John McLaughlin stood in front of the full-length mirror, dressed for his wedding. A stunning bride stared back at him, her eyes filled with fear and confusion. He was trapped in this body, this dress, and this moment, with no way out. “Fuck,” he whispered. The white, sleeveless gown featured a lace neckline, modest but feminine. And between his thighs… Oh, God… The surgery had been the worst experience of his life. They’d cut away his testicles and inverted his penis, creating a labia minora and a vagina. It wasn’t pretty. Actually, that wasn’t true. In fact, when the packing was removed, and the swelling subsided, John was astounded to discover that his new pussy was a work of art. “I spared no expense,” Warren had told him. “I want my new wife to feel everything a woman should feel.” John couldn’t take his eyes off the woman in the mirror. Sure, he’d grown accustomed to seeing himself in panties and dresses, but this felt different. As if, by donning this white gown, he’d crossed some unseen threshold. He shivered. “This is it,” he sighed to the reflection. “I made my choice. I’m… I’m going to be Warren’s bride. His wife. Maybe I can nag him to death.” John laughed pathetically to himself s tears welled in his eyes. He looked up to the ceiling, trying to hold them back so he wouldn’t ruin his makeup. Out in the church, the organ played a slow, plaintive rendition of “Here Comes the Bride.” John had to endure the humiliation of his father walking him down the aisle. His father, a former banker, was a conservative man of traditional masculine values, and John had modeled his life after him. And now, his father was here to see his son’s utter humiliation. This was one of Warren’s requirements: A completely traditional wedding ceremony with a white dress, vows, and bridesmaids—including a Maid of Honor. For this, John had turned to his ex-girlfriend, Amanda, who’d recently moved back to New York City. She was tall, with short blonde hair and a lean, athletic body. She’d been a huge help in teaching him some of the finer points of being a woman. The ceremony itself seemed almost trivial after his forced transition to womanhood. It was just a bunch of words that held no meaning to him. Words that he’d heard a thousand times in movies and TV but which now carried the weight of a prison sentence. And then, finally: “I now pronounce you man and wife.” After the wedding, Warren brought his new wife to the bedroom. “You look amazing, Mrs. Farrar,” he said. “I’m so glad we did this. I don’t suppose you’ve ever sucked cock before, have you?” John shook his head, watching with horror as Warren disrobed. Although he was older, Warren had broad shoulders, a muscular chest, and a six-pack. His lawyer had assured John that Warren would probably only live another twenty years, but from his healthy appearance, John could easily imagine him living to be a hundred. “Well, that’s okay,” Warren replied. “I understand you’re a quick learner, which is how you were able to outmaneuver me in the real estate market. You were good competition. It’s a shame it had to come to this, but I won’t complain about the outcome.” Warren’s cock was already hard. It was long and thick, and John couldn’t help but stare at it, mesmerized by its sheer size. “I know you’re still a man—in your head, I mean,” Warren said. “And I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. I don’t feel like going to prison for spousal rape, which I thought might’ve been your plan when you agreed to this. But, I do like to make deals.” “Deals?” John asked, hating the way his voice squeaked. “Yeah, gorgeous,” Warren said. “I’ve got a proposition for you. And if you accept, you can start building back your real estate empire again. If you want to, that is. If not, you can just be my arm candy.” “Wh-what is it?” John asked, his gaze never leaving the cock. “Well, for starters, I want you to suck my cock fives times a week,” Warren said. “Show me what you can do with that mouth. To me, that’ll be worth...oh... let’s say 432 Halifax.” John’s eyes bulged. “That...That used to be part of my portfolio!” Warren chuckled. “And so it will be again, beautiful. If you do some...oral research.” John swallowed hard. “Th-that’s all?” Warren stroked his cock. “All? No, no, my dear wife. That’s only the start. There are more assets that I believe you could earn back if you play your cards right. So, do we have a deal?” John’s mouth was dry. He couldn’t believe that he was about to do this, but... “Yes, I... I’ll do it.” “Good,” Warren said. “Well, then...You should probably get started.” John leaned in and wrapped his lips around the head of Warren’s dick. He was surprised by how warm it was, how it seemed to throb. Inside, he was a riot of emotions, but he tried to focus on his task as he bobbed his head up and down. Maybe his dream of becoming a real estate mogul wasn’t over. Perhaps he could still win their rivalry and reclaim that was once his—and more. Warren moaned, clutching John’s head. “Jesus, that’s good. You know, John, I think you might be a natural at this.” John smiled to himself, bobbing his head faster.