"I-I don't know about this, Charlie," Paprika hesitated, her slender fingers anxiously attempting to pull down the scandalously short hem of her provocative miniskirt. The outfit, she thought, left preciously little to the imagination. "Trust me, babe!" Charles assured her, momentarily suspending his artistic endeavor and lowering the camera from behind his steady gaze. "This is exactly what's setting the internet on fire right now." His expressive hand swept across the magnificent backdrop. "Look at you, you're an artist's dream! Your figure, it's a masterpiece, one in a billion." His gaze fell upon the stately marble pillars and classical statues surrounding them in silent testament to their words. "It would be an absolute travesty to not share that with the world." "I'm not quite sure..." she mused aloud, her delicate hands instinctively moving beneath the behemoth weight of her womanly chest and hoisting them upwards. The sheer weight of them caused her to blink in surprise. "But it's as if, the more photos we capture, the more... 'singular' I seem to become." Charles resumed his position behind the lens, the camera once again becoming an extension of himself. "Well, darling, you know the saying. When in Rome!" He immortalized the moment with a click, the sound echoing amidst the marble. Simultaneously, the audible groan of Paprika's top filled the air as her breast flesh pressed harder against its confines, straining against the fabric. Her ass followed suit, bloating and plumping outwards, causing her skirt to hitch up even higher on her tantalizing legs. "Excellent. Just a few more and we'll be done!" "O-Ok..."