SUCKERS Part 1 “They say a sucker is born every minute, but we wouldn’t have half as many if not for Sucker’s brand Suckers.” The advertisement headline read. The picture beneath it showed a fanned out series of suckers, each a different color. At first glance, it seemed like a normal ad for candy, but the text beneath told a slightly different story… “Amaze your friends! As long as they’re sucking on a Sucker, they’ll really believe you caught a fish that big. With six new exciting flavors of gullibility, you won’t get bored, and neither will they!” Ordinarily, he wouldn’t give an ad like this a second thought. He probably wouldn’t have even read the text. Yet, something felt strangely compelling about this ad. Ideas floated in his mind, how he might use them if they worked, what might go wrong if they didn’t… That was really what kept him from clicking right away. It sounded too good to be true, and as much as the advertisement seemed to scream to him that it was, some doubt managed to linger. How could he test it without embarrassing himself? Would it even be worth paying for if it didn’t work? His concentration was broken though when he heard the front door slam. A moment later, he could hear is wife’s voice calling out from the living room. “You were out drinking again!” she accused, though he hadn’t had a night out in weeks. “Janet told me she saw you at the bar again! Did you think I wouldn’t hear about it??” Every. Single. Time. One of her friends starts a rumor, and she falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He only wished she believed him half as well as she believed the nonsense her so called friends told her. Then, his eyes caught on the advertisement again. Perhaps it was worth a shot after all. A few clicks, and a little typing later, the shipment was on it’s way just in time for him to close the page and turn to the door to his home office his wife was just opening. She was wearing a green low cut dress with medium length heels, and had her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She had her arms crossed under her breasts, partly to show her displeasure, and partly to emphasize her ample cleavage. It was a power play at it’s core, taunting him with her body to make sure he knew what he wouldn’t be getting tonight. He knew he had no chance of convincing her that her friend was mistaken, or more likely, that she was lying. Not yet, at least… Overnight shipping could not come fast enough. One advantage of being banished to the couch, however, was that he could wait for his delivery without his wife noticing. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise then that he was able to see the delivery truck pull up to the house, and opened the door before the doorbell rang. He was now the proud owner of a box of Suckers. Skepticism began to return to him as he opened the box, and looked over the packaging. The outside of the box just looked like an ordinary box of suckers. Not a word of their promised special properties existed anywhere he could find. Had he been conned? Was he the real sucker here? Reluctantly, he opened the box. He had nothing else to look forward to, so he might as well enjoy the candy. As he opened the box, a small piece of printed paper laid on top of the rows of suckers. “Congratulations!” the note said in a bold friendly font before continuing in smaller text, “Your life is about to get a lot more interesting! With your purchase of Sucker’s brand Suckers, you are one step closer to your wildest fantasies coming to life! Just follow the instructions on the back of this card and be sure to visit our website when you need more.” John flipped the card over, his excitement now returning and mixing with apprehension. He wasn’t sure what to expect; whether actual instructions would be awaiting him, or if it would all turn out to be a prank. Quickly, his eyes scanned the text as it presented it’s self to him. “Our dedicated team of researchers have determined that many individuals have a preference for one or more flavors of Sucker. So for first time buyers we include all six flavors. With future orders, you may continue to get all six flavors, or select only your favorites!” The text began at the top of the card. Below that was a picture of each colored wrapper, and text on them. “Blue Suckers are true blue gullibility. Once you start sucking, you’ll be a sucker for any story you’re told. It won’t matter what you are told, you’ll believe it all and continue to believe it long after you finish your treat.” “Pink Suckers are real dumb dumbs. Give it a lick and you soon won’t remember a thing you’ve learned since middle school. Any intelligence lost is temporary, but lasts several hours, so you can have your favorite nerd enjoy them time and time again.” “Green suckers are green with envy. Pop one in your mouth and the one who gave it to you will become the most incredible person in the world. You’ll wish you could be half as amazing as they are, and will do everything you can to gain their approval.” “Yellow suckers are good as gold. Sucking on one of these will make you crave success. There is no way you can resist a quick buck, no matter what it takes to get it, and after the treat is done, you won’t regret a thing.” “Red Suckers are red hot. Once you get your lips around one of these, you’ll find the one who gave it to you too hot to handle. Effects last until orgasm, and they will think it was all their idea.” “Brown Suckers are a mystery! We’re always working to come up with new flavor ideas, so we put some of them into the brown suckers. You never know what you’re going to get, but we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.” Below that, the text continued “For best results, make sure your intended subject knows that you are the one giving them the Sucker. Leaving a Sucker’s brand Sucker out to be found may be fun, but if they don’t know who’s Sucker it is, they will treat the first person they see as the giver.” So now he had it. Surely, these had to be the real deal. “What’s with the candy?” His wife’s voice suddenly broke the silence of the morning. While he had been reading, she had apparently woken up. Did he close the door too loudly? Did she hear the delivery truck? Nervously he looked up at her, pulling a Sucker from the box and offering it to her. “I just thought you might like something special.” he offered, holding up a pink wrapped sucker. Thinking quickly, he added “You like cotton candy flavor, right?” She didn’t look like she was buying it. “You bought fucking candy for yourself, and you think you can pretend it’s a present?” she accused, snatching the Sucker from John’s hand. “You think I’m an idiot, don’t you? There’s nothing special about fucking suckers.” “If it was a box of chocolates, I might have believed you.” She said, pulling the wrapper off the Sucker, and sticking it into her mouth. “But suckers? Those are like, a dime a dozen. You’re just trying to get your little sugar high… And think…” she trailed off, looking down at the stick between her lips. Her eyes began to cross slightly before she attempted to speak again. “Think I’ll… Believe you…?” John could tell it was having an affect on her right away. He didn’t expect it to work so quickly, but as his wife sucked on the small candy, any sign of intelligence seemed to fade out of her. “Actually,” John began, feeling his confidence return. “I got these because I know suckers are your favorite.” Rather than answer, his wife nodded, holding the sucker with both hands now, and sucking away at it as a wide smile began to spread across her face. “In fact, I do think you are an idiot who believes anything she is told.” John continued, watching her expression as she nodded enthusiastically along with him. “Well duh” she replied, smacking her lips as she pulled the sucker out to talk. “Like, whatever, my friends wouldn’t lie to me.” “Even that bitch, Janet? You know she’s a gossip.” His wife looked annoyed and rolled her eyes. Before she answered, she put one hand on her hip and stuck the Sucker back into her mouth, talking around it as she held it against her cheek. “Look like, that skank thinks she still has a shot with you after all this time? Like, helloo, I got him. Married. Fuck you, bitch!” He blinked at her change in demeanor. Did she know this before, or was she just responding to him calling Janet a bitch? “So you don’t trust her then?” he asked, testing the waters. “Puleese!” she said, pulling the sucker back out of her mouth and shaking her hips once. “Like I’d believe a word out of her mouth. Did you like, know she tried to tell me you were out drinking last night? As if!” “So, why do you even hang out with her then?” he asked, seeing where this might go. “Uhg, like, I don’t even know?” his wife replied, waving her hand in the air dismissively “But like, I should just block her. Bye bye, bitch!” “Actually, before you do that” John said quickly “Why don’t you invite her over?” “Why would I want to like, do something like that?” she asked, sticking the sucker back into her mouth again, “She’s like, a total bitch. She’d probably try to sleep with you or something.” “I don’t think that would be a bad idea.” “Hehe!” her tone seemed to shift again, catching John by surprise. “Yeah you’d like, totally fuck her hard!” “So you want me to sleep with her?” he asked, curious where this new direction was going. “Totally! If you wanna fuck her, fuck her! You’re man enough to handle a bitch like her!” He grinned. “Hand me your phone then, I’ll invite her over.” She smiled in return, closing her lips around the sucker and holding it in her mouth while she walked back into the bedroom. A few moments later, she came back out, holding her phone, unlocked and opened to Janet’s number. He quickly read a few messages and wrote an invitation in her tone of voice before turning his attention back to his wife. “Now, how would you like to learn how to tit fuck?” he said with a wide grin, his wife never let him use her large tits in that way before, but now… “Sure thing!” she chirped, pulling her top down and exposing her breasts without a thought to the window in the living room, the curtains wide open. “Good girl” he said, putting a hand on her head and pushing down on her gently “Now get on your knees like a good slut.” With a smile, and with the sucker still in her mouth, she dropped to her knees, holding her breasts up with her hands and looking up adoringly at John. For his part, John unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, setting it between her tits and instructing her once more. “Squeeze your breasts around it, nice and tight, slut.” His slut obeyed. Squeezing her breasts together, she surrounded his cock with her tits as he began to thrust in between them. She squealed in delight over the sensation, but held her tits firmly. “move them up and down my shaft” he instructed, as she began to gyrate her body in time with his own movements. She giggled and grinned as she watched his cock peak out from between her breasts occasionally, picking up speed as she held her tits tightly around his cock and eagerly worked to please it. Finally, he had managed to have enough, and as his cock peaked out one more time, he came. His cum spraying out onto her face and dripping down to cover her tits. She pulled the sucker out of her mouth, and licked her lips. “Mmm… You taste almost as good as this thing does” she said with a grin. “I like, can’t wait til Janet gets here.”