Alita wasn't really the type to enjoy something like a sauna. The Zangoose, being a normal-type Pokemon, wasn't really a fan of extreme temperatures of any kind, but after a dip in the nearby pool, a warm sweat of a room did actually sound kind of interesting...worth it to try anything at least once, right? If he didn't enjoy it, he could just leave, no big deal. Steam already billowed out from underneath the large, wooden door that led to the sauna room as Alita opened it up… A wave of heat and steam immediately plowed into Alita as he stepped into the sauna...but not exactly from the source he expected! There was a heater full of rocks in the center of the small, wooden room, like he thought there would be, but there didn't seem to be any heating mechanism. Instead, there was a raw fire underneath the coals, attached to a long, thick, orange appendage...and that's when Alita realized he wasn't alone in this dark room! The Zangoose almost jumped when he noticed the Charizard-shaped shadow that the fire was attached to, calmly sitting across from the door, leaning back and enjoying the sweat of the sauna from his own flame…and the dragon Pokemon seemed to catch on to that surprise rather quickly, considering the deep chuckle that started to resonate throughout the room. "What, didn't expect some company in here with you?" the Charizard asked in a gruff, gravelly voice, the harsh tones immediately making Alita shiver a little bit as he stumbled into the room. The Zangoose was already starting to feel a bit of a sweat now that the door was closed behind him, and being close to that fire wasn't helping! "I...uh, you just scared me a bit, is all." Alita eventually replied, fidgeting with the towel that was wrapped around his waist before sitting down on one of the benches adjacent to the 'Zard, trying his best to just...move on from that conversation piece and work on enjoying what the sauna had to offer. He couldn't shake the feeling that he might have been interrupting something in here, though… "Ah, that's all right. I suppose it's easy to miss me in here. Name's Cyrus." the Charizard replied a few moments later as Alita leaned back against the warm, wooden bench, already feeling his paw pads starting to get a little damp in the heat of this enclosed space...reclining his head back, the Zangoose closed his eyes and just sort of let his body float in this space for a little while. Deep breaths of that warm steam immediately cleared his sinuses, sending that warmth deep into his body as well...goodness, it really was a full-body experience! Alita was already so entranced by his environment that he didn't even really hear what Cyrus said; at least, until the Charizard asked again, this time with a bit more impatience in his voice. "Not even going to tell me your name, boy?" The Zangoose's eyes popped open as he realized he was being addressed, a bit embarrassed that he had slipped into an unresponsive state so quickly! "O-oh, uh, sorry. I didn't really hear you. I'm Alita." the Pokemon responded, closing his eyes once more and inhaling another deep lungful of that rich steam...and honestly, it was really nice just sort of floating here letting all the aches and pains of the day just start to melt away. So nice, in fact, that Alita felt his eyes slowly closing all by themselves, the Zangoose making no attempt to stop the rest they were steadily slipping into… Alita woke sometime later. It could have been a few minutes, or multiple hours, it really was impossible to tell! The room was still incredibly dark and steamy, which didn't help the Zangoose with figuring out just how long he had been out, but there was one major difference in the scenery. There was something on his face, something warm, something soft, something radiating quite a bit of steam itself...though it was a much different steam than what he had been breathing in earlier! "Pass out there for a little bit, did you?" Alita heard a familiar voice addressing him a moment later, though the voice was a lot closer to him then he originally remembered...then, he felt that thing on his face continuing to press and push down on him, the steam still enveloping the two sauna goers as Alita soon realized what exactly it was on his face...a sharp claw curled up over the top of his head, keeping the Zangoose in place as he figured out that his face was currently being smothered by a giant, padded Charizard paw! The Zang let out a muffled complaint as sweat continued to bead down his face and soak into his fur, honestly unsure of whether it was his own or Cyrus's...either way, it was WAY too much for the Pokemon to deal with right now! Cyrus simply chuckled as he felt Alita starting to push and press against his paw, the weight disparity between the two of them quickly becoming obvious. "C'mon, Alita, you're going to have to work way harder than that to get me off of you. Or, do you like it down there, hmm?~" As if to compliment his point, Cyrus applied a bit more pressure to Alitas face with his paw, feeling how the Zangoose really had nowhere else to go but deeper into his plush, damp, padded soles...and then, as the Charizard looked down, he noticed another point of contention for Alita's supposed defiance. "Oh, and just what is this, hm?" Cyrus continued as he reached down towards the Zangoose’s exposed crotch with a hand, the towel he was wearing having fallen away in his rest to reveal a rather stiff erection that had shot up in the past minute or so! Alita’s entire body seized up as he felt Cyrus starting to play with his shaft, the Zangoose honestly not even realizing what he had going on down there until he felt the tight grip the Charizard had on his cock. "Yeeeah, you’re a little sweat slut, aren't you? Don't worry, I can crank the heat up in here for quite a while…~" Alita's face had turned a deep red at this point, both from the heat and from Cyrus's teasing assault...and the fact that he had absolutely no way to bite back against what Cyrus was saying. Everything he could say just came out as muffled, garbled nothingness, and the only way he was getting out from under this paw was if Cyrus took it off of him...and that didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon. On top of that, Alita could feel the heat of the Charizard's tail getting closer, Cyrus bringing it away from the sauna and right towards the Zangoose's dangling legs. Not nearly close enough to burn the Pokemon fortunately, but more than enough to make both him and Cyrus start to sweat quite a bit...the heat was quickly being ratcheted up in several different ways! Cyrus kept the pressure of his paw on the Zangoose for quite a while, shamelessly stroking and teasing at the Pokemon's shaft inbetween teasing assaults. " know, keeping my leg raised up like this is a bit tiring, though. Perhaps I can just…" Cyrus started to say, before lifting his paw off of Alita's face. The Zangoose didn't get much time to breathe, though, as the Charizard quickly spread his huge body out and started to fall forward right onto the Zangoose - *fwmp.* Alita felt a lungful of air WHOOSH out of his mouth as Cyrus just belly-flopped onto him, the Zangoose immediately being smothered by the dragon Pokemon's round, cream-colored, sweaty gut...he hadn't even realized how plump Cyrus was until he had that plumpness easily smothering his entire upper body! Fuck, it seemed like every part of this Charizard's body was exceptionally soft and squishy, and that enormous, buxom stomach was no exception. It forced the Zangoose's erection up against his own body, making it practically impossible for him to not throb and hump against the soft stomach! Alita just whimpered and squirmed under the stimulation, Cyrus giving a hearty belly laugh as the slick shaft rubbed up and down his shiny, sleek gut. "Ohhh, yeah. Can't help yourself, huh? Go ahead, I know it's nice down there…" Cyrus's stomach grumbled, sloshed, and gurgled noisily as Alita was pinned by it, all of those sounds echoing down from above the Zangoose and resonating throughout him. It was pretty impossible for the Zangoose to not at least notice how loud and bubbly the Charizard's gut was being, the thick, wet noises only serving to deepen the blush on Alita's face as he tried to offer up a bit of token resistance to the much larger dragon. "Yeah...I've been in here for a while. Haven't had time to get something to eat, honestly...though I'm sure you don't mind down there, judging from that heat I feel against my stomach…" Cyrus teased his captive audience, his own damp shaft and balls starting to awaken as he continued to feel the Zang humping and grinding against his underbelly. Even *he* was surprised with how quickly he had managed to break the Zangoose, but maybe it was all that heat and sweat that was making things go by even more quickly… Though the scenery had changed around Alita, there was still one constant, and that was that all he could breathe was Cyrus's powerful musk. Salty, sweaty, potent, it tingled in his nose and filled his lungs to the point where he was getting a little bit dizzy from it all. The heat of this small, enclosed room just compounded in on itself, fueled by the Charizard's lust and his pheromones until Alita was pretty much melting right into the bench he was resting on! Cyrus's arousal was very much starting to emerge with all of this powerful dom energy as well, his heavy, sloshing nutsack nearly touching the floor as his thick pipe of a shaft continued to reveal itself the outside world. Though Alita was still a bit too smothered by groaning, damp 'zard gut right now to realize it! A good 10 minutes of gratuitous smothering and grinding went by before Cyrus started to shift once more, leaning back from Alita and giving the Zangoose another moment to realize just how warm and steamy his body was before something else came into his field of view...something somehow even warmer and steamier than that stomach, Cyrus leaning back on his haunches and bracing himself against the heater to allow his huge nuts to just drape right over the Zangoose's neck and chest! As soon as Alita heard the virile, musky sloshing coming from the new heavy warmth that had been placed on him, he immediately realized what was happening...that, and the twitching shaft that came to rest right between his fluffy ears. Cyrus had gotten a little less teasy and a touch more demanding with what he wanted out of the Zangoose now, and the most obvious evidence of that was the singular word that came out of his mouth next. "Lick." One word, one syllable, yet it was imbued with so much meaning and force behind it. The command sent a shiver rocketing up Alita's spine as those balls jostled and grinded against his lips, practically forcing the Zangoose to open up and...just, get a little taste. He had to, doing otherwise was just rude at this point! Cyrus felt a contented growl slip out of his lips as tongue met sack, Alita managing to place it right in the crease between those two balls before slowly starting to drag it upwards. A blast of salty, musky flavor soon spread across the Pokemon's tongue, so potent that it actually stopped the Pokemon in his tracks for a brief moment...but, of course, it pulled him back in a second later, Alita unashamedly moaning into Cyrus's package as he licked up all that musky goodness the sweat slut he was. The phrase, the nickname, it came so naturally to him at this point. There wasn't even a second thought about calling himself that. It was exactly what he was, licking up the salt and sweat of these heavy orbs as they smothered the top half of his body...this was right where he belonged. "Hah! You are really getting accustomed to your new title down there, are you…" Cyrus said as he continued to rub and smear his balls all over the Zangoose, the Charizard honestly getting quite a bit of a hip workout from all of this. Of course, that just worked up even more of a sweat, which is what both of them wanted at the end of the day! Fuck, was so damp down there now, Cyrus could hardly imagine what Alita was going through. It was clear that he liked it, though, that tongue quickly starting to pick up the pace and explore over more of those orbs as time went on...Alita was very much starting to accept his role as a sweat rag.