River of Styx [Part 02] [20x33] “Screams of anguish, cries of pain, and the smell of charred flesh and smoldering bone. You hear mothers beg and their babies moan. Inside lie bodies in gruesome stack, followed by abhorrent laughter of the insane. Yet with all this cruelty converged in one plane, it is still peaceful, tranquil, as if time stands still and converts the noise into stillness. The boat creeks onwards through the imposing river, with the ferryman silently rowing her boat and its sole passenger, you, towards the gates of planes. Stacks of skeletons cover the luminescent river’s bedrock and large heavy chains decorate the pitch-black ceiling. Slowly but surely you are nearing the significant gate… but what waits for you at the end -- death or resurrection -- is a question not easily answered.” Grid size: 20x33 Formats: JPG, PDF (6000x9900 pixels, 300DPI) Variations: Original, Midnight, Shadowfell, Royal Sun, Amethyst Sky, Purple Haze, Mist Grey, BloodRift