Sarafe hummed a pleasant tune to herself as she unlocked the door to her house, dancing and gallivanting her way through the hallways until she reached a door at the very back of the house; one that connected to the room she shared with her lovely girlfriend Candice. A plastic bag hung from the inside of her elbow throughout the entire time, rustling and fluttering about until she finally got inside and set the bag down on their bed. "Iiiiii am finally going to get you back, Candice~" the Arctic fox said in a very sing-songy voice as she fished around in the bag, finally taking out a small box and setting it aside… The incident that Sarafe was referring to happened a few months ago. Candice had surprised her with a rather large dildo, that the fox ended up using on her girlfriend in a sort of consummation of their relationship thus far. Sarafe had been thinking of a gift of her own for months now, and when she spotted this little box in the back corner of an adult gift store...well, she just had to try it, at the very least! Sarafe lifted the small, green box up to eye level, reading the golden text that was inscribed on the side, right below what the fox assumed was the top lid of the box. "Dr. Grovert's Hyper Serum." the fox read out loud, turning the box around in her hands before she saw a much larger block of text on the back. "Guaranteed to grow and enhance any part of the body it is poured onto. For topical use only. Use included glove for application onto genitalia or other areas." The fox dug around in the box for a few moments, before pulling out the black latex glove that the back was referring to. "Alright then…" she mumbled to herself as her other hand very gently pulled a small glass vial out of the box, molded felt protecting the fragile instrument that Sarafe ended up sitting on the table next to her. Emerald green fluid slashed about inside of the vial as the fox started to undress herself, throwing her clothes absent-mindedly onto the bed behind her...she didn't really feel like having her growing bulge just ripping them apart as it emerged! Sarafe already had quite the package to start with, her white balls and pink shaft just hanging out against the bed as Sarafe prepared for a good, long session of groping. "Alright...two drops will double your size." Sarafe said under her breath as she squeezed the soft eyedropper tip of the bottle, gently unscrewing the cap and bringing it to hover over her bulge. That recommendation was something she remembered seeing on the store page, so hopefully it was correct; her junk filling their entire bedroom would be a much different kind of surprise for Candice! She squeezed out two drops into her gloved hand, making sure that both of them were relatively large; she was only 11’’ normally, and she wanted to get to 24, so hopefully that little extra would be enough… The fox reached down with that hand and started to rub the green fluid against her bits, almost instantly starting to feel a pleasant tingling sensation anywhere she touched with that stuff on her hands! "Oh, goodness, that's strong…" Sarafe muttered as her cock almost immediately started to harden, both from the stimulation she was given herself and as an actual result of the stuff she was smearing all over her crotch! Sarafe was already a grower by nature, but the fox could immediately tell that there was a bit of something extra going on here. Her knot swelled up and slipped out of her sheath immediately as she reached down to give her melons some attention, forced to scooch closer to the edge of the bed just to let all of this new junk air out...and hopefully save her sheets from needing a wash! Time passed, Sarafe continued to rub down her bits as her cock only kept growing and stretching out while her heavy orbs dropped until they were grazing the carpeting in front of her bed! The sensation was strange, to put it lightly, but it was something that Sarafe would have to get used to...god, she hoped the compression panties she got a few months back would work well enough to conceal what she had done down there so that Candice wouldn't catch on too early. If just having her balls rubbing against the carpet was enough to make her whimper, though, that tight fabric compressing everything inside would be...difficult for her to conceal. Every part of her body that she touched with that green stuff was tingling and throbbing pleasantly, the sensation lasting long after she had finished up the actual session and long past the point where her package was actually still growing. The fox slipped that rubber glove off of her hand, standing up and adjusting her balance to the new weighted pendulum swinging between her legs as she walked up to a full-size mirror in the corner of her room… Her bits had grown nearly exactly as large as she had expected. The fox's cock now came in at a monstrous 24 in, just enough to brush against the fox's chin at full size, and her melon sized balls swung between her legs with every step she took, sloshing and swaying heavily with the cum that was being produced inside. The fox smiled. Candice was going to love this. - After admiring her new assets for a minute or two longer, Sarafe bottled her way over to her dresser, opening up the top drawer and finding an honestly gaudy pair of red, spandex panties. They were already pretty stretchy, but there would be absolutely no hope of them containing what the fox had just given herself without a bit of extra spice! She slowly slipped the undergarment up her legs, finding the fabric to spread nicely over her huge melons and, after a bit of resistance, even managing to start lifting them up off the ground and into...themselves, she had to guess. There was definitely some real magic going on down there as Sarafe continued to slide and pull and wrestle those panties up her legs! It took quite a bit of effort, but after she pressed inward on her shaft to fold it up against the crevice in her balls, Sarafe finally managed to slip the stretchy fabric up over her massive package. There was definitely still a bit of a bulge showing between her legs, but it was nowhere near true to what she had actually shoved in there… The fox didn't put on any more clothes after that. She didn't need to. The place she was going, and the place where Candice already was waiting to meet her, was adult-only. Full frontal nudity was expected, accepted, and encouraged, so the fox would blend in seamlessly on her little date with least, she would blend in at first. Once the two of them got down to business, they would make themselves *very* visible. About 20 minutes later, after a short car ride, Sarafe arrived at her destination: the local, adults-only pool. As the fox made her way through the locker rooms towards the pool itself, she noticed that there were a few people around, but it was nowhere near crowded...just what she wanted for this specific occasion. The fox quickly noticed her girlfriend sitting down on a bench off to the side of the pool, patiently waiting for her partner...and her eyes lit up once she looked up and saw Sarafe! "Oh! It's so nice to see you, hun…" Candice said as she immediately got up from the bench and ran over to Sarafe, the two exchanging a deep and intimate hug as if they hadn't seen each other for months on end! After that cute little moment finished up, Sarafe pointed to an empty section of the pool. "Why don't you dive in, I've got a bit of a surprise for you~" Candice's face lit up a little bit, a smile appearing on her snout as she did exactly what her girlfriend had asked of her. It took her a moment to get into the water, with adjusting to the pool's temperature and all, but once she did, the cow let out a long sigh of relief. "Oh, it's been so very long since I've taken a swim…" Sarafe slowly walked to the edge of the pool, watching her girlfriend close her eyes and relax as she waded around in the middle of the pool. The fox wasn't going to dive in with her or anything; at least, not at first. Instead, she took a seat on the edge, hesitantly and slowly dipping her toes into the cool, refreshing water while Candice egged her on to take a more ballsy plunge. "Come on, it's like ripping a band-aid off!" "Not getting all the way in. At least, not yet." Sarafe replied curtly; the rest of her response was contained in the way she reached for one of these strings on her panties. Slowly, all was as if she was doing a show just for her girlfriend! And, while Candice was most certainly already interested in what she was seeing, Sarafe had so much more in store for the cow then just a quaint striptease… As soon as the string Sarafe was pulling down reached the midpoint of her thigh, Candice could tell that something was a bit different from normal ...Sarafe always filled out whatever undergarments she was wearing, but as more and more of her bulge started to break out of its confines, it was clear that the fox had done something to alter her size down there. "Oh...oh my gosh, Sarafe. What on Earth did you do?" the cow slowly started to ask, her eyes feeling with a mixture of surprise, arousal, even a bit of shock at what she was seeing. "Oh, you really can buy anything on the internet these days~" Sarafe teased in response, her monstrous melon balls flopping out of her panties and into the cold water of the pool as the stretchy fabric started to get pushed off of her body with the sheer volume of what was spilling out from inside! The fox’s tree trunk of a cock was up next, nearly slapping Candice in the face as it bounced out and stuck straight up in the air, almost hiding Sarafe’s entire body behind itself. "Geezus, could have at least told me to stand back..." "I did tell you to get in the pool, didn't I?~" the fox simply teased back, slipping the last of those panties down her thighs and casually tossing them off to the side as she really let everything air out for Candice. She wrapped her arm around her thick shaft, moving it out of the way just enough so that she could actually see Candice's reaction. "So...what do ya think?~" The waiting cow just sort of scoffed at first. "What do I think? Well.." She cut herself off, instead preferring to show Sarafe what she thought about all of this. In accordance, Candice just started to lean in towards Sarafe's fat orbs, spreading her arms out wide to wrap them up before pressing her snout right in the crack and taking a deeeeep sniff! Even through all the harsh pool chemicals, she could still get a good whiff of Sarafe’s musk, doing her best to lift more of those balls up out of the water while also stroking up the fox’s towering shaft. "O-oh! Fuck, that feels good…" Sarafe cried out immediately, her junk feeling much more sensitive than usual. It immediately started to throb against Candice's smooth touch, and as the cow only continued to rub and sniff and smooch all up and down her bits, Sarafe felt herself quickly becoming a seemed like she wasn't quite ready for the extra sensitivity that came with a size upgrade. She was going to have to get used to it quickly, though! Candice smirked as she saw how flustered Sarafe was becoming by her touch. An opportunity glinted in her eye, an opportunity to get her back for this little surprise! All in good fun, of course. "I think we should test this out…" the cowgirl calmly said as she swam her way over to a pool ladder, water dripping off of her silken fur as she slowly climbed back up to dry land next to her huffing girlfriend...but this time, she was nude as well! The purple panties she was wearing earlier floated on the surface of the water as she walked over to Sarafe, the fox looking up as her girlfriend started to loom over her. "Let's see if you can handle that new equipment of yours~" Just after saying that, the cow bent over as far as she could go, her thin tail effortlessly flicking away to reveal a puckered asshole that was just begging to be filled! Thankfully, Candice was quite a bit taller than her girlfriend, so it was fairly easy to just loom over Sarafe and align her ass juuuust right so she could slam her rear down onto that throbbing cock...though, she did find herself nearly falling into the pool with how precarious her position was. After a few more seconds of positional adjustment, Candice started to lower her ass down, Sarafe shivering as she felt a little bit of pool water in the cow’s fur dribbling down her sensitive tip! "OHh, yes, keep going…" the arctic fox gasped, already starting to wrap her arms around Candice's thighs to give herself something to grip and press herself against while Candice continued to press herself down onto her shaft...the iciness of the pool water was quickly replaced with the warmth of Candice's internals as the cow SHOVED herself down onto Sarafe's meat, the two girlfriends moaning in unison as a bulge already started to form in the cow’s lower belly. It was honestly impressive how much of the fox’s shaft she was able to take in just one go, the pace once again causing Sarafe to cry out in passion from the sheer overwhelming sensitivity in her loins...god, with how big her cock was now, the inside of Candice's ass felt so incredibly tight, every little clench or movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through every atom of the fox's body. And there was still more than half of her cock left to go before they could truly get to fucking each other senseless! "Oh, Jesus...I can see it inside of me. That’s...insane." Candice said as she looked down, a bulge poking out in her lower belly as her partner's cock continued to press and prod deeper into her bowels. It was already reaching the point where she didn't even know she had itches to scratch up there, and there was still more of it to take! Candice started to bounce up and down a bit on the shaft, feeling her insides stretch even further to take that cock inside...good lord, it was skewering her! Every little bump pressed up against a new spot for the cow, causing her to cry out in pleasure while Sarafe tried her best to keep a wavering grip on her sides. "That's it babe...just a bit more to go…~" Sarafe started to gently move her hips a bit to help her girlfriend out, pushing up as she felt their thighs starting to touch...mmh, it was *so* close! The heat and the tightness surrounding her shaft was completely overwhelming, and Sarafe honestly thought she was going to cum before Candice could even take all of her massive dick. It took every ounce of the fox's strength to not blow her load right here and now...and knowing that there were probably eyes on the two of them at this point certainly didn't help matters much! The two had chosen a relatively secluded area of the pool, but at any moment someone else could come in and become a spectator to this crazy hyper love making session...and, if that did happen, the pressure would be more than enough to make Sarafe burst. She needed to bottom out inside of Candice, and she needed to do it right now. So, the arctic fox placed both of her hands on Candice's shoulders, helping to gently push the cow further down on her cock until she finally felt the point where it just refused to go any deeper. It was honestly shorter than Sarafe had expected, and now Candice was almost resting in her lap...though, there was still just a bit of that shaft that the cow just had no hope of taking, the cow crying out every time she felt - and saw - it bumping inside of her. "Y-yeah, it's not going in any deeper…" Candice said, her voice quivering as she felt the thick slab of meat throbbing inside of her, synced up with her own heartbeat...damn. she almost didn't have the energy to really ride this shaft after all the work she had to go through to get it inside of her! Thankfully, Sarafe was more than willing to pick up the slack. Her hips started to thrust up and pull out of Candice, the fox putting her arms back to push herself up off the ground a little bit to give herself the room needed to do such a thing, and giving her girlfriend a respite from the dick so deep inside of her...before slamming back inside and making her cry in ecstasy. If there weren't eyes on the couple already, there definitely would be after such a loud noise!