Title 終電 Last Train 1. (電車が揺れる音) (Sound of the train swaying) 2. この女…いつもパンツ丸出しで寝てるけど、今日は一段と無防備だな… 乳輪…見えてないか…? This girl... always asleep with her panties fully exposed, but today she's even more defenseless... Could that be her areola... showing? 3. ほんのちょっと…ほんのちょっと引っぱれば乳首が… 「もしもし?お姉さん?お、お洋服乱れちゃってますよ~?お姉さ~ん?」 Just a little tug... if I pull her clothes just a bit, her nipple might be exposed... "Hello? Miss? Your, your clothes are disheveled~? Miss~?" 4. !! 5. おお…!おっぱい…丸出し!しかも全く起きる気配がない… これ…下…下も… Oh...! A breast... exposed! And she's showing no signs of waking up... Maybe... down there... I could do the same... 6. (電車が揺れる音) (Sound of the train swaying) 7. す…すげぇ…公共の場所で…おっぱいとまんこ放りだしてる女が目の前に… 今日だ…ずっと我慢してきたがもう今日しかない… In... incredible... here in public, a girl lying there with her breasts and pussy exposed right in front of me... Today's the day... I've been holding back, but there's no more holding back today... 8. この女のパンチラでシコって貯めた精液、チャンスさえあればぶち込んでやろうと思ってたが… 挑発してくるお前が悪いんだ…全部…全部子宮に入れてやる… With this girl's upskirt views, I've been pleasuring myself and saving my semen, just waiting for a chance to inject it into her... It's your fault for tempting me like this... All of it... I'll inject it all into your womb... 9. 毎日誘惑しやがって… お望み通り孕ませてやるからな… Tempting me every day like this... I'll impregnate you just as you seem to want... 10. ハァ…ハァ…名前も知らない女に…精液入れちゃってる! 責任とる気もないのに女の子孕ませてる! Panting... Panting... I'm injecting my semen into a girl I don't even know her name! I'm impregnating a girl with no intention of taking responsibility! 11. よし…全部入ったな… おい!溢れてきてるじゃねーかクソッ…なにやってんだ馬鹿女! Good... It's all in... Hey! It's spilling out, damn it... What are you doing, you stupid girl! 12. クソイラつく…バキバキに勃起しててちんぽ痛ぇ… 今までビビってたけどもう我慢できねぇ、ちんぽ突っ込んでやる Damn, this is infuriating... My dick is rock hard and it hurts... I've been scared until now, but I can't hold back anymore; I'm going to thrust it in. 13. あ~きもちっ、発情しきったまんこが絡みついてくる… 起こさないようにピストン出来るか心配だったが挿れただけでもう限界だ… すぐ出してやる!新鮮な精液送り込むからな! Ah, it feels good, her aroused pussy is clinging to me... I was worried about being able to thrust without waking her, but just putting it in has already pushed me to the limit... I'm going to cum soon! I'll send in fresh semen! 14. 15. ふぅ…すげー出たわ…エラいぞ~、今度は一滴もこぼしてないな! 幸せそうな顔してる。この女これからどーするんだろ、彼氏とか居んのかな 俺のガキ産んだらめっちゃ興奮するわw Phew... that was a lot... Good job to you, you didn't spill a single drop this time! She looks so content. I wonder what this girl will do from now on, does she have a boyfriend or something? If she gives birth to my brat, I'll be so thrilled, haha! 16. それじゃまたね、おかげで明日からも頑張れそうだわ お前もそのブラックそうな会社さっさと辞めちゃってさ 俺との赤ちゃん頑張って育ててねw See you later, thanks to you, I feel like I can keep going from tomorrow. You should quit that black company as soon as possible. Take care and raise our baby well, haha! 17.