-goals: -partially decouple fabrication from other machine hacking, at least giving non-hackers and other build styles more access to fabricators -somewhat tighter control of fabrication limits if necessary -Authchips are a Processor (Hackware tile/'!') that must be attached when connecting to a Fabricator, in which case always have a 100% chance to Load and Build any schematic of matching type -types: Authchip [Power] Authchip [Propulsion] Authchip [Device] Authchip [Storage] Authchip [Processor] (includes Hackware) Authchip [Armor] Authchip [Weapon] Authchip [R/NC] (NC bots) Authchip [R/Combat] (combat bots) -the relevant Authchip is consumed on loading the schematic, but there are no other consequences (trace/investigation/etc) -existing hackware-based fabrication system still exists, but difficulty might be increased somewhat, and 1) limited to one hacked fab per machine 2) starting such a fab calls an immediate investigation -schematics still obtained in the normal way, and the schematic list highlights those for which you have available authchips -*any* Fabricator can produce *any* (fabricatable) part for which you have a schematic, but higher-tier Fabricators will do so faster -even hacking-based fabbing will likely open this up to any fabricator -in both cases having the schematic is the primary limiting factor, and available schematics from various locations might get tweaked as a result -central matter system entirely removed, as it's an unnecessary complication and not entirely connected to other 0b10 features anyway (network trojan would end up being removed, though we would likely get other types of new hacks added before long--maybe a botnet for Fabricators? ;) -of course fab lockdowns also removed as well -breaking it down designwise, in terms of tradeoffs an authchip is an inventory-slot equivalent of a single fabrication (which may technically be able to produce multiples of a given part, of course, but the important bit is that it's a guaranteed fab assuming you have both the schematic and any Fabricator to use it on -collect enough of these things and you could theoretically carry a good chunk of a build in your inventory, or an entire army -old system needs: FAB = SCHEMATIC + FABRICATOR[SUFFICIENT] + HACKWARE[SLOTS] + CENTRAL MATTER -new system needs: FAB = SCHEMATIC + FABRICATOR[ANY] + AUTHCHIP[INVENTORY] -further balance tweaks likely necessary, but this seems like a suitable foundation to start with -examples: -individual fabricators may need a cooldown/reload time in between fabs, for which there would be an on-map timer for convenience -the difficulty of hacking raw schematics might go up, and instead scanalyzing becomes a more important way to get them