Xanthis wiped the sweat from his feathered brow as he finished digging inside an ornate, ancient looking treasure chest in the corner of a dark, damp cave. The phoenix had gone on an adventure with his friend Ezekiel, in a cave that was known to have powerful and terrifying creatures. The two of them knew this, and even though they weren't very experienced in the art of adventuring, they had done as much research and preparation as they could - and things had been going pretty well so far, honestly. They were about ten floors into the cavern, and though they had a few close scrapes, it was nothing a potion or two couldn’t fix. Now, they stood at a forked path of sorts. The loot they had gotten was already pretty good, but the two of them were feeling confident, and there were even greater treasures to be found deeper inside... "Did you grab the dagger from that other chest?" Ezekiel asked his partner as he walked over, the white-furred catboy peering over Xanthis's shoulder to see if there was anything inside this chest that might be of use to him. "Yeah, I think it's...osmium? Probably better than the one I have." the blue-and-gold bird remarked as he got back to his feet, leaving the two chests in this small room open as they turned towards a staircase that led deeper into the cave. "Still plenty of time left in the day. Wanna go a bit deeper?" Xanthis asked as he turned to his partner. "I didn't go through all that prep just to chicken out after the first ten floors! Let's get it." Ezekiel responded quickly before bounding down the dark stairs, barely giving any time for the phoenix behind him to catch up! "Zeke! Come on, Don't go too far ahead..." the phoenix yelled out as he followed after his adventuring partner, very much not wanting to get separated from him in the darker depths of this cave! At least the catboy had taken a torch with him, so it was at least possible to follow the light as Xanthis tried to keep up while also not making any noise that could possibly attract any unwanted attention...a tightrope to balance, in certainty! And balance it the two did not for very long, because that torch light in the distance stopped long enough for Xanthis to catch up...but it was only because something had been awoken in the cave. As the phoenix approached, he could start to hear the signs of a scuffle. "Ezekiel! Cast a light spell!" Xanthis yelled out as he pulled the newly-acquired osmium dagger out of its sheath. The two of them didn't have much magic experience, but Ezekiel at the very least had learned a few basic spells that would help for navigating in a place like this. The torch was fine, but there was always the chance that it could just clatter out of Ezekiel's hand in the middle of a fight...which is exactly what happened as Xanthis finally reunited with his partner, instantly jumping into the fight while Ezekiel backed off and started to cast that spell. "Getting your ass beat by a little kobold? C'mon, dude~" the phoenix teased as he thrust two powerful stabs right into the little red lizard's belly, instantly staggering the creature and giving the two adventurers more than enough time to reconnect. "I didn't see the thing! I was all ready to brighten this place up, and then it just got the jump on me..." Ezekiel explained as a burst of light suddenly came from behind the phoenix, lighting up the tunnel they were in…and revealing perhaps a bit more than the two of them would have liked to see! Of course, there was the kobold on the ground, staggered for the moment. But what the two adventurers didn't know was that this kobold had a few friends. Hiding in the darkness up until now were two large, blue lizardfolk, one carrying a heavy axe, and the other carrying some kind of vial full of red liquid…simply put, they definitely looked like more of a challenge than their tiny compatriot. And they also didn't look happy. "Oh…shit." was all Ezekiel could say as he inadvertently revealed the fact that the two of them had wandered into some sort of trap! Xanthis and he started to ready their weapons immediately, expecting one hell of a fight, before the lizardfolk with the vial rushed forward and smashed it against the ground! Instantly, the two adventurers were doused in the cold, red liquid, though Xanthis took the brunt of the attack due to where he was standing. "Ugh - what the hell!?" the phoenix shouted as he attempted to get some of the stuff off him, though in the process, he noticed that it didn't really hurt or anything. In fact, he actually felt quite a bit calmer than he initially did when the two lizardfolk had jumped out of the shadows. In fact…those two lizards…they actually looked kind of cute… Ezekiel watched, stunned at what he was seeing; his partner tossing aside his weapons, and even stripping off some of his armor so casually as he walked towards the two lizardfolk. Xanthis was closer to ground zero then he was, but the catboy was still starting to feel some of the same strange urge to get closer to the lizardfolk that he was watching the phoenix enact. There was still enough of his conscious brain to realize what was happening, though…that vial was full of an arousal potion! A stranger type of magic, to be sure, and one that Ezekiel didn't expect to run into this early on in a cave…this wasn't gonna be good. Xanthis was completely under the control of the arousal potion, dropping to his knees in front of one of the lizardfolk as they casually tossed aside the loincloth that was preserving some sense of decency up until now. It revealed an impressively-large, red, tapered ride between the lizardfolks legs, fresh from slithering out of the slit that normally housed it! "Oh, fuck, that's big…" Xanthis mumbled as he let the lizard flop it out right onto his golden beak, the heady, musty beast musk filling his lungs up and hastening his complete transformation into a needy cock slut! The phoenix shoved a hand down his pants to start working his own cock as he gave the shaft in front of him a good beacon, licking and slurping along the sides and letting it ooze out all over his face to cover him in the thick stink. - Not wanting to be left out, the other lizardfolk looked towards Ezekiel, the cat still somewhat in control of his own body; though the desires that were filling his brain were starting to make it more than a bit difficult to try and fight back or escape. He could feel an erection starting to build in his own pants, and though he wasn't quite horny enough to start crawling towards the lizard, they were more than willing to come to him! The big, blue reptile stomped past the tiny kobold over to Ezekiel, grunting as he took off his own loincloth and dropped it right onto the cat's nose…something which Ezekiel just kind of let happen. He wasn't fully under the charms of the lizardfolk yet, but he certainly didn't have the energy or willpower to run away. And as that loincloth draped it over his sensitive snout, and he breathed in those sexy, reptilian pheromones...guh. In the snap of a pair of fingers, the catboy was mewling as he turned around, arching his butt up into the air and revealing quite an entertaining secret to the lizardfolk. Right in his taint, above his dangling sack and below a very tight-looking pucker, sat a long, pink slit that was just begging to be filled up with lizard meat! And the cave dweller was more than willing to provide. The lizardfolk let out a pleased growl as he lumbered forward, crouching down a little bit so that he could mount Ezekiel properly! It took some poking around back there, but eventually, that big, slender rod soon found its mark, plunging deep into Ezekiel's nethers by way of a powerful, horny hip thrust from the lizard! Ezekiel's clause immediately dug into the ground beneath him as his pussy got pounded, the beast wasting no time in going balls deep inside of the catboy; preparation be damned. The entire environment of this cave room was a complete horny biohazard now, and any form of nuance or thought was being thrown out the window in favor of these lizards' most animalistic desires. Behind Ezekiel, Xanthis was absolutely going to town on the other lizard's cock, gulping the tip down as he gave the most enthusiastic beak job this mob had ever experienced. That little kobold had mostly recovered from his wounds now, and was just feeling kind of left out of the whole show as he struggled to get back to his feet! Luckily for him, Ezekiel still had a mouth open and waiting to be filled. "Nngh...fucking arousal potions..." Ezekiel mumbled through a mouthful of grit teeth as he attempted to take the lizard’s cock, unable to stop himself from humping his own shaft against the rocky ground, even if it honestly didn't feel that good! The catboy's eyes grew wide as he saw the kobold from earlier bumbling into his field of view, his expression quickly morphing from annoyance to begrudging horniness as he saw that the tiny lizard was starting to show off a little bit as well! His cock had begun to peek out from the slit between his fat little legs, much more manageable for Ezekiel; and now, the catboy was just thinking about how it would taste...guh, he wasn’t exactly open to getting spitroasted by these beasts, but perhaps he could just relax and enjoy it the best that he could. His netherlips were already slickening up quite a bit with only half of the lizardfolk’s cock inside of him, and now, he couldn't even mule helplessly as the kobold stacked up in front of him, that growing shaft nearly bumping the cat in the nose! The triumphant little guy let out a "hm-hrrrm~" as he started to stick it right into Ezekiel's open mouth, not only satisfied in how the little trap they set up had gone, but also by the fact that Ezekiel was pretty much drooling to have that cock in his mouth now! Even the kobold wasn't expecting just how effective that arousal potion would be, but he certainly wasn't complaining about it... While his catboy partner started to get spitroasted behind him, Xanthis was busy pleasuring the other lizardfolk who was starting to give him a good facefuck! The phoenix had been pushed against one of the cave walls by his larger, more powerful partner, and now he was being bumped and pushed up against that cave wall by thrust after thrust from the horny beast. This position allowed Xanthis to stroke his own shaft off while his face was getting pounded, a salty taste already starting to spread across the back of his mouth as his partner started to get closer and closer to getting off. Little chirp-like huffs and moans were starting to leak out of the corners of the lizardfolk’s mouth as he kept the pressure up with his hips, much farther along than his compatriots...just meant there was time for more fun after he blew, though! He and his group had much more in store for these two after they got their rocks off... But even in this moment of lust-poisoning and face-fucking the phoenix, his partner was still courteous enough to give Xanthis a tap on the head before he blew a load right down his throat! Right after that clawed finger warned him, Xanthis felt the lizardfolk thrust forward one last time, locking that slab of reptilian meat in his mouth as it shot globs of salty jizz right into the back of his throat! The bird had no choice but to gulp down absolutely all he was being given, some of the stuff still leaking out of the corner of his mouth regardless with just how much the lizardfolk was producing...that was just the reality when one got the opportunity to get off so rarely! Adventurers were a premium down here, especially ones brave or stupid enough to get caught by such an obvious trap. Their holes still worked all the same though, and as a bonus, it was a bit harder for Xanthis to get away with a sloshing bellyful of lizard cum! A good six-to-eight blasts of thick, hot cum later, and the lizard was finally spent. He pulled out of Xanthis a few seconds later with a doofy, toothy grin, watching the phoenix slump down to the floor with a rotund, filled midsection, cum dribbling down his beak and his own erection still flailing around in the cold cave air...the lumbering beast thought for a moment about potentially doing something about that, but eventually decided against it. If the lust potion did its proper job, he'd probably end up blowing hands-free at some point, anyway...! Though with what else the group of lizards had in mind, Xanthis might not be around long enough to blow his load. Of course, they weren't just going to let these adventurers get away after they used them as some living, wiggling holes. The two of them would be much more useful as either cock fodder or permanent breeding sluts, and this lizardfolk had one of those roles in mind for the whimpering, cum-filled phoenix that was still slumped beneath him! While Xanthis twitched and groaned on the floor, groping over his distended, spunk-filled stomach, the beast who had just filled him up started to walk backwards towards those twitching, black claws. They weren't the most ideal thing to start with, but the lizard figured that he'd have to deal with them in those sensitive areas at some point anyway, so he might as well get them out of the way right now. The lizard wrapped his hand around Xanthis's ankles whilst also crouching down, lifting them up into the air and pressing one of those toes against the tip of the shaft he had just been pounding halfway down the phoenix's throat! Xanthis was so out of it, he didn't even realize what was happening at first, until he felt one of his talons squishing into a tight, warm, slick tunnel; and that sensation was enough to wake him up, at least a little bit! "Whumh…" the phoenix mumbled as his head jerked up to look down at his feet, immediately greeted by the sight of that lizardfolk with the doofiest smile on his face as he stuffed the bird's feet right down his cock! The big oaf had managed to fit all of Xanthis’s clawed toes down in one push, minus the heel-claws that hung around on the back…those looked like they would still be a problem, but if the lizard could get the rest of those toes in…well, he was gonna MAKE it fit! Despite the clear danger of what he was watching happen to him, Xanthis found himself just jerking off as he stared at the tip of the lizard's cock. Drooling with whatever cum he hadn't gulped down earlier, his shaft riding up against the little potbelly he had from that protein meal…hrrf. So impossibly hot, but he had to do something! Who knew what would happen once if he actually ended up inside the lizardfolk's cock…he couldn't see any dangling, swaying balls between those legs, so it was completely up in the air! While his partner was getting slurped up into lizard cock, Ezekiel was still busy getting spitroasted by the other lizard and his little kobold friend. What he lacked in size (both overall and downstairs), the kobold made up for in gusto, putting all his energy into every thrust as he attempted to kiss the catboy's uvula with the tip of his cock! Still didn't have enough size to quite get there, but Ezekiel was eager to suckle on every last inch he was given, even as his slit continued to get absolutely pounded from behind him…the lizardfolk was not slowing down whatsoever. In fact, the pace was only being picked up with every thrust, the two reptilians going impressively in sync with each other for how messy and frantic their sex was. When one would thrust in, the other would pull out, constantly pushing Ezekiel between them like a reverse tug-o-war! Salty pre was starting to both trickle down the back of the catboy’s throat, and into the deeper regions of his slick, clenching vagina, and it wouldn't be too much longer until Ezekiel was just as full of cum as his compatriot - though the beasts had a much different use in mind for Ezekiel once their sexual desires were sated for the time being. The lizard beared down on his partner as he felt an orgasm starting to surge out of his loins, almost getting to the point of biting down on Ezekiel's neck as he pushed as deep as he could go one last time before spilling himself out into the catboy! A thick, heavy warmth started to spread deep in the catboy's body, the sheer volume of the stuff filling up Ezekiel's vagina until there was so much that it just had to start filling up his womb! Soon, it left the catboy with a big ol' belly full of cum much like his partner's sloshing and pressing against the floor of the cavern as his insides struggled to contain the massive volume of fluid that had just been pumped into them. It was a bit of a training session for the cumdump, because Ezekiel would end up taking many more loads like that in the future! In fact, one was in the process of being cooked up for him right now, as fresh as possible… A good minute of rutting into Ezekiel passed before the lizardfolk felt fully satisfied, letting out a long chirpy noise as he huffed and panted on top of the filled catboy. Slowly, he started to get back to his feet, wiggling his hips side to side to gradually dislodge himself from inside Ezekiel’s nethers. It took quite a bit of elbow grease, especially with such a small refractory period, but he did manage to pull out after a few tries, his cock acting like a plug and sending a few waves of his load cascading out of that used rear onto the chilly, rocky cave floor beneath the two of them. While Ezekiel was going to need a couple of minutes to recover before he could even walk again, his partner was much more ready to, at the very least, waddle over towards the other lizardfolk and help him out with turning Xanthis up into another thick load to pump into the catboy! The phoenix had disappeared nearly halfway inside of the lizard's cock by now, his own shaft throbbing almost painfully hard against the impossibly tight constraints of the musky, fleshy snake that was eagerly schlucking him down…such an easy meal with how doped up he was on lust and musk, unable to do anything except watch it happen with the most morbid, horny curiosity! He barely even reacted when the other lizardfolk came over and hoisted his upper half into the air, aiming to use the power of gravity to get things along a little bit faster and get that phoenix churning up in lizard nuts. The other lizard's cock dribbling the last remnants of his fresh load onto the phoenix's beak wasn't even enough to wake him from this horny stupor. In fact, just the smell of that stuff probably got him even more into the mood, got him humping and whimpering against the inside of the lizard's crushingly-tight shaft…! Even though Ezekiel had managed to satisfy the bigger beast with his plump behind, he still had work to do on the kobold…even if he was basically just a sweaty, panting a mess of an orifice that the kobold was using as a little more than a makeshift fleshlight. The cock still tasted good, of course, but he just could not find the energy to do anything except let the little guy go at him as hard as he could. At least it seemed like the kobold was getting closer to his own orgasm, or tiring himself out, at the very least…more salty pre was dribbling out and going down the back of Ezekiel's throat, the catboy internally hoping that the kobold would cum soon and be able to thrust deep enough to just pump his inevitable load right down his throat so he didn't have to bother with actually swallowing all that spunk! And in the next minute or so, Ezekiel would at least get half his wish. The kobold did end up reaching a wet, splashy, prolonged orgasm, thick spunk ropes shooting out into the catboy’s open mouth, though not quite getting to the point where they just disappeared down his throat effortlessly; he still had to take a few gulps every now and again to keep things from getting too messy…inevitably, though, some of the kobold’s load ended up dribbling out of the corners of the catboy’s mouth, making a little bit of a mess of his neck and chest. Something about this situation told the cat that he wasn't going to get a chance to clean that off anytime soon… Well the kobold finished pumping his hot cream into Ezekiel's mouth and celebrating his accomplishment in their typical smug little bastard fashion, the two larger beasts were having a great time stuffing Xanthis right down the cock he had just sucked. The thick, fleshy tube had gotten all the way up to Xanthis's shoulders, the phoenix weakly groaning every time he felt that tightness encroaching ever-so-slightly further up his body with each passing second. The other lizard pressing firmly down on those shoulders, his hands getting a little wet as they slipped inside the slick tunnel. If he wasn't careful, and he pressed too far down while he was trying to help out, he might end up following the phoenix down in those balls…and he knew that from experience! So he kept his distance, making sure to put the brunt of his force on whatever part of Xanthis's body was still sticking out. Though, at this point, the lizardfolk was kind of running out of choices for where to put his pressure! He was just kind of tapping on Xanthis's head, letting his compatriot’s cock work on slurping and shluking its way over the phoenix's feathered neck. Just a tiny bit more to go…! The flesh squeezed incredibly tight around Xanthis's stunned, dopey face as it pulled his entire head in, the last of the phoenix completely disappearing inside the thick, pulsating shaft of lizard meat with a lovely, wet *shGLLllkkk~* that sent a few drops of the load which he had missed earlier flying out onto the cave floor and the walls around them! As soon as that step of the job was done, the lizardfolk that was helping out immediately started to stroke and rub down that shaft, pushing the bulges deeper and deeper into that internal sack where he would quickly be churned up into more thick lizardspunk to pump into his friend! The intense, squeezing tightness of the fleshy tunnel around Xanthis made it virtually impossible to move; the phoenix just had to deal with the slow, labored pace of the clenching walls around him, tenderizing every inch of his body with the muscular contractions that were starting to push the lower half of his body into someplace even tighter, somehow! Finally, the question of the lizardfolk’s anatomy had been answered; below the base of his shaft was an internal sac, the walls of which were not very interested in expanding beyond what they absolutely had to. So, as Xanthis slid in, he felt even more crushing pressure even as a healthy-sized bulge began to form in that spot underneath the lizard's cock; a pressure that very much helped to mix him in with the cum and jism that was leftover inside! As more of Xanthis slid down into the lizard's growing, stretching and straining balls, his new owner was already ready for round two with the mewling, dripping catboy that was still slumped over on the floor next to him. The mob started to slowly waddle his way over to Ezekiel, the monster cock between his legs swaying back and forth with every step he took, even as it slowly shrunk as the phoenix lodged inside of it gradually slid deeper into its host's loins. He wasn't even going to bother waiting for Xanthis to fully melt inside of him before he attempted to get his turn with that plowed boy-pussy, and Ezekiel was most certainly not in any position to do something about it himself! Casually, and without any warning, the lizardfolk leaned over and stuck a finger right into that filled, creampied hole, seeing just how far it could stretch…and hearing the lovely noises Ezekiel made as he was toyed with back there, of course~ His cock pulsed again, and the last of Xanthis was shoved into the gurgling internal sack, just as the lizardfolk mounted Ezekiel and prepared to stuff himself inside. The catboy honestly didn't have much of a reaction as he felt another cock sliding in back there, and he didn't even realize that it was his partner that he was going to be filled with in a few minutes. All he could hear was the wet sloshing of what he assumed was just an overly-virile lizard pounding away at him, Xanthis not conscious or cogent enough inside those tight balls to even make a whimper or a moan as he was quickly and rather forcefully mulched into thick, creamy lizard jizz…not even all of his body was in there yet, but the parts that were, well, they were steadily just being melted up, aided quite a bit by the constant back and forth movement of the balls around him…like mixing a drink in a shaker! Though, even the unleashed horniness of the lizard could not quite match the pace of a seasoned bartender…it was still more than effective on Xanthis, both as a way of digesting him and as a method to slide the last of him inside. At some point during the raucous, messy sex, Xanthis did manage to slip all the way into those balls, the bulge beneath the lizardfolk’s shaft growing to quite the impressive size even with the constraints of his skin and scales…if he had slid in all at once in one massive bulge, it would probably have touched the floor, but because part of his body was already melted, it didn't quite reach that point. Though it was still far beyond what anyone could expect from a creature that didn't have any balls to show off naturally… The phoenix was instantly forced into a tight ball as the last of him slipped inside those orbs, thick lizard spunk filling up all the cracks between him and the walls almost immediately, simmering him in the spicy musk of the lizardfolk…intense pressure squeezing against his body from all sides, helping him make the transition from solid to liquid at a truly impressive pace. Ezekiel's knees were wobbling and his ass was starting to feel sore, and he wasn't even bothering to do more than lay against the floor anymore; little more than an orifice for the horny mob to do with as he saw fit. And it was quickly looking like he was just about to dump that thick load of former adventurer right into the catboy’s already-swollen, full womb…needless to say, there was going to be quite a mess in this section of the cave once everything was said and done. And it was looking like it was close to being done… The bulge in the lizardfolk’s balls gradually continued to soften and round out with every powerful thrust, until, with a loud, deep *glOOOooorrrggg*, its contents were completely mulched into fresh seed. At almost the exact same time, the lizard stuffed himself as deep into Ezekiel as he could possibly go, groaning out in pleasure as his cock started to belch up those fresh wads of seed, a few feathers managing to escape and float around in the air as the catboy was once again filled with thick, musky batter. The pressure inside his womb building to a truly insane level, those walls stretching far beyond what the catboy felt was ever possible to contain all the seed that was being pumped into him! Inevitably, quite a lot of that stuff was going to end up on the floor, leaking out of whatever tiny cracks there were in the plug the lizard had made with his shaft. Xanthis now completely melted, sloshing around inside the womb of his former partner…without Ezekiel even knowing or registering what had happened to him, no less! The other lizard came up and grabbed one of Ezekiel's arms as soon as his partner finished, already starting to drag the catboy deeper into the cave before he could even start to move again. The lizardfolk that was blowing his back out dislodged himself with a slimy, wet PLOP, a bunch of fresh jizz flooding out of Ezekiel's slit and making a messy trail as he was brought deeper into the cave. In a way, he was still exploring it deeper, just not in the method he perhaps had expected when he went on this adventure…!