The sun burned bright in the late May sky above some small, rural bordertown deep in the woods. The name of the town isn’t important. The names of the inhabitants, and what they had to do to graduate and get into a good college, is what is important. Those sunbeams shone through the windows of a small, somewhat decrepit classroom, in which sat three students, all staring at one teacher. The old, wrinkled otter wore a look of slight disappointment on his face as he stood behind his desk, three pairs of eyes watching him intently as he started his next sentence. “As you know, all three of you have passed the classroom portion of Pred 101 with flying colors, and I am very proud of your progress. Unfortunately, the reason I have called you all here is because you have yet to provide evidence of passing the physical portion of the class…” He stepped forward again, starting to pace as he continued. “Which, as stated in the syllabus at the beginning of the year, requires you to put everything you’ve learned to the test and devour at least one live prey by the end of the school year.” “As it stands, none of the three of you have accomplished that. Unfortunately, without passing the physical, you will fail the class and be unable to attend one of those big predator colleges of your dreams.” One of the students, a rather tall tree squirrel, raised his paw as the otter finished. “Yes, Knucksly?” “Uh, how are we supposed to prove that we did so? I never really understood that…” the squirrel asked, to a long sigh and a bit of a facepalming from the otter teacher. “We dedicated a whole class to it, Knucksly. You are to take one of these…” the teacher trailed off as he walked behind his desk, leaning down and digging around in the space underneath it before coming back up with a small box. He brought it forward to the students, before taking something out of it, revealing the contents to be a small video camera. “It’s rather simple, really. Just record each of you devouring a prey in your chosen method, turn in the video, and you’ll pass the class.” “Er, excuse me,” another student asked. “How are we supposed to record us eating someone...while we’re eating them?” the voice came from a small red rabbit named Arkamety (whose friends called him Carrot). The teacher shot Carrot a glare for interrupting him before answering the rabbit’s question. “Well, all three of you should go together, if possible, and take turns. Cover for each other. Be sneaky. Use everything you’ve learned this year…” “Oh. And since it’s a holiday weekend, you have three days to do it.” “THREE DAYS?” all three students shouted simultaneously, including Rincewald, a mouse who was the smallest of the group, who had not asked any questions yet. “Yes, three days. It’s almost the end of the year, you three! You had so many opportunities to catch someone...but now you have to cram it in. Cram them in. Er, you know what I mean.” The three students all started to groan and chatter at both the joke the teacher had made and the fact they only had 3 days to find, capture, and devour 3 live prey! They continued to ask questions, but their teacher wasn't having any of it. Partially because everything they were asking had already been covered in class, and partially because it was already 4:30 in the afternoon; school had let out over an hour ago! The three young, ambitious predators-to-be thusly found themselves pedaling their way home down the same dirt road they always did, talking amongst themselves about how and what their potential meal would be. “Can't we just eat a homeless guy or something?” Knucks suggested, swerving away from a large rock in the decrepit road. “Dude, that's fucked up. Those guys have enough problems without the possibility of ending up on someone's menu.” Rincey responded almost immediately. Carrot was lost in thought as the other two argued about the ethics of eating homeless folk. Eventually, his mind returned from vacation, and he interjected. “Aren't there people that like being eaten? Why don't we just find one of those guys?” “Shut up Carrot, that's just a myth.” Knucks responded. “No it's not! I saw it on Unsolved Mysteries! It's legit!” Rincey didn't comment. He was too busy swerving out of the way of the truck that was barreling right towards them. “Get out of the way, guys!” the mouse shouted over the blaring of a horn, the truck rushing right towards them! Knucks and Carrot stopped arguing for the briefest moment, screaming as they frantically swerved the opposite direction. It was right in time, too - the truck actually grazed the side of Carrot’s bike, knocking him into the ditch as the tires screeched to a stop and the truck pulled into the parking lot of a small gas station. After helping Carrot up, Knucks immediately walked over to the truck. “What the hell!? Get on the right side of the road, assholes!” he yelled, seeing that the contents of the truck were 5 humans, all looking fairly well-built. They probably worked at one of the mills on the outskirts of town or something. The driver of the truck got out, and it looked for a moment like there was going to be a confrontation. But instead, he just laughed a little bit, before offering his ‘apology’. “Sorry, roadkill! Didn’t see ya puny things down there...har har!” he let out a loud laugh before his friends got out of the car, the five of them walking into the gas station, laughing and guffawing in tandem at the fact they almost made roadkill of the three small mammals! Knucksly looked, to say it lightly, pissed. He started storming off after the thugs after they went inside the store, with Rincey and Carrot trailing after him to try and stop the squirrel. “Knucks, no!” Rincey shouted as he scrambled after his friend, Carrot not too far behind. It was hard for them to catch up, but right as Knucks had opened the door, the two managed to get a grasp of him, holding him back from entering the store. “Knucks, chill!” Rincey yelled as he gripped his shoulder. The squirrel grunted a few times, telling the two to get off of him, before he suddenly went quiet. “Ssshhh.” he told the two behind him, as he caught ear of what the humans were talking about… “You ready to get drunk this weekend?” one voice came. Knucks recognized it as the driver. “Hell yeah. Three days in the woods? On a holiday weekend too? It’s gonna be fucking awesome.” replied another voice, one the squirrel didn’t recognize. “You got the…?” another voice came. Knucks couldn’t make out what he said after “the”, unfortunately. But he had what he needed as he turned around to look at the mouse and rabbit. “Did you guys hear that?” he said as he started to walk away, the two eagerly following behind. “Hell yeah I did!” Rincey replied, Carrot nodding in affirmation. “Are you two thinking what I’m thinking?...” the squirrel said as he turned around to his two friends. All three of them smiled. They were certainly on the same wavelength. - The three eager predators-to-be awoke bright and early the next morning, an impromptu sleepover becoming the catalyst for their plan. After a light lunch (they needed room, after all!), Knucks and crew hopped into his car, and they sped off into the woods, on the hunt for this campsite. And they searched… and searched… and searched some more. It felt like they were driving down the dirt trails of the forest for hours, and yet they hadn't seen the slightest sign of any sort of campsite whatsoever. It was summer, and they expected to see some sort of campsite eventually, even if it wasn't the one they were looking for...but there was nothing. Carrot looked out the window to see the sun starting to set. “How have you not run out of gas by this point?” the rabbit asked, clearly irate with how this plan had gone so far. His stomach rumbled impatiently, expecting to have dinner by now! The three were about to give up...until they saw it. The same truck that had almost run them over yesterday, parked on the side of the small dirt road, next to a trail leading into the woods. “Bingo.” Knucks said calmly as he pulled to the side of the road, far enough away from the empty truck so as to not attract suspicion. The three predators tumbled out of their car, stretching their legs and arms and the like before setting the plan they had spent the night concocting into action. “So are we just gonna follow the trail then?” Carrot asked, scratching his head as he tried to think about how to approach this. The rabbit could be very stealthy in the right situations...but he lacked the strategic mind to put himself in those situations most of the time. Thankfully, Rincey was there to supplement him. “'d be too easy to just bump into them then. We should follow the trail, but from as deep in the forest as we can go. No sense in using the trail when we just need to find the campsite…” The unkempt grass of the forest went up to Knucksly's waist, but as soon as he heard Rincey's plan, the squirrel immediately went into action, stomping off into the forest with a complete disregard for subtlety. Rincey just put his face in his palm, before begrudgingly trotting off behind the squirrel, Carrot trailing behind. The mouse managed to catch up with Knucksly, but not without his tail getting covered in burrs because of it. He was finding himself out of breath quickly, and eventually his hands went to his knees as he conceded to Knucks. “I suppose if they hear you, they'll probably think it's a deer or something…” the mouse said defeatedly, knowing that there was no way he could stop the squirrel once he had his mind set on something. Carrot still managed to keep up with the squirrel, but he wasn’t interested in stopping him. The rabbit was eager to join! He followed behind Knucks as the squirrel trudged through thick forest, eventually stopping behind a rather large bush, allowing Carrot to catch up. “What’s with the-” the rabbit started before Knucks turned around and shushed him. “Take a look…” the squirrel said as he moved to the side, allowing Carrot to peek through the bushes… The rabbit slowly peeked his head through an opening in the foliage. After scanning around for a few moments, he saw what Knucks was referring to: 5 humans, shirtless, even, sitting around a roaring campfire, drinks in hand. “Woah…” was all the rabbit could utter as he checked out the campsite, three tents surrounding the campfire with copious amounts of alcohol piled up outside of one. Carrot turned around a few seconds later, eyes wide as he looked at Knucks. “Are you sure that’s all of them?” he asked, looking eager to get right to the best part! “I dunno, Carrot. That’s why I want you to check the perimeter to make sure.” Knucks said calmly, turning around himself as he heard Rincey finally making his way to the group. “Knucks, please don’t just run in there and start gorging yourself. We’re gonna have to lure them out if we want to be successful…” he said as he put down his backpack, opening it up and pulling out the video camera. “I know, I know, but I wanted to make sure we’re in the right place…” the squirrel retorted as he took another peek through the bushes, Carrot making his way to the right to make sure there wasn’t any human the group was missing. “We could set a trap or something…” the mouse answered, tapping his finger on his chin as he thought about what he could possibly set up. “Well, whatever we do, we’re gonna have to wait until nighttime.” Knucks replied, cutting Rincey’s creative thoughts off as the squirrel looked up to the sky, burning a bright orange as the sun began to set on the forest...the three predators-to-be wouldn’t have to wait for too long. The forest gradually grew darker as Rincey and Knucks waited, chatting quietly about what they would do with each of their meals. “I just...I’m so excited to shove one of them up my rump!” the mouse said, Knucks reacting with a bit of surprise to the normally-reserved mouse’s lewdness. “You’re an AV guy? Thought you would be going the normal route…” the squirrel responded, wanting to say something else before Carrot came trotting back, the rabbit’s form starting to become a bit harder to distinguish as it grew darker and darker. “I made extra sure that I didn’t see anyone else. Just five.” he said as he held up an open palm to indicate the amount of people he saw. “Great. Now I can talk about my plan.” Rincey responded, before continuing. “There’s a tree near the entrance of the campfire that could work great for a net trap. You brought the net, right?” the mouse finished, looking at Knucks, who quickly pulled something out of his own backpack. “Great. Let’s go.” - “Damn, it’s already dark out!?...I’m going to pass out.” One of the humans sitting around the campfire stood up after saying that. “Night, Dan.” another responded as Dan walked towards one of the tents, unzipping it and stepping inside. “Yeah, I think I need to get more booze as well...fuck, can’t believe we already ran out!” another man said, before getting up himself. “I’ll head into town quick...y’all want anything?” “Nah, Lance, I’m good myself. Need to take a leak though…” someone responded, getting up himself as Lance walked down the campsite towards the small trail out of the forest. In a matter of moments, there were only two people left, drinking and laughing by the fire. The predators knew all of this, because Rincey was sitting high in that tree he had pointed out earlier. He scampered up it alone, with a net placed below the branch he was standing on and a rope snaking up to his arm. He was all set to finish up the net trap he was planning - but unfortunately, the human that got up to take a piss was heading right for the tree he picked out! The mouse turned around as he was busy trying to tie the rope to the branch, his eyes widening as he saw the human approach. “Shit, shit, shit…” the mouse muttered under his breath as he tried to finish the knot, quickly abandoning that prospect as the human stood right underneath him! He slowly slid down his pants and looked up, staring directly at Rincey without even knowing it due to how dark it was outside! The mouse heard a sigh come from below him, and knew he didn’t have time to set up any sort of trap. It was now or never… Rustling came from the tree above the human as Rincey adjusted himself, his bare ass hovering directly above the human’s head, hanging off the branch in quite a tenacious position! The mouse could feel the branch starting to snap underneath his weight, and he took a deep breath before leaning backwards. “Here we go…” he said to himself… *SHLORP!* The last thing the human saw was something round and white rushing towards his face. Before he could even comprehend what he was looking at, everything went dark-and wet, and tight! Unbeknownst to him, his entire head had slipped into Rincey’s ass, his frantic yelling being more than subdued by the mouse’s colon. Unfortunately, the human’s lower half was still more than able to move, and he proved that by running around like a chicken with his head cut off, bumping into all sorts of foliage and the like as Rincey desperately tried to stay quiet and clench the rest of him inside! “Oh geez, looks like he needs some help…” Carrot said as he pulled his head out of the bush he was looking through. Knucksly and he had been spotting the mouse while he attempted to set up the trap, and now that he was...occupied...they were going to need to help out. “Grab the camera!” Carrot said as he turned around, before he rushed through the bush and towards Rincey! It was a scramble worthy of a Scooby-Doo episode as the two friends chased around this human, who had no idea where he was going either, all while Rincey was trying to suck him deeper into his ass...but, eventually, Knucks managed to get a hold of one of the mouse’s legs, turning around and yelling at Carrot as quietly as he possibly could to get a hold of the other one. “Oh, thank goodness, I was beginning to worry…” the mouse said as he finally came to a stop, all three of the friends able to hear the muffled yelling coming from Rincey’s ass as Carrot got a hold of his other leg. “Rincey, just relax and we’ll do the rest…” Knucks said as he and Carrot gave his legs a big yank downwards, first eliciting an “ouch!” from the mouse, but then a long moan as he felt his bowels relax to allow the human inside, the two helpers quickly pulling Rincey down over the human’s shoulders and chest, resulting in all manner of wet, squishy noises as the mouse’s prey was forced further inside. “ have the camera...right…?” the mouse managed to say inbetween huffs and moans, his feet almost able to touch the ground at this point, the human nearly waist-deep in mouse bowels. “Yeah, we’ll start recording once you can stand…” Knucks said, the camera in his other hand, ready to record, still yanking with his primary arm. He looked down and could see that they were almost finished; then, he took a deep breath and yanked the mouse down one more time. “AAgghh!” Rincey yelled, barely managing to stifle it with his hands as he felt the human pushed deeper into his bowels, then letting out a long sigh as he felt his feet finally touch the ground, his ass-meal now more than waist deep in his guts at this point. “F...fuck, that was a lot…” the mouse said as he tried to keep his balance, Carrot keeping a hand on his shoulder to help the mouse out as the human’s now-free legs kicked between the mouse’s own. “Ready to record?” Rincey eventually continued, leaning forward with one hand on his swelling gut… Knucks smiled as he got what the mouse was implying, maneuvering his way around behind the mouse as he continued to bend over, the human’s own ass barely showing along with his legs, framed by Rincey’s own soft, furry rumpcheeks. “Aaaand...action!” the squirrel said, giggling as he started to record, Rincey moaning as he started to clench the human deeper, leaning forward with his hands on the ground, his gut starting to swing and churn beneath him as more of the human disappeared inside. Carrot eventually walked around behind the mouse as well, chuckling before giving the human a hard slap on the ass - enough for it to disappear an inch or so deeper into the mouse! “How’s that for roadkill?” the rabbit taunted, just loud enough so that he knew the human could hear him - which he confirmed as he watched the human’s legs kick a bit more, squirming and thrashing coming from deep in Rincey’s belly as well. “Urgh - not so hard…” the mouse groaned as he clenched more, the human’s ass disappearing into Rincey’s own, as well as a few inches of his legs. “Keep it going Rincey, this is some great stuff!” Knucks encouraged, continuing to film, zooming in on the mouse’s pucker the best he could, giving a really nice view of the clenching Rincey was could probably even hear the wet noises of the mouse’s bowels at work on the recording if you listened hard enough! That is, if you could hear them over the loud, pleasured groans and moans coming from the mouse. The three friends continued their taunting and teasing of the human as Rincey clenched him deeper, the mouse still surprised that he was able to fit someone as big as he was into his guts! His belly swung and churned beneath him powerfully, a massive weight that he struggled to keep afloat, his legs and arms starting to ache as he slurped the last of the human into his ass. “Just...ngggh...a bit...more…!” the mouse groaned, clenching as hard as he could one last time - before someone stopped him. “Whoops, hold on, we should probably take these off…” Knucks advised, the squirrel leaning down and grabbing a hold of the heavy work boots the human was wearing. He grunted a few times as he tried to pull them off, before they successfully came off with an audible *pop!*. The squirrel just threw them on the ground before grabbing the camera again. “Okay, you’re good…” Rincey resumed his tight clench, letting out a loud moan as he felt the last of the human’s feet slipping into his pucker. It felt so nice for his pucker to finally be able to relax back to its normal size...good enough, in fact, that the mouse’s knees started to wobble, before Rincey finally collapsed to the ground, his belly getting smooshed under the weight of his body...but also serving as a nice pillow for the mouse! “Uuuurrrghhhh…” the mouse groaned as he felt the human kicking around in his bowels, most likely dazed from all the weight suddenly pressing on him from all sides! Rincey’s bowels were holding him quite tight and snug, considering they had never been stretched anywhere near to this capacity before...and that meant the ride was certainly not comfortable for the person stuck inside. He honestly had no idea where he was at this point, but considering all the faint taunting he could hear from outside, he was probably churning inside of SOMETHING right now...and when he heard the mouse groan before his world went upside-down, Rincey flopping over onto his back and rubbing at his gut proudly, he started to figure out exactly where he was. Shoved up a mouse’s asshole! How degrading… “Wow, you actually did it, Rincey!” Carrot chirped as he and Knucks started to poke at the mouse’s gut, giggling as it jiggled like Jello with the squirming human inside. “Wasn’t so hard, was it?” the rabbit continued, which Rincey only responded to with a long, lewd groan somewhere between pleasure and discomfort. The two other predators-to-be looked at each other and smiled, walking off to set up the next trap and giving Rincey some alone time with his meal. The next trap in line was a simple tree snare trap, somewhat like what Rincey was trying to set up, but without the net. They took a peek at the campfire while they walked over to the next tree to confirm that, yes, the two humans that had stayed behind were still hanging out by the fire, all by themselves. Carrot’s stomach groaned audibly at the thought that his meal could be next...before he hushed it. Didn’t want to alert anyone, after all! Once they got to the tree, Knucks took the rope in hand and scurried up the tree without a second thought, finding a suitable branch before tying the rope to it, weighing it down, and dangling it down to the forest floor, making sure there was juuuust enough tension in the branch that any sort of step on the rope would yank the unlucky stepper right up. “Ready?” the squirrel whispered as loud as he could down to Carrot, who was hiding in one of the bushes surrounding the tall tree. He simply stuck out a thumbs-up so as to not make any more noise, before the two set their plan in action. “HELP! HELLLLP!” the two preds began screaming simultaneously, intermixing their call for help with various curse words, grunts, and other noises of pain and predicament. The two humans chilling around the campfire almost immediately went dead-silent as they heard the two animals yelling from deep within the forest. “Fuck, did you hear that?” one of them said, getting up from the log and walking in the general direction that the sounds were coming from. “Yeah, dude. Maybe someone got attacked by a wild animal or something. Bring your knife-” the other responded, quickly running back to his tent before joining his friend in cutting through the brush and foliage. Carrot, the louder of the two, continued yelling for help as he got up off the ground in front of the tree, scrambling behind it as he heard the two humans approaching. They eventually stumbled through the bush into a little clearing surrounding the tree, unable to see much in the darkness - but, judging from the yelling getting louder, they knew they were getting close. “Shit, I think it’s coming from up in the tree...hold on!” one of them said, stepping forward and looking up into the tree that Knucksly was sitting in. The squirrel kept screaming as loud as he could, distracting the human and bringing him closer until… *SCHWAP!* The unfortunate human let out a loud scream of his own as he stepped on the rope, which immediately tightened around his ankle and yanked him upward, the would-be rescuer finding himself turned upside down and dangling from the tree by his foot in a matter of moments. “What the fuck!?” he said as he tried to reach for the rope wrapped tight around his foot, but he wasn’t nearly fit enough to touch his toes right-side-up, let alone dangling upside down from a tree! Surrounded in darkness, the other human had no idea what had happened...but he knew it wasn’t good. He was torn between just running for the hills or trying to help out his friend, but in his indecision, Knucks and Carrot were able to make their next move. Carrot scrambled out from behind the tree, while Knucksly jumped down from the branch, both of them landing right in front of the unfortunate human. “Grab him!” Knucks shouted as Carrot lunged forward, knocking the human to the ground. A struggle ensued for a few moments, one that Carrot might not have won...but Knucks was there to deliver a powerful punch to the human’s temple, knocking him out cold. “Well. That was a bit messier than I thought…” Carrot said as he got back to his feet, wiping a bit of dirt off his knees as he turned to Knucksly once more. He started to say something, but got rudely cut off by the other human - still dangling from the tree. “Excuse me, but what the fuck is going on here?!” he shouted, swinging back and forth as he tried to dislodge himself. Knucksly said nothing; instead, the squirrel simply pulled something out of his pocket and walked towards the human. He kept demanding answers, but when the squirrel slipped the gag he was carrying into his mouth, all those annoying objections became a whole lot quieter. The human’s free arms were proving to be a bit of an annoyance, though; thankfully, the squirrel also had a bit of extra rope from setting up his trap, with which he was easily able to tie the human’s wrists together. “Now…” the squirrel began as he stepped away from the bound-and-gagged meal, walking back over to Carrot. “Rock-paper-scissors for who gets who?” he said, holding out a fist. “Sure!” the rabbit replied, putting his own fist out and his palm underneath it. “Rock, paper, scissors!” Knucksly threw rock - a great option, for sure. Paper was the obvious answer, but Carrot wasn’t expecting the level 1 play, choosing scissors to counter the paper he thought would come out. “Damn, that’s one.” the rabbit grunted, re-evaluating his strategy for the second round. He stood there for a moment, wondering if Knucks would really go for rock twice. That was a horrible strategy, right?...horrible enough to work if he went for it. Knucks was DEFINITELY the type of person that would put absolutely no thought into this and go rock twice, that was for sure. But, urrgh, it would be so dumb to lose to rock twice... “Rock, paper, scissors!” Carrot didn’t have the balls to call the squirrel’s bluff. He threw scissors once more, expecting the squirrel to not go paper, but to go scissors himself, resulting in a tie and perhaps giving Carrot more time to try and out-play Knucksly. Too bad the squirrel threw rock twice. “Are you kidding me!?” the rabbit said, groaning and turning away from the squirrel, knowing that Knucks would absolutely be wearing the biggest shit-eating grin from pulling something like that off. And he was, but he was more interested in getting his two meals inside of him than gloating about it. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance soon enough. For now…” the squirrel trailed off as he started to unbutton his pants, slipping them off to reveal quite the large bulge, barely contained by an incredibly stretchy pair of underwear...which soon were slipped out as well, letting Knucksly’s impressive - and quickly hardening - package bounce out into the cool night air. “Aaaahhh, I’ve been so tight down there today…” the squirrel groaned as he took off his shirt as well, leaving him completely naked for Carrot to ogle. He could tell the rabbit was looking, but he was more intent on undressing his meal as well, walking over to the unconscious human and taking a hold of his shirt, casually tossing him around like a ragdoll as he tried to get all of his clothes off. The jeans he was wearing were a bit stubborn, but “Ready?” was all he said, pointing to the camera in the rabbit's left hand, which he quickly brought up and started filming with. Knucks let out a long sigh as he stroked his length a little bit, letting it harden some more as he took the human's feet in one of his hands, his cock firmly held with the other. He pressed his meal’s toes up against the opening in his cock; at first it was a bit difficult for Knucksly to fit them inside, but he relaxed his dick for a few moments, and with some elbow grease, they slipped inside quite nicely. The squirrel groaned as he started to clench now that he had a grip on the human, the rest of his feet disappearing down Knucks’s shaft in a trivial amount of time, starting to bulge out the squirrel’s length as he continued to stroke the human down. The cock clenched and swallowed deep like a throat, pulling the unconscious meal knee-deep in squirrel dick without too much effort from Knucksly - and Carrot was recording it the whole time, the rabbit adjusting his position and standing in front of the unconscious human, down on one knee as he zoomed in to really get the best shots of the squirrel’s cock at work as possible! The human was nearly waist-deep in Knucksly’s shaft at this point, bulging it out considerably and even causing the squirrel to leak a bit of pre onto the ground! Knucks could feel his meaty shaft clenching and swallowing the human deeper even without his help, it was such an odd, yet fantastic was so sensitive that deep in his loins that even though the human wasn’t squirming, he still felt like he might cum before he even got the human curled up in his nuts! Until he started having some troubles. Knucks had leaned forward at this point, cupping the human’s limp arms and slipping them into his shaft without much issue. But now his meal was belly-deep in his cock, and his shaft wasn’t sucking anymore! “Uuuuhhhh…” the squirrel droned as he tried to clench the human deeper, feeling like there was a cork deep in his shaft or something. While he was leaning forward, Knucksly tried to grab a hold of the human’s shoulders and shove them deeper...but that wasn’t working either. “Well, what the hell…” the squirrel mumbled, before he felt something start to squirm in his cock! The human had finally awoken, letting out a long, pained groan as his eyes slowly opened. “What the…” he groaned as he felt his sides being bound by something; it was too dark to see what was going on, though. Eventually his eyes started to adjust to the darkness, though, and he could make out the shape of something he recognized from earlier...and something coming from...coming from his crotch? Was he inside of it? “Ugh, what the HELL?!” the human yelled as he started to struggle in earnest, flailing his body around the best he could despite not having the use of his arms or legs. “HELP!” he screamed as loud as he could as Knucks desperately tried to shove him down, having trouble with the cock-meal flailing about as much as he was. “Carrot, can I get some help here?!” the squirrel shouted, frozen in panic as his attempts to shove the human inside were only making him yell and kick louder. Carrot immediately dropped the camera and pushed against the human’s face, both quieting him and shoving him a few inches deeper into Knucksly’s cock. “Relax!” the rabbit shouted as he continued shoving, not wanting Knucks to clench and make his urethra even tighter and more difficult to shove the human down into. The squirrel obeyed, relaxing his flesh the best he could, even with his cock snack still thrashing around in there as much as possible...and let out a satisfied sigh as he felt the human start to sink into his loins again with Carrot’s help. “…! Help!!” the human continued to shout, his voice mostly smothered by Carrot’s hands as Knucksly’s shaft swallowed up his chest, leaving the human as a wriggling cock-bulge and a head and shoulders sticking out of the tip. “I...I think I got it from here…” the squirrel panted as he clenched tight, slurping up the human’s shoulders and neck with one powerful muscular contraction, Carrot’s hands still covering the human’s mouth to stop him from yelling so much. “Ffffuckk…!!” Knucks continued as he felt the human’s feet start to poke out into his balls, knowing that he would be feeling quite the load sloshing between his legs soon. He just needed to get the last of this hell of a cockmeal inside… The squirrel clenched one last time, as strong and as deep as he could, and the two eager predators watched as the human’s head disappeared into Knucksly’s shaft with a wet, wonderful *shhhlrrrpp*! They could see the vague outline of the human’s face sinking deeper into the squirrel’s cock as his lower body started to empty out into the squirrel’s nuts, one of his balls beginning to swell and bulge out with his form. Tight, wet contractions of muscle surrounded the poor man, constantly working him over and squeezing him deeper - he felt like a tube of toothpaste with barely anything left at the bottom! Meanwhile, Knucks let out a deep, satisfied sigh, stroking at his length absentmindedly as he felt the bulges the human made sink deeper into his loins. “Hhhfff, I hope no one noticed all that…” the squirrel moaned as the last of his first meal curled up inside his left nut, his package looking quite comical with one swollen, squirming nut and one completely normal-sized one. Judging from the look Knucks was giving the still-bound-and-hanging human across from him, though, that would change soon...