佳乃 Yoshino Yoshina 花梨 Hana 千穂理 Chiho Rei Makato 真户 我的教师妈妈 My Teacher Mother マイティーチャー・マザー 千穂理 Chiho Rei 本篇要素: 母系,NTR,连裤袜, 小马拉大车 Contents: Mom, NTR, pantyhose, female high and male low 本编の要素:ママ、NTR、パンティストッキング、女性の長身と男性の短身 我的妈妈千穂理,她的职业是一名教师,尽管在家里她对我非常温柔,但是一旦到了学校,就会变得非常严厉, 因为严格严厉的教学,让一些学校的坏孩子对她很不满意............ My mother, Chiho Rei, is a teacher by profession, and although she is very gentle with me at home, once she gets to school, she becomes very strict because of her strict and stern teaching, which makes some of the bad kids at school very unhappy with her ............ 私の母、千穂里の職業は教師で、家ではとても優しく接してくれるのですが、学校に入ると、その厳格で厳しい 指導のためにとても厳しくなり、そのために学校の悪い子たちが私のことをとても嫌いになってしまいます・。 ======================== 1 2 3 唉..... Alas ..... 4 小让,可以进来吗? Jean, can i come in? 5 是妈妈.... It's mom .... 当然,请! Sure, please! 6 那我进来咯..... I'm coming~~~ 7 这是我的妈妈,她的名字叫做千穂理,是一名教师。 This is my mother, her name is Chiho Rei and she is a teacher. 8 吃点水果吧..... Have some fruit ..... 9 还在刷题啊? You're still doing your homework? 这么晚还没休息啊? still up so late? 10 嗯.... Yea .... 你不也是 You are too 11 需要我帮忙吗? Do you need my help? 不用啦,这类型的题目已经做了几百道了.... No, I've already done hundreds of these types of questions .... 12 我闭着眼睛都能完成了~ I can do it with my eyes closed~ 呵呵,是吗? Oh, really? 13 真棒,不愧是我儿子,但是你不能骄傲自满哦~ That's great, you're my son, but you can't be complacent! 当然啦~ Of course! 但是为了保持熟练,所以我还是不断的刷题.....不断的刷题.... But in order to stay proficient, so I keep brushing up on the problems ..... 14 辛苦了 宝贝,学业压力这么大... It's hard, baby, with all the pressure of school... 虽然保持名列前茅很辛苦..... Although it's hard to stay on top ..... 为了妈妈 一切都值得 It's all worth it for mommy 15 啊....这个角度....可以看到妈妈傲人的身材.... Ahh .... This angle .... You can see mom's proud body .... 16 哎呀....我在想什么啊.... Oops .... What am I thinking .... 17 诶?怎么啦? Eh? What's wrong? 没....没什么...... Nothing .... Nothing ...... 虽然学习压力很大..... Although there is a lot of pressure to study ..... 但是,我怎么能对妈妈想入非非呢...... But, how can I think about my mom ...... 18 有那种想法..... Have that kind of thought ..... 自己打飞机缓解一下压力就好了..... Jerk yourself off to relieve the pressure will be fine ..... 呵呵..... Oh ..... 那个,宝贝..... That, baby ..... 19 !! 20 妈妈在摸我的肉棒?? Mom is touching my dick? 妈妈....你...你在做什么? Mom .... What are you... What are you doing? 21 看到你这么辛苦,我很心疼.... It hurts me to see you working so hard .... 妈妈帮你放松一下如何..... How about mom helping you relax ... 22 放松?什么意思.... Relax? What do you mean .... 就是字面上的意思啊~ It means literally ah~! !! 天哪!我不会是在做梦吧! Oh my god! I can't be dreaming! 啊....妈妈,这....我们可是母子.... Ah .... Mom, this .... We are mother and son .... 23 那又有什么关系呢.....你很喜欢妈妈吧,我发现了哦, What does that matter ..... You like mommy a lot, don't you? I found out. 上次我洗澡洗完后发现内裤不见了,结果在你房间找到 Last time I found my panties missing after I took a shower, and I found them in your room 24 诶!不....不会吧 Eh! No .... No way! 我怎么不知道? How come I don't know? 25 你是不是偷偷用它自慰了? Did you secretly masturbate with it? 没有!没有! No! No! 没发生这样的事!! Nothing like that happened! ! 26 哦?是吗,你已经学会撒谎了是吗? Oh? Really, you've learned to lie haven't you? 为什么不敢看我的眼睛? Why are you afraid to look me in the eye? 27 家里就我们两个人,除了你,还有谁? It's just the two of us at home, who else but you? 28 看着妈妈的眼睛! Look into mommy's eyes! ! ............ 好可怕...... So scary ...... 承认吧..... Admit it ..... 对...对不起妈妈....我是做过这样的事..... Yeah... I'm sorry mom .... I did do this ..... 29 我知道错了,再也不敢了.....请您不要生气..... I know I'm wrong and I won't dare again ..... Please don't be angry ..... ............. 30 傻孩子....妈妈并不是因为你偷内裤的事生气, Silly boy .... Mommy isn't mad at you for stealing your underwear. 妈妈是讨厌你骗我,明白吗? Mommy is sick of you lying to me, understand? 31 你现在也长大了,有这种想法很正常哦, Now that you're older, it's normal to think that way. 交往女朋友了吗? Are you seeing a girlfriend? 没...没有.... No... No .... 32 是吗?没有女孩子追你啊? Is that so? No girl after you ah? 诶...妈妈的手.... Eh... Mom's hand .... 33 那我就更没顾虑了哦~ Then I have no more worries~ 34 妈妈....真...真的要帮我做这种事吗........ Mom ....Do... Do you really want to do this for me? ........ 35 呵呵?你不喜欢妈妈吗? Oh? You don't like mommy? 怎么可能!!我最喜欢妈妈了.... How can that be!!! I like my mom the best .... 36 这样啊? So? 听你这么说,我很开心哦~ I'm so happy to hear you say that~ 37 你乖乖听话就对了..... Just behave yourself ..... 把裤子拉链打开吧.... Open the zipper of your pants .... ! ! 38 妈妈.... Mom .... 不...不要笑话我.... Don't... Don't laugh at me .... 我怎么会笑你嘛.... Why would I laugh at you? .... 39 哦啦,小弟弟很有精神嘛~ Oh, my little brother is very energetic! 40 你明明就是很期待啊~ You're obviously looking forward to it! 没....没有..... No .... No ..... 41 是吗~ yeah? 不坦诚对吗? Not honest, right? 42 啊啊啊!!妈妈... Ahhhhh! Mom... 43 不要这样摸我的龟头..... Don't touch my glans like this ..... 很敏感..... Very sensitive ..... 44 是吗? Is it? 小让自己有撸管吗? Did Jean Jr. jerk himself off 没...没有... No... No... 45 真的吗? Really? 哈啊啊啊啊!!! Haaaaahhhhhhh!!! 46 那你偷我的内裤干嘛呢? Then why did you steal my underwear? 47 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh!!! 我...我因为喜欢妈妈...只是好奇这个东西的味道而已.... I... I did it because I like mom... Just curious about the smell of this stuff .... 48 是吗?没有偷偷用来打飞机吗? Mmm? Didn't secretly use it to jerk off? 没...并没有? No... Not really? 可是我在你房间发现了擦精液的纸巾哦~ But I found a paper towel in your room to wipe off the semen 诶!?这个...我不是处理完毕了? Eh? This... Didn't I finish it? 49 果然,你在骗妈妈是吗? So, you're lying to mom, right? 啊啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh! 50 不要...不要这样摩擦龟头!! Don't... Don't rub the glans like that! 真的,龟头很敏感!! Really, the glans is very sensitive! 51 哦?是吗? Oh? Is it? 52 诶诶!! Eh eh! ! 你越是这样说 The more you say that 妈妈就越想欺负你的龟头哦~ The more you say that, the more I want to bully your glans. 53 啊啊啊!好难受!太用力了!轻点!! Ahhhhh! It's so hard! It's too hard! Gently! 是吗? Is that so? 这是对你说谎的惩罚~ This is your punishment for lying. 我快受不了!! I can't take it anymore! 是吗!! Really? 54 那我就再凶狠点咯~ Then I'll be more aggressive! 啊啊啊啊!!! Ahhhhhhh! 不行!!不行了!! I can't! I can't! 55 射了!! I'm cumming! 啊啊啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! 56 诶!!? Eh! ! ? 啊啊啊啊啊!! Aaaaahhhhhhh!!! 57 哈.... Ha .... 没....没忍住.... I.... Couldn't hold back .... 呵呵,射了好多啊! Oh, coming a lot ah! 58 舒服吗?宝贝..... How's it feel? Baby ..... 啊...对不起...妈妈,这么快就....... Ah... Sorry... Mom, so soon ....... 59 为什么你会向我道歉呢? Why are you apologizing to me? 因为....听说男生太快,女生都会不开心..... Because .... I heard that girls are unhappy when guys are too fast ..... 傻瓜,第一次射得很快是正常的.... Idiot, it's normal to cum quickly the first time .... 60 妈妈...... Mom ...... 那么,我去洗澡咯~ Well, I'm going to take a shower. 有什么烦恼的事情尽管跟妈妈说吧~ If you have anything to worry about, just tell mommy! 61 我知道了.....妈妈..... I know ..... Mom ..... 真乖~ Good boy! 62 虽然感觉很奇怪....... Although it feels weird ....... 但是压力确实得到了放松..... But the stress does get relaxed ..... .............. 64 反而静不下心学习...... Instead, I couldn't quietly study ...... 脑子里一直回味的刚才的场景...... My mind keeps going back to the scene I just saw ...... 65 妈妈实在是太美了.... Mom is just too beautiful .... 有这样的人帮我撸..... With such a person to help me jerk off ..... 实在是太爽了...... It is really too good ...... 66 其实,我一直对妈妈存在性幻想....... In fact, I have always had sexual fantasies about my mother ....... 在梦中跟妈妈做爱...... Having sex with her in my dreams ...... 66x 补充 如果能进一步发展的话...... If it can be developed further ...... 67 真是的.... oh god.... 我怎么能想这种东西呢...... How can I think about such things ...... 她可是我妈妈呢........ She's my mother ........ 68 诶,这个是...... Eh, this is ...... 69 妈妈的手机忘记拿了..... Mom forgot her cell phone ..... 我给她送过去吧....... Let me send it to her ....... ========= 71 妈妈.....睡着了吗... Mom ..... Are you asleep... 72 门没关耶.... The door was left open .... 73 哈啊....❤ Haha .... ! !? 这个声音是...... The sound is ...... 74 A片里经常出现的声音....... The sound that often appears in porn ....... 75 难道说是妈妈的...... Does it mean it's mom's ...... ............. ............. 76 啊!! Ah! ! 妈....妈妈....!! Mom .... Mom ....! ! 77 这...这是什么?? What's... What is this? 哈....❤ Ha .... 78 我没看错吧?? Did I read it correctly? 79 ......... 哈...... Ha ...... 80 妈妈竟然在自慰!? Mom is actually masturbating! 81 诶? Eh? 82 有人在那里吗?? Is anyone there? 啊! ! Aah! ! 83 糟糕....不小心发出声音,被妈妈听到了吧 Damn it .... Accidentally made a sound and mom heard it. 84 是小让吧?不要躲在门后了,出来吧...... It's little Jean? Don't hide behind the door, come out ...... 85 妈妈...... Mom ...... 86 你来妈妈房间过来干嘛? Why did you come to my room? 为什么不敲门...... Why didn't you knock ...... 87 是.....是妈妈没关门啊........ Yes .....but... It's mom who left the door open ........ 我只是来送手机的....... I just came to deliver the phone ....... 88 哦,是吗...... Oh, yeah? ...... 89 抱歉....... Sorry ....... 给你..... Here you go ..... 90 那么,我先...... Well, I...... 91 你都看到了? You saw it all? 92 .......... 这...这该怎么回答...... That's... Eh....How to answer this ...... 93 过来,坐到妈妈身边...... Come here, sit next to mommy ..... .......... 94 .............. .............. 气氛很尴尬啊..... .It's an awkward atmosphere ...... 95 妈妈一直以来,独自一人把你抚养长大...... Mom has been raising you all alone ...... 96 你的成绩很好,一直以来都是我的骄傲...... Your grades are good and you have always been my pride .... 但是,毕竟我也是个女人,你能理解我吗? But after all, I'm a woman too, can you understand me? 97 每个人都会有这种需求.... Everyone has this need .... 这是很正常的..... It's normal ..... 包括我也会偷偷的打手枪..... Including I will also secretly jerk off ..... 98 我当然理解妈妈啦.... Of course I understand mom .... 是吗...那真是太好了..... Really... That's great ..... 99 你喜欢妈妈吗? Do you like mommy? 当然喜欢!刚才已经回答过了? Of course I do! Already answered it earlier? 你会嫌妈妈老吗? Do you think mommy is old? 怎么会.... How .... 妈妈还这么年轻,貌美如花..... Mom is still so young and beautiful ..... 100 是吗?那你有过对妈妈的性幻想吗? Is that so? And have you ever had sexual fantasies about your mom? .......... 这个..... This ... 如实回答哦~ Answer honestly! 101 啊啊!!妈妈的手..... Ahh!!! Mom's hand ..... 102 呵呵,就算你不说话,你的肉棒好像也告诉我答案了..... Oh, even if you don't say anything, your dick seems to tell me the answer ..... ........... 103 那么..... Then ..... 104 !! 105 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhh! ! 妈妈竟然把衣服当着我的面撩起来了!! Mom actually lifted up her dress in front of me! 106 来,把手放到妈妈胸上..... Come on, put your hand on mom's breast ..... 啊啊!!真...真的要怎么做吗? Ahhh!!! Do.....Do i really have to do this? 107 怎么啦?害怕了吗? What's wrong? Are you scared? 我...我才不害怕呢!! I'm... I'm... I'm not scared! 108 是吗?那就表现给我看看啊~ Are you? Then show me! 109 ........... 对,就是这样..... Yes, just like that ..... 110 哈啊....❤ Haha .... 啊!! Ahhh! ! 111 妈妈....你被我抓疼了吗?? Mom .... Are you hurt by my scratch? 112 才没有呢~ No, it doesn't! 不要把手拿开.... Don't take your hand away .... 113 如果你能把妈妈胸部揉得很舒服..... If you can rub mommy's breasts so well ..... 我会很开心的,好吗...... I'll be happy, okay ...... 114 你能让妈妈开心吗? Can you make mommy happy? 我....我会努力的.... I .... I will try my best.... 115 对,就是这样...... Yes, that's right ...... 骑在妈妈身上..... Riding on mommy ..... 116 啊....不用担心,你可以用力点哦~ Ah .... Don't worry, you can push a little harder~ 117 是这样吗? Is that it? 很好哦~ That's good! 就是这样,呵呵.... That's it, huh .... 118 好怀念还在喝奶时候的你, I miss you when you are still drinking breast milk. 119 那时候你还经常一边喝妈妈的奶,一边跟我撒娇呢...... Back then you used to drink mommy's milk while pampering me ...... 是吗..... Really? ..... 现在你都长大了....... Now you're all grown up ....... 120 其实我....... Actually I ....... 121 哈...小让....你...... Ha... Jean .... You ...... 122 现在还是想跟妈妈撒娇的...... Still want to be pampered with mommy now ...... 哈........ Ha....... 123 呀啊....!! Yahhh ....!!! 124 妈妈..... Mom ..... 弄疼你了吗? Did it hurt you? 125 是呀.... Yes .... 你有点粗鲁哦... You're a little rough.. 对不起!! .I'm sorry! 我被你这小子给欺负了...... I've been bullied by you . 不过妈妈还是很舒服的哦~ But mom is still very comfortable. 你把裤子脱下来吧~ You can take your pants off. 好...好的..... O..ok ..... 126 接下来轮到妈妈欺负你了~ Now it's mommy's turn to bully you. 诶..... Eh ..... 肉棒又恢复精神了呢~ The dick is back in good spirits! 127 妈妈都快等不及了~ Mom can hardly wait~ 嘿嘿.... Hey .... 128 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh! ! 妈妈,不要....不要这样戳我的龟头.... Mom, don't .... Don't poke my glans like that .... 129 刚刚我已经告诉你了,我的龟头很敏感.... I've just told you, my glans is very sensitive .... 只要多多练习了,一开始都是这样啦~ Just practice a lot, it's always like this at first 130 接下来,妈妈要用嘴巴给你做延时训练哦~ Next, mommy is going to use mouth to give you a delay training Oh~ !? 131 哈啊..... Ha ah ..... 啊啊啊!!妈妈竟然有舌头在舔我的龟头..... Ahhhhh!!! Mom actually has a tongue licking my glans ..... 132 啊啊啊,不可以这样舔,很敏感... Ahhhhh, you can't lick it like that, it's very sensitive... 是吗?那我就把它吃在嘴里吧 ehmm? Then I'll eat it in my mouth 133 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh!!! 比刚才还要难受.... It's even more uncomfortable than before .... 不行,妈妈...... No....., mom ...... 134 越是这样说,妈妈速度越快了!! The more I say that, the faster mom is going! 135 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhh!!! 妈妈的嘴巴太舒服了!! Mommy's mouth is so comfortable!!! 136 这样,我马上又要射了!! I'm going to cum again soon! 快停下!! Stop it! 137 是吗....? So.....? 如果你这么快射, If you cum so soon, 我就罚你再去做一百道习题~ I'll punish you for doing 100 more exercises~ 什....什么...... What .... What ...... 138 不...不要....唔唔....... No... No .... Uh-oh ....... 139 哈哈,你在忍耐吗? Haha, are you holding back? 我是吓唬你的啦~ I'm just scaring you~ 呜呜呜.....讨厌....妈妈..... Oooooooo ..... Nasty .... Mom ..... 140 既然忍住了...... Since I held back ...... 那么,我就给你一些奖励吧~ Then, I'll give you some reward~ 141 啊!!妈妈这是..... Ah ! ! Mom this is ..... 142 想不想..... Do you want to ..... 插进妈妈的小穴呢? penetrate mommy's pussy? 143 什....什么.... What .... What .... 梦想成真的吗? dream come true? 144 真...真的可以做这种事吗.... Is it ?....Is it really possible to do this .... 虽然我很想,但是这可是禁断之穴呢..... As much as I want to, this is a forbidden hole ..... 145 你在犹豫什么啊? What are you hesitating about? 诶? Eh? 快点戴上避孕套插进来吧~ Put on a condom and stick it in! 146 避孕套是基础哦, Condoms are the foundation, 不管什么时候, no matter what, 都要记住戴套哦 always remember to wear a condom! 如果不会,妈妈会一步一步教你戴上的~ If you can't, mom will teach you step by step to put it on ~ 对了....戴上这种东西,我心里反而可以没有负担的插进妈妈的小穴吧.... BTW .... I can put this on, so I can put it in my mom's pussy without any burden. .... 147 对,就是这样~ Yes, that's it! 148【腿部关节补正修复】 小让真棒,学什么都这么快呢~ Jean is great, learn everything so fast~ 149 来吧,快点插进来吧~ Come on, come on in! 150 真...真的可以吗? It's ......real? 快点啦,别磨磨蹭蹭的了!! Hurry up, stop dawdling! 151 哎呀,妈妈好像生气了.... Oops, mom seems to be angry .... 我从来没做过这种事,只要像A片演的那样..... I've never done anything like this before, as long as it's like in a porno ..... 152 直接这样快速的插进来对吗..... Is it right to stick it in straight and fast like this ..... 哈啊...... Haha ...... 153 好像就是这样做..... It seems like this is the way to do it ..... A片里女主角也是妈妈这样的反应的..... The mother character in the porn also reacts in this way 154 哈....小让....❤ Ha... Jean .... 快点....动起来.... Hurry up .... Move it .... 155 插进来.....❤ Come in ..... 妈妈在求我耶.... Mom is begging me yeah .... A片原来是真的..... The porno turned out to be real ..... 156 我...我明白了.... I... I get it .... 157 这样如何!! How about this! ! !! 158 哈啊啊啊啊!! Haaaaaaaaaaah!! 对!!就是这样!!❤ Yeah!!! JUST LIKE THAT!!! 159 哈.....!! Ha .....!! 好棒啊....!!❤ So great ....!! 这种感觉.... This feeling .... 160 妈妈的奶子好大啊,一晃一晃的..... Mom's tits are so big and jiggly ..... 小让好棒!!好厉害!! Jean is so great!!! So great!!! 这时候,我或许..... At this time, I might ..... 161 抽插的同时抓住妈妈奶子..... Thrusting while grabbing mom's tits ..... 啊!? Ah! 小让..... Jean ..... 162 我可以这样抓妈妈的奶子吗? Can I grab mommy's tits like this? 呵呵,当然可以,今天妈妈是你的.... Oh, of course you can, today mommy is yours .......... 你怎么做都行...... You can do whatever you want ...... 因为妈妈说过... Because mommy said... 163 揉妈妈的胸部,你会很开心..... Rub mommy's boobs and you'll be happy ..... 哈啊..... Haah ..... 好棒...就是这样,❤ So good... That's it. 不愧是我儿子,只是说了一次就记得妈妈的喜好了..... Not bad for my son, you remembered mommy's preference after just one talk ..... 164 同时蹂躏妈妈的奶子,真的好舒服啊.....❤ Ravishing mom's tits at the same time, it's really comfortable ..... 啊啊啊!!手感真好啊!! Ahhhhh!!! It feels so good! 165 哈...哈....好棒....❤ Ha... Ha .... So good .... !! 妈妈吐舌头了!? Mom is spitting her tongue out!? 166 被我插得露出了这样舒服的表情!? Such a comfortable expression from my penetration 好...好色情的表情啊.... So... What an erotic expression .... 哈....哈.....❤ Ha .... Ha ..... 声音也变得这么诱惑....!! The voice also became so seductive ....!!! 不行...!! No way...!!! 167 这让我太兴奋了!! This is turning me on too much!! 我忍不住了!! I can't help it!!! 哈啊啊啊啊!!!❤❤ Haaaaaaaaaaaa !!! 168 哈啊啊啊!!!❤ Haaaaaaahhh! ! ! 小让怎么突然用力了!! Why is Jean suddenly pushing harder! 不行!!妈妈,我忍不住了!! I can't!!! Mom, I can't help it! 你太诱惑了!! You're too tempting! 169 哈!!❤ Ha! !❤ 啊啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh!!! 我要射了!! I'm going to cum!!! 那你就射进来吧!!❤ Then you can cum in! 170 尽情的射在妈妈小穴里吧!!❤ cum as much as you want in mommy's pussy!! 啊啊啊啊!!!!妈妈!! Ahhhhhhhhh !!!! Mom! 171 射....射了!! I came out! ! 啊啊啊!!! Aaaahhhhh! ! ! 哈.....哈.....❤ Ha ..... Ha ..... 172 你还要压着妈妈到什么时候啊? How long are you going to hold mommy down? 173 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh! ! 对不起!妈妈! I'm sorry! Mom! 174 呵呵...... Hehe ...... 我.... I .... 害羞的样子真可爱..... So cute when you are shy ..... 175 表现得不错哦~ Good performance~ 176 哈.....❤ Ha ..... 射得好多啊,都溢出来了..... I've shot so much, it's overflowing ..... 177 178 小让? Jean? 179 你怎么啦? What's wrong with you? 怎么跟犯错了一样? Why are you acting like you made a mistake? 对不起.....妈妈....我对你做了这种事...... I'm sorry ..... Mom .... I did this to you ...... 180 呵呵,这跟你没关系哦,是妈妈主动跟你做的~ Oh, it has nothing to do with you Oh, it's mommy's initiative to do with you ~ 可是....我射得太快了..... But .... I came too fast ... 妈妈可能还没得到满足..... Mom may not have been satisfied ..... 181 没事的哦,对于第一次来说,已经很好啦.... It's okay, it's good for the first time .... 下次继续努力~ Keep trying next time! 啊..... Ah ..... 还有下次啊....... There's another time. ....... 182 呵呵,你说呢..... What do you think ..... 妈妈..... Mom ..... 我好幸福啊...... I'm so happy ...... 183 今晚....我想跟你一起睡..... Tonight .... I want to sleep with you .. 你确定吗?你已经这么大的人了..... Are you sure? You are grown up 不可以吗? i cant ? 184 可以哦~ you can 哈!! Ha! 谢谢妈妈....... Thanks mom ....... 呵呵..... Hehe...... ===================== 188 哦,是妈妈的房间.... Oh, it's mommy's room .... 妈妈已经起床了吗? Is mommy up already? 189 ................ 昨晚不是梦啊..... Last night was not a dream ..... 190 妈妈一大早就起床忙碌....... Mom is up and busy early in the morning ....... 妈妈,早安.... Good Morning, Mom .... 191 你醒了啦,快去刷牙然后吃早餐吧~ You're awake, go brush your teeth and have breakfast. 192 哇!今天好多我喜欢的东西啊!! Wow! There are so many things I like today! 193 虽然这些好吃,但是不健康,但是偶尔吃吃也没问题~ Although these are delicious, they are not healthy, but it's okay to eat them once in a while. 194 这也是作为作为你表现很好的奖励哦~ This is also as a reward for your good performance! 195 诶!! Eh! 哈哈,我开玩笑的啦 Haha, I'm just kidding! 196 哎呀..... Oops ..... 总之....谢谢妈妈.... Anyway .... Thanks mom .... 197 快点吃完准备要去学校了, Hurry up and finish eating and get ready to go to school, 我们快迟到了 we're going to be late 好的!! Okay!! 妈妈是不是脸红了..... Is mommy blushing ..... 总觉得,我们的关系变得很微妙了..... It always seems that our relationship has become very delicate ..... ===================== 198 ................. 明明说快迟到了,结果,妈妈换衣服确花费了这么长的时间...... She said she was going to be late., but , it took mom so long to change ...... 199 久等了哦~ U've been waiting for a long time! 终于来了!! Finally! 200 找课件花费了一些时间 It took some time to find the lesson ! ! 201 我们走吧~ Let's go~ 好.... OK 202 哇.... Wow ... 今天妈妈穿黑丝耶,好正式的OL风搭配.... Today mom is wearing black silk, so formal OL style with .... 真是性感的美腿啊..... Really sexy legs ..... 203 呵呵..... Hehe ..... 她好像发现我在偷看她腿了 She seems to find me peeking at her legs 204 ............ 205 昨晚的经历就像是一场梦..... Last night's experience was like a dream ..... 这么漂亮的女人竟然是我妈妈, Such a beautiful woman is actually my mother. 而且,我还能跟她做爱,真是太幸福了..... And, I can still have sex with her, what a blessing ..... 206 妈妈穿丝袜真好看..... Mom looks so good in stockings ..... 好想摸一摸啊, I want to touch them so much. 207 不过现在在开车,很危险..... But now She's driving, it's dangerous ..... 我可不能乱来.... I can't mess around .... 208 小让..... Jean ..... 诶?! Eh? 209 怎么了? What's going on? 妈妈..... Mom ..... 上次你说我送你的那支钢笔快坏了是吗....... Last time you said that the pen I gave you was about to break, right ....... 210 今天放学后, Today after school, 我跟你一起去百货商店...... I'll go to the department store with you ...... 买只新的送给你吧~ Buy a new one for you~ 啊!!真的吗!! Ah! ! Really! ! 当然,你要继续努力,用功学习哦~ Of course, you have to continue to work hard and study hard~ 你可是我的骄傲....... You are my pride and joy ....... 211 这是当然的啦,你不说我也会做到的~! Of course, I'll do it even if you don't say so~! 212 那么,我要去办公室了,你去你的教室吧 So, I'm going to the office, you 're going to your classroom. 好的,妈妈...... Okay, mom ...... 213 在学校不准叫我妈妈.....要叫我老师 Don't call me mommy at school ..... You have to call me teacher 214 知....知道了....老师.... Know .... Got it .... Teacher .... 一旦到了学校,妈妈就会从温柔的形象变成严厉的教师形象 Once at school, mom goes from being a gentle figure to a stern teacher figure 215 嗯嗯,那今天也要加油吧,一会见.... Hmmmmm, well, go for it today , see you later .... 嗯...... Okey ...... 216 好奇妙的感觉.... What a wonderful feeling .... 就像谈恋爱了一样....... It's like being in love ....... 217 喂喂,小让,你来啦! Hey hey, Jean, you're here! 218 我买了一个好玩的游戏哦, I bought a fun game. 回头要不要一起玩 Want to play with me later? 可以啊,等我刷完题 Sure, wait for me to finish the questions 219 你这家伙,是你妈妈要求的吗? Did your mother ask you to do that? 没有呢,她才不会逼我 No, she won't force me. 真羡慕啊,有一个这么漂亮的妈妈,而且还是我们的老师.... I envy you, you have such a beautiful mother and you're our teacher. .... 220 哼...... Hmph ...... 221 下次不可以在找借口不交作业了!明白吗! No more excuses for not turning in homework next time! Understand! 我知道了..... I know ..... 你最近成绩落后得很厉害啊, You've been falling behind a lot lately, 是不是天天去网吧了? have you been going to the internet cafe everyday? 222 一大早就这么多问题儿童被叫到办公室训斥啊...... So many problem children are called to the office early in the morning for reprimand .... 223 唉,说到问题儿童,我们班也有一个........ Speaking of problem children, there's one in our class too ........ 224 千穂理老师怎么啦? What's up ?Miss Rei? 诶? Eh? 一大早进来就唉声叹气的 You've been sighing since you came in this morning. 225 还不是因为那个问题儿童,真不知道该如何教育他..... It's because of that problem child, I really don't know how to teach him ..... 226 哎呀,我建议不要管他了,毕竟是校长的外甥, Oh, I suggest leaving him alone, after all, is the principal's nephew, 他的父亲关系网也很强大,还是不要得罪比较好..... his father's network is also very strong, it is better not to offend ..... 227 唉,谢谢你的建议,真户老师.... Alas, thank you for your advice, Mr.Makato 但是作为他们的班主任,我很难坐视不理 But as their homeroom teacher, it's hard for me to sit back and do nothing ===================== 228 229 ............... 明明家庭条件优越,怎么会教育出这样的孩子...... Obviously the family is well-off, how can they educate such children ...... 校长纵容的责任应该很大吧 The principal should be very responsible for connivance 230 诶..... Eh ..... 是校长啊.... It is the principal ah .... 真是想到谁,谁就出现了..... Really think of who, who appeared ..... 231 哦...千穂理老师,早安啊..... Oh....Miss.Rei, good morning ..... 232 校长....早安..... Principal .... Good morning . 哦,千穂理老师今天也很美啊... Oh, Miss.Rei looks beautiful today too... 您真会开玩笑...... You're so funny ...... 233 穿这样的丝袜啊,好有光泽啊..... Wearing stockings like this, they're so shiny ............... 234 千穂理老师,今晚我有一场饭局, Miss.Rei, I have a dinner party tonight, 是否有空来跟我一起用餐啊? are you free to dine with me? 呵呵,谢谢校长邀请, Oh, thanks for the invitation, 不过我今晚还有点事......所以.... but I have something to do tonight ...... So .... 235 是吗,只是抽空一会时间也好啊~ Really? It would be nice to have some time off~ 236 有不少上流人士想介绍你认识一下呢.... There are many high class people who want to introduce you to it .... 啊!他的手在摸我屁股..... Ah! His hand is touching my butt ..... 237 住...住手....校长..... Stop... Stop it .... Principal ..... 238 ?? 哒哒—— Ta-da- 239 你....身为校长,怎么可以..... You .... As a principal, how can ..... 240 千穂理老师,怎么啦? Miss.Rei, what's wrong? 你的手为什么在摸我.... Why are your hands touching me .... 241 你是不是太敏感了?我只是不小心碰到了而已....... Are you too sensitive? I just touched it by accident ....... 242 这样吗...... Is that right? 当然啦..... Of course ..... 我本来想从左边口袋拿出手机的...... I was going to take my phone out of my left pocket ...... 是我太敏感了吗? Am I being too sensitive? 243 掏出手机的过程不小心碰到你而已.... I just accidentally touched you in the process of pulling out my phone .... 是吗,最好是...... Fine, it better be ...... 他的孙子,或许就是受到他影响的..... His grandson, perhaps, was influenced by him ..... 244 不管怎样,我只希望他能收敛点..... Anyway, I just wish he'd get a grip ..... 245 好了,大家安静..... Okay, quiet everyone ..... 246 准备开始上课了...... Ready for class to begin ...... 终于到了这节课了! It's finally time for this class! 247 这节是妈妈的课,我最喜欢了...... This is mom's class, my favorite ...... 248 只不过...... But..... 同学们把课本准备好..... Everyone get their textbooks ready ..... 哼....... Hm ....... 249 又到了游戏时间了吗? Is it time for another game? 250 Steam 春季大促,你买了几个游戏? Steam Spring Sale, how many games did you buy? 当然的打折的都买啦...... Of course I bought all the discounted ones 这家伙完全无视...... This guy completely ignored ...... 占着校长是自己的爷爷..... Occupying the principal is his grandfather .. 251 根本不尊重任何老师....... No respect for any teacher at all ....... 是吗?买了这么多你通关了几个? Is that so? bought so many you pass how many? 一个都没有...... None of them ...... 哈哈哈..... Hahahaha ..... 252 真是无法无天了...... It is really lawless ...... 虽然真户老师让我不要管那么多,但是我实在看不下去 Although Mr.Makato told me not to care so much, but I really can not watch 253 今天我就要...... Today I wanna ...... 要玩什么游戏呢...... What game do you wanna play ...... 254 把他们的游戏机没收.......! Confiscate their game machines .......! 啊!? Ah! 255 啊啊!! Ahhhh! ! 256 你...你干嘛,竟然敢没收我的游戏机 You... What are you doing? How dare you confiscate my game console? 学校规定上课时间禁止玩游戏, It's forbidden to play games during school hours. 257 这个东西交给我保管了.... I'll take care of this .... 什么.....竟然敢没收我的游戏机? What ..... How dare you confiscate my game console? 258 切,就你这个老太婆敢管我这么多,等着瞧吧 Shit, Just you old woman dares to take care of me so much, just wait and see 那么,我们继续上课...... Well, let's continue the lesson ...... 259 .............. 妈妈为什么偏偏今天要没收他的游戏机? Why did mom confiscate his game console today? 妈妈今天好像实在看不下去了..... Mom just can't seem to watch today ..... 260 希望他们不要报复她...... I hope they don't get back at her ...... 261 敢没收我的游戏机...... Dare to confiscate my video game ...... 262 今天穿成这样骚样, Today dressed in such a slutty way, 我要把你拍照下来,发到黄网,嘿嘿 I'll take pictures of you and send them to the Adult websites, hehehe.... 264 ............. 265 嘿嘿,要用什么样的标题了...... Hey, what kind of title to use ...... 骚货黑丝女教师? Slutty black silk schoolteacher? 266 多管闲事的黑丝老太婆如何?? How about nosy black silk old lady? 嘿嘿..... Hehehe ..... 267 .................. 268 啊....!? Ah ....!? 这是...... This is ...... 269 你在下面做什么? What are you doing down there? 没...没什么..... Nothing... Nothing ..... 把手机交出来! Hand over the phone! ............. 快点!! Hurry up!!! 270 哼....... Huh ....... 这是什么...... What is this ...... 271 竟然拍下老师这种照片! How dare you take a picture of me like this! 还配上这样的文字!? And put such text on it! 整天不学好!你想干嘛?! You don't learn all day long! What do you want?! 你穿成这样,不就是给别人看的吗.... You're dressed like this, isn't it just for others to see .... 臭老太婆.... Stinky old woman .... 272 你....你说什么...... What? .... What did you say ...... 你怎么能这样跟老师说话!给我出去罚站! How can you talk to the teacher like that! Get out ! 273 哼....去就去!谁怕谁啊!! Hmph .... Just go!Who's afraid of you! 274 这孩子.....完全没有意识到错误...... This kid ..... Totally unaware of the mistake ...... 不好好教育,后果很严重..... If don't educate him properly, the consequences are serious ..... 有空单独找他谈一下吧...... Let me talk to him alone sometime ...... 275 .............. 麻烦了....这家伙会跟他爷爷告状吧....... Oh god .... This boy will tell his grandfather, right? ....... 不过,妈妈并没做错什么,校长也不敢怎么样........ But mom didn't do anything wrong, the principal wouldn't dare to do anything ........ 276 哼,走着瞧吧! Hmph!we'll see! 老太婆...... The old woman ...... 我们继续上课...... Let's continue the lesson ...... 277 午休时间 Lunch break 278 午休时间也在看书啊? Reading during lunch break too? 我最讨厌这种成绩又好,又勤学苦练的书呆子了...... I hate this kind of nerd who gets good grades and studies hard ...... 279 来,按照计划,准备好相机....... Come on, follow the plan and get the camera ready ....... 280 让他来天台找我,就说我有事拜托他..... Tell him to come to me on the rooftop and tell him I need to ask him something ..... OK..... 281 282 喂....小让...... Hi.... Jean ...... ? 283 啊涛啊......怎么了? Ah !Tao ...... What's going on? 小侠让你去天台一下,他有事拜托你..... Xia asked you to go to the rooftop for a while, He has a favor to ask of you. 284 是那家伙啊? It's that guy, huh? 跟我走吧~ Come with me~ 285 他会拜托我什么呢..... What's the favor?. 你问他就会知道了..... Just ask him.. 286 看,他在那等你呢..... Look, he's waiting for you there ..... 287 Hi ! 288 喂,小让...... Hello, Jean ...... 怎么了? What's up? 289 我的游戏机跟手机被老师没收了,她是你妈妈吧, My game console and phone were confiscated by the teacher. She is your mother. 作为朋友,你应该帮我取回来吧? As a friend, you should get it back for me, right? 290 这个....我也帮不上忙,毕竟是你们犯错的, Uhh...... I can't help, after all, you are the ones who made the mistake, 偶尔你们也要收敛一点啊,至少不要在她的课堂上这么过分啊 occasionally you have to restrain a little, at least not in her classroom so excessive . 291 可恶........这个臭小子竟然敢对我指点, Damn it ........ This brat dares to point out to me that 292 我都这样拜托你了,竟然是这种态度..... I've asked you to do this, and this is your attitude 要不是禁止暴力,我早就揍你了..... If violence were not prohibited, I would have beaten you up ..... 293 你只要不闹事,她很快就会还你的吧..... If you don't make a scene, she'll pay you back soon. right"? ..... 好吧,既然如此........ Well.... 对了....我有个好东西哦~ BTW .... I have a good thing~ 294 什么东西? What is it? 295 嘿嘿....当然是这个...... Hey .... Of course it's this ...... 296 要不要试试这个啊~ Want to try this one~ 大人做的事~ What adults do~ 香烟? Cigarette? 297 喂喂,学校有规定,发现抽烟违规的学生直接开除! Hey, the school has a rule that students who are found to be smoking are directly expelled! 298 哈哈,你不要这么胆小吗, Haha, don't you be so timid? Everyone says you're a pussy is really right. 都说你是个娘炮果然没错,是男人就要抽烟,你也来一支吧~ Men should smoke, and you should also have one 什么?? What? 我才不要...... I don't want ...... 299 偶尔也要有男子气概嘛,对吧,来一支烟, You have to be a man once in a while, right? 让我们看看你的男子气概吧. Have a cigarette and let's see your manhood. 你也希望我不要在你妈妈课堂上捣乱吧. You hope I wouldn't mess up your mom's class. 我...我是希望没错...... Yes.... I am hope ...... 300 那就加入我们,抽烟,成为我们的伙伴,我向你保证不会再捣乱了! Then join us, smoke, become our partner, and I promise u won't mess up again! 啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhh! ! 301 我们只需要有男子气概的人当伙伴,不需要娘炮! We only need manly men as partners, not pussies! 来吧,抽一根烟证明你自己吧! Come on, smoke a cigarette and prove yourself! 可...可是.... But... But...... 302 我们大家都在抽烟,有什么好怕的? We all smoke, what's there to be afraid of? 而且校长还是我爷爷呢! And the principal is my grandfather! 303 你也不希望我捣乱你妈妈的课堂对吗? You don't want me to disrupt your mom's class either, do you? 做个样子而已.... Just for show .... ............. 那...那好吧....... So... Okay then ....... 来吧,把手放在烟上....... Come on, put your hand on the cigarette ....... 304 这样吗? Is that right? 对的!! Yes! ! 然后闭上眼睛做出享受吸烟的样子 Then close your eyes and make like you're enjoying the smoke 305 就是这样!很帅哦! That's it! Very cool! 你不再是个娘炮了! You're not a pussy anymore! 306 很好 Very good... 咔嚓—— click—— 嘿嘿....... Hey ....... 307 OK,完成了...... it's done ...... 可以了吗?只是做个样子..... Is it ready? Just for show .. 足够了吧.... That's enough, right .... 308 干得漂亮,非常完美哦~ Well done, it's perfect! 我们不会再说你是个娘炮了! We won't say you're a pussy anymore 309 那么,我有事要先走了..... Well, I have to go first ..... 诶..... Eh ..... 这么突然吗..... So suddenly? ..... 310 那么,回头见~ Well, see you later~ 这两个人好奇怪啊........ These two are so weird........ 311 .............. 我怎么会做出这种事啊,被妈妈知道会被她打死 How could I do such a thing? If my mom finds out, she will kill me! 不过,也是为了让妈妈上课轻松嘛...... But it's also to make mom's class easier ..... =========================== 312 哦,是吗.......他在天台抽烟啊? Oh, really? ....... He's smoking on the rooftop? 313 竟然发生了这种事啊.... I can't believe this happened ah ... 我知道了,你先回去吧, I know, you go back first. 314 接下让我来处理~ I'll take care of it next~ 好的,爷爷.....嘿嘿..... Okay, Grandpa ..... Hey ..... 315 哼,有意思,正好可以利用这个机会跟千穂理老师谈谈 Hm, interesting, just the right time to use this opportunity to talk to Chiho Rei Chiho Rei 【教师办公室】 316 317 千穂理老师...... Chiho Rei-sensei ...... 怎么了? 318 校长他让我转告你,让你去他的办公室一趟.... The principal he asked me to tell you to come to his office .... 诶?校长吗? Eh? The principal? 319 好的,我知道了,谢谢你通知我,真户老师.... Ok, I got it, thanks for telling me . 不客气....... You're welcome ...... 320 哎.....工作上的事吗? Alas ..... Is it a work thing? 该不会又是要请我吃饭吧? He's not going to invite me to dinner again, is he? 我都拒绝了,他怎么还不依不饶的啊....... I have refused, how he still relentless ah ....... ======= 【校长办公室】 [Principal's Office] 321 哒——哒—— Da——da—— 322 校长,您找我? Principal, you wanted to see me? 323 哦,千穂理老师来了啊!! Oh, youre here! 我给你倒茶...... I'll get you some tea ...... 324 不用了...... NO need ...... 有什么事? What can I do for you? 请您直接说吧...... Please speak directly ...... 315 那个....千穂理老师...... That .... Chiho-ri-sensei ...... 我想邀请你共进晚餐.... I'd like to invite you to dinner .... 326 很抱歉,我拒绝.... I'm sorry, I refuse .... 327 我已经明确说过了.... I've said it clearly .... 我今晚有事..... I have something tonight ..... 328 所以.....您的好意我心领了...... So ..... I appreciate your kindness ...... 329 嘿嘿...... Hey ...... 来我办公室,岂能让你这么容易走掉..... Come to my office, how can I let you go so easily ..... 330 如果没有工作上的任务.... If there are no work assignments .... 我先走了....... I'll go first ....... 331 千穂理老师,请您留步...... Chiho-ri-sensei, please stay ...... 332 还有什么事吗? anything else? 校长先生...... Mr. Headmaster ...... 333 小让是你儿子对吧? Jean is your son, right? 怎么了.... What's wrong .... 我也是为了你好,想谈谈小让抽烟的事.... It's for your own good, I wanna talk about Jean's smoking .... 334 什么!? What! 小让抽烟? Jean smokes? 335 成绩如此拔尖的孩子,竟然抽烟.... A kid with such top grades smokes .... 按照学校的规定,这是必须得劝退的.... According to the school's rules, he has to be withdrawn from the school .... 怎么可能,小让怎么会做这些事..... How is it possible, how could Jean do such things ..... 336 你自己看吧... See ... 这是证据.... Here's the proof ... 337 孩子提交给我的哦,而且这个孩子还很有可能传播出去..... The child submitted it to me, and the child is also likely to spread it ..... 338 究竟是谁拍下来的..... Who actually took the picture ..... 我要找他问清楚!! I want to find and ask him! 很抱歉,我暂时无法透露这个人的信息...... I'm sorry, I can't disclose this person's information at the moment ...... 339 怎么会这样..... How did this happen ..... 校长....小让不是这样的孩子.... Principal .... Jean is not such a child .... 希望你给他一次机会.... I hope you give him a chance .... 340 是吗?这就得看你的表现了.... Is that so? It's up to your behave .... 诶? Eh? 341 其实我,很喜欢你哦,千穂理老师..... Actually, I really like you, Chihoori-sensei ..... 哈!! Ha! 342 不...不可以..... No... No ..... 校长....请您自重..... Principal .... Please behave yourself ..... 343 哈.....!! Ha .....! ! 只要你乖乖听我话,满足我这一次...... As long as you be good and satisfy me this time . 344 我会把这些事情当做没发生.... I will pretend that these things didn't happen .... 什...什么? Wha... What? 345 毕竟也是为了孩子的前途着想,对吧.... After all, it's for the sake of his future, right? .... 一次,算不了什么,不是吗? Once, it's nothing, isn't it? 你穿成这样的丝袜,不就是为了诱惑我们吗? Don't you dress up in stockings like that just to tempt us? 切....爷孙果然都一样.... Damn.... The grandfather and grandson are really the same .. 346 你的答案是? Your answer is? 哈..... Ha ..... 347 我知道了.... I got it .... 只是一次的话..... Just once ..... 哈哈,明智的选择..... Haha, wise choice ..... 348 好了,放松点.....千穂理老师..... Okay, relax ..... Chihoori-sensei ..... 349 不要这么害羞嘛.... Don't be so shy .... ........... 350 做点什么..... Do something ..... 351 首先,让我看看你的胸部吧...... First, let me see your breasts ...... 把衣服撩起来..... Lift up your shirt ..... .......... 352 快点! Hurry up! ............... 353 哦!!果然我没看错人~ Oh! I'm sure I've seen the right person~ 千穂理老师..... Chiho-ri-sensei ..... 354 制服包裹之下果然是一颗巨乳...... Underneath the uniform is really a huge breast ...... ........... 355 每天在办公室穿着黑丝,晃着巨乳, Every day in the office wearing black silk, shaking the huge breasts, 其他男老师把持得住吗? other male teachers can hold it? 其他男老师才不像你这样....... they are not like you ....... 我一只手几乎都握不住呢~ I can barely hold it with one hand~ 356 嘿嘿...... Hey ...... 357 听说是你一个人把儿子抚养大的是吗? I heard that you raised your son alone, right? ............... 358 因此,我有一个疑问....... So, I have a question ....... 359 你性生活需求该如何解决啊? How do you physiological needs are solved ah? 我拒绝....回答这个问题..... I refuse .... Answer this question ..... 360 是吗? Oh? 有什么不好意思说的? What's so embarrassing to say? 越来越过分了..... It's getting out of hand ..... 361 平常该不会都是忍耐憋着吧.... Usually you don't hold it in, do you? .... 哈...... Ha ...... 362 每天穿成这样难道下班后有特殊工作? Every day dressed like this do you have a special job after work? 他的手逐渐往我的大腿根部靠近..... His hand gradually moved closer to the root of my thighs ..... 363 别...别乱猜猜..... Don't... Don't talk nonsense ..... 才没有呢...... No...... 是吗..... Really? ..... 364 那真是可惜了~这么色情的身体...... That's a shame~ such an hot body ...... 越来越敏感了..... It's getting more and more sensitive ..... 不...不要碰这里......... No... Don't touch here ......... 365 你到底想做什么...... What do you really want to do ...... 想做什么快点......! Do it quickly ......! 366 哦? Oh? 快点结束好吗.....! Hurry up and finish.! 哈哈,不要这么迫不及待嘛~ Haha, don't be so impatient! 我只是想好好享受一下~ I just want to have a good time! 不要浪费时间了! Don't waste time! 那你就把双腿放到桌上吧..... Then put your legs on the table ..... 367 哇~ Wow! 千穂理老师的腿可真长啊~ Chiho-ri-sensei's legs are really long~ 368 这个黑丝美腿真是太棒了~ These black silk legs are great! 369 只是看着就让人欲罢不能了~ I can't stop looking at them! 370 摸起来丝滑丝滑的...... Feel the silky smooth ...... 手感真好...... It feels so good ..... 你们男人们对丝袜好像都有着奇怪的执念..... Men seem to have a strange obsession with stockings ..... 371 丝袜不是关键,重要的是千穂理老师的美腿穿着丝袜~ It's not the stockings that matter, it's the fact that Chiho-ri-sensei's legs are wearing stockings~ 372 我要好好品尝一下~ I want to taste it! ! 373 哈...你....你在干什么!! Ha... You .... What are you doing! 374 不...不要这样用舌头舔我的腿..... Don't... Don't tongue my leg like that ..... 舌头黏糊糊的..... tongue is sticky ..... 好恶心啊..... So disgusting ..... 375 还有这颗大奶子..... And these big tits ..... 376 平常没人享受可真是太浪费了..... It's such a waste that no one usually enjoys it ..... 哈—— Ha—— 377 让老夫好好品尝一下千穂理老师的美乳吧~ Let me taste Chiho-ri-sensei's beautiful breasts! 哈啊啊啊......!! Haaaaaaaa ......!! 378 哈....不...不要这样舔.... Ha .... No... Don't lick like that .... 379 好痒...... It tickles ...... 快住手...... Stop it ...... 380 嘿嘿,你的乳头很敏感嘛, Hey, your nipples are very sensitive, 我注意到你不断的摩擦阴部了哦..... I noticed you rubbing your pussy constantly ..... 才...才没有的事...... No, it's not ...... 381 是吗?害羞的千穂理老师也很可爱呢~ Is that so? Shy Chiho-ri-sensei is cute too~ 哈..... Ha ..... 把腿张开吧~ Spread your legs! 382 哦!!不愧是千穂理老师 Oh! You're really Chihoori-sensei! 383 腿张得这么大! You're spreading your legs so wide! 看起来好色情啊~ You look so erotic! 那么~ Nest... 384 让老夫仔细品尝一下你的搔穴吧~~ Let me taste your scratchy pussy.. 哈!! Ha! 385 什...什么...... Wha... What ...... 不...... No ...... 386 好棒的熟女气息啊~~ What a great mature woman's breath~~ 不....不要这么激烈!! No .... Don't be so intense!!! 哈啊啊啊啊!! Haaaaahhhhhhh!! 387 好...好恶心的..... So... So disgusting ..... 那个部位....不要用舌头舔啦..... That part .... Don't lick it with your tongue ..... 怎么会呢~女人的秘密森林可是最棒的部位~ How can it be? Women's secret forest is the best part~ 388 哈..... Ha ..... 怎么会...... How could ...... 啊啊啊.....好奇怪...... Ahhhhh ..... How strange ...... 嘿嘿,千穂理老师在颤抖呢~ Hey, Chiho-ri-sensei is trembling~ 389 呀啊.....!! Ahhhhh .....!! 开始感到舒服了...... It's starting to feel good ...... 看来你很少品尝到被男人爱抚的滋味吧~ I guess you've rarely tasted the taste of being caressed by a man. 390 就让老夫好好疼爱一下你把!! Let me love u deeply! 哈啊啊啊啊!! Ahhhhhhhhh! 忍不住了!! I can't help it! 391 高...高潮了.....!! I....I came .....! ! 我竟然被这个老头....... By this old man ....... 用舌头侵犯到高潮了....... Violated to orgasm with tongue ....... 哈啊........❤ Haah ........ 392 哈......❤ Ha ...... 嘿嘿..... Hehehe ..... 看来千穂理老师很渴望肉体上的爱呢~ It seems you're eager for physical love~ 393 我只是稍微爱抚你,你就高潮了......... I just caressed you a little and you came ....... 讨厌的臭老头...... Nasty old man ...... 一直用言语侮辱我...... Keep insulting me with words ...... 还不能休息哦...... No rest yet ...... 394 接下来,轮到你服侍我了...... Next, it's your turn to serve me ...... !! 395 想吃它吗...... Want to eat it? ...... 哈....好...好大...... Ha .... So... So big ..... 怎么了?看呆了吗? What's up? Are you impressed? 不用客气,想吃的话就尽情品尝吧~ You're welcome, enjoy if you want to eat ~ 396 谁会想吃这种东西啊...... Who would want to eat this .... 397 我只是....... I just ....... 哈....... Ha ....... 398 被强迫做这种事而已...... Just being forced to do this kind of thing ...... 哈.... Ha .... 不要只是舔,要吃进去! Don't just lick it, eat it in! 399 唔唔...... Mmmm ...... 嘿嘿,难以置信...... Hey, hey, unbelievable ...... 400 高傲的千穂理老师现在正在给我口交呢~ The proud Chiho-ri-sensei is giving me a blowjob right now~ 401 如此卖力..... So hard ..... 是因为很喜欢吃肉棒吧? Is it because you like to eat dick? 才不是呢...... No, at all ...... 402 我只是...... I just ...... 想快点结束而已....... Want to finish it quickly ....... 403 哦哦!!变激烈了!! Ohhhh!!! It's getting intense!!! 想快点帮我口交到射精,结束? You want to help me ejaculate quickly,then end ? 404 这可不行哦.....千穂理老师 NO way..... Chiho-ri-sensei 仅仅是口交,是不够的哦! It's not enough to just give me a blowjob! 405 诶? Eh? 没有完整的插入,可不是一次完美的过程哦..... It's not a perfect process without complete penetration. ... 什...什么..... Wha... What ..... 406 接下来才是正戏呢..... Next is the main event ..... ............ 407 哈哈,看来忍耐很久了吧? Haha, looks like you've been holding out for a long time, right? 408 因为...... Because ...... 千穂理老师变得开始听话了呢~ Chiho-ri-sensei has become obedient~ 少废话...... Cut the crap ... 你到底想要做什么...... What do you want to do .. 409 都是成年人了, we're adult, 你就不要明知故问了好吗? so don't ask me the question you already know, okay? 410 美臀翘得这么高,你认为我想做什么? What do you think I want to do with your beautiful ass up so high? 嘁....... Shit... 411 不过,千穂理老师身高太高了, But Chiho-ri-sensei is too tall, 还穿着高跟鞋,老夫够不着~ and you're wearing high heels, I can't reach . 你可以把腰弯下来吗? Can you bend your waist down? 412 真是麻烦啊..... What a hassle..... 对对~就是这样,哈哈...... Yes, that's right... ...... 尊老爱幼是我们的传统美德~ Respect for the elderly and the young is our traditional virtue~ ................ 413 千穂理老师看起来也没这么抗拒呢~ Chiho-ri-sensei doesn't seem so resistant either~ 那我就直接插入了哦~ Then I'll just insert it! 414 什么......至少....戴上安全套吧!! What ...... At least .... Put on a condom! 哈哈,如果只有一次机会跟你做爱, Haha, if i only have one chance to have sex with you, 当然是不戴套咯! of course it's without a condom! 不....不可以...... No .... No ...... 415 除非,今晚跟我去约会,共进晚餐~好吗? Unless, go on a date with me tonight and have dinner ~ okay? ............. 416 我想你肯定会拒绝,所以还是..... I thought you'd say no, so still ..... ............... 417 我....我明白了..... I .... I got it .... 今晚我跟你一起去...... I'll go with you tonight ...... 418 哈哈,是吗...... Haha, yea? ...... 所以....请您戴上套吧...... So .... Please put on a condom ...... 至少保住我的贞操,陪他吃一顿饭没什么...... At least save my virginity, it's nothing to have a meal with him ...... 419 太好了,千穂理老师,你答应我了~ Great, Chiho-ri-sensei, you promised me~ 420 那么,就如你所愿吧!! Then, let's do as you wish! 421 准备好了吗.....? Are you ready for .....? 422 说没好,可以避免被插入吗? If i say no,can I avoid being inserted? 当然不行! Of course not! 无论如何...... By all means ...... 423 你都无法避免! You can't avoid it! 哈!! Ha! ! 424 那我现在要插进来了......!! Well, I'm going to stick it in now ......!! 哈啊!!! HAHA! ! ! 425 插进来了!! Coming in! ! 呃呃呃!! Uhhhhhhh! ! 426 好大....虽然校长年龄大了.... So big .... Although the principal is old .... 但是.....成年人的肉棒果然不一样...... But ..... The adult's dick is really different ...... 哈啊啊啊!!! Haaaaaaaaah ! ! ! 好....好有感觉啊...... Good .... It feels so good ...... 427 哈哈哈,果然很饥渴, Hahahaha, really thirsty, 平时高冷的形象都是装出来的吧~ usually the image of cold are pretending to be right ~ 才...才没有呢...... No!Not at all ...... 哈啊啊..... Hahahaha ..... 428 不承认是吗? You don't admit it 呃啊啊啊啊!!! Uhhhhhhhhh! ! ! 429 让我把你打回原型! Let me bring you back! 什...什么!? Wha... What! 430 插进去的时候..... When i coming in ..... 哈啊啊啊!!! Haaaaahhhhh! ! ! 你的浪叫声可是很大的呢!! Your screams are very loud! 哈啊啊啊啊!!! Haaaaaaahhhhh!!! 431 好...好厉害..... So So good ..... 一直以来我都是自慰....... All this time I've been masturbating ....... 今晚上跟我,算是约会吗? With me tonight, is it a date? 才...才不算.... No... Not really .... 哈啊啊啊.....❤ Haaaaaaaaaa ..... 是吗? Is it? 432 但是我很认真对待啊~~ But I'm serious about it~~ 哈啊啊啊!! Haaaaaaaa!!! 好久没体验到成年男人的滋味了...... It's been a long time since I've experienced the feeling of having sex with a grown man ...... 433 非常期待今晚跟你发生点什么....... Very looking forward to having something with you tonight ....... 可恶...... Damn ...... 哈啊啊啊..... Haaaaaaaaaa ..... 不行...... No way ...... 我竟然.... I can't believe .... 快被这个臭老头弄高潮了..... I'm about to came from this old man ..... 434 所以,现在就让我加快点速度~ So, let me speed up a bit now~ 草率的来一发吧!! Let's have a rash one! 哈啊啊啊!!! Ahhhhhhh! ! ! 变激烈了......!!❤ It's getting intense ......!!! 435 好激烈啊....!!❤ so intense ....! 难以置信..... Unbelievable ..... 一个老人的体力竟然如此的好......!! An old man with such great stamina ......!!! 不行.....我快不行了..... I can't ..... I'm losing it ..... 哦哦!!千穂理老师的小穴变紧了....... Ohhh! Chiho-ri-sensei's pussy is getting tighter ....... 紧紧地裹住了老夫的肉棒......!! It's wrapped tightly around my old dick ......! 436 不行!老夫忍不住了!! I can't! I can't hold back! 哈啊啊啊啊啊!!❤ Ahhhhhhhhhhh!❤ 突然变得好硬啊!!❤ Suddenly become so hard ahhhhh! 437 射了!!! I'm cumming! 哈啊啊啊啊啊!!!❤❤ Ha ah ah ah ah ah! ! 好硬!!好硬啊!!!❤ So hard!!! So hard! ! 438 哈哈,老夫把攒了一周的礼物全部送给你了~ Haha, I saved up a week of gifts all for you ~ 如果是无套做,会更好~ If I do not have to wear a condom to do, it will be better ~ .................. 哈.....哈......❤ Ha ..... Ha ...... 439 哈.......❤ Ha ......... 我竟然被这个老头...... I can't believe this old man ...... 弄得高潮了........ Made me come ........ 喷了好多水啊...... sprayed a lot of water ...... 440 哈哈,千穂理老师的小穴真是淫荡呢~ Chiho-ri-sensei's pussy is really slutty! 跟你外表的形象完全不一样呢~ It's not like the way you look! 哈.....❤ Haha ..... 是因为我太久没接触男人了吗....... Is it because I haven't touched a man for so long ....... 441 难怪我孙子这么喜欢你~ No wonder my grandson likes you so much! 什么.....那个孩子喜欢我? What ..... That kid likes me? 442 课堂上故意跟我作对,难道是因为想引起我的注意!? He's deliberately antagonizing me in class, is it because he wants to get my attention! 那么,千穂理老师..... Then, Chiho-ri-sensei ..... 443 我非常期待今天晚上跟你的约会, I'm really looking forward to my date with you tonight. 希望你能穿得性感一点哦~ I hope you'll wear something sexy~ ................. 今晚本来约了要跟小让要去百货商店买钢笔呢............. I was supposed to go to the department store with Jean to buy a pen tonight ............. END