"...so you're *sure* we're heading the right way." Tariel said those words to Tizak as the two of them walked through a narrow, overgrown path deep in the local woods, his kobold friend having been leading the navigation until the green kitsune grabbed the map out of his hands to take a closer look. "Because I'm pretty sure we're just going in circles." he continued as he tried his best to trace their path along the map with a clawed finger. He didn't get very far before the diminutive lizard jumped up and snatched the ragged piece of paper right out of his hands. "I *know* where we’re going. See right here, Apple Creek? That's new. It should be just around that bend…" "But we saw this creek 3 HOURS AGO!" Tariel yelled incredulously, gesturing to everything around them. "We've seen all of this already. Or maybe we haven't, because it all looks the same. Either way, we aren't going anywhere right now." the kitsune complained, already so drained by this journey that he was starting to babble just a little bit. The two of them had been on this forest trek for what felt like an entire day at this point, searching for a specific variety of mushroom that was said to grow only in the deepest part of these woods. Tariel didn't even like mushrooms, but he was never really the one to turn down a good hunt, especially one with Tizak. Despite all the times that it ended poorly for the both of them. "Well, *I* don't remember this part. Now, come on. Let's go get those mushrooms." Tizak replied simply, rolling up the map and placing it in his knapsack to exemplify just how sure he was of his navigation. And, despite all his objections, the kitsune came along with the kobold, if only because he was the one with the map now. At this point, he was ready to just devour all those mushrooms himself once they found them…if they found them… After a few more minutes of walking, Tariel was starting to have a bit more hope for this outing. The two of them were starting to see some new foliage, and the possibility that they weren't going in circles, or at least that they had stopped the cycle, was forefront in the kitsune's head. "Yeah. So, like, they're supposed to be really strangely spicy. My friend said that they were really good in stews and the like. Really looking forward to seeing if they go well with those peppers that I've been growing…" Tizak explained as the two of them clambered over a fallen log, quickly slipping into an enjoyable little conversation for the time being. The forest was nice and peaceful, and it was just nice for the two friends to talk a little bit after all the stress they had dealt with on this little voyage. So, of course, it had to be interrupted. Not by either of the two friends, but by a creature hiding in the bush. A blast of something wet and sticky burst out of the foliage, Tizak's shocked scream echoing through the quiet forest as it hit him dead in the center of the chest and quickly oozed over his entire body! The blowback from the impact immediately knocked the kobold into his much larger friend, Tariel letting out a shocked growl himself as he felt his legs get taken out from underneath him, causing him to crash to the forest floor, right on top of the kobold. "What the fuck was THAT?" the kitsune managed to ask as the two of them wiggled and writhed around on the ground, trying their best to get back on their feet. Though, in the chaos, they were really just tangling themselves up in the thick, web-like substance, to the point where they were pretty much bound together in the dirt! "Well…now what?" Tizak asked plainly as he tried to pull his muzzle away from Tariel's fluffy chest, the struggle having put him in quite the compromising position…he had honestly forgot that something had to have shot him with this web blast in the first place, but that lapse in memory would quickly be rectified as the two of them heard something big stomping its way out of the bush. Tizak wasn't able to see it, but Tariel was, and, well, his reaction didn't exactly inspire confidence in the kobold. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?" the kitsune shouted at the top of his lungs, desperately trying to pull himself out of the webbed cocoon that he had been trapped in, to little effect. The "thing" that Tariel was referring to was huge. It was like a horse in stature, but much taller than one, and covered head to toe in thick, red armor plates. A smooth, black, round underbelly went all the way up the creature's neck, which were adorned with small spines on either side attached to the plating. It was like…some kind of cross between a centipede and a horse. It was a Scolipede, and the two friends had fallen right into its trap. A simple string shot was all that was necessary to bind them up and send them crashing to the ground, immediately finding themselves at the mercy of the ruthless predator. Though, the big bug wasn't hungry…at least, not yet. It had been waiting for someone to come along to fill a different need… Tariel tried his best to remain absolutely still as the huge Scolipede walked right up to him, the bug leaning down and staring right into the kitsune’s eyes as he chittered and gently sniffed over the two squirmy anthros he had caught today. "H-hey there, big fella…" Tariel said in his best, calmest "talking to an animal" voice, though the intense trembling in his voice very much undercut any calming effect his voice could have. Surprisingly, though, after the bug chirped and sniffed at him a few times, he raised his head back and started to walk past the two of them! Tariel was dead silent as this happened, his heart thumping madly as he watched the bug walk away…at least, until he stopped, and the kitsune noticed something that was just out of his view earlier. A…oh God. A massive, purple, bouncing tentacle of a shaft complete with two balls so big that they dragged along the forest floor. Oh no. Oh God. The Scolipede flopped onto his side, kicking up quite a bit of dust as his legs spread out wide to give him more control over his monstrous shaft. The thick, throbbing appendage started to poke and prod around Tariel’s face, the kitsune adamantly shaking his head and locking his jaw tight in defiance…at least, until the tip of that shaft managed to find purchase between Tariel's lips; then, it really wasn't his decision anymore. The bug's shaft barged right into his mouth, imparting a woody, musty musk across Tariel’s tongue, one that he recoiled from immediately before the Scolipede continued to push the issue and humped forward to lodge his shaft inside of the kitsune's muzzle! The tip of the Scoli’s schlong was already pressing up against feedback of Tariel's throat, causing him to gag a few times before his body realized that the intrusion wasn't going anywhere and gave up on the reflex, at least to an extent. As the bug started to hump in and out of Tariel's mouth, the kitsune noticed a salty taste starting to accompany the musk that he had already gotten somewhat used to…pre was already trickling its way into Tariel’s throat, a bit of extra lubrication for what was to come. The bug's balls were filled to the brim, enough to touch the floor, but it wasn't quite cum. No, it was mating season, and the bug had to find the perfect place to deposit some eggs with the lack of female Scolipede around. And, today, he had decided on Tariel's stomach as a host! The Scolipede’s virile, full sac gurgled and lurched as everything inside got ready to be transferred, the bug continuing to facefuck the kitsune all the way down to where the bug’s shaft was bulging out Tariel's throat! The Pokemon wanted as short of a route possible from his shaft to kitsune gut, and he had the length to get quite intimate with his captured vessel’s internals. In the middle of all of this, Tizak was still present, stuffed up against his friend's chest as he tried his best to interpret what the hell was going on out there. Though, with the lewd, wet noises he was hearing and the low grunts of his friend, it obviously wasn't anything good! Little did the kobold know that it was about to get quite a bit tighter inside these wrappings once the bug started to pump those eggs down Tariel's throat…if the kitsune could hold up that long! Another minute or so of vigorous throat-fucking passed before the Scolipede's body shifted, hilting himself halfway down Tariel's used throat before his balls gwUUuurgled once more, the wet sound loud enough to catch Tariel’s attention even with the cock that was all the way inside of him! The kitsune’s eyes opened wide in terror as he saw a bulge traveling up and out of the sack, sliding through the massive girth, heading right towards him…and then, if things weren't already bad enough, a few more followed right after it, those massive bug orbs losing a bit of definition as weight shifted out of it and up into the bug’s shaft. The kitsune tried his best to pull away, but with his bindings so tight and with the Scolipede so deep inside of him, there really was no question. He would have to swallow…whatever the hell was being pumped inside of him, he still didn't know! The impact was made just a few seconds later. Even with how far down his throat the Scolipede’s shaft was, it was still difficult for the eggs to actually get all the way down there. Tariel's throat bulged and stretched to its absolute maximum capacity as the first eggs slid out of the tip of the bug's cock, the kitsune's throat at first rejecting it before the sheer pressure created by the Scolipede's loins eventually forced them to reverse course and start sucking the eggs down. Just as Tariel started to feel the slightest bit of relief from that weight dropping out of his throat and into his stomach, out came the next egg, just as big and filled with inertia as the first one. At least his throat was a bit more ready to take it this time, though Tariel was already starting to feel the beginnings of a bit of a sore throat as he was forced to swallow down the next two eggs. By then, the first egg had hit his stomach proper: a dense, leaden wait in his belly that made it already feel a bit full…but, judging by all the bulges that were still coming down the Scolipede’s shaft, Tariel was going to have to create more room for himself out of thin air. It was especially tough considering his gut really didn't have anywhere to expand, with the kitsune trapped in these tight, sticky bindings. Tizak was definitely noticing the small available space continuing to be taken up by his friend's stomach, more than a bit confused with the lumpiness of the gut that was pushing and rubbing up against him! His snout poked up against those bulges every now and again, the kobold more than a bit confused by their softness and lack of movement. What on Earth was his friend being filled with? It turned out that the kobold wouldn't have to wait too long for an answer to that question, because the three of them weren't alone in this forest. Off in another bush, attracted by the loud, satisfied noises the bug was making, was a large, grayish-blue colored beast. Some kind of cross between a bear and a lizard, sporting a long, thick, fluffy tail that was at least 10 feet long by itself and a slightly bluer mane of hair. This creature's name was Ashgar, and he had quite the vested interest in the proceedings he had happened upon! Mostly because he too had a clutch of eggs inside of him that needed to be ejected somewhere, and the pert, cute kobold butt that was sticking out of the other side of that thrashing cocoon would be absolutely perfect for such a need. He would just have to wait for the right moment to pounce; getting in a tussle with the massive Scolipede did not sound like the best idea right now… Tariel's stomach continued to expand as those big bug eggs were pumped down his throat, the kitsune very quickly learning the limits of his anatomy! He had heard it took about 20 minutes for the signal of fullness to go from your stomach to your brain, but he was very much feeling bloated and stuffed almost immediately. A good six eggs had been blasted into his stomach by now, though thankfully, it seemed the last of the eggs were currently being pushed through the bugs shaft, judging by the bulges Tariel could still see out of the corner of his eye. Relief was in sight; he just had to fight the urge to gag that was actively being suppressed by the giant shaft being crammed down his throat, try his best to keep all those eggs down. Easier said than done, of course; plus, there was the thought of what was actually going to happen with those eggs once the bug was finished. Were they going to hatch inside him? Eat him from the inside out? Chestburster style, even? Dread quickly filled Tariel's heart as his mind got past the initial shock of what was happening to him and started to think about the actual consequences. The Scolipede thrust into Tariel's throat one last time, the final egg slipping down the kitsune's gullet and into his stomach. Only then, finally, did that massive shaft start to recede from inside of Tariel, his gag reflex quickly returning as his insides returned to a more normal diameter…so he couldn't say the same for his gut! As soon as the tip of the Pokemon's cock passed his lips, Tariel immediately started coughing, quite a bit of leftover lubricant caught in his throat; but, it was finally over. At least, this part was over. Tariel still had no idea what was coming next, so he certainly didn't relax as he watched the Scolipede out of the corner of his eye, that smooth, black underbelly gradually disappearing from view as the bug started to walk right past him…! "Wait…that's it?" the kitsune thought to himself as he heard the bug trotting back off into the forest, more than a bit confused at how blase the whole situation had been. In the bug's mind, it wasn't like the two of them would be going anywhere, so he could freely leave and come back later to check on the progress of his host. So, that's exactly what happened, leaving Tariel to nothing but his thoughts and the whimpering of his friend still bound against his body as he sat there with bated breath. Every twitch and groan of his stomach sending the kitsune into a tiny bit of panic, waiting for what was to happen to him. Was that movement in his stomach because of him, or were they already hatching inside? Oh God… Despite this not being a situation any rational person would want to get involved in, as soon as the Scolipede was far enough away, Ashgar was more than ready to slot himself in. The hybrid slinked his way up out of the bush and to the two trapped adventurers as quietly and stealthily as he could, not wanting to cause a ruckus that might alert the bug that something was going on back here. With how large and lumbery Ashgar was, though, it was only a matter of time before the two of them heard…something, though it wasn't familiar to them based on what they had heard from the Scolipede. "I…is that something else?" Tariel said as he continued to attempt wiggling out of his confines. Surely this stuff would break eventually, if he just kept the movement up, right? "Uhh…I don't know, but he seems…egh…a lot more interested in me than you, for the very least." Tizak commented blithely, trying his best not to move as Ashgar leaned in and started to sniff and poke around a little bit, finding the best spot for him to deposit his own load of eggs…but then, Ashgar stopped for a moment. This butt and tail, it actually looked a bit familiar…smelled a bit familiar as well! "Oh. Hey, guys." the beast said calmly, his voice immediately setting off the two friends still trapped in the Scolipede’s cocoon. "Ashgar! What are you…can you get us out of here before that bug comes back?" Tizak asked, both him and Tariel feeling reactivated and starting to squirm now that they had an actual chance to escape! Ashgar wasn't the most cooperative, and he was still a beastly fellow himself, but even the inkling of a chance was enough to fill them with hope. "Mmm…" Ashgar rumbled, mulling over the idea a little bit, shifting his hips and feeling the weight in his balls. Thinking about the Scolipede, and how he could be back at any moment. He didn't say anything else, instead just shifting forward, looming over his cocooned accomplices as he tried to align himself as best he could with Tizak's rump. "Nah." The kobold squeaked and cursed as Ashgar thrust himself forward, his smooth, tapered shaft finding its mark almost immediately between Tizak's blue rump cheeks! At least the transition as you went up the hybrid's shaft was relatively uneventful and linear, so the kobold's insides could possibly adjust to having such a large creature inside of him by the time Ashgar actually got there. "AHH! Come ON Ashgar, at least be gentle…" Tizak whined as he felt the thick shaft sliding up inside of him…judging by the little grunts and groans that the hybrid made, though, it was looking like Ashgar was gonna try to get this done as quickly as possible, without consideration for Tizak's comfort…! He was on a little bit of a time limit, after all. There was no telling when the Scolipede would come back for his clutch. Or, honestly, what he would do if he found one of his captures was full of someone else's eggs! Not something a horny monster was really thinking about in the moment, though. He just needed to empty himself out… Tizak could feel the bulge that Ashgar's shaft made inside of him rubbing up against Tariel's thigh, the kobold completely unable to stop things from getting as intimate as possible between the two of them…! Tariel was just thankful that Ashgar had decided to target Tizak instead of him, because he was certain there was absolutely no room left inside of his gut. He was still trembling and focusing on the movements inside of him, ready to feel searing pain if any of those eggs hatched…but still, nothing came of the load he had been filled with, and instead he just ended up being witness to the wet, lewd sounds of his own friend getting fucked just a few inches behind him. It wasn't too surprising that Ashgar would decide to just take advantage of the situation, but Tariel still wished he could go back to that moment where he had a glimmer of hope that he'd be able to escape this situation before the sun went down. Tizak was no stranger to getting involved with Ashgar, though he would most certainly be a little bit surprised once he felt something a bit more solid in the hybrid's load when he managed to get there! Ashgar just had his eyes closed in bliss, his tongue sticking out of his mouth just a little bit as he merrily humped away inside of his little kobold bitch, getting closer and closer with each powerful thrust of his beastly hips until he started to hear the slap of scales against fur…though, Ashgar still had a swollen knot to shove up inside of Tizak, but that could wait for the time being. He'd have to ease the kobold into it, lest he get too loud and perhaps attract the Scolipede back to his clutch before he could blast his own load off! Ashgar's balls gurgled ominously as he got more and more aroused, Tizak's entire body shaking every time the beast thrust up into his bowels…goodness, even for Ashgar, this was a bit much. Was the beast really this horny? And if so, why didn't he pick a more…spacious partner, like the kitsune he was currently being tied up with? Tizak was starting to get a headache from how hard Ashgar was thrusting, the beast growling and gritting his teeth as he continued to bear down on the diminutive, trapped kobold. Maybe if he put enough oomph into it, his thrusts would wear down the string enough to the point where the two of them could escape! Yeah…that was a nice thing to keep telling himself, for sure. Passed the time, at least. "UNNnnf…get ready down there..." Ashgar said through gritted teeth and bated breath, at least giving Tizak the courtesy of knowing when he was going to barge into his back door with that thick knot and start filling up his tiny body with a full load of eggs! And it was exactly that which happened only a few seconds later, Tizak letting out a wimpy squeak as he felt Ashgar’s knot rubbing up against his asshole…pressure continuing to mount, until finally, his body gave way and allowed the hybrid to slip inside with a sloppy *sshhLLKk~*! Ashgar groaned lowly as he felt those eggs starting to surge up and out of his balls, Tizak's eyes nearly popping out of his head as he felt the cock that was inside of him suddenly swelling up much larger with bulges that slipped right into his bowels! "A-Ashgar, what are you-" the kobold begin to ask, before he was cut off by a feeling of fullness deep in his guts, far thicker and more solid than any load of jizz he had taken before…the sudden weight wracked the kobold’s tiny body, and Tizak didn't even have time to collect himself before the next one came. And another, and another, each egg deposited forcing the others up further into the kobold's body, his warm innards providing the perfect environment for incubation…! Ashgar didn't have as many eggs as the Scolipede Tariel had encountered earlier, but it was still quite a hefty batch for Tizak to take in at his diminutive size. By the time it was all said and done, about eight eggs had been laid deep inside of Tizak's guts, Ashgar collapsing on top of his incubator with a satisfied groan before wiggling his hips side to side in an attempt to dislodge himself from the kobold's backside. "What…what on Earth did you just put in me, Ashgar!?" the kobold asked incredulously, trying his best to collect his bearings as he felt the eggs jostling and gurgling deep inside of his body, but finding it quite difficult with the hundreds of pounds of hybrid that was currently laying on top of him…! "Just a clutch of eggs. They'll hatch in a few days and crawl out of you harmlessly, no need to worry." Ashgar replied simply, just happy to have that leaden weight sloshing around in his balls out and someone else's problem now. Tizak was a bit less blasé about the whole situation, though. "You put WHAT in me!?" the kobold yelled incredulously, wriggling around against his bindings - and against the bear lizard that was still smothering his entire body! "Welcome *urpf* to the club." Tariel interjected from the other side of the cocoon; the kitsune had been largely absent from these recent transpirings, living in his own head thinking about all the awful things that could be happening inside of his body right now, but now he had found the perfect moment in which to interject. "You-I—ugh. Can you at least get us out of this cocoon now?" Tizak asked Ashgar, more interested in just escaping this mess than any argument he could have with the hulking hybrid. "Mmm…" Ashgar rumbled in response, smirking just a bit as he heard Tizak gasp as his knot slid cleanly out of the kobold's rear, the rest of his thick malehood coming with shortly afterwards, partially helped out by the natural reflex to pull his bits back into his slit. "Nah. That bug is definitely coming back soon. Good luck with that, though…" Ashgar promptly turned tail and trotted back off into the forest after saying that, though he wasn't fast enough to avoid hearing Tizak's squeals of disbelief as he did so. "WHAT!? GET BACK HERE, YOU…" the kobold started to yell at the top of his lungs, using whatever energy he had left to struggle and push against his bindings in a flail of limbs…though, as Ashgar continued to walk away, it seemed like the only thing Tizak was doing was annoying the kitsune who was still wrapped up next to him. "Dude. He's not going to come back." Tariel said flatly; he hadn't gotten his hopes up like Tizak did, even if the kitsune thought his situation was more dire. It had already been so long since that bug had pumped those eggs down his throat, and yet, still nothing had happened. Were they inert? Is that how eggs worked? Tariel had no idea. All he knew was how full he still felt. The kitsune didn't have to wait too much longer to get an answer, though. A few minutes after Ashgar made his unceremonious exit from the situation, the two friends started to hear something else trotting up towards them from further down the trail. It was a familiar sound, but also one that Tariel wasn't exactly thrilled to hear coming towards him; because it was the same clip-clopping of hooves that he had heard earlier. The bug was back. Tariel stayed deathly still as he heard and felt the bug approaching, completely stricken with fear over all the possibilities there were for what was going to happen to him. Even more so as the horsebug crouched down over the cocoon, sniffing it a few times in curiosity, and perhaps a bit of confusion. Something wasn't right here, and it wasn't what Ashgar had done… The Scolipede leaned back a few seconds later, tilting his head. Hm. Those eggs hadn't hatched yet…that was odd. Usually it only took a good 20 minutes for the Venipede to start crawling up out of their host…oh well. Sometimes the bug just ended up firing blanks every now and again, but he always had a backup plan when things didn't go well. The bug had to reclaim all the calories he had used to pump a kitsune full of eggs, and what better way than to eat the vessel that didn't end up working out? Tariel flinched as he heard something being spit on top of him, even more so when he started to hear a sizzling noise coming from above! At the same time, though, the bindings that had the two of them trapped were starting to become a lot more loose - to the point where the both of them could actually start trying to wiggle out! Gooey string snapped apart like torn clothing, and finally, Tariel was able to see the light of day from a different angle other than the dirty, dark forest floor. It felt so wonderful to move his arms and legs again, even if it was all happening in such a brief moment! The kitsune started to emerge from the cocoon, shedding those melting strings from his upper body and looking up - Right into the dark, foreboding abyss of the Scolipede’s mouth. As quickly as he had seen new light, Tariel was once again plunged back into a tight, claustrophobic darkness, though this one was a lot more humid and wet then the last one! The bug’s beak had immediately snapped over the upper half of Tariel's body, the kitsune’s forearms flailing around and attempting to find purchase on the horsebug’s head as he was lifted up out of the cocoon and into the air by the giant centipede. "Holy SHIT!" Tizak yelled as he tried to tear through the silk bindings himself, looking like a cat stuck underneath a blanket for a few moments before he finally managed to untangle himself from the sticky, still-melting mess. For a brief moment, the kobold thought about helping Tariel out, but realistically…both of the beasts were so much larger than him, there was just simply no way that he would be able to do anything besides maybe make the Scolipede even more angry. So… "Uuhhhh…good luck!!!" Tizak yelled at the top of his lungs as Tariel continued to kick around inside the Scolipede’s mouth, the kobold quickly turning tail and running down the trail to hopefully find those damn mushrooms he came up with the way out here to look for. He was sure that Tariel would be able to handle the rest of this…yeah. He kept telling himself that. Even in the fracas of trying to escape from a giant bug’s hungry maw, Tariel could still hear the kobold’s words and his frantic footsteps getting gradually quieter as they disappeared back into the forest…warm slime dribbled down the kitsune's body as the Scolipede forced Tariel's head to the back of his mouth, the yawning chasm of his throat eagerly opening up to accept the massive caloric deposit that he was making. *g-GGlllnk~* A thick, twitching bulge started to slide down the Scolipede’s underside as Tariel’s upper body was pulled into the bug’s gluttonous throat, his green, clawed paws already the only thing that were left for the Pokemon to devour. Despite how large the big bug was, Tariel still found his throat to be incredibly tight and uncompromising, flesh constantly shoving against his body from all angles; pushing back against even the slightest movement that wasn't explicitly traveling further down the bug’s gullet! Warm, stringy drool trickled out of the Scolipede’s beak as it curled its tongue around the kitsune's legs, making sure that he couldn't kick with those sharp claws as the bug gradually pulled Tariel’s kicking feet inside of his mouth. It only took a few more seconds for them to disappear, the bug tipping his head back even further and letting those feet just slide right down the back of his throat. An easy meal, to be sure; the only thing that gave the bug even a little bit of trouble was the belly full of eggs he had given the kitsune, and even then…slid down nice and easy. Even the strange, fish-like fin along the back of Tariel’s neck and back was nothing for the Scolipede to slurk down. Beak quickly clamping shut with finality, the bug started to trot back off down the trail as the bulge in their underside continued to slide deeper. For a brief moment, the Scolipede’s innards pulsed and pushed Tariel into some sort of larger chamber…but the kitsune's time inside the bug's first stomach was brief. His muzzle was quickly pressed against another sphincter, and the slimy sphincter flesh instantly latched on and pulled him through the bug's innards on route to the much-larger secondary stomach. Even now, though, the kitsune could already feel his fur and skin starting to tingle just a little bit, a preview of what was certain to lay ahead in that undercarriage that swayed between the Pokemon's legs with every step it took… The next part of the kitsune’s gastric journey took a little bit longer, but the movements of the bug’s innards were most certainly aided by the Scolipede moving back and forth as he made way back to his den for the evening. Tariel was forced through twist after turn of dark, deep guts, not quite like a throat, but not like the bowels either…though, in the end, all that really mattered was the destination. The flesh clenched and pulsed even stronger around as his body was forced through a small, stretchy opening, the pressure building up until he had nowhere to go but in. And in he went. The Scolipede's undergut jostled around a bit as Tariel was pushed inside, bulging out the black flesh as he squirmed and kicked around and struggled to find comfort in the gastric dungeon he was now trapped in. This second stomach was, thankfully, much roomier than the first, but that came with the caveat that it was much hungrier and more possessive. Immediately, the stomach walls squeezed inwards on the kitsune's prone body, rendering all that extra space pretty much obsolete…inside of Tariel, his own stomach jostled and gurgled around, the extra protrusion proving to be more than a bit unmanageable inside of the Scolipede. "Fuckin' hell, smells like rotten berries in here…!" Tariel cursed aloud as he attempted to shove and push away those encroaching fleshy walls, finding his efforts less than effective at prolonging the Pokemon's strategy of reclaiming what he had put into the kitsune earlier. At least he wasn't curled up into a tight ball, but rather, splayed out like he was on a giant, wet, sloshing mattress… The contented bug chittered and chirped as he made his way back to his little den for the evening, already feeling his stomach starting to get to work on returning all the energy he spent pumping Tariel full of a clutch. The Pokemon's digestive tract was nothing if not expert, greedily squeezing inwards on the kitsune and starting the process of mulching him up into nourishment…despite his best struggles and whines, of course. Maybe his voice could be heard to someone walking down the trail, if it wasn't drowned out by the loud, lurid *gllRRRrrrgglll*s and *shhhlllrrrgggg*s of his own digestion! It wasn't like anyone would want to mess with a giant, full, probably-still-horny bughorse, after all. Tizak ditching the scene as soon as he could was proof enough of that. Tariel grumbled as he felt the bug's gastric acids starting to work into his fur and skin, a gentle, if unpleasant tingling progressing to a slow sizzling over time as he started to gradually melt down into the gut slime and slop that started to fill the stomach around him. "I hope those mushrooms poison him." the kitsune thought vengefully as he continued to sink into his surroundings, thinking about if the kobold got snarfed down by something else now that he was alone…heh, maybe Ashgar got him again. Or maybe those eggs actually DID hatch inside of the kobold, and now he was having to deal with a bunch of wriggling larvae forcing their way out the back door. Maybe if he had tried to help the kitsune, he'd have some help during that embarrassing situation…but nope. Instead, he was stewing in bug guts, and God willing, the kobold was in just as much trouble! The kitsune's mental grumbling was soon replaced with physical grumbling…and sloshing, and blrrrrggggllllrrrgging, as he made the transition to a more liquid form deep inside of the content Scolipede, who had already curled up and dozed off for the evening. He’d wake up back at the guild soon enough, probably with a very smug kobold leaning over his bed, letting him know how the rest of the journey went for him. Or maybe, just maybe…he’d have enough time so that he could be the one doing it to Tizak!