"So...you WANT to be eaten?" Those were the words escaping Atticus's lips as she stood in the back of her store, facing a small and eager-looking kobold as she sat up on a stool. The pig had definitely snacked on her fair share of customers in her tenure at this gas station, but having someone willingly ask to get eaten? That was a whole other thing… This kobold seemed dead-set on being pig food, though. "Yes. I want to be devoured, digested, and turned into nothing but fat and waste…" he said calmly, as if he was reading off of his grocery list. The kobold was definitely...into this, for sure, and that gave Atti a bit of a weird vibe, but the pig couldn't turn down a free meal during this long graveyard shift! The short lizard was already practically kneeling before her, all she would have to do is reach down and scarf him up. There was something the pig was a bit concerned about, though. She had seen this kobold walk in with a much larger dragon; they had walked into the bathroom together, but only the kobold had emerged. "Where's your friend?" Atticus asked, feeling her stomach start to growl as she thought about stuffing the kobold down her gullet...mmh. Late shifts always made her hungry. “Oh! Him! Give me a minute…” the kobold said, before walking out of the room, leaving Atticus a bit confused. She could hear him grunting and breathing before she could see him again, but eventually he made his way back...though, what he was pulling behind him was much more interesting than seeing him again! The kobold was dragging what looked to be a large, furry dragon behind him, mostly red and white with some blue and yellow highlights as well...his hands were bound behind him, and a gag was shoved in his mouth. This creature was bigger than she was even, from the looks of it! Atticus almost immediately gasped and covered her mouth as she saw what was being brought to her, the kobold eventually dropping the struggling dragon to the ground and wiping his brow, with a sharp exhale to boot. “Phew...please, do accept my offering of a large, fresh Felkin as a meal as well. Perhaps Veskin here will draw out your appetite…” Atticus was horrified, but at the same time, her stomach let out an even louder *ggrrrwwwwlll* that bounced off the walls of this empty storeroom, betraying just how hungry she actually was. “V-Veskin?” she asked the small, black kobold who was still standing in front of her, looking quite proud of himself. “Yes, that's his name....though, I think he should just be called ‘dinner’ at this point. You can call me Kindle...or, probably ‘dessert’ after all this, ha.” Kindle continued to joke as he tugged Veskin towards Atticus. The pig was still understandably quite hesitant about all of this, but to deny a free meal (or two…) would just be wasteful! The dragon did look pretty tasty, too, and quite filling to boot!...maybe just a taste... “H-how did you even DO this?” Atticus asked as she leaned down, reaching out to grab the dragon’s head and pull it towards her. “Us kobolds stick together…” Kindle simply replied, his eyes wide as he watched the pig start to get a little more into the idea of gobbling Veskin up. Her stomach growled again, and a few seconds later she lunged forward, grabbing Veskin by his shoulders and bringing him up to eye level. She stared the Felkin right in the eyes, feeling him thrash and squirm around a bit in her grasp as she opened her snout wide… Drool dribbled out of Atti's mouth as she started to shove Veskin's snout inside, slurping all over the furry dragon's face as she did so (at least, the parts that weren't bound with a gag!). Veskin didn't taste like much, mostly because he was covered in fur, but the pig didn't care...she was starving! Kindle watched wide-eyed as the pig's jaws started to envelop Veskin's head, the kobold even going so far as to start pushing and nudging at Veskin's bound feet to try and help Atticus get him down faster! The pig could see this happening out of the corner of her eye, and though she appreciated the effort, she wouldn't need any help to gulp down the dragon, even as he tried to squirm and wiggle the best he could. Atticus's thick, flat tongue absolutely coated Veskin in goopy pig slobber, more than lubricating him for the trip down pig throat as she continued to shove more of the Felkin inside. His snout was now bumping into the back of her throat, Veskin nervously quivering as he felt the flesh in front of him clenching and teasingly pulling at him...Atti's grip on his sides were like a vicegrip, functionally immobilizing him even more thoroughly than these damn gags and ties. The pig's warm, stale breath washed over him constantly to boot, causing him to sweat and even feel a bit woozy...it was so hot and humid back here! And Atti was playing with him too, slurping over Veskin's neck and pursing her lips right in front of his shoulders. The pig tipped her head back, groaning out a loud *mmmm…* before - *gllNK* All that quivering flesh came to life as Atticus took a deep, powerful swallow, pulling the entirety of Veskin's head down her gullet and getting more than a good grip on the dragon! Her jaws opened wide once more as she started to pull in her meal's shoulders, finding a tad bit of difficulty in stretching that wide before they slid past her lips and started to be tugged deeper by the same muscular contractions that were pulling on Veskin's head. "Ohhh, FUCK…" Kindle said as he saw the Felkin's head bulging out Atticus's gullet, able to see each motion of peristalsis pulling the dragon further and further into her depths...fuck, he couldn't take it anymore! The kobold scampered forward, climbing up onto the chair and reaching for that throat bulge with a clawed hand before looking up to Atti. "May I…?" he asked, almost immediately being met with a frantic nod from Atticus before she took another thick *gglnk*. "Aahhh...oh my god…" the kobold unashamedly moaned as he placed a hand on the pig's throat, rubbing over the bulge and feeling it sink past her collarbone and disappear into her guts...f-fuck, that was gonna be him in a few minutes! He couldn't wait, he wanted the pig to gulp down this dragon as soon as possible! He kept groping along Atti's throat as she swallowed down more of Veskin, but he also started to push at the dragon's back a bit more, now in a better position to actually help the pig get him down. Atticus's hunger was ravenous, throwing her head back and letting a powerful swallow rip almost every minute, it seemed! Kindle's hand moved from the pig's throat to her stomach as it started to swell, peeking out from under her uniform as the Felkin started to settle inside. He was nearly halfway crammed into Atticus's gullet at this point, the pig groaning out as she felt the dragon's head start to peek out into her groaning, gurgling belly...mmmh, it felt so GOOD to finally fill up after such a long, hungry shift! And with the knowledge that this was just the first of two meals as well? And that Kindle was starting to rub and stroke over her gut? Well, the pig was in bliss, to put it lightly… Another *gllNK*, and Veskin's haunches and long, fluffy tail were the only thing left sticking out of Atticus's mouth. Her stomach was considerably larger now, bulges poking out from underneath her shirt as the dragon stuffed inside continued to try and kick and punch his way out of pig guts...but, Atticus had much squirmier meals before. This Felkin wouldn't be that hard to keep down! Especially with the end so close in sight, her tongue slipping between those haunches and teasing at Veskin's bits a bit as she felt Kindle really starting to put the love on her belly. The kobold stroked over it, pressed his head against it like a pillow, hearing the churning and burbling happening just beneath that red swirl…he pressed in against all the bulges that Veskin made, forcing the dragon back and chuckling every time he did so. This fat gut was working so hard, he just wanted to give it all the massages and rubs it needed to break down Veskin entirely! Good thing he had such intimate access… A loud *shhhlrp*, and Atticus slurped up the last of Veskin's fluffy tail like a noodle, the pig tipping her head back and dooming the Felkin to pig guts with a powerful *glrrrrk* that sent another bulge rippling down the pig's gullet - all the more for Kindle to rub and love on! The kobold shivered as he felt the last of the dragon slide down inside Atticus, unable to stop himself from humping just a bit against the pig's thigh as he continued to rub and press and listen to that tummy, the soft gut starting to get a LOT louder now that Velkin was entirely settled inside. "Hhh, fuuuck…" the kobold moaned as he rubbed his head against Atticus's churning guts, trying to get as close to them as physically possible! Atticus licked her lips to get the last of Veskin's taste as her own hands roamed over her gut, feeling the Felkin inside frantically trying to escape his bondage. She was a little hesitant about all of this earlier, but now with a dragon in her belly and a kobold absolutely enamored with her...well, she was getting into it rather quickly! She was filled up for the time being, but that didn't mean Kindle couldn't be useful for other means...her hand moved away from her gut, slipping under her uniform and starting to play with her tits, which happened to be leaking the tiniest bit from the pig's sudden horniness! "Hey," the pig poked at Kindle, "come suck on my tits." The kobold's ears perked up as he heard Atticus's...well, it sounded like a command to him! It felt like his soul had been read; how could the pig know that he loved a nice pair of knockers to suckle and rub on...almost immediately, Kindle scrambled up Atticus's chest, reaching a clawed hand under her uniform before the pig eventually just took it off entirely, a lace bra now the only thing she was wearing above the belt. She hefted up her tit with one hand, feeling quite a bit of milk sloshing around inside...hff. She didn't even realize that she was leaking from there until well after Veskin was curled up in her gut entirely! “Get to it, then…” the pig commanded, biting her lip as she felt the kobold’s cold hand slip underneath her bra, moving the thing out of the way just enough so that his snapped could get access to her red, leaky nipple. As soon as Atticus felt the warm embrace of Kindle’s mouth pressing against her teat, a shiver ran up the back of her spine, the sudden shaking tossing around the contents of her stomach a little bit and causing her to belch up some of the dragon’s fur, tufts of the stuff wafting to the ground. The sight caused Atticus to giggle a little bit, jostling her tit around and making it even more obvious to Kindle just how much milk there was inside...the kobold started to get to work earnestly now, placing his lips square against Atticus’s areola and sucking hard on the teat, feeling the flesh loosen up rather quickly and allow some of that warm, fresh pig milk to flood into his mouth. Kindle had one hand on this sloshing, full breast, and the other on Atticus's groaning and working stomach, making sure to keep it stimulated even as he got a mouthful from the pig’s bosom... Atticus was in absolute bliss at this point, her cock straining against its enclosure while her stomach churned and Kindle guzzled down her lactation...fuck, she was really getting into this now! Veskin’s struggles were starting to die down a little bit, her stomach walls squeezing even tighter against the dragon now that she had belched up all the excess air and really starting to get to work on churning up the Felkin into pig fat. Kindle could really hear the wet, gurgly noises of the pig’s belly now, even from where he was currently, and the idea that he would be making those noises soon only got him even hornier! he started to lick over Atticus's breast, sucking her teat dry as he unashamedly humped against the pig’s greedy guts...a few minutes ago, Atticus probably would have been a bit uncomfortable with this, but she was completely overwhelmed by her own libido and hunger at this point. If Kindle spilled a load or two, that would just give him a little bit extra flavor when he was sliding down the pig’s throat! Judging by how eagerly he was sucking on the pig’s breast, his belly would be swollen with milk as well...that would add to the texture of her dessert, at the very least! “*UUUUuuurrrppphhh…* Ooh, I think he's starting to get soupy~” Atticus teased, reaching down to her stomach and hefting up and down a few times to hear the sloshing of what was left of Veskin inside her belly; it had probably been about a half hour at this point, and the dragon was mostly solid still, though he had definitely passed out somewhere along the line...with no more real struggling, Atticus's hungry guts could truly start to get to work, turning the Felkin into nothing but a nutritious slushy soup; and the rubs her tummy was getting from both Kindle and the pig herself definitely helped the process along! Atticus was starting to get a bit overwhelmed by all the pleasure, Kindle suckling away at her tit and milking her like a true sow while the euphoria of digesting such a large meal was truly starting to get to her...and yet, she was still feeling a bit peckish! Her guts were hard at work, sure, but they weren't truly FULL yet. Good thing she had a willing kobold to gulp down as well...it would just be hard to decide she was done with the sucking and belly rubs! They felt so damn nice… Kindle was finally starting to be satisfied by what he had gulped down, though. his stomach was pretty full of pig milk at this point, leaving him feeling just a bit sleepy and lethargic...and now all he could think about was sleeping it off in Atticus's belly! His hands were roaming over that churning gut still, feeling that Veskin was mostly soup inside there at this point...hhhff, the kobold just could not wait any longer! He pulled himself away from the teat he was drinking from, looking up to Atticus with eyes that told the pig all she needed to know. she let the kobold give her busy stomach one last round of worshipping (even pressing Kindle into her gut a little bit!) before she snatched him right up, smiling as she brought him up to eye level. She had all night long to enjoy this, so she meant to do just that, making a big show of slowly licking her lips as she stared at her second course, making sure Kindle could see the drool running down her chin before starting to tease the kobold a little bit. "Time to go meet your friend…"