a tuition payment and I missed two weeks of a semester. Oh, and don't even get me started about the help they promised on rent payments. I'm lucky I wasn't evicted." Her right paw is digging her claw tips into her left arm. Core reaches down and grabs her right paw trying to get her to relax. "Are they forgetful or something?" "No, they're just too successful to bother themselves with their slutty screw up daughter." She says this in a patronizing tone. "Whoa, have they actually said that?" She sighs. "Not in those words." "You're not a screw up," he gives her paw a squeeze. She chuckles. "But I am a slut." Blushing, he says, "We're both sluts." "Damn right!" Her expression softens. "I just don't know what to think when they go AWOL like this." "Do they have demanding jobs? My dad was almost never around when he was starting his business," he says. "Well, yeah, I'm sure that's part of it. My dad's the head of a civil engineering firm and my mom's the lead programmer for the COAT's neutrino observatory." She shrugs. "But this has been going on since I was eight, so if the reason is that they're too busy, they probably shouldn't have had kids." "I think there's lots of people that shouldn't have had kids." He strokes the back of her paw with his thumb. "So true." She nods. "But I just can't help thinking they don't actually like me." He works an arm behind her and hugs her to him. "I'm sorry. That sucks." "Like, my sister isn't a herm or a slut and they didn't seem to have any trouble paying her tuition." "If they have a problem with who you are, then that's their problem." She kisses him on the cheek. "Thanks for the support...Is that sort of thinking something that helped you deal with your parents?" "Kinda? When I was young, even when I went along with what adults told me to do, I would thoroughly question their reasoning in my head." He thinks for a moment. "My parents used to go on and on about how I should live true to the Bible and not do anything gay or have sex before I was married or look at porn. For a long time, I tried to stick to their ideals. But then I made friends who did the things they warned me against. I was so sick of being judged all my life that I couldn't bear to do it to my friends." "Yeah, my parents had some similar ideas. I tried not being a slut for a year. Eventually, I was masturbating four times a day." "Four times, every day?" His eyes widen. "Yeah, my instincts are stronger than most people's, I guess? Like, when my pussy wants to get knotted, it does not leave me alone until I give it a knot. A toy can work, but only if I knot myself to it over and over and over for like a week until my body moves on to the next urge. But the worst part of it is that I know just one time with a real knot will satisfy my body. I think I need to smell the other person, to touch them, to feel their warmth, so many things the toy can't do." As she describes this, he fidgets with his footpaws against the shaggy area rug in front of the couch to distract himself. It doesn't help much and there's a warm tingle in his crotch when she finishes. "Whoa." She frowns. "Stupid, right?" "No, it's," he gulps, "r-really hot." She sniffs the air and then grins. "You want to knot me, don't you?" He nods shyly, blushing more. "That's what we'll do on our next date, then." She leans her head back against the couch. "I'm feeling really blah today, so even though I think I could have sex, I think we should wait." "Do you want to talk more?" he asks. "Yeah, I think its helping," she says. "But I'm probably boring you." "No, not at all." He smiles. "So, what was I talking about?" "Masturbating four times a day." He smirked. She laughs. "Yeah, so after a couple months of masturbating four times a day I tried cutting it down. But then I was getting wet or hard anytime a hot teacher gave me too much eye contact. And, the hornier I got, the more kinky my daydreams got. Before I knew it, I had my calc teacher bent over her desk." "Really? You actually fucked a teacher?" Core says. "Yep, she was a very busty mare, probably the only teacher ready for my size. She had a thing for herms and I had a thing for teachers. It worked out great until we were caught." Her ears droop. "Oh no! How did you get caught?" Core asked. "We probably shouldn't have done it in the teacher's lounge." "What!?" He gapes. "It's hard to hide something when both of you get off on the risk of getting caught," she says. "It's not like we were complete idiots, though. Sure, we did it in public places, but when no one was supposed to be around. That day, the physics teacher stayed late so he could fix some lab stuff. When he went to make some coffee, he opened the door just as my knot was popping in." "Did you get in a lot of trouble?" "Some, but it turned out way worse for her than for me. I'd just turned eighteen, but we'd been caught fornicating on school grounds, so there were indecent exposure charges and some other stuff. She insisted it was her fault and lost her teaching license." "That's so sad." She shrugs. "Both of us had really poor judgement. Like, I was flirting with her every chance I got to the point where I went to her office without wearing panties. She decided it was a good idea to lick me out instead of turn me away." "What happened to her?" "She got hired by some tech startup and tried to continue our relationship. After all that happened, I felt weird about doing more with her." "Ahh, so you stopped talking with her?" She says, "Nah, we follow each other on twitter. Last I heard, the startup she worked for got bought by Microsoft and she's working for them now." "How did your parents react?" "They were so upset, they actually argued about how to punish me. At one point, they were going to pull all my college funding. At another point, they were going to kick me out of the house. What they settled on was me spending the rest of my senior year and the summer before college doing community service." She laughs. "It was actually really funny. One of the organizers was this smoking hot wolf that was only three years older than me. My parents unintentionally introduced me to my next sex partner." He chuckles. "So you enjoyed it?" "Yeah!" She smiles. "I made a lot of juvenile delinquent friends and got pretty fit. My boyfriend was a great guy who let me bend him over. And the community service looked good on my college application. The work sucked sometimes, but I felt like part of a team." "I bet your parents didn't expect that." Her smile faded. "No. They just couldn't calm down. They kept talking as if I'd destroyed our family name. Maybe that's when they started being even less reliable." He nuzzles her cheek. "I'm just glad you made it through all that." "Me too." She scratches behind his ears before saying, "I often think that I made it through okay, but my parents didn't. It's the main reason I still regret what Helen and I did." "Even so, it's really odd that they wouldn't get back to you about a job that they practically asked you to get." "Yep, that's what's driving me crazy. I don't want to go to Florida, I'm doing it for them, I'm trying to make good on my promises. They prefer I don't try anything risky, so I'm doing something that's just a good stable job. And yet they still won't pick up the fucking phone!" "Wait, is there something risky you want to try?" "Yeah, starting my own consulting business where I apply the stuff I learned doing my senior project: using deep learning to better integrate their weather data." She puffs out air. "Who am I kidding? I don't know how to start a business." "Millie does," he suggests. "Doesn't it cost a lot of money?" she asks. "Probably, but I'm sure there's something you could do to get investors or grants or something." She nods. "True. I'll have to give it more thought. It's a nice alternative to moving to a place where I'd be hiding indoors all the time." "When you first talked to your parents about this job, did anyone bring up the weather?" he asks. "It seems like the worst place in the US for arctic species." After a soft chuckle, she says, "Multiple articles agree with you and I tried to bring it up to them, but my dad said I'd be getting paid more than enough to afford turning the thermostat down. My mom acted like he was making perfect sense." "But they have to realize staying inside that much really sucks, right?" "Who knows?" She holds up her hands in a helpless gesture. "They acted like getting that interview was the best thing that ever happened to me." He sighs. "Huh, my parents would question me about whether I could deal with it or at least mention the weather as a reason it might be a bad idea. I don't think anything could get them to move that far south." "So, your parents still live up in the COAT?" "Yep, they live north of Ontario in a suburb of Port Mansel." "Mine are east of there in Baffin Harbour." "I've only been there once. To see the Arctic Marine Musem with my family. I think I was eight, nine maybe?" She moves her thick draconic tail so it's running across their laps. "Seems everyone that comes to my home town is just there to see old boats." "I was so bored there as a kid. My parents spent most of the time reading the plaques beside all the miniatures. It only got fun when we went outside and actually started touring the steamships and stuff." He runs his paw pads over the scales on the underside of her tail. It twitches and presses back against his paws as he does so. "I've been there so many times that I can't stand it. It might have been cool at one point, but I'm so done with that place." "I can imagine." He scritches the snow leopard fur on the top of her tail. Remaining silent for a couple minutes, she relaxes into the couch hunching a bit. Then she grabs his right paw and puts it on her head. "Could you pet me a bit?" She purrs the moment he starts petting her. Her tail undulates along its length, her eyes close, and she settles in against him. After a few minutes, she starts petting his head too and they eventually end up forehead to forehead, muzzle to muzzle. Kissing her comes naturally and he laps at her muzzle while she lazily laps back. Then they're nuzzling, hugging, holding each other. Her head rests in the crook of his neck sending her purr through his whole body. He closes his eyes and takes it all in. Her warm front against is, the awkwardness of them being turned toward each other while still sitting on the couch, the fact that her tail is sitting right over his balls, and the kneading of her paws on his back. Time passes without either of them caring. Neither of them wants to break this embrace. Normally he'd be horny this close to a sexy date, but instead he feels safe, so very safe, and content. Hunger is what eventually drives them apart. It turns out that she has the ingredients for beef stroganoff and he cooks it for her letting her just relax on the couch with her phone. After they eat, she introduces him to Overwatch and they have a blast. So much so that they're up way past midnight. After the last match, she says, "I want more cuddles, can you stay the night?" His tail wags and his ears perk up. "Sure, I don't have anything to use for pajamas, though." "Nude cuddles are the best cuddles." He blushes and nods. She grabs his paw and leads him to her bed. They watch each other strip and hop under the covers. After settling in against his back, she says, "I wish I wasn't such an emotional wreck today. We didn't get to fuck." "It's okay, cuddles are good too." Holding him tight, she says, "Especially when it's you." "Same here." He pulls one of her legs between his so there's even more fur on fur contact. Not long after, they've gotten even more comfortable. Just before Core drifts off to sleep, Petra asks softly, "Can you get me a meeting with Millie?" "Sure," he says. "Tell her I want to ask about starting a business."