Racing Gloves for Rexouium Racing inspired fingerless gloves for Rexouium Avatar is made by Rezillo Ryker and is not included, it can be found here: Features: - Leather fingerless gloves made to match my racing suit, which can be found here: - 6 ready made color schemes that match those of the racing suit. - Blendshapes to remove the belts from either glove and hide both gloves separately. - Blendshapes to fit all original Rexouium body types Usage: - It is recommended to attach the clothes to the avatar in blender. - However, for quick and easy install, ApplyAccesories or similar tool can be used. It can be found here: (The version I tested was v1.0.3, just remember to turn on nest armature in the options) If you have any questions my discord is Lamiho#0574