Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 2 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) Hot flashes and erotic dreams involving Athena gave me fitful sleep. At one point in the middle of the night, I woke up because one of my feet had landed on something rough and collapsible. When I found out it was the pizza box, I felt like a slob. I compactified the box and put it in the trash before I relieved myself and drank a full glass of water. It had been a good pizza, but also a very salty pizza! Morning brought glaring white light through my window because I hadn't bothered to close the shades. While my eyes were still adjusting, I reached down to investigate an insistent throbbing coming from my mound. What my hand found was a hard, sensitive inch-long object jutting up from my loins. Untying my housecoat and pulling it open, I squinted as I peered into the brilliant rectangle of sunlight illuminating my lower half. I gasped when I saw that the offending object was my clit. It was mottled with black and pink, just like Athena's cock! "No! NO! FUCK IT ALL TO HELL!" I cried, hitting myself in the thigh hard enough to make me wince. Athena's stunt now had real consequences. Consequences that were throbbing so powerfully that it was torture to lie there without touching them. I didn't need yet another thing that was constantly testing my impulse control. And I didn't want a ticket to the, "What animal traits will I get?" lottery. Sure, my clit had horsecock markings, but there was no guarantee that I wouldn't end up with an alligator tail and stripy skunk fur to go with it. I could definitely see being a genetic mosaic as fun, but it was a lot less fun when you didn't get to choose which traits you'd get. On top of all that, it was a virus with some annoying symptoms and I'd be exhausted, hungry, and as horny as I'd been yesterday...for weeks! Not everyone got the exhaustion part, but I'd certainly experienced that last night. Why did this have to be happening now? When I was half a world away from all my friends, from Neon Kelp, and at the most important gig of my career. If I got a cock the size of Athena's, I'd be testing the seams on my jeans, and my willpower, while I was performing. I'd heard enough stories to know not to underestimate the Tail Virus. My first instinct was to send an angry text to Athena, but then I realized she’d already done well in the apology department and I wanted to see her reaction in person. I could just tell her and see if she acted like a creep and th--I let out a sharp moan and thrust my hips into the air as my nipples hardened. It felt like my clit was a sparkler that had just been lit. I was going to get off without even touching it. But not touching it wasn't an option, my hand had to be around it, had to stroke it. It was instinct and I was just along for the ride. As I stroked my clit, it climbed higher and higher in my fist until it was halfway across my palm and as thick as my thumb. At that point, I yelped and thrust so hard that my butt left the bed. With every thrust, it got even longer. This sweet release was like being tossed around in a pleasure mosh pit. When I was done waking the dead with my screams and knocking all the covers and pillows off the bed, I just lay there on my side, my two-and-a-half inch cock in my hand, daydreaming about sticking it in Athena. It took me a couple minutes, but I eventually pushed that idea out of my head. I needed to be careful, there were quite a few doctors that had said the more one played with their new parts, the bigger they would get. It made sense to me because the more one played with it, the more blood flowed to the new growing tissue. I was no biology whiz, but I'd paid attention when I took it as an elective in college. As I let go of my new prick, I promised myself that I'd resist its temptation at least until the end of the Tomorrowland festival. Sure, I didn't have a good track record with my new libido yet, but I had a very good reason to try: a dick the size of Athena's was a recipe for trouble. I moaned as my hand idly started stroking my dick again and I pulled it away immediately. Just thinking about not playing with it made me want to play with it. Getting out of bed, I washed up while forcing myself not to do any unnecessary touching. Then I put on my panties and jeans. Making it harder to access was a good move and I managed to get out my laptop so I could type out an email to Neon Kelp. It was like two in the morning on the east coast, so texting her was out of the question. "So, I got the tail virus and am growing a cock. This is the worst time this could have happened, but I'm sure there's no convenient time to have one's life turned upside down. Just so it's more likely I'll stay focused, I'm gonna promise you that I won't let it distract me from making a good impression at Tomorrowland." I continued, "I know you're probably thrilled that I'm getting a dick, but please refrain from getting all excited about it until after this festival is done. I'm going to be testing the limits of my self control as it is." Then I wrote a small paragraph expressing my concern over getting random animal traits and having no idea how I'd turn out, and another couple paragraphs explaining how I got it, as well as my conflicted feelings about Athena. I felt a bit better having written it all out, but I'd also gotten worked up by describing Athena jizzing all over me and had to distract myself with breakfast to avoid jilling myself again. Eating peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwiches each morning was saving me a lot of money, but I was going to try Belgian waffles at least once before I went back home. Probably during the beginning of the week when people who had come for the first weekend of Tomorrowland went home and the people coming only for the second weekend hadn't arrived yet. Avoiding crowds was one of my pastimes. After finishing my breakfast, I realized I hadn't brushed my teeth the night before and remedied that while trying and failing to avoid rubbing myself on the counter as I stood in front of the sink. Seeing an actual bulge in my pants was new, disconcerting, and kinda hot. Was I going to be in the tabloids like so many celebrities that had gotten the tail virus before me? "Is person X now packing something extra? Find out inside!" My stomach did a backflip at the thought of it. I didn't want people thinking about my sex life, I wanted them thinking about my music. I didn't want to be remembered as the rising EDM artist who grew a cock at her first Tomorrowland appearance. This downer of a thought helped me focus on replying to patron comments on my Patreon as well as a few producers that wanted to meet me at Tomorrowland. After responding to all that, I didn't give myself time to be bored and opened up Ableton Live, my favorite music production program. Then I started fiddling with a track that just didn't seem to want to come together. I'd gotten so desperate that I'd added demonic cat meows to the drop and done other things that ripped off an Excision track that I never really liked and wanted to improve. I made a note to ask for the rights to remix his track and then started making mine less like his. A gong sound from my phone that told me it was time to leave so I could go meet Athena for lunch. Shit! I hadn't put on any makeup or done my hair or anything! It felt like I'd only started working on that problem track ten minutes ago, not two hours ago. Time never felt smooth to me, it always seemed to pass in flashes. Setting multiple reminders was the only reason I wasn't always late. But I'd forgotten to set up multiple alarms for my lunch with Athena and I was paying the price. Minimal foundation, minimal eye makeup, a tiny bit of blush, and dark pink lip gloss tossed into my purse was all the preparation I dared before setting out for the pub I was supposed to meet Athena at. It was close enough that it wasn't worth taking mass transit, so I made my way down wide sidewalks flanked by trees and charming old buildings. Along the river, they came in lots of tasteful colors, red, white, yellow, and dark blue. Belgium was so beautiful that I always wanted to stroll instead of rush. That tendency wasn’t hampering me nearly as much as the feeling of my prick as it bounced in my panties, however. Ignoring it was difficult because it was such a new sensation and I had to keep stopping when I got half hard so I could stop stimulating it and get it to calm down. When it was a few minutes before one, I texted Athena telling her I'd be ten minutes late. When I finally entered the pub, I was charmed by the exposed antique distillery equipment and inner brickwork. The bald man behind the podium looked a bit like Stephen Fry complete with an approachable smile. I walked up to him and said, "I'm here to meet a friend." "What does your friend look like?" he asked in French-accented English. "Have you seen Wonder Woman?" I asked. He cocked his head at the seeming tangent and said, "Yes?" "She looks a lot like the actress who played Wonder Woman." "Oh! Gal Gadot!" He thought for a moment. "I haven't seated anyone who matches that description." "Hmm, one sec." I checked my phone and found no message from Athena. "I guess she's running late. Could I get a table near the front windows so I can see her when she's walking up?" "Table for two, I assume?" he asked. "Yes, please," I said. He grabbed two leather-bound menus and said, "Right this way, madam." Breakfast had done nothing. I was so hungry that I grabbed a menu from him and read it as he led me to a table right in the center of the large window. As I sat down, I fixated on an appetizer that only cost four euros with the English translation "warm bread." I asked, "Could I start off with some warm bread?" "Of course! I'll tell your server," he said. "Thanks!" I smiled. He nodded and, on his way back to his podium, talked to a short guy with frizzy hair and big lips. The short guy went into the kitchen and I studied the menu while he placed my appetizer order. I found exactly what I wanted to try halfway down the second to last page. The short waiter arrived saying, "Hello madame, I'm Anakin and I will be your server." I stared at him for a good couple seconds. He chuckled. "My parents liked Star Wars very much." It was something he'd probably said a thousand times. "I mean, it is a badass name." I shrugged. "Yes, and I think it sounds even better in Dutch." He pulled out a small spiral-bound pad of paper. "What would you like?" "Could I just get some water? I'm waiting for a friend," I said. "Sure, no problem." He put the pad away. "I'll be right back." He went over to a heavy dark wooden table with five middle-aged people sitting at it. They all had empty beer mugs in front of them. Anakin was trying to hear the woman in the far corner of the table and put his hands on it so he could lean forward. That's when I noticed his incredibly toned ass. My hand went down my front toward my new anatomy as I trembled with want. It was natural to want to stick my new member inside something. But that didn't make this new urge or the fact that I was getting fully hard in public for the first time any less embarrassing. Great, I had a tent in my pants and the tables had no tablecloths. Rolling my feet onto my tiptoes so the end of my shoes were all that was touching the floor and pressing my legs together, I hid my tent--and moaned softly. My thighs squishing my tender virgin flesh felt divine. I covered my mouth and pretended to cough when I started to moan watching Anakin stand back upright. Instead of thrusting between my own thighs, I clenched my muscles and sat uncomfortably straight. Anakin must have noticed this because when he brought my water, he asked, "Are you cold?" "N-no, just hungry," I said as if that explained my awkward posture. "Ahh, okay. Well, I hope your friend shows up soon." "Me too." It was hard to look Anakin in the eye while I was hard as steel and thinking about his ass. Anakin went to tend to another table as I looked at my phone. Athena was twenty minutes late and I still didn't have a text from her. My bread arrived soon after that and it was astoundingly good. Moist, slightly sweet, with a bit of tanginess, probably from beer or something. I devoured it fast enough that I nearly choked myself. The hunger part of having the Tail Virus was very real and offered a nice reprieve from the lust. I wasn't having to hide my erection by the time I was done eating the entire appetizer. Anakin came and checked on me two more times, about five minutes apart and there was still no sign of Athena. When he checked on me a third time I said, "I guess she's not coming." I sighed. "I'll have the Carbonnade a la Flamande. Okay, I probably murdered the pronunciation. The Flemish beef stew that comes with fries? "Sorry about your friend." He wrote down my order. "But you will enjoy this very much. It's one of Belgium's most famous dishes." "Really?" I tilted my head. "Oh yes, it is fantastic!" He beamed. "A very good choice." For the next fifteen minutes, I avoided staring at Anakin's ass and blotted out all my lewd thoughts by looking at comments I'd gotten on my music on Soundcloud. People loved my latest EP and I was thrilled because I'd been worried that I'd put too many vocals in it. It was the closest I'd worked with Neon Kelp on lyrics and was a departure from the simple trance-like lyrics I'd done for my older stuff. Collaboration was hard for me early in my career: I liked to feel that things were mine and that people were complimenting me specifically when they were talking about something I'd done. Working with others made it so I couldn't take all the credit and it could contribute to my feelings of being an imposter. Like, I was just along for the ride while others had the real talent. But now that I'd had a lot of success completely on my own and had mostly positive experiences making music with others, I was starting to love collaboration. Athena and I could have collaborated. Last night, she'd given a lot of proof of not being a creep and she was the sort of person that was a blast to have around. But it just wasn't going to work out. I'd never had someone stand me up like this without a text or a call. She was irresponsible and either didn't like me as much as I thought she did or had some priority that was much higher on the list than I was. If I found out she'd been hospitalized or something, we were still good, but otherwise, I'd given her more chances than I should have. She'd royally screwed things up for me. I was not enjoying being in a foreign country trying to hide a needy piece of anatomy I wasn't ready for. My stew and fries came while I was brooding. Both were both well prepared and tasty, but I couldn't fully enjoy them because I felt like a loser. Like a loser for trusting Athena even though she'd given me so many reasons not to. When I got a text from her halfway through eating, I just stared at my phone feeling dejected. "So so so so sorry! I am on my way and will be there in twenty minutes. Please don't leave before I get there. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I didn't respond, I wanted her to feel what I was feeling. Though, I was going to wait, because I wanted to tell her in person that I was done. That this wasn’t going to work. Saying goodbye to people through text wasn't my style. A couple minutes after I'd finished my meal and paid for it, I saw her walking past the big window. I got up and made for the door. Just as I passed the podium, she came inside and said, "I don't want to make excuses. That was a real dick move and you have every right to be upset." "Let's talk outside," I said as I passed her and stepped out of the pub. My whole body was tense. Confronting people was my least favorite activity. Following me, she continued, "I'm sorry I stood you up." As she followed me to a patch of brick wall that didn't have windows, I said, "Ever since I met you, you've been apologizing. Maybe we should just stop trying to make this work and save ourselves some angst." "Can we try one more time, please? I really want to try and be your friend and I know I can do better. I'm just away from all the things that keep me stable and sane." She was wringing her hands. "I'm not sure that's a good idea.” I crossed my arms. “Before we go our separate ways, I want to know why you showed up over an hour late." Sitting in that restaurant alone while the wait staff all heard the sad tale of me being stood up had been far more embarrassing than the fact I had a dick. I tried to look her in the eye to show her how serious I was about going our separate ways, but there was so much sorrow in her frown and creased forehead that I had to look away. "I think it would be better if I didn't tell you," she replied. I sighed as my faith in people took another critical hit. Clearly, she didn't have a good reason for showing up over an hour late and I doubted a good reason would have changed my mind anyway. It did make me feel like shit, though. It seemed I was always at the bottom of people's priority list. Maybe it was because I kept to myself, gave people too many chances, or was too afraid of conflict to show people my true self. Whatever the cause, I was sick to death of feeling this way. "I'm just gonna go, okay?" I said as I started walking back toward my hotel. She called after me, "It's because I like you too much!" That got me to turn around. "What?" Getting up close to me, she spoke very quietly. "It's because...because..." She was biting her lip and looking away like she was withholding a forbidden secret. "Ugh! Look, I'm sorry it didn't work out. And it's not like I'm going to block you on social media or badmouth you. I just don't want to be your friend." I started walking again hoping she'd give up. My neck and chest were aching from all the social tension. She ran in front of me and yelled, "God damn it! I was jacking off all morning thinking about you! And I couldn't calm down enough to go out in public until just before I left." My eyes darted around to see at least eight people who had stopped in their tracks and were trying to make sense of what they'd just heard. I waved at them laughing as if Athena had just been joking around and then grabbed her by the arm and led her behind a nearby building that had an eyeglass store in it. "Okay, what the hell? Are you just trying to mess with me?" She squirmed against the wall as if I'd just taken her towel away and exposed her to a room full of strangers. "No, I have a serious crush on you." END OF CHAPTER 2 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!